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《天堂与地狱》 第3节






{注2}:【英21】这是指意大利神学家浮士德·苏西尼(Faustus Socinus, 1539-1604)和他的叔叔莱利厄斯·苏西尼(Laelius Socinus, 1525-1562)的追随者,他们否认基督的神性。

{注3}:【英22】在描述灵界中的位置时,史威登堡经常使用与三维空间相关的短语,这些短语要么缺乏明确的参考框架,如“向右一点”(3),“在前面”(327),“移开” 和“向左”(249);要么与人体的某些器官有关,如“这些灵可以在胃附近看到,有些在左边,有些在右边,有些在上面,有些在下面,有些离得近,有些离得远”(299)。在后一种情况下,不清楚身体是史威登堡本人的身体,还是普通世人的身体(596566),甚至是主的身体(81);或许是三者在知觉上重叠的结果。史威登堡后来指出,在灵界,无论一个人的灵体如何转动,方向都是不变的。对天使来说,东方总是在前面,西方在后面,南方在右边,北方在左边(141-142)。 “前”和“后”大概分别是更东和更西,也就是说,距离主(在天堂显为太阳)更近和更远;“更高”和“更低”大概表示不同的层级(2238197)。


{注5}:【英23】这里翻译成“唯物主义者”的拉丁原文是“自然主义者”(naturalistae),史威登堡用它来表示那些崇拜自然界而不是上帝的人。在1764年的著作《圣治》(Divine Providence)的第310节,史威登堡写道:“每一个应验真理的表象都变成了谬误。人们在多大的程度上证实自己的谬误,他们就变成唯物主义者,并在这种程度上,他们只相信可以通过一种身体感官感知到的东西。”




3. 在教会中, 那些否认主, 只承认父, 且确认这种信仰的人都在天堂之外; 他们因不能接受来自唯独敬拜主的天堂的任何流注, 故逐渐丧失在任何事上思考真理的能力, 最终变得如同哑巴, 要么说话愚蠢, 手臂来回摇摆, 仿佛关节缺乏力量. 同样, 那些如苏西尼派那样否认主的神性, 只承认祂的人性之人, 也在天堂之外. 他们被带到前面向右一点, 被下放到深渊, 因而完全与来自基督教界的其他人隔离. 最终, 那些声称信一位不可见的神性, 称其为宇宙的灵魂, 万物皆源于这灵魂, 并拒绝对主的一切信之人发现, 他们根本不信任何神; 因为对他们来说, 这位不可见的神性就是自然界在其最初法则中的特性, 而这种特性无法成为信与爱的对象, 因为它不是思维的对象. 这等人就被纳入所谓的自然主义者之列. 而那些出生在教会之外, 被称为异教徒之人的情况与之不同; 这些人以后再予以论述.

注: 无法以任何观念来领悟的一位神性, 无法通过信仰被接受(天国的奥秘 4733, 5110, 5663, 6982, 6996, 7004, 7211, 9356, 9359, 9972, 10067, 10267节).



3. 身在教會中的人們若忽視主, 只認父, 並且為此固執己見, 他們在天國之外;因為他們不接收任何來自天國的流注——天國之中唯獨主被敬奉。於是逐漸失去思考真理的能力, 最終變得沉默寡言或拙口笨舌。他們時常漫無目的地四處遊蕩, 耷拉著雙臂, 好像筋骨失去了力量。

另外, 否認主的神性, 只承認其人性者(如索齊尼派信徒), 也在天國之外。他們被帶到右前方某處, 下到深坑之地, 那地方與真基督徒的生活領域完全隔離。

還有一些人, 他們聲稱信一位不可見的上帝, 稱其為宇宙的本體, 卻拒絕信主。經審視, 發現他們根本不信上帝, 因為他們所信的那位不可見的上帝實際上被他們視為自然的第一因。對這位"上帝"既談不上信, 也談不上愛, 因為不能對其形成任何觀念。這樣的人也被逐出, 與那些被稱為"唯物主義者"的人群在一起。

至於那些生在教會之外的人們(稱為"非基督徒"), 情況並不一樣, 會在以後的資訊中討論。

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Heaven and Hell #3 (NCE, 2000)

3. If people within the church have ignored the Lord and recognized only the Father and have closed their minds to other thoughts, they are outside heaven. Since they do not receive any inflow from heaven, where the Lord alone is worshiped, they gradually lose their ability to ponder the truth of one thing after another. Eventually they either become speechless or inarticulate. They walk around aimlessly with their arms hanging down loosely as though all the strength had gone from their joints.

