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《天堂与地狱》 第318节









318. 三十六, 天堂里的非基督徒或教会之外的人

普遍认为, 出生在教会之外的所谓“外邦人”或“非基督徒”不能得救, 因为他们没有圣言, 对主一无所知, 而没有主便没有救恩. 然而, 单单从以下事实就能知道这些人也能得救, 即: 主的怜悯是普世的, 也就是说, 延伸到所有个体那里. 非基督徒和相对稀少的教会中人一样生而为人; 不知道主并非他们的过错. 凡出于启蒙理性思考的人都能看出, 没有人为地狱而生, 主就是爱本身, 祂的爱愿意拯救所有人. 因此, 祂为每个人预备了某种信仰, 以及藉由该信仰而对神性和内在生活的承认. 也就是说, 照各人的宗教信仰生活就是一种内在生活, 因为那时人关注神性; 人在何等程度上关注神性, 就在何等程度上不关注世界, 而是远离世界, 也就是远离尘世生活, 即外在生活.

注: 非基督徒和基督徒一样能得救(天国的奥秘 932, 1032, 1059, 2284, 2589, 2590, 3778, 4190, 4197节). 教会之外的各民族和人民在来世的命运(天国的奥秘 2589-2604节). 教会尤其在圣言所在的地方, 主通过圣言为人所知(天国的奥秘 3857, 10761节). 这并不意味着人生在圣言所在并知道主的地方就属于教会, 只有那些过着仁与信的生活之人才属于教会(天国的奥秘 6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829节). 主的教会建在全世界所有照其宗教信仰处于良善并承认一个神性存在的人中间; 这种人蒙主悦纳, 并进入天堂(天国的奥秘 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256节).



318. 天國中的非基督徒

一般認為, 教會以外出身的所謂"外邦人"(或"非基督徒")不能得救, 因為他們沒有聖言, 不認識主, 而離開主便沒有救恩。然而, 單從主的憐憫惠及萬民的事實, 可知非基督徒也可能得救。他們同樣生而為人, 且相對而言, 教會的信徒只是少數。外邦人(或非基督徒)不知道主, 錯不在他們。任何理智的人不難看出, 沒有人是為地獄而生。主就是仁, 祂的仁使祂樂意拯救萬民。為此, 祂預備每個人皆有某種信仰, 通過各自的信仰來承認至高者的存在, 並過內在的生活。照各人的信仰原則生活, 就是過內在的生活;因為在此條件下, 我們的心專注於所信之至高者。既專注于至高者, 就不再關注於塵世, 也就離棄塵世的生活, 這是外在的生活。

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Heaven and Hell #318 (NCE, 2000)

318. Non-Christians, or People outside the Church, in Heaven

The general opinion is that people who have been born outside the church, the people called "the nations" or "non-Christians," cannot be saved because they do not have the Word and therefore do not know the Lord; and without the Lord there is no salvation. They could know, however, that these people too are saved simply from the fact that the Lord's mercy is universal, that is, it is extended to all individuals. Non-Christians are born just as human as people within the church, who are in fact few by comparison. It is not their fault that they do not know the Lord. So anyone who thinks from any enlightened reason at all can see that no one is born for hell. The Lord is actually love itself, and his love is an intent to save everyone. So he provides that everyone shall have some religion, an acknowledgment of the Divine Being through that religion, and an inner life. That is, living according to one's religious principles is an inner life, for then we focus on the Divine; and to the extent that we do focus on the Divine, we do not focus on the world but move away from the world and therefore from a worldly life, which is an outward life. 1


1. Non-Christians are saved just as Christians Arcana Coelestia 932, 1032, 1059, 2284, 2589-2590, 3778, 4190, 4197. On the lot of non-Christians and people outside the church in the other life: 2589-2604. The church specifically defined is where the Word is and where the Lord is known through it: 3857, 10761. This does not mean, though, that people belong to the church by being born where the Word is and where the Lord is known, but rather by living a life of thoughtfulness and faith: 6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829. The Lord's church is found among all the people in the whole world who live intent on what is good as their own religion defines it and who acknowledge a divine being; they are accepted by the Lord and enter heaven: 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256.


