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《天堂与地狱》 第308节




{注2}:【英200】译为“非基督徒”的拉丁原文是名词gentes的一种形式。似乎没有任何英语单词能很好地代表史威登堡的意图。在《属天的奥秘》(367)中,与犹太人相比,该词清楚地表示“外邦人”(非犹太人);在本书的第516节,它指的是某些未指明的非基督徒,与穆斯林形成对比。史威登堡似乎没有任何段落专门将犹太人包括在gentes中,因此,可以肯定地得出结论,他用这个词通常指的是既非基督徒也非犹太人的人。采用“非基督徒”的翻译主要是为了避免“异教徒”(heathem,pagan)这个词的贬义含义,从整个段落中可以清楚地看出,史威登堡没有任何贬义的意图。“非基督徒”一词似乎不准确,因为不能表达不包括犹太人的原意。事实上,史威登堡至少在一段话中表示他认为犹太人是基督徒的一个类别。这在他1763年著作《圣经》(Sacred Scripture)第54节,在那里他谈到了“在基督教世界中”对圣经的理解,并继续具体地指出了改革宗、天主教徒和犹太人。在古兰经中可以找到相关的相似之处,其中提到了“ahlulkitābi”,即“经书之人”,意思是“拥有妥拉、福音或古兰经的人”。这种描述与本节中gentes的定义非常吻合,即“教会之外的人,在那里找不到圣经”。




308. 天堂通过圣言与那些在教会之外, 没有圣言的地方之人也有一个联结; 因为主的教会无处不在, 就存在于凡承认神性并过着仁爱生活的人当中. 此外, 像这样的人死后就会被天使教导, 并接受神性真理. 有关该主题的详细内容, 可见于下文论述非基督徒的章节.


眼中, 地上的普世教会类似一个人, 和天堂一样(参看59-72节). 然而, 圣言所在, 并通过圣言认识主的教会就像这个人的心与肺. 众所周知, 全身的一切脏腑和肢体都通过各个经络从心肺那里获得自己的生命. 所以, 在圣言所在的教会之外的人类也以同样的方式获得自己的生命, 并构成这个人的肢体. 再者, 天堂通过圣言与远处的人联结, 好比光从中心向四周放射. 神性之光在圣言中, 主与天堂同在那里, 远处的人则凭这同在而获得光明. 不过, 如果没有圣言, 情况就不同了. 这一点从前面关于“决定天堂的联系和交流的天堂形式”的阐述看得更清楚. 但只有那些处于属灵之光的人才能理解这个奥秘, 而那些仅处于属世之光的人并不明白. 因为那些处于属灵之光的人能清楚看见那些仅处于属世之光的人看不见, 或仅看作一个模糊实体的无数事物.

注: 教会尤指圣言所在, 并通过圣言认识主的地方, 因而是出自天堂的神性真理被启示的地方(天国的奥秘 3857, 10761节). 主的教会存在于全世界所有照其宗教信仰活在良善的人当中(天国的奥秘 3263, 6637, 10765节). 凡照其宗教信仰活在良善中, 并承认某种神性之物的人都被接纳, 无论他们在哪里(天国的奥秘 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256节); 除了这些人外, 所有婴孩也被主接纳, 无论他们在哪里出生(天国的奥秘 2289-2309, 4792节).



308. 對於教外無聖言者, 天國亦藉聖言與之相通, 因為主的教會無處不在, 凡承認上帝, 過仁義生活的人, 即有教會同在。此等人離世之後會得天人指教, 從而接受神性的真理。關於這一點, 等到談論天國的非基督徒時會有進一步的介紹。

