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《天堂与地狱》 第591节








591. 邪恶不断从地狱发出并上升, 良善不断从天堂发出并降下, 因为每个人都被一种属灵气场包围; 该气场从情感和由此而来的思维涌流并倾泄出来. 此外, 这种气场因从每个人流出, 故也从每个天堂社群和每个地狱社群, 因而同时从所有人, 也就是整个天堂和整个地狱流出. 良善之所以从天堂流出, 是因为那里的所有人都处于良善; 邪恶之所以从地狱流出, 是因为那里的所有人都陷入邪恶. 来自天堂的一切良善皆来自主; 因为天堂里的天使都被保持在他们的自我形像之外, 并被保持在主的形像中, 而主的形像是良善本身. 相反, 地狱里的灵人都陷入自己的自我形像, 而每个人自己的自我形像无非是邪恶; 既然无非是邪恶, 那么也是地狱.

由此可见, 天堂天使和地狱灵所处的平衡不同于在灵人界所获得的平衡. 天堂天使的平衡取决于他们想要处于良善, 或在世时活在良善中的程度, 因而取决于他们憎恶邪恶的程度; 而地狱灵的平衡则取决于他们想要沉迷于邪恶, 或在世时活在邪恶中的程度, 因而取决于他们在内心和灵里反对良善的程度.

注: 属灵的气场, 也就是生命的气场从每个世人, 灵人和天使涌流, 倾泄出来, 并包围着他(天国的奥秘 4464, 5179, 7454, 8630节). 它从他们的情感和思维的生命流出(天国的奥秘 2489, 4464, 6206节). 灵人的品质凭他们的气场从远处就能看出来(天国的奥秘 1048, 1053, 1316, 1504节). 恶人的气场是善人气场的对立面(天国的奥秘 1695, 10187, 10312节). 这些气场照良善的质和量而广泛延伸到天使社群(天国的奥秘 6598-6613, 8063, 8794, 8797节); 照邪恶的质和量延伸到地狱社群(天国的奥秘 8794节). 人的自我无非是邪恶(天国的奥秘 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10732节). 人的自我就是他里面的地狱(天国的奥秘 684, 8480节).



591. 為何邪惡不斷從地獄上騰, 而良善不斷從天國降臨?因為每個人的周圍都包裹著某種心靈之氣場, 該氣場從各人的情感和思想中流出。既從每個人流出, 自然也從天國的每個社群和地獄的每個社群流出。總體而言, 也就從整個天國和整個地獄流出。善從天國流出, 因為凡屬天國者皆為善;惡從地獄流出, 因為凡屬地獄者皆為惡。天國之善全出於主, 因為天國的天人都被保守於"自我"之外, 專注於主之"大我"之中("大我"即善之本)。反之, 地獄之靈全都落入"自我"之中。每個人的"自我"並非其它, 全然是惡, 既全然是惡, 當然也就是地獄。

由此可以推斷, 天國的天人所處的平衡和地獄之靈所處的平衡, 與靈界的平衡, 皆有不同。天人所處的平衡取決於在世之時他們是何等熱愛善良, 遠離邪惡;地獄之靈所處的平衡取決於在世之時他們是何等迷戀邪惡, 抵制善良。

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Heaven and Hell #591 (NCE, 2000)

591. The reason evil is constantly emanating up from hell and good emanating down from heaven is that everyone is surrounded by a spiritual aura, an aura that flows out in waves from the life of our affections and their thoughts. 1Further, since this kind of aura flows out from every individual, it also flows out from every heavenly community and every hellish community, therefore from everyone at once, or from all heaven and all hell. The reason good flows out from heaven is that everyone there is involved in what is good, and the reason evil flows out from hell is that everyone there is involved in what is evil. All the good that comes from heaven is from the Lord, since the angels who are in the heavens are all kept out of their self-image and kept in the Lord's image, which is goodness itself. On the other hand, all the spirits who are in the hells are in their own self-image and everyone's own self-image is nothing but evil; and since it is nothing but evil, it is hell. 2

We may gather from this that the equilibrium angels in the heavens and spirits in the hells are kept in is not like the balance that obtains in the world of spirits. The equilibrium of angels in the heavens depends on how much they had wanted to be involved in good or had lived in goodness in the world - how opposed they were to evil; while the equilibrium of spirits in hell depends on how much they had wanted to be involved in evil or had lived in evil in the world - that is, how resistant they had been to the good, in heart and in spirit.


1. A spiritual aura flows out in waves from every human being, spirit, and angel, and surrounds them: 4464, 5179, 7454, 8630. It flows out from the life of our affections and their thoughts: 2489, 4464, 6206-6207. The quality of spirits can be discerned from a distance by their auras: 1048, 1053, 1316, 1504. The auras of evil people clash with those of good people: 1695, 10187, 10312. These auras have a wide outreach in angelic communities, depending on the kind and amount of their good: 6598-6613, 8063, 8794, 8797; and in hellish communities depending on the kind and amount of their evil: 8794, 8797.

2. Our own self-image is nothing but evil: Arcana Coelestia 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2318 [2308?], 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283-10284, 10286, 10731 [10732?]. Our self-image is hell for us: 694, 8480.


