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《天堂与地狱》 第232节







232. 前面(天国的奥秘 137节)已说明, 从主发出的神性真理拥有一切能力, 天使在接受来自主的神性真理的程度内拥有能力. 不过, 天使接受神性真理的程度取决于他们接受神性良善的程度, 因为真理从良善拥有其一切能力, 离了良善什么能力也没有. 因此, 良善也通过真理拥有其一切能力, 离了真理什么能力也没有. 能力源于这二者的结合. 这同样适用于信和爱; 事实上, 无论说真理还是说信, 意思都一样, 因为信的一切事物就是真理. 无论说良善还是说爱, 意思也一样, 因为爱的一切事物就是良善. 我从以下事实得以见识天使从良善通过真理所拥有的大能: 一个恶灵只是被天使看了一眼就昏厥了, 看上去不像一个人, 直到这个天使转移视线. 天使两眼的注视之所以产生这种效果, 是因为天使的视线来自天堂之光, 而天堂之光是神性真理(参看126-132节). 此外, 眼睛与源于良善的真理相对应.

注: 在天堂, 一切能力都是源于良善的真理之能力, 因而是源于爱的信之能力(天国的奥秘 3091, 3563, 6423, 8304, 9643, 10019, 10182节). 一切能力皆来自主, 因为信的一切真理和爱的一切良善皆来自祂(天国的奥秘 9327, 9410节). 赋予彼得的钥匙就表示这种能力(天国的奥秘 6344节). 正是从主发出的神性真理拥有一切能力(天国的奥秘 6948, 8200节). 主的这种能力就是“坐在耶和华右手边”所表示的(天国的奥秘 3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133节). 右表示能力(天国的奥秘 10019节). 眼睛与源于良善的真理相对应(天国的奥秘 4403-4421, 4523-4534, 6923节).



232. 正如前面所說(137), 能力全屬於主所發的聖理, 天人擁有能力, 在於他們從主接受聖理。不過, 天人向聖理開放的程度, 取決於他們向聖善開放的程度, 因為真理的能力無不出於良善。離了良善, 真理無有能力。再者, 良善通過真理施展能力, 離了真理, 良善也無有能力。能力產生於兩者的結合。信與仁的關係如出一轍。或說理, 或說信, 兩者是一致的, 因為構成信的乃是理。或說善, 或說仁, 兩者也是一致的, 因為構成仁的乃是善。

當天人注視惡靈, 惡靈便萎靡不振, 不成人形, 直到天人轉移視線。我由此看出, 憑著良善所生的真理, 天人擁有何等大的能力。天人的注視能產生此等效果, 因為他們的目光來自于天國之光, 而天國之光乃是聖理(126-132)。眼睛與良善所生的真理相對應。

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Heaven and Hell #232 (NCE, 2000)

232. It may be seen in 137 above that all power belongs to the divine truth that emanates from the Lord and that angels are powers to the extent that they accept divine truth from the Lord. However, angels are open to divine truth to the extent that they are open to divine good, since all the power that truths have comes from good. Truths apart from good have none. Further, all the power good has is by means of truth; good has no power apart from truths. Power arises from the union of the two. The same holds true for faith and love, since it is all the same whether you say truth or faith, since everything that makes up faith is true, and whether you say good or love, since everything that makes up love is good. 1

I have been able to see how much power angels have through truths from good from the fact that when angels simply look at them, evil spirits fall down in a faint and no longer look human, and that this lasts until the angel looks away. The reason this sort of thing results from the gaze of angels is that their sight comes from the light of heaven, and heaven's light is divine truth (see above, 126-132). Eyes correspond to truths from good. 2


1. All power in the heavens is a property of truth from good, and therefore of faith from love: 3091, 3563, 6413 [6423?], 8304, 9643, 10019, 10182. All power comes from the Lord, since he is the source of everything true that constitutes faith and everything good that constitutes love: 9327, 9410. This power is meant by the keys given to Peter: 6344. It is divine truth emanating from the Lord that possesses all power: 6948, 8200. This power of the Lord is what is meant by "sitting at the right of Jehovah": 3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133."The right" is power: 10019.

