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《天堂与地狱》 第22节







22. 构成属天国度的天使因更内在地接受主的神性, 故被称为内层和高层天使; 因此, 他们所构成的天堂被称为内层和高层天堂. 它们之所以被称为高层和低层, 是因为这些术语用来称呼内层事物和外层事物.

注: 构成属天国度的天堂被称为高层, 而构成属灵国度的天堂被称为低层(天国的奥秘 10068节). 内层事物用高层事物来表现, 高层事物表示内层事物(天国的奥秘 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325节).



22. 仁智天人在更深的層次接收主的神性, 因此是更內層或更高層的天人, 其天國也因此被稱為更內層或更高層的天國。我們用"更高"或"更低"來描述更內在或更外在的事物。

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Heaven and Hell #22 (NCE, 2000)

22. Because the angels who make up the heavenly kingdom accept the Lord's divine nature on a deeper level, they are called more inward or higher angels. The heavens they constitute are therefore called more inward or higher heavens. 1We use the words "higher" and "lower" as a way of referring to more inward things and more outward things. 2


1. The heavens that constitute the heavenly kingdom are called "higher," while those that constitute the spiritual kingdom are called "lower": 10068.

2. Deeper matters are expressed as higher, and higher matters as deeper: 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325.


Heaven and Hell #22 (Harley, 1958)

22. The angels who constitute the celestial kingdom, because they receive the Divine of the Lord more interiorly, are called interior and also higher angels. Consequently, the heavens which they constitute are also called interior and higher heavens. 1The reason they are termed higher and lower is because interior and exterior things are so called. 2


1. The heavens that constitute the celestial kingdom are termed higher while those that constitute the spiritual kingdom are called lower (Arcana Coelestia 10068).

2. Interior things are portrayed by higher things, and higher things signify interior things (Arcana Coelestia 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325).


Heaven and Hell #22 (Ager, 1900)

22. As the angels that constitute the celestial kingdom receive the Divine of the Lord more interiorly they are called interior and also higher angels; and for the same reason the heavens that they constitute are called interior and higher heavens. 1They are called higher and lower, because these terms designate what is interior and what is exterior. 2


1. The heavens that constitute the celestial kingdom are called higher while those that constitute the spiritual kingdom are called lower (Arcana Coelestia 10068).

2. Interior things are portrayed by higher things, and higher things signify interior things (2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325).


De Coelo et de Inferno #22 (original Latin)

22. Angeli qui regnum caeleste constituunt, quia interius magis recipiunt Divinum Domini, vocantur angeli interiores et quoque superiores ac inde etiam caeli, quos constituunt, vocantur caeli interiores ac superiores. 1Quod superiores et inferiores dicantur, est quia interiora et exteriora ita vocantur. 2


1. Quod caeli, qui constituunt regnum caeleste, dicantur superiores; qui autem regnum spirituale, inferiores (10068).

2. Quod interiora exprimantur per superiora, et quod superiora significent interiora (2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325).

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