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《天堂与地狱》 第86节






  [4]在圣经中,许多经文论及了主的荣耀(10828)。圣经的内义无处不在(224925233245)。主荣耀的是祂的人身,而非神性,因为神性本身就是荣耀(10057)。主降世是为了荣耀祂的人身(363742879315)。主通过成孕时就在祂里面的神性之爱荣耀祂的人身(4727)。主在世上的生命就是祂对全人类的爱(2253)。主的爱超越所有人的理解(2077)。主通过荣耀祂的人身拯救人类(41801001910152106551065910828)。否则,整个人类必在永恒的死亡中毁灭(1676)。主的荣耀和羞辱的状态(1785199921596866)。 对主来说,“荣耀”就是将祂的人身与神性联结起来;荣耀的过程就是成为神性(16031005310828)。当主荣耀了祂的人身时,祂便脱去了来自母亲的人身的一切,直到最后祂不再是她的儿子(215925742649303610830)。



  [7]上古之人不能敬拜神性存在(本质),只能敬拜神性外显(存在),也就是神性人身。因此,主降世是为了从神性本质的存在变成神性外显的存在(46875321)。古人之所以承认上帝,是因为祂以人形向他们显现,该人形就是神性人身(51105663684510737)。无限存在(本质)能流入天堂的天使中,但只能通过神性人身流入世人当中(1676199020162034)。在天堂,除了神性人身,没有其它神性被感知(64759303931593561006710267)。自永恒而来的神性人身就是天堂中的神性真理, 并且神性流经天堂,因此它就是后来在主里面变成神性本质存在的神性外显存在,在天堂,神性外显存在来自神性本质存在(30616280688010579)。主来之前天堂是何种状态(6371-6373)。神性只有在流经天堂时是可感知的(698269967004)。

  [8]所有星球上的居民都敬拜一个人形的上帝,也就是主(67008541-854710736-10738)。当听说上帝事实上变成人时,他们都欣喜若狂(9361)。所有在良善中并敬拜人形上帝的人都被主接受(9359)。除非上帝是人的形状,否则上帝不能被思考;无法理解的东西既不会落入任何观念中,也不会落入任何信仰中(93599972)。人能敬拜自己对其有某种观念的东西,不能敬拜自己对其没有任何观念的东西(47335110566372111006710267)。因此,整个地球上绝大多数人敬拜人形的上帝,这是来自天堂流注的结果(10159)。所有生活良善的人在思考主时,都会想到神性人身,而非脱离神性的人身;而那些在生活上不良善的人则不然(2326472447314766887891939198)。如今在教会,那些在生活上陷入邪恶的人和那些陷入与仁爱分离之信仰的人都思想脱离神性的主的人身,甚至不理解何为神性人身,以及他们为什么不理解(32123241468946924724473153216872887891939198)。主的人身之所以是神性,是因为它来自父的存在(本质),这就是祂的灵魂——以一个父亲在孩子里面的样式来说明(102691037210823)。 还因为它来自神性之爱,这也就是自成孕时祂的生命的真正存在(本质)(6872)。每个人都是他的爱的样子,就是他的爱(68721017710284)。主将祂人身的一切,无论是内在还是外在的,都变成了神性(160318151902192620932802083)。因此,与任何人不同,祂复活了整个身体(17292083507810825)。


  [10]在来世,基督徒被检查,以查看他们的独一上帝观。结果发现,他们持有三位上帝的观念(2329525610736-1073810821)。神性的三一,或者说是一个位格里面的三一体,构成一位上帝,是可以想象的,但不是在三个位格里(107381082110824)。神性三一在主里,这在天堂是被公认的(14151729200452569303)。 主里面的三一就是神性本身,被称为父;神性人身,也就是子;以及神性发出{注1},也就是圣灵;这神性三一是一(214921562288231923292447370469937182107381082210823)。主自己教导说,父与祂为一(172920042005201820252751370437364766);以及神圣神性从祂发出并且是祂的(3969467367886993749981278302919992289229926494079818982010330)。








86. 天堂里的天使感到很纳闷, 那些在思想神时, 却思想某种不可见, 即无法以任何形式来理解的事物之人竟自以为聪明, 称不这样思想的人为愚笨, 简单; 然而, 事实恰恰相反. 他们补充说: “让那些如此自以为聪明的人自我检查一下, 看看他们是不是视自然界为神, 有的以出现在眼前的自然界为神, 有的以自然界不可见的那一面为神; 再看看他们是不是瞎了眼, 以致不知何为神, 何为天使, 何为灵人, 何为死后活着的灵魂, 何为人里面的天堂生命, 以及其它构成聪明的许多事. 然而, 被他们称为简单的人却以自己的方式知道所有这些事, 对他们的神持有一个观念, 即: 祂是人形式的神性; 对一位天使持有一个观念, 即: 他是天上的一个人; 对他们的灵魂持有一个观念, 即: 死后它还会活着, 就像一位天使; 对人里面的天堂生命持有一个观念, 即: 它就是照神性的诫命生活. ”这些人就是天使称之为聪明并适合天堂的人; 相反, 他们称其他人为不聪明.


主自其成孕时就拥有神性(4641, 4963, 5041, 5157, 6716, 10125节). 唯独主拥有一个神性之种(1438节). 祂的灵魂是耶和华(1999, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025节). 因此, 主的至内层是神性本身, 而衣服来自母亲(天国的奥秘 5041节). 神性本身是主生命的存在, 这人身后来由此出来, 并凭这存在而显现 (3194, 3210, 10269, 10738节).

在教会, 就是圣言所在, 并凭圣言认识主的地方, 主的神性不可被否认, 从祂发出神圣也不可被否认(2359节). 教会内那些不承认主的人没有与神性的结合; 但教会外的人则不然(10205节). 教会的本质就是承认主的神性和祂与父的合一(10083, 10112, 10370, 10730, 10738, 10816-10820节).

在圣言中, 许多经文论述了主的荣耀(10828节). 圣言的内义无处不在(天国的奥秘 2249, 2523, 3245节). 主荣耀的是祂的人身, 而非神性, 因为这神性本身已被荣耀(天国的奥秘 10057节). 主降世是为了荣耀祂的人身(3637, 4287, 9355节). 主通过自成孕时就在祂里面的神性荣耀祂的人身(天国的奥秘 4727节). 主对全人类的爱就是祂在世上的生命(2253节). 主的爱超越人类的一切理解(天国的奥秘 2077节). 主通过荣耀祂的人身拯救人类(天国的奥秘 4180, 10019, 10152, 10655, 10659, 10828节). 否则, 整个人类必在永死中灭亡(天国的奥秘 1676节). 主的荣耀和谦卑的状态(1785, 1999, 2159, 6866节). 对主来说, 荣耀就是将祂的人身与神性联结起来; 荣耀就是变成神性(天国的奥秘 1603, 10053, 10828节). 当主荣耀了祂的人身时, 祂便脱去了来自母亲的人性的一切, 直到最后祂不是她的儿子(2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10830节).

