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《天堂与地狱》 第603节



















603. 我在本书所说关于天堂, 灵人界和地狱的话, 对那些没有兴趣了解属灵真理的人来说, 是晦涩难懂的, 但对那些有这种兴趣的人, 尤其那些为了真理的缘故而对真理拥有情感, 也就是因真理而热爱真理的人来说, 却是显而易见的. 凡被爱之物都会以光进入心智的思维, 当被爱的是真理时, 尤其如此, 因为一切真理都在光中.

关于人的自由, 流注和实现交流所经由的灵人(摘自《属天的奥秘》)

关于自由. 一切自由属于爱或情感, 因为凡人所爱的, 他都会自由行出来(2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591节). 自由因属于爱, 故是每个人的生命(2873节). 任何事物若非出于自由, 似乎不是人自己的(2880节). 既有天堂的自由, 也有地狱的自由(天国的奥秘 2870, 2873, 2874, 9589, 9590节).

天堂的自由属于天堂之爱, 或对良善与真理的爱(1947, 2870, 2872节). 由于对良善与真理的爱来自主, 故自由本身就在于被主引导(892, 905, 2872, 2886, 2890-2892, 9096, 9586, 9587, 9589-9591节). 人通过重生被主引入天堂的自由(2874, 2875, 2882, 2892节). 为了重生, 人必须拥有自由(1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031, 8700节). 否则, 对良善与真理的爱无法被播种在人里面, 成为人的一部分, 以至于似乎就是他自己的(2877, 2879, 2880, 2888节). 在强迫状态下, 没有什么东西会与人结合(天国的奥秘 2875, 8700节). 人若被强迫改造, 就不会得救(天国的奥秘 2881节). 在改造中, 强迫具有毁灭性(天国的奥秘 4031节). 出于自由的一切敬拜都是敬拜, 而出于强迫的敬拜不是敬拜(1947, 2880, 7349, 10097节). 悔改必须在自由状态下实现, 在强迫状态下所实现的悔改没有任何效果(8392节). 何为强迫状态(天国的奥秘 8392节).

人被允许出于理性自由行动, 以便良善能被提供给他, 这就是为何人有思想并意愿邪恶的自由, 甚至有在法律不禁止的范围内行恶的自由(10777节). 人被主保持在天堂与地狱之间, 因而处于平衡, 好叫他能为了改造而处于自由(5982, 6477, 8209, 8987节). 在自由中被植入的东西能持久, 在强迫下被植入的东西则不能(9588节). 因此, 自由永远不会从任何人那里被夺走(天国的奥秘 2876, 2881节). 主不强迫任何人(天国的奥秘 1937, 1947节). 自我强迫源于自由, 但不是被强迫(天国的奥秘 1937, 1947节). 人应当强迫自己抵制邪恶(1937, 1947, 7914节); 也应当仿佛凭自己行善, 然而要承认这是出于主(2883, 2891, 2892, 7914节). 人在他所得胜的试探争战中拥有更充分的自由, 因为那时他更内在地强迫自己去抵制, 尽管看上去不是那样(天国的奥秘 1937, 1947, 2881节).

地狱自由在于被自我之爱和尘世之爱及其欲望引导(天国的奥秘 2870, 2873节). 地狱里的人只知道这种自由(2871节). 天堂自由距离地狱自由, 犹如天堂距离地狱那样遥远(天国的奥秘 2873, 2874节). 地狱自由在于被自我之爱和尘世之爱引导, 这种自由不是自由, 而是奴役(2884, 2890节). 因为奴役就是被地狱引导(天国的奥秘 9586, 9589-9591节).

关于流注. 人所思所愿的一切都是流入的; 从经历获知(904, 2886-2888, 4151, 4319, 4320, 5846, 5848, 6189, 6191, 6194, 6197-6199, 6213, 7147, 10219节). 人探究事物, 思考分析并得出结论的能力来自流注(天国的奥秘 4319, 4320, 5288节). 若来自灵界的流注从人那里被夺走, 他片刻不能存活; 从经历获知(2887, 5849, 5854, 6321节). 从主流入的生命照人的状态和接受而各不相同(2069, 5986, 6472, 7343节). 在恶人里面, 从主流入的良善被改变为邪恶, 真理被改变为虚假; 从经历获知(3642, 4632节). 从主不断流入的良善与真理只要没有被邪恶与虚假阻碍, 就会被人接受(天国的奥秘 2411, 3142, 3147, 5828节).