On the other hand, people who have denied the Lord's divine nature and have recognized only his human nature (like the Socinians) are also excluded from heaven. They are taken a little way forward to the right and are let down into the depths, which completely separates them from the Christian realm. Then too, there are people who claim to believe in an invisible Divine called the Being of the Universe and reject any faith in the Lord. When they are examined, it turns out that they do not believe in any god at all, since this invisible Divine of theirs is actually like the first principles of nature. This is incompatible with faith and love, because it eludes [actual] thought. 1These people are banished to the company of those called materialists.

Things happen differently for people who are born outside the church, the ones we call non-Christians. We will discuss them later.


1. A Divine Being that cannot be grasped in any concept cannot be accepted by faith: 5110, 5633, 6982, 6996, 7004, 7211, 9359 [perhaps 9356], 9972, 10067.


Heaven and Hell #3 (Harley, 1958)

3. Those, within the Church, who have denied the Lord and have acknowledged only the Father, and have confirmed themselves in that faith, are outside heaven; and because no influx from heaven where the Lord alone is worshipped, reaches them, they are gradually deprived of the faculty of thinking what is true about anything at all. And at length they become as though they were dumb, or else they talk stupidly and wander about with their arms dangling and swinging as if lacking strength in their joints. In the same way, those who have denied the Divinity of the Lord and, like the Socinians, have acknowledged only His Human are outside heaven. They are brought forward a little towards the right, and let down into the deep and are thus completely separated from the rest of those from the Christian world. Moreover, those who profess belief in an invisible Divine which they call the soul (Ens) of the universe, from which all things came into existence, but who reject a faith regarding the Lord, are found to have no belief in any God, since to them this invisible Divine is like nature in its first principles which faith and love cannot reach because it cannot be thought about. 1Such are relegated among those called naturalistic. Things happen in a different manner with those born outside the Church and called Gentiles, of whom more will be said in subsequent pages.


1. A Divine that cannot be perceived by any idea cannot be received by faith

(Arcana Coelestia 4733, 5110, 5663, 6982, 6996, 7004, 7211, 9356, 9359, 9972, 10067, 10267).


Heaven and Hell #3 (Ager, 1900)

3. Those within the church who have denied the Lord and have acknowledged the Father only, and have confirmed themselves in that belief, are not in heaven; and as they are unable to receive any influx from heaven, where the Lord alone is worshiped, they gradually lose the ability to think what is true about any subject whatever; and finally they become as if dumb, or they talk stupidly, and ramble about with their arms dangling and swinging as if weak in the joints. Again, those who, like the Socinians, have denied the Divinity of the Lord and have acknowledged His Humanity only, are likewise outside of heaven; they are brought forward a little towards the right and are let down into the deep, and are thus wholly separated from the rest that come from the Christian world. Finally, those who profess to believe in an invisible Divine, which they call the soul of the universe [Ens universi], from which all things originated, and who reject all belief in the Lord, find out that they believe in no God; since this invisible Divine is to them a property of nature in her first principles, which cannot be an object of faith and love, because it is not an object of thought. 1Such have their lot among those called Naturalists. It is otherwise with those born outside the church, who are called the heathen; these will be treated of hereafter.


1. A Divine that cannot be perceived by any idea cannot be received by faith (Arcana Coelestia 4733, 5110, 5663, 6982, 6996, 7004, 7211, 9356, 9359, 9972, 10067, 10267).


De Coelo et de Inferno #3 (original Latin)

3. Qui intra ecclesiam negaverunt Dominum, et agnoverunt solum Patrem, et in tali fide se confirmaverunt, illi extra caelum sunt et quia non datur apud illos aliquis influxus e caelo, ubi Dominus solus adoratur, privantur per gradus facultate cogitandi verum de quacunque re, et tandem fiunt vel sicut muti, vel loquuntur stolide, et in eundo errant, ac brachia eorum pendent et vibrantur sicut expertia virium in internodiis. Qui autem negaverunt Divinum Domini, et agnoverunt solum Humanum Ipsius, ut Sociniani, illi similiter extra caelum sunt, ac feruntur antrorsum paulo versus dextrum, ac in profundum demittuntur, et sic prorsus separantur a reliquis e Christiano orbe. Qui autem dicunt se credere in Divinum invisibile, quod nominant Ens universi a quo omnia exstiterant, ac rejiciunt fidem de Domino, illi experti sunt quod in nullum Deum credant, quia Divinum invisibile est illis quale est naturae in suis primis, in quod non cadit fides et amor, quia non cogitatio: 1illi relegantur inter illos, qui vocantur naturalistae. Aliter fit cum illis qui extra ecclesiam nati sunt, qui Gentes vocantur de quibus in sequentibus.


1. Quod Divinum non perceptibile aliqua idea, non receptibile sit fide (4733, 5110, 5633 [5663?] 6982, 6996, 7004, 7211, 9267 [9356, 10267?] 9359, 9972, 10067).

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