自永恒而来的神的儿子是天上的神性真理(2628, 2798, 2803, 3195, 3704节). 当主在世时, 祂使祂的人身也变成源于在祂里面的神性良善的神性真理(2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199节). 那时, 主将祂自己里面的一切事物都排列为与神性真理相一致的天堂形式(1928, 3633节). 因此, 主被称为圣言, 也就是神性真理(2533, 2813, 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712节). 唯独主凭自己拥有觉知和思维, 并且这觉知远在一切天使的觉知和思维之上(天国的奥秘 1904, 1914, 1919节). 主将神性真理, 就是祂自己, 与祂里面的神性良善联结起来(天国的奥秘 10047, 10052, 10076节). 这种联结是相互的(天国的奥秘 2004, 10067节).

主离开这个世界时, 也将祂的人身变成神性良善(天国的奥秘 3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076节). 这就是祂从父那里里面, 又回到父那里去的意思(天国的奥秘 3194, 3210节). 祂就这样与父为一(2751, 3704, 4766节). 神性真理凭这联结从主发出(3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398节). 神性真理如何发出, 光照(天国的奥秘 7270, 9407节). 主凭祂自己的能力将人身与神性联结起来(1616, 1749, 1752, 1813, 1921, 2025, 2026, 2523, 3141, 5005, 5045, 6716节). 主的人身不像另一人的人身由此能得以证实, 因为主的人身是从神性本身成孕的(天国的奥秘 10125, 10826节). 祂与父联结, 祂的灵魂来自父; 这种联结不像两个人之间, 乃像灵魂与身体之间的联结(3737, 10824节).

上古之人不能敬拜无法敬拜神性存在, 只能敬拜神性显现, 也就是神性人身; 因此, 主降世是为了从神性存在变成神性显现(天国的奥秘 4687, 5321节). 古人之所以承认神性, 是因为祂以人的形式向他们显现, 该形式就是神性人身(5110, 5663, 6845, 10737节). 无限存在能流入天堂的天使当中, 但只能通过神性人身流入世人当中(天国的奥秘 1676, 1990, 2016, 2034节). 在天堂, 除了神性人身外, 没有其它神性被觉知(6475, 9303, 10067, 10267节). 自永恒而来的神性人身就是天堂中的神性真理, 并且神性流经天堂; 因此它就是后来在主里面变成神性存在的神性显现, 在天堂, 神性显现来自神性存在(3061, 6280, 6880, 10579节). 主来之前天堂是何状态(天国的奥秘 6371-6373节). 神性只有流经天堂时才是可感知的(6982, 6996, 7004节).

所有星球上的居民都敬拜一个人形式的神性, 也就是主(6700, 8541-8547, 10736-10738节). 当听说主实实在在变成人时, 他们都深感欣喜(9361节). 主接受所有处于良善, 并敬拜一个人形式的神性之人(9359节). 若不以人的形式, 就无法思想神; 无法被理解的东西不会落入任何观念, 也不会落入任何信仰(9359, 9972节). 人能敬拜他对其拥有某种概念的东西, 不能敬拜对其没有任何概念的东西(4733, 5110, 5663, 7211, 10067, 10267节). 因此, 整个地球绝多大数居民以一个人的形式敬拜神性, 这是来自天堂的流注的结果(10159节). 所有在生活上处于良善的人在思想主时, 都会想到神性人身, 而非脱离神性的人身; 而那些在生活上没有处于良善的人则不然(2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198节). 如今在教会, 那些在生活上陷入邪恶的人, 和那些陷入与仁分离之信的人都思想脱离神性的主之人身, 甚至不理解何为神性人身, 以及他们为什么不理解(天国的奥秘 3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6872, 8878, 9193, 9198节). 主的人身之所以是神性, 是因为它来自父的存在, 这存在就是祂的灵魂, 以一个父亲在孩子里面的样式来说明(10269, 10372, 10823节). 还因为它来自神性之爱, 也就是自成孕时其生命的真正存在(天国的奥秘 6872节). 每个人都他爱的样子, 就是他的爱(天国的奥秘 6872, 10177, 10284节). 主将祂的一切人性, 无论内在还是外在的, 都变成了神性(1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2083, 2093节). 因此, 与任何人不同的是, 祂在其整个身体方面都复活了(1729, 2083, 5078, 10825节).

主的人性就是神性, 这一点从祂在圣餐中的全在(天国的奥秘 2343, 2359节), 以及祂在三个门徒面前变了形像(天国的奥秘 3212节), 祂在其中被称为神(10154节)和耶和华(1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6281, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315节)的旧约得以承认. 就字义而言, 父与子, 也就是耶和华与主之间有所区别, 但就天堂天使所在的圣言内义而言, 则没有区别(天国的奥秘 3035节). 在基督教界, 人们声称主的人性不是神性; 这是在公会为了教皇的缘故所行的事; 好让教皇被承认为主的代理人(天国的奥秘 4738节).

在来世, 基督徒被检查他们对一位神的观念, 结果发现, 他们却持有三位神的观念(2329, 5256, 10736-10738, 10821节). 一个神性三位一体, 一个位格里面的三一体, 因而一位神是可以想象的, 但三个位格里的一个三位一体是不可想象的(天国的奥秘 10738, 10821, 10824节). 主里面的一个神性三位一体在天堂被公义(天国的奥秘 14, 15, 1729, 2004, 5256, 9303节). 主里面的三一体就是神性本身, 被称为父, 神性人性, 也就是子, 以及神性发出, 也就是圣灵; 这神性三位一体是一个(2149, 2156, 2288, 2319, 2329, 2447, 3704, 6993, 7182, 10738, 10822, 10823节). 主自己教导说, 父与祂为一(1729, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025, 2751, 3704, 3736, 4766节); 以及神圣神性从祂发出, 就是祂的(3969, 4673, 6788, 6993, 7499, 8127, 8302, 9199, 9228, 9229, 9264, 9407, 9818, 9820, 10330节).

神性人性流入天堂并构成天堂(3038节). 主是天堂中的全部, 是天堂的生命(天国的奥秘 7211, 9128节). 主在天使当中居于祂自己的东西(天国的奥秘 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157节). 因此, 那些在天堂里的人就在主里面(天国的奥秘 3637, 3638节). 主照着天使对来自祂的爱与仁之良善的接受而与他们结合(904, 4198, 4205, 4211, 4220, 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682, 9683, 10106, 10810节). 整个天堂与主有关(天国的奥秘 551, 552节). 主是天堂的共同中心(3633, 3641节). 天堂里的所有人都转向在众天堂之上的主(天国的奥秘 9828, 10130, 10189节). 然而, 不是天使转向主, 而是主将他们转向祂自己(天国的奥秘 10189节). 不是天使与主同在, 而主与天使同在(天国的奥秘 9415节). 天堂里没有与神性本身的结合, 只有与神性人性的结合(天国的奥秘 4211, 4724, 5663节).

天堂对应于主的神性人性; 所以, 天堂总体上如同一个人, 因此缘故, 天堂被称为大人(2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 4625节). 主是唯一的人, 只有那些从祂接受神性的人才是人(天国的奥秘 1894节). 他们越接受, 就越是人, 并且是祂的形像(8547节). 因此, 天使是人形式的爱与仁的形式, 这形式来自主(3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177节).