一切良善皆从主流入, 一切邪恶皆从地狱流入(天国的奥秘 904, 4151节). 如今人们以为一切事物都在自己里面, 来自他们自己; 而事实上, 它们都是流入的; 他们能从教会的教义知道这一点, 因为教义教导, 一切良善皆来自神, 一切邪恶皆来自魔鬼(天国的奥秘 4249, 6193, 6206节). 如果人的信仰符合该教义, 他就不会将邪恶归于自己, 也不会将良善据为己有(6206, 6324, 6325节). 如果人相信一切良善皆从主流入, 一切邪恶皆从地狱流入, 人的状态将是何等幸福(天国的奥秘 6325节). 那些否认天堂, 或对它一无所知的人不知道来自天堂的任何流注的存在(4322, 5649, 6193, 6479节). 通过对比说明何为流注(6128, 6190, 9407节).

生命的一切都是从生命的第一泉流入的, 因为这是它的源头; 它不断流入, 因此生命的一切皆来自主(3001, 3318, 3337, 3338, 3344, 3484, 3619, 3741-3743, 4318-4320, 4417, 4524, 4882, 5847, 5986, 6325, 6468-6470, 6479, 9276, 10196节). 流注是属灵的, 不是物质的, 也就是说, 流注从灵界进入自然界, 而不是从自然界进入灵界(3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5477, 6322, 9110节). 流注通过内在人进入外在人, 或通过灵进入身体, 而不是反过来, 因为人的灵在灵界, 其身体在自然界(1702, 1707, 1940, 1954, 5119, 5259, 5779, 6322, 9380节). 内在人在灵界, 外在人在自然界(978, 1015, 3628, 4459, 4523, 4524, 6057, 6309, 9701-9709, 10156, 10472节). 表面上看, 从人的外在进入内在的流注是存在的, 但这是一个谬误(天国的奥秘 3721节). 对人来说, 有一种流注进入理性事物, 并通过这些事物进入知识, 而不是反过来(天国的奥秘 1495, 1707, 1940节). 何为流注的秩序(天国的奥秘 775, 880, 1096, 1495, 7270节). 既有来自主的直接流注, 同样有经由灵界或天堂而来的间接流注(6063, 6307, 6472, 9682, 9683节). 主的流注进入人里面的良善, 并通过良善进入真理, 而不是反过来(5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153节). 良善能使人接受来自主的流注, 但没有良善的真理则不能(天国的奥秘 8321节). 凡流入思维的, 不会害人, 只有流入意愿的, 才会害人, 因为这就是那归给人的(天国的奥秘 6308节).

有一种总体流注(5850节). 这是一种照秩序行动的持续努力或能量(6211节). 该流注进入动物的生命(天国的奥秘 5850节), 也进入植物王国的成员(天国的奥秘 3648节). 按照这种总体流注, 思维降至人的言语, 意愿降至行为和动作(5862, 5990, 6192, 6211节).

关于使臣灵. 从灵人的社群被派到其它社群和其它灵人那里的灵人被称为“使臣”(4403, 5856节). 在来世, 交流通过这类使者灵实现(4403, 5856, 5983节). 被派出去充当使臣的灵人不是从自己思考, 而是从派他来的那些灵人思考(天国的奥秘 5985-5987节). 关于这类灵人的许多细节(天国的奥秘 5988, 5989节). (全书完)



603. 本書對天國, 靈界, 地獄所作的介紹, 對於無興趣瞭解屬靈真理的人是晦暗不明的。但是, 對於有興趣瞭解特別是真心渴慕的人來說, 卻是一目了然的。凡是人所愛的, 都攜帶光明進入他的思想當中。如果人所愛的是真理, 就更加如此, 因為一切真理都散發光明。

上一节  目录

Heaven and Hell #603 (NCE, 2000)

603. What I have been saying in this book about heaven, the world of spirits, and hell, will be obscure to people who find no delight in knowing about spiritual truths; but it will be clear to people who do have this delight, especially to people involved in an affection for truth for its own sake - that is, people who love truth because it is true. Anything that is loved enters into the concepts of our minds with light, especially when what is loved is true, because all truth is in the light.

[2] References to Passages in Secrets of Heaven Concerning Our Freedom, Inflow, and the Spirits Who Are the Means of Communication.

On Freedom. All freedom is a matter of love or affection, because whatever we love, we do freely: 2870, 3158, 8907 [8987?], 8990, 9585, 9591. Since freedom is a matter of love, it is the life of every individual: 2873. Nothing seems to be part of us unless it comes from freedom: 2880. There is a heavenly freedom and a hellish freedom: 2870, 2873-2874, 9589-9590.