2. Eyes correspond to truths from good: 4403-4421, 4523-4534, 6923.


Heaven and Hell #232 (Harley, 1958)

232. That the Divine Truth going forth from the Lord has all power, and that angels have power to the extent that they are receptions of Divine Truth from the Lord may be seen above (137). But angels are receptions of Divine Truth so far as they are receptions of Divine Good, for truths have all their power from good, and none from truths apart from good. So, too, good has all its power through truths, and none from good apart from truths. Power results from the conjunction of these two. The same is true of faith and love; for it is the same whether you say truth or faith, since everything of faith is truth; also it is the same whether you say good or love, since everything of love is good. 1The great power that angels have by means of truths from good is evident also from this, that when an evil spirit is merely looked at by the angels he falls into a swoon, and does not appear like a man, and this until the angel turns away his eyes. Such an effect is produced by the look of the eyes of angels, because the sight of angels is from the light of heaven, and the light of heaven is Divine Truth (see above, 126-132). Moreover, the eyes correspond to truths from good. 2


1. All power in heaven is the power of truth from good, thus of faith from love (Arcana Coelestia 3091, 3563, 6423, 8304, 9643, 10019, 10182).

All power is from the Lord, because from Him is every Truth of faith and every Good of love (Arcana Coelestia 9327, 9410).

This power is meant by the keys given to Peter (Arcana Coelestia 6344).

It is Divine Truth going forth from the Lord that has all power (Arcana Coelestia 6948, 8200).

This power of the Lord is what is meant by "sitting at the right hand of Jehovah" (Arcana Coelestia 3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133).

The right hand means power (Arcana Coelestia 10019).

2. The eyes correspond to truths from good (Arcana Coelestia 4403-4421, 4523-4534, 6923).


Heaven and Hell #232 (Ager, 1900)

232. It has been shown above (137) that the Divine truth that goes forth from the Lord has all power, and that angels have power to the extent that they are receptions of Divine truth from the Lord. But angels are so far receptions of Divine truth as they are receptions of Divine good, for truths have all their power from good, and none apart from good. So, too, good has all its power through truths, and none apart from truths. Power springs from the conjunction of these two. The same is true of faith and love; for it is the same whether you say truth or faith, since everything of faith is truth; also it is the same whether you say good or love, since everything of love is good. 1The great power that angels have by means of truths from good is shown also from this, that when an evil spirit is merely looked at by the angels he falls into a swoon, and does not appear like a man, and this until the angel turns away his eyes. Such an effect is produced by the look of the eyes of angels, because the sight of angels is from the light of heaven, and the light of heaven is Divine truth (see above, 126-132). Moreover, the eyes correspond to truths from good. 2


1. All power in heaven is the power of truth from good, thus of faith from loves (Arcana Coelestia 3091, 3563, 6423, 8304, 9643, 10019, 10182).

All power is from the Lord, because from Him is every truth of faith and every good of love (9327, 9410).

This power is meant by the keys given to Peter (6344).

It is Divine truth going forth from the Lord that has all power (6948, 8200).

This power of the Lord is what is meant by "sitting at the right hand of Jehovah" (3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133).

The right had means power (10019).

2. The eyes correspond to truths from good (4403-4421, 4523-4534, 6923).


De Coelo et de Inferno #232 (original Latin)

232. Quod Divino Vero quod procedit a Domino sit omnis potentia, et quod tantum angelis potentia sit, quantum receptiones Divini Veri a Domino sunt, videatur supra (137): sed angeli tantum receptiones Divini Veri sunt, quantum sunt receptiones Divini Boni, est enim omnis potentia veris ex bono, et nulla veris absque bono; et quoque est omnis potentia bono per vera, et nulla bono absque veris; ex conjunctione utriusque existit potentia. Simile est cum fide et amore; nam sive dicas verum aut fidem, idem est, quoniam omne fidei est verum; tum sive dicas bonum aut amorem, idem est, quoniam omne amoris est bonum. 1Quanta potentia angelis est per vera ex bono, patuit etiam ex eo, quod malus spiritus solum inspectus ab angelis cadat in deliquium, et non appareat ut homo, et hoc usque dum angelus avertit oculos: causa quod tale per aspectum oculorum angelorum existat, est quia visus angelorum est ex luce caeli, et lux caeli est Divinum Verum (videatur supra, 126-132): oculi etiam correspondent veris ex bono. 2


1. Quod omnis potentia in caelis sit veri ex bono, ita fidei ex amore (3091, 3563, 6413 [6423?] 8304, 9643, 10019, 10182).

Quod omnis potentia sit a Domino, quia ab Ipso omne verum quod fidei et bonum quod amoris (9327, 9410).

Quod haec potentia intelligatur per claves Petro [I]datas (6344).

Quod Divinum Verum procedens a Domino sit cui omnis potentia (6948, 8200).

Quod haec potentia Domini sit quae intelligitur per sedere ad dextram Jehovae (3387, 4592, 4933, 7518, 7673, 8281, 9133). Quod "dextra" sit potentia (10019).

2. Quod oculi correspondeant veris ex bono (4403-4421, 4523-4534, 6923).

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