整个天堂是主的(2751, 7086节). 祂拥有天上地上一切的权柄(1607, 10089, 10827节). 主掌管整个天堂, 故也掌管依赖于此一切事物, 因而掌管世上的一切事物(天国的奥秘 2025, 2026, 4523, 4524节). 唯独主拥有移除地狱, 使人从邪恶中退离, 并将其保守在良善中, 从而施行拯救的能力(天国的奥秘 10019节).



86. 世人將上帝想像為某種不可見, 無形無相, 不可琢磨的存在,

並以此自詡聰明, 持不同觀點的人被他們視為愚昧, 天人對此感到吃驚。天人申明, 以此自詡聰明的人若捫心自問, 必發現他們其實是敬自然為上帝, 有的以可見之自然為上帝, 有的以不可見之自然為上帝。也必發現, 他們並不知何為上帝, 何為天人, 何為死後繼續活著的靈魂, 何為天國的生活等關乎智慧的問題。反之, 被他們稱為愚昧者卻有自己的理解方式:他們將上帝想像為一位神性之人, 將天人想像為一位天國之民, 將死後活著的靈魂想像為如同天人一樣的人。天國的生活對他們來說, 就是按上帝之命而生活。天人稱此等人為適合天國生活的聰明人, 反之為愚昧人。

上一节  目录  下一节

Heaven and Hell #86 (NCE, 2000)

86. People in heaven are amazed that people here believe they are intelligent when they think of something invisible in the process of thinking about God, something that cannot be comprehended in any form, and that they call people who think otherwise unintelligent and even simpleminded, when the opposite is in fact the case. They assert that if people who regard themselves as intelligent on this account would examine themselves, they would find nature in the place of God - for some, the nature in front of their eyes, for others, a nature they cannot see with their eyes. They would find that they are so blind that they do not know what God is, what an angel is, what a spirit is, what the soul is that will live after death, what the life of heaven is for us, or many other things that are matters of intelligence. Yet all the people whom they call simple know these things in their own way. They have an image of God as a Divine Being in human form, an image of an angel as a heavenly person, a concept of their soul that will live after death as being like an angel, and a concept of the life of heaven for us here as living by the divine commandments. Angels refer to these people as intelligent and fit for heaven, but the others they call unintelligent.

[2] References to Passages in Secrets of Heaven Concerning the Lord and His Divine Human: The Lord had a divine element from his very conception: 4641, 4963, 5041, 5157, 6716, 10125. Only the Lord had a divine seed: 1438. His soul was Jehovah: 1999, 2004-2005, 2018, 2025. So the inmost of the Lord was the Divine itself, and its clothing was from his mother: 5041. The Divine itself was the very reality of the Lord's life, and his human nature then emerged and became the manifestation from that reality: 3194, 3210, 10270 [10269?], 10372.

[3] Within the church, where there is the Word and where the Lord is known through it, there must be no denial of the Lord's divine nature or of the holy emanation from him: 2359. People within the church who do not acknowledge the Lord have no union with the Divine; it is different for people outside the church: 10205. The essence of the church is to acknowledge the Lord's divine nature and his oneness with the Father: 10083, 10112, 10370, 10738 [10728?], 10730, 10816-10818, 10820.

[4] The Word has a great deal to say about the Lord's glorification: 10828. This is everywhere in the inner meaning of the Word: 2249, 2523, 3245. The Lord glorified his human nature but not his divine nature, because the latter was intrinsically glorified: 10057. The Lord came into the world to glorify his human nature: 3637, 4286 [4287?], 9315. The Lord glorified his human nature by means of the divine love that was within him from conception: 4727. The Lord's love for the whole human race was the Lord's life in this world: 2253. The Lord's love transcends all human understanding: 2077. The Lord saved the human race by glorifying his human: 4180, 10019, 10152, 10655, 10659, 10828. Otherwise, the whole human race would have perished in eternal death: 1676. On the Lord's states of glorification and humiliation: 1785, 1999, 2159, 6866. When "glorification" is attributed to the Lord, it means his human becoming one with the Divine, and "glorifying" means "making divine": 1603, 10053, 10828. When the Lord glorified his human, he laid aside the human he had received from his mother so completely that he was no longer her son: 2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10829 [10830?].

[5] The Son of God from eternity was the divine truth in heaven: 2628, 2798, 2803, 3195, 3704. The Lord also made his human nature divinely true from the divine good that was in him when he was in the world: 2803, 3194-3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199. The Lord then arranged everything within himself in the heavenly form that accords with divine truth: 1928, 3633. Therefore the Lord is called the Word, which is divine truth: 2533, 2818 [2813?], 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712. Only the Lord possessed perception and thought from himself and above all angelic perception and thought: 1904, 1914-1915 [1919?].

The Lord made the divine truth that was himself one with the divine good that was in himself: 10047, 10052, 10076. This uniting was reciprocal: 2004, 10067.

[6] When the Lord left this world, he also made his human divinely good: 3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076. This is what is meant by "going out from the Father" and "returning to the Father": 3194, 3210. This is how he became one with the Father: 2751, 3704, 4766. Since this union, divine truth emanates from the Lord: 3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398. Examples of the way divine truth emanates: 7270, 9407. The Lord united his human to his divine nature by his own power: 1616, 1749, 1753 [1752?], 1813, 1921, 2025-2026, 2523, 3141, 5005, 5045, 6716. It therefore stands to reason that the Lord's human nature was not like the human nature of any other person, because it was conceived by the Divine itself: 10125, 10826. His union with the Father, who was the source of his soul, was not like a union between two entities, but like that between soul and body: 3737, 10824.

[7] The earliest people were not able to worship a divine reality but a divine manifestation, which is the divine human; so the Lord came into the world in order to become the divine manifestation from the divine reality: 4687, 5321. The early people acknowledged the Divine because it appeared to them in human form, and this form was the divine human: 5110, 5663, 6846, 10737. The infinite reality cannot flow into heaven among angels or into people on earth except through the divine human: 1646 [1676?], 1990, 2016, 2035 [2034?]. In heaven, no other Divine is perceived except the divine human: 6475, 9303, 9267 [9315, 9356], 10067. The divine human from eternity was the divine truth in heaven and the divine nature passing through heaven; so it was the divine manifestation, which later, in the Lord, became the divine reality in its own right, the source of the divine manifestation in heaven: 3061, 6280, 6880, 10579. What the state of heaven was like before the Coming of the Lord: 6371-6373. The Divine was not perceptible except as it passed through heaven: 6982, 6996, 7004.

[8] The inhabitants of all the planets worship the Divine in human form - therefore, the Lord: 6700, 8541-8547, 10736-10738. They are overjoyed when they hear that the Lord actually became a human: 9361. The Lord accepts everyone who is involved in what is good and worships the Divine in human form: 9359. It is impossible to think about God except in human form, and what is incomprehensible does not accord with any concept, so it does not accord with any faith: 9359, 9972. We can worship something of which we have some concept, but not something of which we have no concept: 4733, 5110, 5633 [5663?], 7211, 9267 [10067?], 10267. Therefore by most people worldwide the Divine is worshiped in human form; and this is the case because of an inflow from heaven: 10159. When people who are engaged in what is good in their behavior think about the Lord, they think about a divine human, and not about some human separated from the Divine. It is different for people who are not engaged in what is good in their behavior: 2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198. The people nowadays who think about the Lord's human apart from the Divine are the ones in the church who are engaged in evil in their behavior and those who are in faith separated from thoughtfulness; also some reasons why they do not grasp what the divine human is: 3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6372 [6872?], 8878, 9193, 9198. The Lord's human was divine because he had his soul from the very reality of the Father; illustrated by the resemblance of a father in his children: 10270 [10269?], 10372, 10823. Also because it came from divine love, which was the very reality of his life from conception: 6872. The nature of every individual is determined by his or her deepest love; and each of us is his or her own deepest love: 6872, 10177, 10284. The Lord made his whole human nature divine - both its inward and its outward constituents: 1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2093, 2803 [2083?]. So, unlike any other person, he rose with his whole body: 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825.