Heavenly freedom comes from heavenly love, or a love of what is good and true: 1947, 2870, 2872, and since a love of what is good and true comes from the Lord, we are truly free only when we are led by the Lord: 892, 905, 2872, 2886, 2890-2892, 9096, 9586-9587, 9589-9591. The Lord brings us into heavenly freedom through regeneration: 2874-2875, 2882, 2892. We need freedom in order to be regenerated: 1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145-3146, 3158, 4031, 8700. Otherwise the love of what is good and true could not be sown in us and become so much a part of us as to seem to be our own: 2877, 2879-2880, 2888. Nothing is united to us that happens under compulsion: 8700, 2875. If we could be forcibly reformed, everyone would be saved: 2881. Compulsion in matters of reformation is destructive: 4031. All worship offered in freedom is worship, but not what is offered under compulsion: 1947, 2880, 7349, 10097. Repentance needs to happen in a state of freedom, and if it happens in a state of compulsion, it does not work: 8392. Just what a state of compulsion is: 8392.

[3] We are allowed to act from the freedom we have as rational beings, so that good may be provided to us; we therefore have a freedom of thinking and intending evil as well, and even of doing it to the extent that the laws do not prevent it: 10777. The Lord holds us between heaven and hell and therefore in a balance so that we can be in freedom for the sake of our reformation: 5982, 6477, 8209, 8907 [8987?]. What is sown in freedom stays with us, but not what is sown under compulsion: 9588. So freedom is never taken away from anyone: 2876, 2881. The Lord does not compel anyone: 1937, 1947.

To compel oneself stems from freedom, but being compelled does not: 1937, 1947. We ought to compel ourselves to resist evil: 1937, 1947, 7914; and to do good as well, apparently on our own, but still recognizing that it comes from the Lord: 2883, 2891-2892, 7914. We become more solidly free in those temptation struggles in which we win, because then we are inwardly compelling ourselves to resist, even though it does not seem that way: 1937, 1947, 2881.

[4] Hellish freedom is being led by love for oneself and love for the world and by their cravings: 2870, 2873. This is the only freedom people in hell know: 2871. Heavenly freedom is as remote from hellish freedom as heaven is from hell: 2873-2874. Hellish freedom, which is being led by love for oneself and love for the world, is not freedom but slavery: 2884, 2890. So slavery is being led by hell: 9586, 9589-9591.

[5] On Inflow. Everything we think and intend flows in; [learned] from experience: 904, 2886-2888, 4151, 4319-4320, 5846, 5848, 6189, 6191, 6194, 6197-6199, 6213, 7147, 10219. Our ability to look into things, think, and draw analytic conclusions comes from inflow: 1288 [1285?], 4319-4320. We could not live for a moment if we were deprived of the inflow from the spiritual world, [from] experience: 2887, 5849, 5854, 6321. The life that flows in from the Lord varies depending on our state and our openness to it: 2069, 5986, 6472, 7343. In evil people, the good that flows in from the Lord is turned into evil, and the truth into falsity; from experience: 3643 [3642 or 3743], 4632. We accept the good and true things that flow in from the Lord to the extent that what is evil and false does not bar the way: 2411, 3142, 3147, 5828.

[6] Everything good flows in from the Lord and everything evil from hell: 904, 4151. Nowadays people believe that everything is in themselves and from themselves, when actually everything is flowing in, as they might learn from the doctrine of the church, which teaches that everything good comes from the Lord and everything evil from the devil: 4249, 6193, 6206. If our belief were in accord with doctrine, we would not claim evil as our own or make good our own: 6206, 6324-6325. How happy our state would be if we believed that everything good flows in from the Lord and everything evil from hell: 6325. People who deny heaven or know nothing about it do not realize that there is any inflow from it: 4322, 5649, 6193, 6479. What inflow is, illustrated by comparisons: 6428 [6128?], 6480 [6190?], 9407.

