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《天堂与地狱》 第228节






228. 二十六, 天堂天使的大能

那些对灵界及其进入自然界的流注一无所知的人, 无法理解天使拥有大能的事实. 这种人以为天使不可能拥有大能, 因为他们是属灵的, 甚至如此纯粹和虚无, 以致眼睛无法看到他们. 但那些深入洞察事情原委的人却不这么认为, 他们意识到, 人所拥有的一切能力都出自他的理解力和意愿, 因为离开这二者, 人就连身体的最细微部分都毫无能力去驱动; 而他的理解力和意愿就是他的属灵人. 这属灵人就是那随意驱动身体及其各个部位的, 因为凡它所思想的, 口舌就说出来; 凡它所意愿的, 身体就行出来; 它随意给出它的力量. 正如主藉由天使和灵人主导人的意愿和理解力, 人体的一切事物同样如此, 因为这些事物出自意愿和理解力; 信不信由你, 若没有天堂的流注, 人寸步难移. 大量经历向我证明了这一事实. 天使曾被允许凭进入我的意愿和思维的流注而随意支配我的步伐, 行为, 舌头和言语; 我由此获知, 凭自己, 我什么也做不了. 后来, 他们告诉我说, 每个人都以这种方式被掌管; 对此, 凭教会的教义和圣言, 人是能够知道的. 事实上, 他会祷告求神差遣祂的天使引导他, 指引他的脚步, 教导他, 启示他当思想什么, 当说什么等等; 尽管当他脱离教义独自思考时, 所说所信的是另一套. 说这一切是为了让人知道天使在人身上拥有什么样的能力.



228. 天人的能力

對心靈世界以及心靈世界對物質世界的流注一無所知的人, 無法理解天人擁有能力的事實。他們認為天人無能力可言, 因為他們只是一股靈氣, 無形無體, 乃至無以眼見。能深入思考問題的人卻不這麼認為, 因為他們注意到, 人的能力無不出於認知和意志。離了這兩者, 人寸步難移。認知和意志就是心靈之人, 這人隨意調動身體, 使唇舌表達他的思想, 肢體執行他的意志。

主藉天人和靈支配世人的意志與認知, 肉體自然也不例外, 因為肉體乃是受意志與認知的支配。信不信由你, 若非從天國來的流注, 人寸步難移, 大量經歷向我證明這個事實。天人曾被允許通過流入我的意志和思維來控制我的身體, 隨意移動我的腳步, 主導我的言談舉止。通過親身經歷, 我得知憑著自己, 我什麼也不能做。天人還告訴我, 每個人都如此受到支配。我們可從聖言和教會的教義得知這一點。事實上, 我們不是禱告, 求上帝差遣天人引導我們, 指引我們的腳步, 教導我們, 在思想和言語上啟示我們嗎(就算我們私底下有著與教義相悖的說法和念頭)?我說這些, 是要大家對天人在世人身上的能力有所瞭解。

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Heaven and Hell #228 (NCE, 2000)

228. The Power of Heaven's Angels

People who do not know anything about the spiritual world and its inflow into the natural world cannot grasp the fact that angels have power. They think that angels cannot have power because they are spiritual and so pure and insubstantial that they cannot even be seen by our eyes. People who probe more deeply into the causes of things, though, feel otherwise about it. They are aware that all the power we ourselves have comes from our intellect and volition, since without these we cannot move the slightest part of our bodies. Intellect and volition are our spiritual person. This person is what animates the body and its members at will, for the mouth and tongue say what it thinks and the body does what it intends. It even bestows energy at will. Our intention and discernment are governed by the Lord through angels and spirits; and since this is true of our intention and discernment, it is true of all aspects of our bodies because these latter come from the former. Believe it or not, we cannot move a step without the inflow of heaven.

I have been shown that this is true by a great deal of experience. Angels have been allowed to activate my walking, my actions, my tongue, and my conversation as they wished, by flowing into my intention and thinking, and I learned at first hand that I could do nothing on my own. They told me later that everyone is governed in this way, and that we might learn this from the doctrine of the church and from the Word. We actually pray that God will send his angels who may lead us, guide our steps, teach us, and inspire us as to what we should think and say, and so on - this even though we talk and believe quite differently in our private thoughts apart from doctrine.