[9] The divinity of the Lord's human is recognized in his omnipresence in the Holy Supper: 2343, 2359. It is also recognized in his transfiguration before the three disciples; 3212, and also from the Word of the Old Testament, where he is called "God": 10154; and where he is called "Jehovah": 1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6281, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315. In the literal meaning, a distinction is made between Father and Son or between Jehovah and the Lord, but this is not the case in the inner meaning of the Word that angels attend to: 3035. In the Christian world, the Lord's human is not recognized as divine, a situation that has come about in order that the pope might be recognized as his vicar: 3035 [4738?].

[10] Some Christians in the other life were examined to determine what kind of concept of the one God they had, and it was discovered that they had a concept of three gods: 2329, 5256, 10736-10738, 10821. A trinity or divine trine in one person - and therefore a single God - is conceivable, but a trinity in three persons is not: 10738, 10821, 10824. A divine trine in the Lord is acknowledged in heaven: 14-15, 1729, 2005 [2004?], 5256, 9303. The trine in the Lord is the essential divine nature called the Father, the divine human called the Son, the emanating Divine called the Holy Spirit, and this divine trine is one: 2149, 2156, 2288, 2321 [2319?], 2329, 2447, 3704, 6993, 7182, 10738, 10822-10823. The Lord himself teaches that the Father and he are one: 1729, 2004-2005, 2018, 2025, 2751, 3704, 3736, 4766; and the holy Divine emanates from him and is his: 3969, 4673, 6788, 6993, 7499, 8127, 8302, 9199, 9228-9229, 9270 [9264?], 9407, 9818, 9820, 10330.

[11] The divine human flows into heaven and makes heaven: 3038. The Lord is everything in heaven, and is heaven's life: 7211, 9128. The Lord dwells among angels in what is his: 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157. So people who are in heaven are in the Lord: 3637-3638. The union of the Lord with angels takes place according to their acceptance of the quality of love and thoughtfulness from him: 904, 4198, 4206 [4205?], 4211, 4320 [4220?], 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682-9683, 10106, 10811 [10810?]. The whole heaven corresponds directly to the Lord: 551-552. The Lord is the common center of heaven: 3633. Everyone there turns toward the Lord, who is above the heavens: 9828, 10130, 10189. However, angels do not turn themselves toward the Lord; rather, the Lord turns them toward himself: 10189. There is no presence of angels with the Lord, but there is a presence of the Lord with angels: 9415. There is no union with the essential Divine in heaven, but there is with the divine human: 4211, 4724, 5633 [5663?].

[12] Heaven corresponds to the Lord's divine human, and heaven overall is therefore like a single person; and therefore heaven is called the universal human: 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625. The Lord is the only person, and only those who accept something divine from him are human: 1894. To the extent that they do so accept, they are human beings and images of him: 8547. Therefore angels are forms of love and thoughtfulness in human form, which is [given] by the Lord: 3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177.

[13] The whole heaven belongs to the Lord:

2751, 7086. He has all power in the heavens and on earth: 1607, 10089, 10827. Because the Lord rules the entire heaven, he also rules everything that depends on it - therefore everything in the world: 2026-2027, 4523-4524. The

Lord alone possesses the power to move the hells away from us, restrain us from evils and keep us in good, and thus to save us: 10019.


Heaven and Hell #86 (Harley, 1958)

86. Those in heaven were amazed that men believe themselves intelligent, who, in thinking of God, think of something invisible, that is, incomprehensible under any form, and that they call those who think differently, unintelligent and simple, when yet the reverse is the case. They say if those who thus believe themselves to be intelligent were to examine themselves, would they not see nature as God-some, nature as it is before their eyes, others, the invisible side of nature? And further, are they not so blind that they know not what God is, what an angel is, or a spirit, or their soul which is to live after death, what the life of heaven with man and many other things that are matters of intelligence? Yet, those they call simple know all these things in their way, having an idea of their God that He is the Divine in a Human form, of an angel that he is a heavenly man, of their soul that it is to live after death, that it is like an angel, and of the life of heaven with man that it is to live in accordance with the Divine precepts. These are the ones whom angels call intelligent and fitted for heaven, but the others, on the contrary, not intelligent.


The Lord had the Divine from His very conception (4641, 4963, 5041, 5157, 6716, 10125).

The Lord alone had a Divine seed (1438).

His soul was Jehovah (1999, 2004-2005, 2018, 2025).

Thus the Lord's inmost was the Divine Itself, while the clothing was from the mother (5041).

The Divine Itself was the Being (Esse) of the Lord's life, and from this the Human afterwards went forth and became the existing (Existere) from that Being (Esse) (3194, 3210, 10269, 10738).

[3] Within the Church where the Word is and by it the Lord is known, the Lord's Divine ought not to be denied, nor the Holy that goes forth from Him (2359).

Those within the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord have no conjunction with the Divine; but it is otherwise with those outside the Church (10205).

The essential of the Church is to acknowledge the Lord's Divine and His union with the Father (10083, 10112, 10370, 10730, 10738, 10816-10820).

[4] The glorification of the Lord is treated of in the Word in many passages (10828).

And in the internal sense of the Word everywhere (2249, 2523, 3245).

The Lord glorified His Human, but not the Divine, since this in Itself was glorified (10057).

The Lord came into the world to glorify His Human (3637, 4287, 9355).

The Lord glorified His Human by means of the Divine love that was in Him from conception (4727).

The Lord's love towards the entire human race was His life in the world (2253).

The Lord's love transcends all human understanding (2077).

The Lord saved the human race by glorifying His Human (4180, 10019, 10152, 10655, 10659, 10828).

Otherwise the whole human race world have perished in eternal death (1676).

The state of the Lord's glorification and humiliation (1785, 1999, 2159, 6866).

Glorification in respect of the Lord is the uniting of His Human with the Divine; and to glorify is to make Divine (1603, 10053, 10828).

When the Lord glorified His Human He put off everything human that was from the mother, until at last He was not her son (2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10830).

[5] The Son of God from eternity was the Divine truth in heaven (2628, 2798, 2803, 3195, 3704).

When the Lord was in the world He also made His Human, Divine Truth from the Divine Good that was in Him (2803, 3194-3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199).

The Lord then arranged all things in Himself [apud Se] into a heavenly form, which is in accord with Divine truth (1928, 3633).

For this reason the Lord was called the Word, which is Divine Truth (2533, 2813, 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712).

The Lord alone had perception and thought from Himself, and above all angelic perception and thought (1904, 1914, 1919).

The Divine Truth which was Himself, the Lord united with Divine Good which was in Him (10047, 10052, 10076).