[7] All of life flows in from the first wellspring of life because this is its source; and it is constantly flowing in, so it comes from the Lord: 3001, 3318, 3237 [3337?], 3338, 3344, 3484, 3619, 3741-3743, 4318-4320, 4417, 4524, 4882, 5847, 5986, 6325, 6468-6470, 6479, 9276, 10196. The inflow is spiritual and not physical, which means that the inflow is from the spiritual world into the natural and not from the natural into the spiritual: 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427-5428, 5477, 6322, 9110-9111 [9109?]. The inflow comes through the inner person into the outer, or through the spirit into the body, and not the other way around, because our spirit is in the spiritual world and our body in the natural world: 1702, 1707, 1940, 1954, 5119, 5259, 5779, 6322, 9380 [9110?]. The inner person is in the spiritual world and the outer in the natural world: 978, 1015, 3628, 4459, 4523-4524, 6057, 6309, 9701-9709, 10156, 10472. It seems as though there were an inflow from our outer natures into our inner, but this is an illusion: 3721. There is an inflow into our rational workings and through these into our information processing, and not the other way around: 1495, 1707, 1940. What the pattern of inflow is like: 775, 880, 1096, 1495, 7270. The inflow comes directly from the Lord and indirectly through the spiritual world or heaven: 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683. The inflow from the Lord comes into what is good in us and through that good into what is true, but not the other way around: 5483 [5482?], 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153. What is good enables us to accept the inflow from the Lord, but not what is true apart from that good: 8321. Nothing that flows into our thought harms us, only what flows into our volition, because this becomes part of us: 6308.

[8] There is a general inflow: 5850. This is a constant energy favoring action in keeping with the design: 6211. This is what flows into the lives of animals: 5850; and also into the members of the vegetable kingdom: 3648. Further, our thought descends into speech and our intentions into actions and modes of behavior according to this general inflow: 5862, 5990, 6192, 6211.

[9] On Agents. The spirits who are sent out from communities of spirits to other communities or to individual spirits are called "agents": 4403, 5856. Communications in the other life take place by means of emissary spirits like these: 4403, 5856, 5983. Spirits who are sent out to act as emissaries do not think for themselves but think from the spirits who commissioned them: 5985-5987. More about these spirits: 5988-5989.

The End


Heaven and Hell #603 (Harley, 1958)

603. These things which have been said in this work about heaven, the world of spirits, and hell, will be obscure to those who are not in the delight of knowing spiritual truths, but will be clear to those who are in the delight, and especially to those who are in the true affection of truth for the sake of truth, that is, who love truth because it is true; for whatever is loved enters with light into the mind's thought, especially when the truth is loved, because all truth is in light.



All freedom pertains to love or affection, since whatever a man loves he does freely (2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591).

Since freedom pertains to love it is the life of everyone (2873).

Nothing appears to be man's proprium except what is from freedom (2880).

There is heavenly freedom and infernal freedom (2870, 2873-2874, 9589-9590).

[2] Heavenly freedom pertains to heavenly love, or the love of good and truth (1947, 2870, 2872).

And as the love of good and truth is from the Lord, freedom itself consists in being led by the Lord (892, 905, 2872, 2886, 2890-2892, 9096, 9586-9587, 9589-9591).

Man is led into heavenly freedom by the Lord through regeneration (2874-2875, 2882, 2892).

Man must have freedom in order to be regenerated (1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145-3146, 3158, 4031, 8700).

In no other way can the love of good and truth be implanted in man, and appropriated by him seemingly as his own (2877, 2879-2880, 2888).

Nothing is conjoined to man in a state of compulsion (2875, 8700).

If man could be reformed by compulsion all would be saved (2881).

In reformation compulsion is harmful (4031).

All worship from freedom is worship, but worship from compulsion is not worship (1947, 2880, 7349, 10097).

Repentance must be effected in a free state, and repentance effected

In a state of compulsion is of no avail (8392).

States of compulsion, what they are (8392).

[3] It is granted to man to act from the freedom of reason, to the end that good may be provided for him, and this is why man has the freedom to think and will even what is evil, and to do it so far as the laws do not forbid (10777).

Man is kept by the Lord between heaven and hell, and thus in equilibrium, that he may be in freedom for the sake of reformation (5982, 6477, 8209, 8987).

What is implanted in freedom endures, but not what is implanted under compulsion (9588).

For this reason no one is ever deprived of his freedom (2876, 2881).

The Lord compels no one (1937, 1947).

Compelling one's self is from freedom, but not being compelled (1937, 1947).

A man ought to compel himself to resist evil (Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 7914). Also to do good as if from himself, and yet to acknowledge that it is from the Lord (2883, 2891-2892, 7914).

Man has a stronger freedom in the temptation combats in which he conquers, since he then compels himself more interiorly to resist, although it appears otherwise (1937, 1947, 2881).

[4] Infernal freedom consists in being led by the loves of self and of the world and their lusts (2870, 2873).

Those who are in hell know no other freedom (2871).

Heavenly freedom is as far removed from infernal freedom as heaven is from hell (2873-2874).

Infernal freedom, which consists in being led by the loves of self and of the world, is not freedom but servitude (2884, 2890).

For servitude is in being led by hell (9586, 9589-9591).