Heaven and Hell #318 (Harley, 1958)


There is a general opinion that those born outside the Church, who are called heathen, or gentiles, cannot be saved, because not having the Word they know nothing about the Lord, and apart from the Lord there is no salvation. But that these also are saved, can be known from this alone, that the mercy of the Lord is universal, that is, towards every individual; that these are born men equally with those within the Church, who are few in comparison, and that it is not their fault that they do not know the Lord. Anyone who thinks from any enlightened reason can see that no man is born for hell, for the Lord is Love Itself and His Love is to will the salvation of all. Therefore, He has provided a religion for everyone, and by it an acknowledgment of the Divine and an interior life; for to live in accordance with one's religious belief is to live interiorly, since one then looks to the Divine, and so far as he looks to the Divine he does not look to the world but separates himself from the world, that is, from the life of the world, which is exterior life. 1


1. The heathen equally with the Christians are saved (Arcana Coelestia 932, 1032, 1059, 2284, 2589-2590, 3778, 4190, 4197).

The lot of the heathen and peoples outside the Church in the other life (Arcana Coelestia 2589-2604).

The Church is specifically where the Word is, and by it the Lord is known (Arcana Coelestia 3857, 10761).

Nevertheless, those born where the Word is and where the Lord is known are not on that account of the Church, but only those who live a life of charity and of faith (Arcana Coelestia 6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829).

The Lord's Church is with all in the whole world who live in good in accordance with their religious belief and acknowledge a Divine, and such are accepted by the Lord and come into heaven (Arcana Coelestia 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256).


Heaven and Hell #318 (Ager, 1900)


There is a general opinion that those born outside of the church, who are called the nations, or heathen, cannot be saved, because not having the Word they know nothing about the Lord, and apart from the Lord there is no salvation. But that these also are saved this alone makes certain, that the mercy of the Lord is universal, that is, extends to every individual; that these equally with those within the church, who are few in comparison, are born men, and that their ignorance of the Lord is not their fault. Any one who thinks from any enlightened reason can see that no man is born for hell, for the Lord is love itself and His love is to will the salvation of all. Therefore He has provided a religion for everyone, and by it acknowledgment of the Divine and interior life; for to live in accordance with one's religion is to live interiorly, since one then looks to the Divine, and so far as he looks to the Divine he does not look to the world but separates himself from the world, that is, from the life of the world, which is exterior life. 1


1. The heathen equally with the Christians are saved (932, 1032, 1059, 2284, 2589-2590, 3778, 4190, 4197).

The lot of the nations and peoples outside of the church in the other life (2589-2604).

The church is specifically where the Word is, and by it the Lord is known (3857, 10761).

Nevertheless, those born where the Word is and where the Lord is known are not on that account of the church, but only those who live a life of charity and of faith (6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829).

The Lord's church is with all in the whole world who live in good in accordance with their religion and acknowledge a Divine, and such are accepted of the Lord and come into heaven (2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256).


De Coelo et de Inferno #318 (original Latin)


Communis opinio est, quod illi qui extra ecclesiam nati sunt, qui Gentes seu Gentiles vocantur, non possint salvari, ex causa quia non habent Verbum, ac ita ignorant Dominum, et absque Domino nulla salus: sed usque ex illo solo sciri potest, quod illi quoque salventur, quia Domini misericordia est universalis, hoc est, erga singulos quod illi aeque nascantur homines sicut qui intra ecclesiam, qui pauci sunt respective; quodque eorum culpa non sit quod ignorent Dominum. Quisque, qui ex aliqua ratione illustrata cogitat, videre potest, quod nullus homo ad infernum natus sit est enim Dominus ipse Amor, et Amor Ipsius est velle salvare omnes: quare etiam providit, ut omnibus religio sit, ac per illam agnitio Divini, ac vita interior nam vivere secundum religiosum est interius vivere spectat enim tunc Divinum, et quantum hoc spectat tantum non spectat mundum, sed removet se a mundo, ita a vita mundi, quae est vita exterior. 1


1. Quod gentes aeque salventur ac Christiani (932, 1032, 1059, 2284, 2589, 2590, 3778, 4190, 4197).

De sorte gentium et populorum extra ecclesiam in altera vita (2589-2604).

Quod ecclesia in specie sit ubi Verbum et per id Dominus notus (3857, 10761).

At usque quod non ideo ab ecclesia sint, qui nati ubi Verbum est et Dominus notus, sed qui vivunt vitam charitatis et fidei (6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829).

Quod ecclesia Domini sit apud omnes in universo orbe qui in bono vivunt secundum religiosum suum, et agnoscunt Divinum, et quod acceptentur a Domino, et in caelum veniant (2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256).

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