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《天堂与地狱》 第87节





{注1}:【英78】此处原文(praecipua)的字面意思是“主要特征”(the chief features)。




87. 十二, 天堂的一切事物与人的一切事物存在一种对应关系

今天的人已不知“对应”为何物. 这种无知的原因有很多, 主要原因是, 人因爱自己, 爱世界而远离了天堂. 凡爱自己, 爱世界高于一切的人只关心世俗事物, 因为这些事物吸引外在感官, 满足属世欲望; 他不关心属灵事物, 因为这些事物吸引内在感官, 满足心智. 所以, 他把它们扔在一边, 声称它们过于高深, 难以领会. 古人却截然不同. 对他们来说, 对应知识是一切知识的明珠. 他们藉此获得聪明和智慧, 属教会的人也藉此与天堂交流; 事实上, 对应知识是天使的知识. 上古之人, 也就是属天之人, 出于对应本身思考, 和天使一样. 所以, 他们甚至能与天使交谈. 此外, 主时常向他们显现, 并教导他们. 而如今, 这种知识已全然遗失, 以致人们不知对应为何物.

注: 对应的知识远远胜过其它知识(天国的奥秘 4280节). 对应知识是古人的首要知识; 但如今它完全被人遗忘(天国的奥秘 3021, 3419, 4280, 4749, 4844, 4964, 4966, 6004, 7729, 10252节). 对应知识曾兴盛于东方民族和埃及当中(天国的奥秘 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407节).



87. 天人對應

今時之人已不知"對應"為何物, 原因很多, 其中最主要的原因是人們因著利己之私欲與對塵世之物欲而自行遠離天國。人若愛自己與愛塵世超過其它一切, 就會只關心世俗之事, 因為這些事取悅他們外在的感官, 滿足他們的喜好。對於吸引內在感官, 滿足心靈的心靈事物, 他們漠不關心, 聲稱它們過於高深, 難以領會。

古人卻截然不同。對他們來說, 關於對應的知識是至高的學問, 藉此獲取聰明智慧。當時教會之人也藉此與天國交流, 因為關於對應的知識是天人的學問。

遠古之人是屬天之人, 如天人那樣從對應的角度來思考。因此, 他們與天人對話, 主也時常被他們看見, 並領受主的指示。時至今日, 這些知識已全然喪失, 人們便不知對應為何物。

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Heaven and Hell #87 (NCE, 2000)

87. There Is a Correspondence of Everything in Heaven with Everything in the Human Being

People today do not know what "correspondence" is. There are many reasons for this ignorance, the primary one being that we have moved away from heaven because of our love for ourselves and for the world. You see, people who love themselves and the world above all focus on nothing but earthly matters because these provide gratification to their more outward senses and pleasure to their moods. They do not attend to spiritual matters because these offer gratification to their deeper senses and pleasure to their minds. So they set such matters aside, saying that they are too lofty to think about.

The early people behaved differently. For them, knowledge about correspondences was the pearl of all knowledge. By means of it, they gained intelligence and wisdom, and by means of it those who were of the church had a communication with heaven. Knowledge about correspondences is in fact angelic knowledge.

The earliest ones, who were heavenly people, did their thinking from correspondence like angels, so they could even talk with angels. Further, the Lord was quite often visible to them, and taught them. Nowadays, though, this knowledge has been so completely lost that people do not know what correspondence is. 1


1. How superior a knowledge of correspondences is to other knowledge: 4280. The primary knowledge of the ancients was the knowledge of correspondences, but today this has been blotted out: 3021, 3419, 4280, 6749 [4749?], 4844, 4964-4965 [4966?], 6004, 7729, 10252. The knowledge of correspondences flourished among those in the Near East and Egypt: 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407.