[5] All things that man thinks and wills flow into him; from experience (904, 2886-2888, 4151, 4319-4320, 5846, 5848, 6189, 6191, 6194, 6197-6199, 6213, 7147, 10219).

Man's capacity to give attention to subjects, to think, and to draw conclusions analytically, is from influx (4319-4320, 5288).

Man could not live a single moment if influx from the spiritual world were taken away from him; from experience (2887, 5849, 5854, 6321).

The life that flows in from the Lord varies in accordance with the state of man and in accordance with reception (2069, 5986, 6472, 7343).

With those who are evil the good that flows in from the Lord is changed into evil, and the truth into falsity; from experience (3642, 4632).

The good and truth that continually flow in from the Lord are received just to the extent that they are not hindered by evil and falsity (2411, 3142, 3147, 5828).

[6] All good flows in from the Lord, and all evil from hell (904, 4151).

At the present day man believes that all things are in himself and are from himself, when in fact they flow in; and this he might know from the doctrine of the Church, which teaches that all good is from God, and all evil from the devil (4249, 6193, 6206).

But if man's belief were in accord with this doctrine he would not appropriate evil to himself nor would he make good to be his own (6206, 6324-6325).

How happy man's state would be if he believed that all good flows in from the Lord and all evil from hell (6325).

Those who deny heaven or who know nothing about it do not know that there is any influx from heaven (4322, 5649, 6193, 6479).

What influx is, illustrated by comparisons (6128, 6190, 9407).

[7] Everything of life flows in from the first fountain of life, because that is the source of it; and it continually flows in; thus everything of life is from the Lord (3001, 3318, 3337-3338, 3344, 3484, 3619, 3741-3743, 4318-4320, 4417, 4524, 4882, 5847, 5986, 6325, 6468-6470, 6479, 9276, 10196).

Influx is spiritual and not physical, that is, influx is from the spiritual world into the natural, and not from the natural into the spiritual (3219, 5119, 5259, 5427-5428, 5477, 6322, 9110).

Influx is through the internal man into the external, or through the spirit into the body, and not the reverse, because the spirit of man is in the spiritual world, and his body in the natural (1702, 1707, 1940, 1954, 5119, 5259, 5779, 6322, 9380).

The internal man is in the spiritual world and the external in the natural world (978, 1015, 3628, 4459, 4523-4524, 6057, 6309, 9701-9709, 10156, 10472).

There is an appearance that there is an influx from the externals of man into internals, but this is a fallacy (3721).

With man there is influx into things rational, and through these into knowledges, and not the reverse (1495, 1707, 1940).

What the order of influx is (775, 880, 1096, 1495, 7270).

There is immediate influx from the Lord, and likewise mediate influx through the spiritual world or heaven (6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683).

The Lord's influx is into the good in man, and through good into truth, and not the reverse (5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153).

Good gives the capacity to receive influx from the Lord, but truth without good does not (8321).

Nothing that flows into the thought is harmful, but only what flows into the will, since this is what is appropriated to man (6308).

[8] There is a general influx (5850).

This is a continual effort to act in accordance with order (6211).

This influx is into the lives of animals (5850).

Also into the subjects of the vegetable kingdom (3648).

It is in accord with this general influx that thought fails into speech with man, and will into acts and movements (5862, 5990, 6192, 6211).


[9] Spirits sent forth from societies of spirits to other societies and to other spirits, are called "subjects" (4403, 5856).

Communications in the other life are effected by means of such emissary spirits (4403, 5856, 5983).

A spirit sent forth to serve as a subject does not think from himself, but thinks from those by whom he is sent forth (5985-5987).

Many particulars relating to such spirits (5988-5989).


Heaven and Hell #603 (Ager, 1900)

603. What has been said in this work about heaven, the world of spirits, and hell, will be obscure to those who have no interest in learning about spiritual truths, but will be clear to those who have such an interest, and especially to those who have an affection for truth for the sake of truth, that is, who love truth because it is truth; for whatever is then loved enters with light into the mind's thought, especially truth that is loved, because all truth is in light.



All freedom pertains to love or affection, since whatever a man loves he does freely (2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591).

Since freedom pertains to love it is the life of everyone (2873).

Nothing appears to be man's own except what is from freedom (2880).

There is heavenly freedom and infernal freedom (2870, 2873, 2874, 9589, 9590).

[2] Heavenly freedom pertains to heavenly love, or the love of good and truth (1947, 2870, 2872).

And as the love of good and truth is from the Lord freedom itself consists in being led by the Lord (892, 905, 2872, 2886, 2890-2892, 9096, 9586, 9587, 9589-9591).