These things have been mentioned to illustrate the kind of power angels have with us.


Heaven and Hell #228 (Harley, 1958)


That angels have power cannot be comprehended by those who know nothing about the spiritual world and its influx into the natural world. Such think that angels can have no power because they are spiritual and are so pure and unsubstantial that no eye can even see them. But those who look more interiorly into the causes of things take a different view. They know that all the power that a man has is from his understanding and will, for apart from these he is powerless to move a particle of his body. The understanding and will are his spiritual man. This moves the body and its members at every command. For whatever the man thinks, the mouth and tongue speak, and whatever he wills the body does; also giving strength when desired to do so. A man's will and understanding are ruled by the Lord through angels and spirits. So also are all things of his body, because these are from the will and understanding; and if you will believe it, without influx from heaven man cannot even move a step. That this is so has been shown me by much experience. Angels have been permitted to activate my steps, my actions, and my tongue and speech, as they would, and this by influx into my will and thought; and I have learned thereby that of myself I could do nothing. They said afterwards that every man is so ruled, and that he can know this from the doctrine of the Church and from the Word. For he prays that God may send His angels to lead him, direct his steps, teach him, and inspire in him what to think and what to say, and other like things. Yet when man thinks within himself apart from doctrine, he says and believes otherwise. These things have been said to make known what power angels have with man.


Heaven and Hell #228 (Ager, 1900)


That the angels possess power cannot be comprehended by those who know nothing about the spiritual world and its influx into the natural world. Such think that angels can have no power because they are spiritual and are even so pure and unsubstantial that no eye can see them. But those who look more interiorly into the causes of things take a different view. Such know that all the power that a man has is from his understanding and will (for apart from these he is powerless to move a particle of his body), and his understanding and will are his spiritual man. This moves the body and its members at its pleasure; for whatever it thinks the mouth and tongue speak, and whatever it wills the body does; and it bestows its strength at pleasure. As man's will and understanding are ruled by the Lord through angels and spirits, so also are all things of his body, because these are from the will and understanding; and if you will believe it, without influx from heaven man cannot even move a step. That this is so has been shown me by much experience. Angels have been permitted to move my steps, my actions, and my tongue and speech, as they pleased, and this by influx into my will and thought; and I have learned thereby that of myself I could do nothing. I was afterwards told by them that every man is so ruled, and that he can know this from the doctrine of the church and from the Word, for he prays that God may send His angels to lead him, direct his steps, teach him, and inspire in him what to think and what to say, and other like things; although he says and believes otherwise when he is thinking by himself apart from doctrine. All this has been said to make known what power angels have with man.


De Coelo et de Inferno #228 (original Latin)


Quod angelis sit potentia, non capere possun illi, qui nihil de spirituali mundo, et de ejus influxu in naturalem sciunt cogitant illi, quod angelis non possit esse potentia, quia spirituales sunt, et tam puri et tenues, ut ne quidem videri possint oculis: sed qui interius in causas rerum inspiciunt, aliter sentiunt norunt illi, quod omnis potentia, quae est homini, sit ex ejus intellectu et voluntate, nam absque illis non particulam corporis movere potest. Intellectus et voluntas est ejus spiritualis homo; is agit corpus et hujus membra ad omnem nutum; nam quod is cogitat, id loquitur os et lingua, et quod is vult hoc agit corpus etiam dat vires ad lubitum. Hominis voluntas et intellectus reguntur a Domino per angelos et spiritus; et quia voluntas et intellectus, etiam omnia corporis, quoniam haec inde sunt: et si credere velitis, homo ne quidem passum movere potest absque influxu caeli. Quod ita sit, per multam experientiam mihi ostensum est: datum est angelis movere meos gressus, meas actiones, meam linguam et loquelam, sicut vellent, et hoc per influxum in meam voluntatem et cogitationem; et expertus quod nihil ex me possem. Dixerunt postea, quod unusquisque homo ita regatur, et quod hoc scire possit ex doctrina ecclesiae et ex Verbo; orat enim ut Deus mittat suos angelos, qui ducant illum, regant gressus ejus, doceant illum et inspirent quid cogitet et quid loquatur, et plura; tametsi, dum extra doctrinam secum cogitat, aliter dicit et credit. Haec dicta sunt, ut sciatur qualis potentia est angelis apud hominem.

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