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《天堂与地狱》 第309节



{注1}:【英202】参考史威登堡1758年的著作《宇宙星球》(Other Planets)。




309. 如果地球上没有这种圣言, 地球上的人早就脱离天堂了; 一旦脱离天堂, 人就不再拥有任何理性能力. 事实上, 人的理性能力由天堂之光的流注产生. 再者, 地球人具有这样的性质, 他不能接受直接的启示, 也不能通过这种启示被教导神性真理, 和其它星球的人不一样, 另一本小册子专门描述了其它星球之人的能力. 地球人比其它星球的人更沉浸于世俗事物, 也就是外在事物; 而接受启示的, 却是内层. 如果外层去接受, 真理不会被人理解. 地球人的这种性质从教会成员的状态看得清清楚楚. 即便他们从圣言知道天堂, 地狱和死后生命, 仍从心里否认这些事. 他们当中有些人甚至因学问而闻名, 由此被人认为比其他人更有智慧.



309. 若無此類聖言傳於地球, 其上的人必早已脫離天國了。一旦與天國脫離, 人就不能獲得理性。事實上, 人的理性正是從天國的光明而生。

地球上的人類, 就其秉性而言, 不能接受直接的啟示而獲得神性的真理, 這一點與其它星球的人不同(已有專書討論)。和他們相比, 我們更沉迷於世俗和膚淺的東西;而接受啟示的, 卻是人的心靈。我們若停於表面, 終究不能領悟真理。

地球上的人其性如此, 這從教會的信徒顯而易見。雖然他們從聖言瞭解了天國, 地獄和死後生命, 卻依然從心裡加以否認, 甚至以博學聞名, 被人認為有智慧者, 也不例外。

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Heaven and Hell #309 (NCE, 2000)

309. If there had not been this kind of Word on our earth, the humanity of our earth would have separated itself from heaven, and once separated from heaven would no longer have had any rational ability. Our human rational ability in fact arises from an inflow of light from heaven.

We on this earth are by nature incapable of accepting any direct revelation and being taught about divine truths by that means, unlike the inhabitants of other planets ([whose abilities] have been dealt with in their own separate booklet). We more than they are engrossed in worldly concerns and therefore in superficial matters, while it is the deeper levels that are open to revelation. If the outer levels were receptive, we still would not understand the truth.

This nature of people on our earth is clearly visible in members of the church. Even though they know from the Word about heaven, hell, and life after death, they still deny these things at heart. This includes people who have made a name for themselves for outstanding learning, who you would think would therefore be wiser than others.


Heaven and Hell #309 (Harley, 1958)

309. Unless such a Word had been given on this earth, the man of this earth would have been separated from heaven, and if separated from heaven he would have ceased to be rational, for the human rational comes into existence from an influx of the light of heaven. Again, the man of this earth is such that he is not capable of receiving immediate revelation and of being taught about Divine truths by such revelation, as the inhabitants of other earths are, who have been described in a special little work. 1For the man of this earth is more in worldly things, that is, in externals, than the men of other earths, and it is internal things that are receptive of revelation; if it were received in external things the truth would not be understood. That such is the man of this earth is clearly evident from the state of those who are within the Church, which is such that, while they know from the Word about heaven, about hell, about the life after death, still in heart they deny these things, although among them there are some who have eagerly sought a pre-eminent reputation for learning, and who might for that reason be supposed to be wiser than others.




Heaven and Hell #309 (Ager, 1900)

309. Unless such a Word had been given on this earth the man of this earth would have been separated from heaven; and if separated from heaven he would have ceased to be rational, for the human rational exists by an influx of the light of heaven. Again, the man of this earth is such that he is not capable of receiving direct revelation and of being taught about Divine truths by such revelation, as the inhabitants of other earths are, that have been especially described in another small work. For the man of this earth is more in worldly things, that is, in externals, than the men of other earths, and it is internal things that are receptive of revelation; if it were received in external things the truth would not be understood. That such is the man of this earth is clearly evident from the state of those who are within the church, which is such that while they know from the Word about heaven, about hell, about the life after death, still in heart they deny these things; although among them there are some who have acquired a pre-eminent reputation for learning, and who might for that reason be supposed to be wiser than others.


De Coelo et de Inferno #309 (original Latin)

309. Nisi tale Verbum in hac tellure datum fuisset, homo hujus telluris separatus fuisset a caelo, et si separatus a caelo non amplius rationalis esset; rationale enim humanum existit ex influxu lucis caeli. Homo etiam hujus telluris talis est, ut non recipere possit revelationem immediatam, et per illam instrui de veris Divinis, sicut incolae aliarum tellurum, de quibus in peculiari opusculo actum est; est enim plus quam illi in mundanis, ita in externis, ac interna sunt quae revelationem recipiunt; si externa reciperent non intelligeretur verum. Quod homo hujus telluris talis sit, manifeste patet ex illis intra ecclesiam, qui tametsi sciunt ex Verbo de caelo, de inferno, de vita post mortem, usque illa corde negant; inter quos etiam sunt, qui eruditionis famam prae reliquis aucupaverunt, de quibus inde credendum esset, quod plus saperent quam alii.

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