Man is led into heavenly freedom by the Lord through regeneration (2874, 2875, 2882, 2892).

Man must have freedom in order to be regenerated (1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031, 8700).

In no other way can the love of good and truth be implanted in man, and appropriated by him seemingly as his own (2877, 2879, 2880, 2888).

Nothing is conjoined to man in a state of compulsion (2875, 8700).

If man could be reformed by compulsion all would be saved (2881).

In reformation compulsion is harmful (. 4031).

All worship from freedom is worship, but worship from compulsion is not worship (1947, 2880, 7349, 10097).

Repentance must be effected in a free state, and repentance effected in a state of compulsion is of no avail (8392).

States of compulsion, what they are (8392).

[3] It is granted to man to act from the freedom of reason, to the end that good may be provided for him, and this is why man has the freedom to think and will even what is evil, and to do it so far as the laws do not forbid (10777).

Man is kept by the Lord between heaven and hell, and thus in equilibrium, that he may be in freedom for the sake of reformation (5982, 6477, 8209, 8987).

What is implanted in freedom endures, but not what is implanted under compulsion (9588).

For this reason no one is ever deprived of his freedom (2876, 2881). The Lord compels no one (1937, 1947).

Compelling one's self is from freedom, but not being compelled (1937, 1947).

A man ought to compel himself to resist evil (1937, 1947, 7914).

Also to do good as if from himself, and yet to acknowledge that it is from the Lord (2883, 2891, 2892, 7914).

Man has a stronger freedom in the temptation combats in which he conquers, since he then compels himself more interiorly to resist, although it appears otherwise (1937, 1947, 2881).

[4] Infernal freedom consists in being led by the loves of self and of the world and their lusts (2870, 2873).

Those who are in hell know no other freedom (2871).

Heavenly freedom is as far removed from infernal freedom as heaven is from hell (2873, 2874).

Infernal freedom, which consists in being led by the loves of self and of the world, is not freedom but servitude (2884, 2890).

For servitude is in being led by hell (9586, 9589-9591)


[5] All things that man thinks and wills flow into him from experience (904, 2886-2888, 4151, 4319, 4320, 5846, 5848, 6189, 6191, 6194, 6197-6199, 6213, 7147, 10219).

Man's capacity to give attention to subjects, to think, and to draw conclusions analytically, is from influx (4319, 4320, 5288).

Man could not live a single moment if influx from the spiritual world were taken away from him; from experience (2887, 5849, 5854, 6321).

The life that flows in from the Lord varies in accordance with the state of man and in accordance with reception (2069, 5986, 6472, 7343).

With those who are evil the good that flows in from the Lord is changed into evil, and the truth into falsity; from experience (3642, 4632).

The good and truth that continually flow in from the Lord are received just to the extent that they are not hindered by evil and falsity (2411, 3142, 3147, 5828).

[6] All good flows in from the Lord, and all evil from hell (904, 4151).

At the present day man believes that all things are in himself and are from himself, when in fact they flow in; and this he might know from the doctrine of the church, which teaches that all good is from God, and all evil from the devil (4249, 6193, 6206).

But if man's belief were in accord with this doctrine he would not appropriate evil to himself nor would he make good to be his own (6206, 6324, 6325).

How happy man's state would be if he believed that all good flows in from the Lord and all evil from hell. (6325).

Those who deny heaven or who know nothing about it do not know that there is any influx from heaven (4322, 5649, 6193, 6479).

What influx is, illustrated by comparisons (6128, 6190, 9407).

[7] Everything of life flows in from the first fountain of life, because that is the source of it; and it continually flows in thus everything of life is from the Lord (3001, 3318, 3337, 3338, 3344, 3484, 3619, 3741-3743, 4318-4320, 4417, 4524, 4882, 5847, 5986, 6325, 6468-6470, 6479, 9276, 10196).

Influx is spiritual and not physical, that is, influx is from the spiritual world into the natural, and not from the natural into the spiritual (3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5477, 6322, 9110).

Influx is through the internal man into the external, or through the spirit into the body, and not the reverse, because the spirit of man is in the spiritual world, and his body in the natural (1702, 1707, 1940, 1954, 5119, 5259, 5779, 6322, 9380).

The internal man is in the spiritual world and the external in the natural world (978, 1015, 3628, 4459, 4523, 4524, 6057, 6309, 9701-9709, 10156, 10472).

There is an appearance that there is an influx from the externals of man into internals, but this is a fallacy (3721).

With man there is influx into things rational, and through these into knowledges, and not the reverse (1495, 1707, 1940).