The union was reciprocal (2004, 10067).

[6] In passing out of the world the Lord also made His Human Divine good (3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076).

This is what is meant by His coming forth from the Father and returning to the Father (3194, 3210).

Thus He became one with the Father (2751, 3704, 4766).

Since that union Divine truth goes forth from the Lord (3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398).

How Divine truth goes forth, illustrated (7270, 9407).

It was from His own power that the Lord united the Human with the Divine (1616, 1749, 1752, 1813, 1921, 2025-2026, 2523, 3141, 5005, 5045, 6716).

It can be confirmed from this that the Lord's Human was not like the human of another man, because it had been conceived from the Divine Itself (10125, 10826).

His union with the Father, from Whom was His soul, was not as between two persons, but as between soul and body (3737, 10824).

[7] The most ancient people could not worship the Divine Being (Esse), but could worship only the Divine Existing (Existere), which is the Divine Human; therefore the Lord came into the world in order to become the Divine Existere from the Divine Esse (4687, 5321).

The ancients acknowledged the Divine because He appeared to them in a human form, and this was the Divine Human (5110, 5663, 6845, 10737).

The Infinite Being (Esse) could flow into heaven with the angels and with men only by means of the Divine Human (1676, 1990, 2016, 2034).

In heaven no other Divine than the Divine Human is perceived (6475, 9303, 10067, 10267).

The Divine Human from eternity was the Divine truth in heaven and the Divine passing through heaven; thus it was the Divine Existing (Existere) which afterwards in the Lord became the Divine Being (Esse) per Se, from which is the Divine Existere in heaven (3061, 6280, 6880, 10579).

What the state of heaven was before the Lord's coming (6371-6373).

The Divine was not perceptible except when it passed through heaven (6982, 6996, 7004).

[8] The inhabitants of all the earths worship the Divine under a human form, that is, the Lord (6700, 8541-8547, 10736-10738).

They rejoice when they hear that God actually became Man (9361).

The Lord receives all who are in good and who worship the Divine under a human form (9359).

God cannot be thought of except in human form; and what is incomprehensible does not fall into any idea, so neither into belief (9359, 9972).

Man is able to worship that of which he has some idea, but not that of which he has no idea (4733, 5110, 5663, 7211, 10067, 10267).

Therefore the Divine is worshipped under a human form by most of the inhabitants of the entire globe, and this is the effect of influx from heaven (10159).

All who are in good in regard to their life, when they think of the Lord, think of the Divine Human, and not of the Human separate from the Divine; it is otherwise with those who are not in good in regard to their life (2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198).

In the Church at this day those who are in evil in regard to their life, and those who are in faith separate from charity, think of the Human of the Lord apart from the Divine, and do not even comprehend what the Divine Human is-why they do not (3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6872, 8878, 9193, 9198).

The Lord's Human is Divine because it is from the Being (Esse) of the Father, and this was His soul-illustrated by a father's likeness in children (10269, 10372, 10823).

Also because it was from the Divine love, which was the very Being (Esse) of His life from conception (6872).

Every man is such as his love is, and is his love (6872, 10177, 10284).

The Lord made all His Human, both internal and external, Divine (1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2083, 2093).

Therefore, differently from any man, He rose again as to His whole body (1729, 2083, 5078, 10825).

[9] That the Lord's Human is Divine is acknowledged from His omnipresence in the Holy Supper (2343, 2359).

Also from His transfiguration before His three disciples (3212).

Also from the Word of the Old Testament, in that He is called God (Arcana Coelestia 10154); and is Jehovah (1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6281, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315).

In the sense of the letter a distinction is made between the Father and the Son, that is, between Jehovah and the Lord, but not in the internal sense of the Word, in which the angels of heaven are (3035).

In the Christian world the Lord's Human has been declared not to be Divine; this was done in a council for the pope's sake; that he might be acknowledged as the Lord's vicar (4738).

[10] Christians were examined in the other life in regard to their idea of one God, and it was found they held an idea of three gods (2329, 5256, 10736-10738, 10821).

A Divine Trinity or Trine in one Person, thus one God, is conceivable, but not a Trinity in three Persons (10738, 10821, 10824).

A Divine trine in the Lord is acknowledged in heaven (14-15, 1729, 2004, 5256, 9303).

The trine in the Lord is the Divine Itself, called the Father, the Divine Human, which is the Son, and the Divine going forth, which is the Holy Spirit and this Divine trine is a One (2149, 2156, 2288, 2319, 2329, 2447, 3704, 6993, 7182, 10738, 10822-10823).

The Lord Himself teaches that the Father and He are One (1729, 2004-2005, 2018, 2025, 2751, 3704, 3736, 4766); also that the Holy Divine goes forth from Him and is His (3969, 4673, 6788, 6993, 7499, 8127, 8302, 9199, 9228-9229, 9264, 9407, 9818, 9820, 10330).

[11] The Divine Human flows into heaven and makes heaven (3038).

The Lord is the all in heaven and is the life of heaven (7211, 9128).

The Lord dwells in what is His own with the angels (9338, 10125, 10151, 10157).

Consequently those who are in heaven are in the Lord (3637-3638).

The Lord's conjunction with angels is in accordance with their reception of the good of love and charity from Him (904, 4198, 4205, 4211, 4220, 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682-9683, 10106, 10810).

The entire heaven has reference to the Lord (551-552).

The Lord is the common centre of heaven (3633, 3641).

All in heaven turn themselves to the Lord, Who is above the heavens (9828, 10130, 10189).

Nevertheless angels do not turn themselves to the Lord, but the Lord turns them to Himself (10189).

It is not a presence of angels with the Lord, but the Lord's presence with angels (9415).

In heaven there is no conjunction with the Divine Itself, but conjunction with the Divine Human (4211, 4724, 5663).

[12] Heaven corresponds to the Divine Human of the Lord; consequently heaven in general is as a single man, and for this reason heaven is called the Grand Man (2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 4625).

The Lord is the Only Man, and those only are men who receive the Divine from Him (1894).

So far as they receive are they men and images of Him (8547).

Therefore angels are forms of love and charity in human form, and this from the Lord (3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177).

[13] The entire heaven is the Lord's (2751, 7086).

He has all power in the heavens and on earth (1607, 10089, 10827).

As the Lord rules the whole heaven He also rules all things depending thereon, thus all things in the world (2025-2026, 4523-4524).

The Lord alone has the power to remove the hells, to withhold from evils, and to hold in good, thus to save (10019).


Heaven and Hell #86 (Ager, 1900)

86. Those in heaven wonder that men can believe themselves to be intelligent who, in thinking of God, think about something invisible, that is, inconceivable under any form; and that they can call those who think differently unintelligent and simple, when the reverse is the truth. They add, "Let those who thus believe themselves to be intelligent examine themselves, whether they do not look upon nature as God, some the nature that is before their eyes, others the invisible side of nature; and whether they are not so blind as not to know what God is, what an angel is, what a spirit is, what their soul is which is to live after death, what the life of heaven in man is, and many other things that constitute intelligence; when yet those whom they call simple know all these things in their way, having an idea of their God that He is the Divine in a human form, of an angel that he is a heavenly man, of their soul that is to live after death that it is like an angel, and of the life of heaven in man that it is living in accord with the Divine commandments." Such the angels call intelligent and fitted for heaven; but the others, on the other hand, they call not intelligent.