Heaven and Hell #87 (Harley, 1958)


At the present day it is not known what correspondence is. There are several reasons for this. The chief one is that man has withdrawn himself from heaven by the love of self and the world. For he who loves himself and the world above all things regards only worldly things because they are pleasing to the external senses and gratify his inclination, and he does not regard spiritual things because they are pleasing to the internal senses and gratify the mind. Therefore he casts these aside, saying that they are too high to think about. The case was different with the ancient peoples. To them the knowledge of correspondences was the chief of all knowledges. By means of it they also derived intelligence and wisdom, and, by means of it, those who were of the Church had communication with heaven, for the knowledge of correspondence is an angelic knowledge. The most ancient people, who were celestial men, thought from correspondence itself, like the angels. So they also spoke with angels, and so the Lord was frequently seen by them and instructed them. But at the present day, that knowledge has been so completely lost that it is not known what correspondence is. 1


1. How far the knowledge of correspondences excels other knowledges (Arcana Coelestia 4280).

The knowledge of correspondences was the chief knowledge of the ancient people; but at the present day it is wholly forgotten (Arcana Coelestia 3021, 3419, 4280, 4749, 4844, 4964, 4966, 6004, 7729, 10252).

The knowledge of correspondences flourished among the Orientals and in Egypt (Arcana Coelestia 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407).


Heaven and Hell #87 (Ager, 1900)


What correspondence is is not known at the present day, for several reasons, the chief of which is that man has withdrawn himself from heaven by the love of self and love of the world. For he that loves self and the world above all things gives heed only to worldly things, since these appeal to the external senses and gratify the natural longings; and he does not give heed to spiritual things, since these appeal to the internal senses and gratify the mind, therefore he casts them aside, saying that they are too high for his comprehension. This was not so with the ancient people. To them the knowledge of correspondences was the chief of knowledges. By means of it they acquired intelligence and wisdom; and by means of it those who were of the church had communication with heaven; for the knowledge of correspondences is angelic knowledge. The most ancient people, who were celestial men, thought from correspondence itself, as the angels do. And therefore they talked with angels, and the Lord frequently appeared to them, and they were taught by Him. But at this day that knowledge has been so completely lost that no one knows what correspondence is. 1


1. How far the knowledge of correspondences excels other knowledges (Arcana Coelestia 4280).

The knowledge of correspondences was the chief knowledge of the ancient people; but at the present day it is wholly forgotten (3021, 3419, 4280, 4749, 4844, 4964, 4966, 6004, 7729, 10252).

The knowledge of correspondences flourished among the Eastern nations and in Egypt (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407).


De Coelo et de Inferno #87 (original Latin)


Quid correspondentia, hodie nescitur: quod nesciatur est ex pluribus causis; primaria est, quod homo se removerit e caelo per amorem sui et mundi; qui enim se et mundum super omnia amat, is non spectat ad alia quam ad mundana, quia illa adblandiuntur sensibus externis, et oblectant genium, et non ad spiritualia, quia ea adblandiuntur sensibus internis, et oblectant mentem; quapropter ea a se rejiciunt, dicentes, quod superiora sint quam ut sint cogitationis. Aliter fecerunt antiqui: illis scientia correspondentiarum praecipua omnium scientiarum fuit; per illam etiam intelligentiam et sapientiam hauserunt: et illi qui ab ecclesia fuerunt, per illam communicationem habuerunt cum caelo est enim scientia correspondentiarum scientia angelica. Antiquissimi, qui caelestes homines fuerunt, ex ipsa correspondentia, sicut angeli, cogitaverunt; ideo etiam cum angelis locuti sunt; et ideo Dominus illis saepius visus est, et instruxit illos. Sed hodie scientia illa tam prorsus deperdita est, ut non sciatur quid correspondentia. 1


1. Quantum scientia correspondentiarum praestat aliis scientiis (4820).

Quod praecipua scientia antiquis fuerit scientia correspondentiarum, sed quod hodie oblitterata sit (3021, 3419, 4280, 6749 [4749?] 4844, 4964, 4965 [4966?] 6004, 7729, 10252).

Quod apud orientales, et in Aegypto, viguerit scientia correspondentiarum (5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407).

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