What the order of influx is (775, 880, 1096, 1495, 7270).

There is direct influx from the Lord, and likewise mediate influx through the spiritual world or heaven (6063, 6307, 6472, 9682, 9683).

The Lord's influx is into the good in man, and through good into truth, and not the reverse (5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153).

Good gives the capacity to receive influx from the Lord, but truth without good does not (8321).

Nothing that flows into the thought is harmful, but only what flows into the will, since this is what is appropriated to man (6308).

[8] There is a general influx (5850).

This is a continual effort to act in accordance with order (6211).

This influx is into the lives of animals (5850).

Also into the subjects of the vegetable kingdom (. 3648).

It is in accord with this general influx that thought falls into speech with man, and will into acts and movements (5862, 5990, 6192, 6211).


[9] Spirits sent forth from societies of spirits to other societies and to other spirits, are called "subjects" (4403, 5856).

Communications in the other life are effected by means of such emissary spirits (4403, 5856, 5983).

A spirit sent forth to serve as a subject does not think from himself, but thinks from those by whom he is sent forth (5985-5987).

Many particulars relating to such spirits (. 5988, 5989).


De Coelo et de Inferno #603 (original Latin)

603. Haec quae in hoc opere de Caelo, Mundo Spirituum, et Inferno, dicta sunt, obscura erunt illis qui non in jucundo sciendi vera spiritualia sunt sed clara illis qui in jucundo; maxime illis qui in affectione veri propter verum sunt; hoc est, qui amant verum quia est verum: quicquid enim amatur hoc intrat cum luce in mentis ideam, imprimis cum amatur verum; quia omne verum in luce est.



Quod omne liberum sit amoris seu affectionis, quoniam quod homo amat, hoc libere facit (2870, 3158, 8907 [8987?] 8990, 9585, 9591).

Quia liberum est amoris, quod sit vita cujusvis (2873). Quod nihil appareat ut proprium, nisi quod ex libero (2880).

Quod sit liberum caeleste et liberum infernale (2870, 2873, 2874, 9589, 9590).

Quod liberum caeleste sit amoris caelestis, seu amoris boni et veri (1947, 2870, 2872).

Et quia amor boni et veri est a Domino, quod ipsum liberum sit duci a Domino (892, 905, 2872, 2886, 2890-2892, 9096, 9586, 9587, 9589-9591).

Quod homo in liberum caeleste introducatur a Domino per regenerationem (2874, 2875, 2882, 2892).

Quod liberum homini esse debeat, ut possit regenerari (1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031, 8700).

Quod alioqui amor boni et veri non implantari possit homini, ac ei appropriari apparenter ut suum (2877, 2879, 2880, 2888). Quod nihil conjungatur homini, quod fit in coacto (2875, 8700).

Si homo ex coacto reformari posset, quod omnes salvarentur (2881).

Quod coactum in reformatione sit damnosum (4031).

Quod omnis cultus ex libero sit cultus, non autem qui ex coacto (1947, 2880, 7349, 10097).

Quod paenitentia fieri debeat in statu libero, et quod quae fit in statu coacto non valeat (8392).

Status coacti, quinam (8392).

Quod datum sit homini ex libero rationis agere, ut ei provideatur bonum, et quod ideo homo sit in libero cogitandi et volendi etiam malum, et quoque faciendi quantum non leges vetant (10777).

Quod homo teneatur a Domino inter caelum et infernum, et sic in aequilibrio, ut sit in libero propter reformationem (5982, 6477, 8209, 8907 [8987?]).

Quod id maneat quod inseminatur in libero, non autem quod in 9588).

Quod ideo nusquam alicui auferatur liberum (2876, 2881). Quod nullus a Domino cogatur (1937, 1947).

Quod se cogere sit ex libero, non autem cogi (1937, 1947). Quod homo se cogere debeat ad resistendum malo (1937, 1947, 7914).

Et quoque ad faciendum bonum sicut a se, sed usque agnoscere quod sit a Domino (2883, 2891, 2892, 7914).

Quod homini fortius liberum sit in pugnis tentationum, in quibus vincit, quoniam tunc se homo interius cogit ad resistendum [malis], tametsi aliter apparet (1937, 1947, 2881).

Quod liberum infernale sit duci ab amoribus sui et mundi, et eorum concupiscentiis (2870, 2873).

Quod illi qui in inferno sunt, non sciant aliud liberum (2871).

Quod liberum caeleste tantum distet a libero infernali, quantum caelum ab inferno (2873, 2874).