[2] The Divine was in the Lord from very conception (4641, 4963, 5041, 5 157, 67 16, 1 125).

The Lord alone had a Divine seed (. 1438).

His soul was Jehovah (1999, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025).

Thus the Lord's inmost was the Divine Itself, while the clothing was from the mother (. 5041).

The Divine Itself was the Being [Esse] of the Lord's life, and from this the Human afterwards went forth and became the outgo [existere] from that Being [Esse] (3 194, 3210, 10269, 10738).

[3] Within the church where the Word is and by it the Lord is known, the Lord's Divine ought not to be denied, nor the Holy that goes forth from Him (. 2359).

Those within the church who do not acknowledge the Lord have no conjunction with the Divine; but it is otherwise with those outside of the church (10205).

The essential of the church is to acknowledge the Lord's Divine and His union with the Father (10083, 1 112, 10370, 10730, 10738, 10816-10820).

[4] The glorification of the Lord is treated of in the Word in many passages (. 10828).

And in the internal sense of the Word everywhere (2249, 25 23, 3245).

The Lord glorified His Human, but not the Divine, since this was glorified in itself (. 10057).

The Lord came into the world to glorify His Human (3 637, 4287, 9315).

The Lord glorified His Human by means of the Divine love that was in Him from conception (4727).

The Lord's life in the world was His love towards the whole human race (2253).

The Lord's love transcends all human understanding (2077).

The Lord saved the human race by glorifying His Human (4180, 10019; 10152, 10655, 10659 10828).

Otherwise the whole human race would have perished in eternal death (1676).

The state of the Lord's glorification and humiliation (1785, 1999, 2159, 6866).

Glorification in respect to the Lord is the uniting of His Human with the Divine; and to glorify is to make Divine (1603, 10053, 10828).

When the Lord glorified His Human He put off everything human that was from the mother, until at last He was not her son (2159, 2574, 2649, 3 36, 10830).

[5] The Son of God from eternity was the Divine truth in heaven (26 28, 2798, 2803, 3195, 3704).

When the Lord was in the world He made His Human Divine truth from the Divine good that was in Him (2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6 864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199).

The Lord then arranged all things in Himself into a heavenly form, which is in accord with Divine truth (1928, 3633).

For this reason the Lord was called the Word, which is Divine truth (2533, 2813, 2859, 2894, 3 393, 3712).

The Lord alone had perception and thought from Himself, and this was above all angelic perception and thought (1904, 1 914, 1 919).

The Divine truth which was Himself, the Lord united with Divine good which was in Himself (10047, 10052, 10076). The union was reciprocal (2004, 10067).

[6] In passing out of the world the Lord also made His Human Divine good (3194, 3210, 6 864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076).

This is what is meant by His coming forth from the Father and returning to the Father (3194, 3210).

Thus He became one with the Father (2751, 3704, 4766).

Since that union Divine truth goes forth from the Lord (3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398). How Divine truth goes forth, illustrated (7270, 9407).

It was from His own power that the Lord united the Human with the Divine (16 16, 1749, 1752, 1 813, 1921, 2 025, 2026, 2523, 3141, 5005, 5 0 45, 67 16).

From this it is clear that the Lord's Human was not like the human of any other man, in that it was conceived from the Divine Itself (1 125, 10825, 10826).

His union with the Father, from whom was His soul, was not as between two persons, but as between soul and body (3737, 10824).

[7] The most ancient people could not worship the Divine being [esse], but could worship only the Divine Outgo [existere], which is the Divine Human; therefore the Lord came into the world in order to become the Divine Existere from the Divine Esse (4687, 5321).

The ancients acknowledged the Divine because He appeared to them in a human form, and this was the Divine Human (5110, 5663, 6845, 10737).

The Infinite Being [Esse] could flow into heaven with the angels and with men only by means of the Divine Human (1676, 1990, 2016, 2034).

In heaven no other Divine than the Divine Human is perceived (6475, 9303, 10067, 10267).

The Divine Human from eternity was the Divine truth in heaven and the Divine passing through heaven; thus it was the Divine Outgo [existere] which afterwards in the Lord became the Divine Being [Esse] per se, from which is the Divine Existere in heaven (3061, 6280, 6880, 10579).

What the state of heaven was before the Lord's coming (. 6371-6373).

The Divine was not perceptible except when it passed through heaven (6 982, 6996, 7004).

[8] The inhabitants of all the earths 1worship the Divine under a human form, that is, the Lord (6700, 8541-8547, 10736-10738).

They rejoice when they hear that God actually became Man (9361).

All who are in good and who worship the Divine under the human form, are received by the Lord (. 9359).

God cannot be thought of except in human form; and what is incomprehensible does not fall into any idea, so neither into belief (9359, 9972).

Man is able to worship that of which he has some idea, but not that of which he has no idea (4733, 5110, 5663, 7211, 9356, 10067, 10267).

Therefore the Divine is worshiped under a human form by most of the inhabitants of the entire globe, and this is the effect of influx from heaven (10159).

All who are in good in regard to their life, when they think of the Lord, think of the Divine Human, and not of the Human separate from the Divine; it is otherwise with those who are not in good in regard to their life (2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9 193, 9198).

In the church at this day those that are in evil in regard to their life, and those that are in faith separate from charity, think of the Human of the Lord apart from the Divine, and do not even comprehend what the Divine Human is,-why they do not (3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6872, 8878, 9193, 9198).

The Lord's Human is Divine because it is from the Being [Esse] of the Father, and this was His soul,--illustrated by a father's likeness in children (10269, 10372, 10823).

Also because it was from the Divine love, which was the very Being [Esse] of His life from conception (. 6872).

Every man is such as his love is, and is his love (6872, 10177, 10284). The Lord made all His Human, both internal and external, Divine (1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2083, 2093).

Therefore, differently from any man, He rose again as to His whole body (1729, 2083, 5078, 10825).

[9] That the Lord's Human is Divine is acknowledged from His omnipresence in the Holy Supper (2343, 2359).

Also from His transfiguration before His three disciples (3212).

Also from the Word of the Old Testament, in that He is called God (10154); and is called Jehovah (1603, 1736, 18 15, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6281, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315).

In the sense of the letter a distinction is made between the Father and the Son, that is, between Jehovah and the Lord, but not in the internal sense of the Word, in which the angels of heaven are (. 3035).

In the Christian world the Lord's Human has been declared not to be Divine; this was done in a council for the pope's sake, that he might be acknowledged as the Lord's vicar (4738).

[10] Christians were examined in the other life in regard to their idea of one God, and it was found they held an idea of three gods (2 329, 5 256, 10736-10738, 10821).

A Divine trinity or trine in one person, constituting one God, is conceivable, but not in three persons (10738, 10821, 10824).

A Divine trine in the Lord is acknowledged in heaven (14, 15, 1729, 2004, 5 256, 9303).

The trine in the Lord is the Divine Itself, called the Father, the Divine Human, called the Son, and the Divine going forth, called the Holy Spirit and this Divine trine is a One (2149, 2156, 2 288, 2319, 2329, 2447, 3704, 6993, 7182, 10738, 10822, 10823).