在主的眼中, 地上的普世教會仿佛一個人, 正如天國一樣(參59-72節)。有聖言, 承認主的教會好比此人的心與肺。眾所周知, 身體的五臟六腑, 四肢百骸通過各經絡從心與肺獲得生氣。教會以外無聖言者, 也以同樣的方式獲得生命, 構成此人的肢體。天國藉聖言與遠處的人相通, 好比光從中心向四周輻射。神性之光在聖言中, 有主及其天國臨在, 遠處的人也從主及其天國在聖言中的臨在而獲得光明。如若沒有聖言, 情況就不同了。關於這一點, 參考"天國的形態"一章, 可獲得更深的領悟。

但這奧秘只有處於靈性之光的人才能領會, 處於物質之光的人則不能。後者所不見或只是依稀所見的許多事, 前者卻能看得分明。

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Heaven and Hell #308 (NCE, 2000)

308. There is also a union of heaven through the Word with people who are outside the church, where the Word is not found; for the Lord's church is everywhere and exists with everyone who acknowledges something divine and lives considerately. People like this are taught by angels after their decease and accept divine truths. 1There will be more on this below in its proper chapter, where we discuss non-Christians.

In the Lord's sight, the universal church on earth is like a single individual just as heaven is (as noted above in 59-72). However, the church where the Word is and the Lord is known through it is like the heart and lungs of that person. It is common knowledge that the viscera and members of the whole body get their life from the heart and lungs by various routes. So too the human race that is outside the church where the Word is gets its life in the same way and constitutes the members of that person. Heaven's union through the Word with people who are at a distance can be compared to light that spreads in all directions from a center. The divine light is in the Word, and the Lord is present there with his heaven. People who are far off also receive light from that presence. It would be different if there were no Word, which can be more fully understood by reference to what has been presented above about the form of heaven that determines its gatherings and communications.

Still, this arcanum is understandable to people who are in spiritual light but not to people who are only in natural light. People who are in spiritual light, that is, see quite clearly countless things that people who are in natural light alone either do not see at all or see only as a single vague entity.


1. The church in specific is where the Word is and where the Lord is known because of it, so it is where divine truths from it have been revealed from heaven: Arcana Coelestia 3857, 10761. The Lord's church exists throughout the whole world with all people who live in good according to their religions: 3263, 6637, 10765. All people who live in good according to their religions and acknowledge something divine are accepted by the Lord, wherever they 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256; and especially all infants, wherever they may have been born: 2289-2309, 4792.


Heaven and Hell #308 (Harley, 1958)

308. There is also a conjunction of heaven by means of the Word with those who are outside the Church where there is no Word; for the Lord's Church is universal, and is with all who acknowledge the Divine and live in charity. Moreover, such are taught after death by angels and receive Divine truths; 1on which subject more may be seen below, in a specific section on the heathen. The universal Church on the earth in the sight of the Lord resembles one man, just as heaven does (see above, 59-72); but the Church where the Word is and where the Lord is known by means of it is like the heart and lungs in that man. It is known that all the viscera and members of the entire body draw their life from the heart and lungs through various derivations; and it is thus that those of the human race live who are outside the Church where the Word is, and who constitute the members of that man. Again, the conjunction of heaven by means of the Word with those who are at a distance may be compared to light radiating from a centre all around. The Divine light is in the Word, and there the Lord with heaven is present, and from that presence those at a distance are in light; but it would be otherwise if there were no Word. This may be more clearly seen from what has been shown above respecting the form of heaven in accordance with which all who are in heaven have association and communication. But while this arcanum may be comprehended by those who are in spiritual light, it cannot be comprehended by those who are only in natural light; for those who are in spiritual light clearly see innumerable things, while those who are only in natural light do not see, or see as one obscure thing.


1. The Church specifically is where the Word is and where the Lord is known by means of it, thus where Divine truths from heaven are revealed (Arcana Coelestia 3857, 10761).

The Lord's Church is with all in the whole globe who live in good in accordance with religious belief (Arcana Coelestia 3263, 6637, 10765).

All wherever they are who live in good in accordance with the principles of their religion and who acknowledge the Divine are accepted by the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256).

And besides these all children wheresoever they are born (Arcana Coelestia 2289-2309, 4792).