Quod liberum infernale, quod est duci ab amoribus sui et mundi, non sit liberum, sed servum (2884, 2890).

Quoniam servum est duci ab inferno (9586, 9589-9591)

DE INFLUXU Quod omnia influant quae homo cogitat et quae vult, ab experientia (904, 2886-2888, 4151, 4319, 4320, 5846, 5848, 6189, 6191, 6194, 6197-6199, 6213, 7147, 10219).

Quod homo possit intueri res, cogitari, et analytice concludere, sit ex influxu (1288 [1285, 2888?] 4319, 4320). Quod homo non vivere uno momento possit, si ei auferatur influxus e mundo spirituali, [ab] experientia (2887, 5849, 5854, 6321).

Quod vita quae influit a Domino, varietur secundum statum hominis, et secundum receptionem (2069, 5986, 6472, 7343). Quod apud malos bonum quod influit a Domino vertatur in malum, ac verum in falsum, ab experientia (3643 [3642, 3743?] 4632).

Quod tantum recipiatur bonum et verum, quod continue influit a Domino, quantum non obstat malum et falsum (2411, 3142, 3147, 5828).

Quod omne bonum influat a Domino, ac omne malum ab inferno (904, 4151).

Quod homo credat hodie, omnia in se esse, et ex se esse, cum tamen influunt, et hoc sciat ex doctrinali ecclesiae, quod docet quod omne bonum sit a Deo, et omne malum ex diabolo (4249, 6193, 6206).

At si homo crederet secundum doctrinale, tunc malum non sibi appropriaret, nec bonum faceret suum (6206, 6324, 6325). Quam felix status hominis foret, si crederet quod omne bonum influat a Domino, et omne malum ab inferno (6325).

Qui negant caelum, aut nihil de illo sciunt, quod nesciant quod aliquis influxus inde sit (4322, 5649, 6193, 6479). Quid influxus, illustratum per comparationes (6428 [6128?] 6180, [6190?] 9407).

Quod omne vitae a Primo Fonte vitae influat, quia inde est, et quod continue influat, ita a Domino (3001, 3318, 3237 [3337?] 3338, 3344, 3484, 3619, 3741-3743, 4318-4320, 4417, 4524, 4882, 5847, 5986, 6325, 6468-6470, 6479, 9276, 10196).

Quod influxus spiritualis sit, et non physicus, ita quod influxus sit e spirituali mundo in naturalem, et non e naturali in spiritualem (3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5477, 6322, 9110 [9109?] 9111 [9100?]).

Quod influxus sit per internum hominem in externum, seu per spiritum in corpus, et non vicissim, quia spiritus hominis est in spirituali mundo, et corpus in naturali (1702, 1707, 1940, 1954, 5119, 5259, 5779, 6322, 9380 [9110?]).

Quod internus homo in mundo spirituali sit, et externus in mundo naturali (978, 1015, 3628, 4459, 4523[?] 4524[?] 6057, 6309, 9701-9709, 10156, 10472).

Quod appareat sicut influxus sit ab externis apud hominem in interna, sed quod sit fallacia (3721).

Quod apud hominem influxus sit in ejus rationalia, et per haec in scientifica, et non vicissim (1495, 1707, 1940).

Ordo influxus qualis (775, 880, 1096, 1495, 7270). Quod influxus sit immediatus a Domino, et quoque mediatus per mundum spiritualem seu caelum (6063, 6307, 6472, 9682, 9683). Quod influxus Domini sit in bonum apud hominem, et per bonum in verum, non autem vicissim (5483 [5482?] 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153).

Quod bonum det facultatem recipiendi influxum a Domino, non autem verum absque bono (8321).

Quod nihil noceat quod influit in cogitationem, sed quod in voluntatem, quoniam hoc appropriatur homini (6308).

Quod influxus communis sit (5850). Quod ille sit continuus conatus agendi secundum ordinem (6211).

Quod ille influxus sit in vitas animalium (5850). Et quoque in subjecta regni vegetabilis (3648).

Quod etiam secundum influxum communem cadat cogitatio in loquelam, et voluntas in actiones et gestus apud hominem (5862, 5990, 6192, 6211).


Quod spiritus a societatibus spirituum emissi ad alias societates, tum ad aliquos spiritus, dicantur subjecta (4403, 5856).

Quod communicationes in altera vita fiant per tales emissarios spiritus (4403, 5856, 5983).

Quod spiritus, qui emissus inservit pro subjecto, non cogitet ex se, sed ex illis a quibus emissus (5985, 5986, 5987). Plura de illis spiritibus (5988, 5989).

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