The Lord Himself teaches that the Father and He are One (1729, 2 004, 2005, 2 18, 2025, 2751, 3704, 3 736, 4766); also that the Holy Divine goes forth from Him and is His (3969, 4673, 6788, 6993, 7499, 8127, 8302, 9 199, 9228-9229, 9264, 9407, 9818, 9820, 10330).

[11] The Divine Human flows into heaven and makes heaven (. 3038). The Lord is the all in heaven and is the life of heaven (7211, 9128). In the angels the Lord dwells in what is His own (9338, 1 0125, 1 0151, 1157).

Consequently those who are in heaven are in the Lord (3637, 3638).

The Lord's conjunction with angels is measured by their reception of the good of love and charity from Him (904, 4198, 4205, 4211, 4220, 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9 682, 9683, 10106, 10810).

The entire heaven has reference to the Lord (. 551, 552). The Lord is the common center of heaven (3633, 3641).

All in heaven turn themselves to the Lord, who is above the heavens (9828, 1 130, 10189).

Nevertheless angels do not turn themselves to the Lord, but the Lord turns them to Himself (10189).

It is not a presence of angels with the Lord, but the Lord's presence with angels (9415).

In heaven there is no conjunction with the Divine Itself, but conjunction with the Divine Human (4211, 47 24, 5663).

[12] Heaven corresponds to the Divine Human of the Lord; consequently heaven in general is as a single man, and for this reason heaven is called the Greatest Man (2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 4625).

The Lord is the Only Man, and those only are men who receive the Divine from Him (. 1894).

So far as they receive are they men and images of Him (8547).

Therefore angels are forms of love and charity in human form, and this from the Lord (3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 98 79, 1 177).

[13] The whole heaven is the Lord's (2751, 7086).

He has all power in the heavens and on earth (1607, 10089, 10827).

As the Lord rules the whole heaven He also rules all things depending thereon, thus all things in the world (2025, 2026, 4 523, 4524).

The Lord alone has the power to remove the hells, to withhold from evils, and to hold in good, thus to save (. 10019).


1. Some printed text of Ager’s translation of Heaven and Hell has earth, instead of earths, here. However, from the Latin this should clearly be earths, referring to the inhabitants not just of the earth, but also of other planets and moons in the universe.


De Coelo et de Inferno #86 (original Latin)

86. Mirati sunt illi qui in caelo sunt, quod homines se intelligentes credant, qui de invisibili, hoc est, incomprehensibili sub aliqua forma, cum de Deo, cogitant; et quod qui aliter, non intelligentes et quoque simplices dicant; cum tamen contrarium sit. Aiunt, "Si explorent se ipsos, qui inde se intelligentes credunt, annon pro Deo videant naturam? quidam illam quae coram oculis est, quidam illam quae non coram oculis? Et annon caecutiant in tantum, ut non sciant quid Deus, quid angelus, quid spiritus, quid anima sua quae victura post mortem, quid vita caeli apud hominem, et plura quae intelligentiae sunt? cum tamen haec omnia simplices, quos vocant, suo modo sciunt, ideam Dei sui habent quod sit Divinum in forma humana, ideam angeli quod sit caelestis homo, ideam animae suae quae victura post mortem quod sit sicut angelus, et ideam vitae caeli apud hominem quod sit vivere secundum praecepta Divina." Hos itaque angeli vocant intelligentes, et accommodatos caelo, illos autem vicissim non intelligentes.


Quod Domino Divinum fuerit ex ipsa conceptione (4641, 4963, 5041, 5157, 6716, 10125).

Quod Domino soli fuerit semen Divinum (1438).

Quod anima Ipsius fuerit Jehovah (1999, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025).

Quod sic intimum Domini fuerit ipsum Divinum, et quod induitio a matre (5041).

Quod ipsum Divinum fuerit Esse vitae Domini, ex quo Humanum dein exivit, et factum est Existere ex illo Esse (3194, 3210, 10270 [10269?] 10372).

Quod intra ecclesiam, ubi est Verbum, et per id Dominus notus, non negandum sit Divinum Domini, nec Sanctum procedens ab Ipso (2359).

Qui non agnoscunt Dominum intra ecclesiam, quod eis non sit conjunctio cum Divino aliter qui extra ecclesiam sunt (10205). Quod essentiale ecclesiae sit agnoscere Divinum Domini et unitionem Ipsius cum Patre (10083, 10112, 10370, 10728 [10738?] 10730, 10816, 10817, 10818, 10820).

Quod in Verbo multis agatur de glorificatione Domini (10828).

Et quod ubivis in sensu Verbi interno (2249, 2523, 3245). Quod Dominus Humanum suum glorificaverit et non Divinum, quia hoc in Se glorificatum erat (10057).

Quod Dominus in mundum venerit ut glorificaret Humanum suum (3637, 4286 [4287?] 9315).

Quod Dominus glorificaverit Humanum suum per Divinum amorem qui in Ipso ex conceptione (4727).

Quod amor Domini erga universum genus humanum fuerit vita Domini in mundo (2253).

Quod amor Domini transcendat omnem intellectum humanum (2077).

Quod Dominus salvaverit genus humanum per id quod glorificaverit Humanum suum (4180, 10019, 10152, 10655, 10659, 10828).

Quod alioqui totum genus humanum periisset morte aeterna (1676).

De statu glorificationis et humiliationis Domini (1785, 1999, 2159, 6866).

Glorificatio, ubi de Domino, quod sit unitio ipsius Humani cum Divino, et glorificare quod sit Divinum facere (1603, 10053, 10828).

Quod Dominus, cum glorificavit Humanum suum, exuerit omne humanum a matre, usque tandem ut non filius ejus esset (2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10829 [10830?]).

Quod Filius Dei ab aeterno, fuerit Divinum Verum in caelo (2628, 2628, 2798, 2803, 3195, 3704).

Quod Dominus etiam Humanum suum fecerit Divinum Verum ex Divino Bono quod in Ipso, cum fuit in mundo (2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199).

Quod Dominus tunc omnia apud Se disposuerit in formam caelestem, quae est secundum Divinum Verum (1928, 3633). Quod ideo Dominus dictus sit Verbum, quod est Divinum Verum (2533, 2818 [2813?] 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712).

Quod perceptio et cogitatio Domino soli fuerit ex Se Ipso, et supra omnem perceptionem et cogitationem angelicam (1904, 1914, 1915 [1919?]).

Quod Dominus univerit Divinum Verum quod Ipse, cum Divino Bono quod in Ipso (10047, 10052, 10076).

Quod unitio reciproca fuerit (2004, 10067).

Quod Dominus cum e mundo abivit, Humanum suum etiam fecerit Divinum Bonum (3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076). Quod hoc intelligatur per quod exiverit a Patre et redierit ad Patrem (3194, 3210).

Quod sic unum factus sit cum Patre (2751, 3704, 4766). Quod post unitionem Divinum verum procedat a Domino (3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8107, 8241, 9199, 9398).

Quomodo Divinum verum procedit, illustratum (7270, 9407). Quod Dominus ex propria potentia univerit Humanum Divino (1616, 1749, 1753 [1752?] 1813, 1921, 2025, 2026, 2523, 3141, 5005, 5045, 6716).

