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《天堂与地狱》 第132节



{注1}:【英107】多年后,史威登堡记录了在灵界真理发光的事。他报告说,如果灵人将圣经在脸上或衣服上摩擦,他们会像月亮或星星一样明亮(《圣治》256:4)——甚至就像灵人自己站在一颗星星上一样明亮(《真实的基督教》209:2)。他写道,灵人将纸剪成装饰性的形状,并在上面写下圣经中的短语,因为它们会变成空中闪闪发光的形状(《真实的基督教》 209:2)。他讲述了一件令人难忘的事:他在强光下看到一张桌子,上面写在纸上的真理像星星一样闪耀,但被篡改的真理会引起爆炸,使灵人失去知觉。在同一个故事中,他看到了一个房间,里面的圣经被宝石环绕着,这些宝石会产生彩虹,背景的颜色取决于天使在看什么(《揭密启示录》566:5-7540;《婚姻之爱》77:2, 533)。



132. 由于在天堂, 神性真理就是光, 所以一切真理, 无论它们在何处, 无论在天使之内还是在天使之外, 或无论在天堂之内还是在天堂之外, 都发出光来. 然而, 天堂之外的真理发光的方式却不同于天堂之内的真理. 天堂之外的真理发出冷光, 如同没有温暖的寒雪, 因为和天堂里的真理不同, 它们不从良善得其本质. 所以, 天堂之光一照到它上面, 这冷光就会消失; 若它下面有邪恶, 这光就变为黑暗. 我好几次看到这一幕, 关于真理的闪耀, 还有许多其它值得一提的事, 在此不再赘述.



132. 既然神性之理是天國之光, 那麼一切真實的事物就會閃光, 無論它們發生在何處, 無論在天人之內或天人之外, 也不論是在天國之內或天國之外。不過, 于天國之外, 其光為寒光, 如白雪所映之光, 毫無溫暖, 因為缺乏良善的本質, 這與天國內的光截然不同。天國之光一到, 寒光便消失。但是, 若有惡隱藏于內, 光明就變成黑暗, 這事我見過多次。關於真理之光, 我還有很多奇妙的見聞, 這裡就不贅述了。

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Heaven and Hell #132 (NCE, 2000)

132. Since divine truth is the light in the heavens, all true things are luminous there wherever they occur - whether within an angel, outside of an angel, within the heavens, or outside of the heavens. Still, the truths outside the heavens do not shine the way the truths inside the heavens do. The truths outside the heavens shine coldly, like something snowy, without warmth, because unlike truths within the heavens, they do not derive their essence from what is good. So that cold light disappears at the touch of heaven's light; and if there is some underlying evil, it turns to darkness. I have seen this several times, along with many other remarkable things concerning luminous truths, which I forego for now.


Heaven and Hell #132 (Harley, 1958)

132. As Divine Truth is light in the heavens, so all truths wherever they are, whether within an angel or outside him, or whether within the heavens or outside them, emit light. Nevertheless, truths outside the heavens do not shine as do truths within the heavens. Truths outside the heavens shine coldly, like something snowy without heat, because they do not draw their essence from good, as do the truths within the heavens. Therefore that cold light vanishes as soon as the light of heaven falls on it, and if there is evil underneath, it is turned into darkness. This I have sometimes seen, and many other noteworthy things about the shining of truth, which are omitted here.


Heaven and Hell #132 (Ager, 1900)

132. As Divine truth is light in the heavens, so all truths wherever they are, whether within an angel or outside of him, or whether within the heavens or outside of them, emit light. Nevertheless, truths outside of the heavens do not shine as truths within the heavens do. Truths outside of the heavens shine coldly, like something snowy, without heat, because they do not draw their essence from good, as truths within the heavens do; therefore that cold light vanishes as soon as the light of heaven falls on it, and if there is evil underneath it it is turned into darkness. This I have occasionally seen, with many other noteworthy things about the shining of truth, which must be omitted here.


De Coelo et de Inferno #132 (original Latin)

132. Quia Divinum verum est lux in caelis, ideo omnia vera, ubicunque sunt, sive intra angelum sive extra illum, tum sive intra caelos sive extra illos, lucent: vera tamen extra caelos non lucent sicut vera intra caelos; vera extra caelos lucent frigide, sicut niveum absque calore, quoniam non essentiam trahunt a bono quemadmodum vera intra caelos quare etiam lux illa frigida ad illapsum lucis caeli, disparatur, et si malum subest, vertitur in tenebras; hoc aliquoties vidi, et plura alia memorabilia de lucentibus veris, quae hic praetereuntur.

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