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《天堂与地狱》 第88节





88. 由于不理解何为对应, 就无法清楚知道灵界, 或灵界进入自然界的流注, 以及属灵层与属世层的关系, 也无法清楚知道被称为灵魂的人之灵及其进入身体的运作, 还有人死后的状态, 故有必要解释何为对应及其性质. 这也是为下文铺平道路.



88. 於是, 若不知道對應是什麼, 就不會知道心靈世界及其對物質

世界的流注, 心靈與物質的關係, 也全然不知被稱為"靈魂"的人之靈如何內在地作用於肉體, 不清楚人死後的狀態。正因如此, 我需要定義並解釋對應的性質, 也好為後面的論述鋪平道路。

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Heaven and Hell #88 (NCE, 2000)

88. Now, without some grasp of what correspondence is, nothing can be known in clear light about the spiritual world or about its inflow into the natural world, nothing at all about what the spiritual is relative to the natural, nothing in clear light about the human spirit that is called "the soul" and how it affects the body inwardly, nothing about our state after death. Because of all this, I need to define it and explain what it is like. This will also pave the way for matters that are to follow.


Heaven and Hell #88 (Harley, 1958)

88. Since, then, without a perception of what correspondence is, it is impossible for anything to be known clearly about the spiritual world, or of its influx into the natural world, or even of what the spiritual is in relation to the natural, or anything with clearness about the spirit of man which is called the soul and of its operation into the body, or yet of the state of man after death, it is necessary, therefore, to explain what correspondence is and what is its nature. So also is the way prepared for what is to follow.


Heaven and Hell #88 (Ager, 1900)

88. Since, then, without a perception of what correspondence is there can be no clear knowledge of the spiritual world or of its inflow into the natural world, neither of what the spiritual is in its relation to the natural, nor any clear knowledge of the spirit of man, which is called the soul, and its operation into the body, neither of man's state after death, it is necessary to explain what correspondence is and the nature of it. This will prepare the way for what is to follow.


De Coelo et de Inferno #88 (original Latin)

88. Nunc quia absque perceptione quid correspondentia, non aliquid in luce sciri potest de spirituali mundo; nec de influxu ejus in naturalem; ne quidem quid spirituale respective ad naturale; nec aliquid in luce de spiritu hominis, qui vocatur anima, et de ejus operatione in corpus; neque de statu hominis post mortem; ideo dicendum est quid correspondentia, et qualis illa; sic etiam paratur via ad sequentia.

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