Quod inde constare possit, quod Humanum Domini non fuerit sicut humanum alius hominis, quia conceptus erat ab ipso Divino (10125 [10825,] 10826).

Quod unio Ipsius cum Patre, ex Quo anima Ipsius, non fuerit sicut inter duos, sed sicut inter animam et corpus (3737, 10824).

Quod antiquissimi non adorare potuerint Divinum Esse, sed Divinum Existere, quod est Divinum Humanum, et quod Dominus ideo in mundum venerit, ut fieret Divinum Existere ex Divino Esse (4687, 5521).

Quod antiqui agnoverint Divinum, quia apparuit illis in Humana forma, et quod hoc fuerit Divinum Humanum (5110, 5663, 6846, 10737).

Quod infinitum Esse non influere potuerit in caelum apud angelos, nec apud homines, nisi per Divinum Humanum (1646 [1676?] 1990, 2016, 2035 [2034?]).

Quod in caelo non aliud Divinum percipiatur quam Divinum Humanum (6475, 9303, 9267 [9315, 9356?] 10067).

Quod Divinum Humanum ab aeterno fuerit Divinum verum in caelo, et Divinum transiens per caelum, ita Divinum Existere, quod postea in Domino factum est Divinum Esse per se, ex quo Divinum Existere in caelo (3061, 6280, 6880, 10579).

Qualis status caeli ante adventum Domini (6371-6373). Quod Divinum non perceptibile fuerit, nisi cum transivit caelum 6282, 6996, 7004).

Quod incolae omnium tellurum adorent Divinum sub Humana forma, ita Dominum (6700, 8541-8547, 10736, 10737, 10738).

Quod gaudeant cum audiunt quod Deus actualiter Homo factus sit (9361).

Quod Dominus recipiat omnes qui in bono sunt, et adorant Divinum sub Humana forma (9359).

Quod de Deo nisi in Humana forma non cogitari possit, et quod incomprehensibile est, in nullam ideam cadat, ita nec in fidem (9359, 9972).

Quod homo colere possit de quo aliquam ideam habet, et non de de quo nullam (4733, 5110, 5633 [5663?] 7211, 9267 [9356, 10267?] 10067).

Quod ideo a plerisque in universo terrarum orbe Divinum colatur sub Humana forma, et quod id sit per influxum e caelo (10159).

Quod omnes qui in bono sunt quoad vitam, cum cogitant de Domino, de Divino Humano cogitant, et non de Humano separato a Divino; aliter qui non in bono quoad vitam sunt (2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9293, 9198).

Quod cogitent de Humano Domini absque Divino hodie in ecclesia qui in malo quoad vitam sunt, tum qui in fide separata a charitate, et quoque quod non capiant quid Divinum Humanum, causae (3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6372 [6872?] 8878, 9193, 9198).

Quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum, quia ex Esse Patris quod Ipsi anima, illustratum per similitudinem patris in liberis (10270 [10269?] 10372, 10823).

Et quia ex Divino Amore, qui fuit ipsum Esse vitae Ipsius a conceptione (6872).

Quod unusquisque homo sit talis qualis ejus amor, et quod sit suus amor (6872, 10177, 10284).

Quod Dominus omne Humanum tam internum quam externum fecerit Divinum (1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2093, 2803 [2083?]). Quod ideo quoad totum corpus resurrexerit, secus ac ullus homo 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825).

Quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum agnoscitur ex omnipraesentia Ipsius in Sacra Cena (2343, 2359).

Et ex transformatione Ipsius coram tribus discipulis (3212).

Et quoque ex Verbo Veteris Testamenti quod dicatur Deus (10154); et quod Jehovah (1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6282, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315).

Quod in sensu litterae distinguatur inter Patrem et Filium, seu Jehovam et Dominum, sed non in sensu Verbi interno in quo sunt angeli caeli (3035).

Quod in Christiano orbe Humanum Domini non Divinum agnoverint, quod factum sit in Concilio propter Papam, ut pro Vicario Ipsius agnosceretur (3035 [4738?]).

Quod Christiani in altera vita explorati sint qualem ideam de Deo uno haberent, et quod compertum sit quod haberent ideam trium deorum (2329, 5256, 10736-10738, 10821).

Quod Trinitas seu Trinum Divinum in una Persona concipi possit, et sic unus Deus, non autem in tribus Personis (10738, 10821, 10824).

Quod Divinum Trinum in Domino agnoscatur in caelo (14, 15, 1729, 2005 [2004?] 5256, 9303).

Quod Trinum in Domino sit ipsum Divinum quod Pater vocatur, Divinum Humanum quod Filius, et Divinum procedens quod Spiritus Sanctus, et quod hoc Trinum Divinum sit unum (2149, 2156, 2288, 2321 [2319?] 2329, 2447, 3704, 6993, 7182, 10738, 10822, 10823).

Quod Ipse Dominus doceat, quod Pater et Ipse unum sint (1729, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025, 2751, 3704, 3736, 4766); et quod Sanctum Divinum procedat ab Ipso, et quod sit Ipsius (3969, 4673, 6788, 6993, 7499, 8127, 8302, 9199, 9228, 9229, 9270, [9264?], 9407, 9818, 9820, 10330).

Quod Divinum Humanum influat in caelum, et faciat caelum (3038).

Quod Dominus sit omne in caelo, et quod sit vita caeli (7211, 9128).

Quod Dominus in suo habitet apud angelos (9338, 10125, 10151, 10257).

Inde quod qui in caelo sunt in Domino sint (3637, 3638). Quod conjunctio Domini cum angelis se habeat secundum receptionem boni amoris et charitatis ab Ipso (904, 4198, 4206 [4205?] 4211, 4320 [4220?] 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682, 9683, 10106, 10811 [10810?]).

Quod universum caelum se referat ad Dominum (551, 552). Quod Dominus sit centrum commune caeli (3633, 3642). Quod omnes ibi se vertant ad Dominum, qui supra caelos (9828, 10130, 10189).

Quod tamen angeli se non vertant ad Dominum, sed quod Dominus illos vertat ad Se (10189).

Quod praesentia angelorum apud Dominum non sit, sed praesentia Domini apud angelos (9415).

Quod nulla conjunctio cum ipso Divino sit in caelo, sed cum Divino Humano (4211, 4724, 5633 [5663?]).

Quod caelum correspondeat Divino Humano Domini, et quod inde caelum in communi sit sicut unus homo, et quod ideo caelum Maximus Homo appelletur (2996, 2998, 3624, 3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625).

Quod Dominus sit solus Homo, et quod illi modo homines sint qui recipiunt Divinum ab Ipso (1894).

Quantum recipiunt, quod tantum sint homines et imagines Ipsius (8547).

Quod ideo angeli sint formae amoris et charitatis in forma humana, et quod hoc a Domino (3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177).

Quod universum caelum Domini sit (2751, 7086).

Quod Ipsi omnis potestas in caelis sit et in terris (1607, 10089, 10827).

Quia Dominus regit universum caelum, quod etiam regat omnia quae inde pendent, ita omnia in mundo (2026, 2027, 4523, 4524).

Quod Domino soli sit potentia removendi inferna, detinendi a malis, ac tenendi in bono, ita salvandi (10019).

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