Heaven and Hell #308 (Ager, 1900)

308. There is also a conjunction of heaven by means of the Word with those who are outside of the church where there is no Word; for the Lord's church is universal, and is with all who acknowledge the Divine and live in charity. Moreover, such are taught after death by the angels and receive Divine truths; 1on which subject more may be seen below, in the chapter on the heathen. The universal church on the earth in the sight of the Lord resembles a single man, just as heaven does (see 59-72); but the church where the Word is and where the Lord is known by means of it is like the heart and lungs in that man. It is known that all the viscera and members of the entire body draw their life from the heart and lungs through various derivations; and it is thus that those of the human race live who are outside of the church where the Word is, and who constitute the members of that man. Again, the conjunction of heaven with those who are at a distance by means of the Word may be compared to light radiating from a center all around. The Divine light is in the Word, and there the Lord with heaven is present, and from that presence those at a distance are in light; but it would be otherwise if there were no Word. This may be more clearly seen from what has been shown above respecting the form of heaven in accordance with which all who are in heaven have affiliation and communication. But while this arcanum may be comprehended by those who are in spiritual light, it cannot be comprehended by those who are only in natural light; for innumerable things are clearly seen by those who are in spiritual light that are not seen or are seen obscurely as a single thing by those who are only in natural light.


1. The church specifically is where the Word is and where the Lord is known by means of it, thus where Divine truths from heaven are revealed (Arcana Coelestia 3857, 10761).

The Lord's church is with all in the whole globe who live in good in accordance with the principles of their religion (3263, 6637, 10765).

All wherever they are who live in good in accordance with the principles of their religion and who acknowledge the Divine are accepted of the Lord (2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256).

And besides these all children wheresoever they are born (2289-2309, 4792).


De Coelo et de Inferno #308 (original Latin)

308. Est quoque conjunctio caeli per Verbum cum illis qui extra ecclesiam sunt, ubi non Verbum; nam ecclesia Domini est universalis, et apud omnes qui Divinum agnoscunt et in charitate vivunt; instruuntur etiam post obitum ab angelis, et recipiunt Divina vera; 1de qua re infra in suo articulo, ubi de gentibus, videatur. Ecclesia universalis in terris est in conspectu Domini sicut unus Homo, prorsus sicut caelum (de quo supra, 59-72); at ecclesia ubi Verbum et per id Dominus notus, est sicut cor et sicut pulmo in illo homine; quod omnia viscera et membra totius corporis ex corde et pulmone per varias derivationes vitam trahant, notum est; ita quoque illud humanum genus, quod extra ecclesiam ubi Verbum est, vivit, et constituit illius hominis membra. Conjunctio caeli per Verbum cum illis qui distant, etiam comparari potest luci, quae e medio propagatur circumcirca; Divina lux est in Verbo, ac ibi Dominus cum caelo praesens, ex qua praesentia etiam distantes in luce sunt; aliter foret si non Verbum. Haec amplius elucidari possunt per illa quae supra de forma caeli secundum quam consociationes et communicationes ibi, ostensa sunt. Sed hoc arcanum comprehensibile est illis qui in spirituali luce sunt, non autem illis qui solum in naturali; nam illi qui in luce spirituali sunt, innumerabilia clare vident, quae illi qui solum in luce naturali sunt non vident, aut sicut unum obscurum vident.


1. Quod ecclesia in specie sit ubi Verbum est, et per id Dominus notus, ita ubi Divina vera e caelo sunt revelata (3857, 10761).

Quod ecclesia Domini sit apud omnes qui in universo terrarum orbe in bono vivunt secundum religiosum suum (3263, 6637, 10765).

Quod omnes ubicunque sunt, qui in bono vivunt secundum religiosum suum, et agnoscunt Divinum, acceptentur a Domino (2589-2604, 2861, 2863, 3263, 4190, 4197, 6700, 9256).

Et praeterea omnes infantes, ubicunque nati (2289-2309, 4792).

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