Heaven and Hell #591 (Harley, 1958)

591. Evil continually breathes forth and ascends out of hell, and good continually breathes forth and descends out of heaven, because everyone is encompassed by a spiritual sphere; and that sphere flows forth and pours out from the life of the affections and the thoughts therefrom. 1And as such a sphere flows forth from every individual, it flows forth also from every heavenly society and from every infernal society, consequently from all together, that is, from the entire heaven and from the entire hell. Good flows forth from heaven because all there are in good; and evil flows forth from hell because all there are in evil. The good that is from heaven is all from the Lord; for the angels in the heavens are all withheld from their proprium, and are kept in the Lord's proprium, which is Good Itself. But the spirits in the hells are all in their proprium, and everyone's proprium is nothing but evil; and because it is nothing but evil it is hell. 2From these things it can be confirmed that the equilibrium in which angels in the heavens and spirits in the hells are kept is not like the equilibrium in the world of spirits. The equilibrium of angels in the heavens exists in the degree in which they have wished to be in good, or in the degree in which they have lived in good in the world, and thus also in the degree in which they have held evil in aversion; but the equilibrium of spirits in hell exists in the degree in which they have wished to be in evil, or have lived in evil in the world, and thus in heart and spirit have been opposed to good.


1. A spiritual sphere, which is a sphere of life, flows forth and pours forth from every man, spirit, and angel, and encompasses him (Arcana Coelestia 4464, 5179, 7454, 630).

It flows forth from the life of their affections and thoughts (Arcana Coelestia 2489, 4464, 6206).

The quality of spirits is recognized at a distance from their spheres (Arcana Coelestia 1048, 1053, 1316, 1504).

Spheres from the evil are the opposites of spheres from the good (Arcana Coelestia 1965, 10187, 10312).

Such spheres extend far into angelic societies in accordance with the quality and quantity of good (Arcana Coelestia 6598-6613, 8063, 8794, 8797).

And into infernal societies in accordance with the quality and quantity of evil (Arcana Coelestia 8794).

2. Man's proprium is nothing but evil (Arcana Coelestia 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307-2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283-10284, 10286, 10732).

Man's proprium is hell in him (Arcana Coelestia 694, 8480).


Heaven and Hell #591 (Ager, 1900)

591. Evil continually breathes forth and ascends out of hell, and good continually breathes forth and descends out of heaven, because everyone is encompassed by a spiritual sphere; and that sphere flows forth and pours out from the life of the affections and the thoughts therefrom. 1And as such a sphere flows forth from every individual, it flows forth also from every heavenly society and from every infernal society, consequently from all together, that is, from the entire heaven and from the entire hell. Good flows forth from heaven because all there are in good; and evil flows forth from hell because all there are in evil. The good that is from heaven is all from the Lord; for the angels in the heavens are all withheld from what is their own, and are kept in what is the Lord's own, which is good itself. But the spirits in the hells are all in what is their own, and everyone's own is nothing but evil; and because it is nothing but evil it is hell. 2Evidently, then, the equilibrium in which angels are kept in the heavens and spirits in the hells is not like the equilibrium in the world of spirits. The equilibrium of angels in the heavens exists in the degree in which they have been willing to be in good, or in the degree in which they have lived in good in the world, and thus also in the degree in which they have held evil in aversion; but the equilibrium of spirits in hell exists in the degree in which they have been willing to be in evil, or have lived in evil in the world, and thus in heart and spirit have been opposed to good.


1. A spiritual sphere, which is a sphere of life, flows forth and pours forth from every man, spirit, and angel, and encompasses him (Arcana Coelestia 4464, 5179, 7454, 8630).

It flows forth from the life of their affections and thoughts (2489, 4464, 6206). The quality of spirits is recognized at a distance from their spheres (1048, 1053, 1316, 1504).

Spheres from the evil are the opposites of spheres from the good (1695, 10187, 10312).

Such spheres extend far into angelic societies in accordance with the quality and quantity of good (6598-6613, 8063, 8794, 8797).

And into infernal societies in accordance with the quality and quantity of evil (8794).

2. Man's self is nothing but evil (210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307-2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283-10284, 10286, 10732).

Man's self is hell in him (684, 8480).


De Coelo et de Inferno #591 (original Latin)

591. Quod malum continue exspiret et ascendat ex inferno, et bonum continue exspiret et descendat ex caelo, est quia spiritualis sphaera circumdat unumquemvis, et illa sphaera effluit et exundat ex vita affectionum et inde cogitationum; 1et quia talis vitae sphaera effluit ex unoquovis, inde quoque effluit ex unaquavis societate caelesti, et ex unaquavis societate infernali, consequenter ex omnibus simul, hoc est, ex toto caelo et ex toto inferno. Quod bonum effluat ex caelo, est quia omnes ibi in bono sunt et quod malum ex inferno, est quia omnes ibi [in] malo sunt. Bonum quod e caelo est omne a Domino, nam angeli qui in caelis sunt, detinentur omnes a suo proprio, ac tenentur in proprio Domini, quod est ipsum Bonum; at spiritus qui in infernis sunt, omnes in suo proprio sunt, ac proprium cujusvis non est nisi quam malum; et quia non nisi quam malum, est infernum. 2Ex his constare potest, quod aequilibrium in quo tenentur angeli in caelis, et spiritus in infernis, non sit sicut aequilibrium in mundo spirituum. Aequilibrium angelorum in caelis est quantum in bono voluerunt esse, seu quantum in bono vixerunt in mundo, ita quoque quantum aversati sunt malum: aequilibrium autem spirituum in inferno, est quantum in malo voluerunt esse, seu quantum in malo vixerunt in mundo, ita quoque quantum corde et spiritu contra bonum fuerunt.


1. Quod sphaerae ex malis contrariae sunt sphaeris ex bonis (1695, 10187, 10312).

Quod sphaerae illae se longe extendant in societates angelicas, secundum quale et quantum boni (6598-6613, 8063, 8794, 8797).

Et in societates infernales secundum quale et quantum mali (8794, 8797).

2. Quod proprium hominis non sit nisi quam malum (210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2318 [2308?] 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731 [, 10732]). Quod proprium hominis sit infernum apud illum (694, 8480).

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