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《天堂与地狱》 第126节






126. 十五, 天堂的光与热

唯独出于自然界思考的人无法理解, 天堂里竟有光. 然而, 天堂里的光胜过尘世正午之光许多倍. 甚至在晚上或夜间, 我也经常看见这光. 起初, 当听天使说, 与天堂之光相比, 尘世之光不过是影子时, 我感到很奇怪. 但现在我已经看见它, 能证明事实的确如此. 其明亮和辉煌实在无法描述. 我在天堂所看到的事物都是在这光里看到的, 因而比在这个世界所看到的事物清楚分明得多.



126. 天國的光與熱

僅僅基於物質來考慮問題的人們難以理解天國中居然有光這一事實。其實天國不但有光, 而且比人間正午的光還要明亮得多。我也常看見這樣的光, 甚至在我們的黃昏和夜晚之時。當我從天人聽說人間之光相比天國之光不過是影子時, 最初感到驚奇不已。但現在我已經看見了, 就可以證明, 其明亮燦爛的程度的確無以言啟。借著那光, 我在天國進行觀察, 故比在人間觀察要清楚分明得多。

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Heaven and Hell #126 (NCE, 2000)

126. Light and Warmth in Heaven

People who think solely on the basis of nature cannot grasp the fact that there is light in the heavens; yet in the heavens there is so much light that it is vastly greater than noonday light on earth. I have seen it often, even during our evenings and nights. At first I was amazed when I heard angels saying that our world's light was nothing but shadow in comparison to heaven's light, but now that I have seen it, I myself can bear witness. Its brightness and brilliance are beyond description. What I have seen in heaven I have seen in that light, and therefore more clearly and distinctly than what I have seen in this world.


Heaven and Hell #126 (Harley, 1958)


People who think only from nature cannot comprehend that there is light in the heavens. Yet, such is the light in the heavens that it exceeds by many degrees the noonday light of the world. I have often seen that light even during the evening and night. At first, I marvelled when I heard angels saying that the light of the world is little more than a shadow in comparison with the light of heaven, but, having seen it, I can testify that it is so. The brightness and splendour are such as cannot be described. The things that I have seen in the heavens have been seen in that light, thus more clearly and distinctly than things in this world.


Heaven and Hell #126 (Ager, 1900)


That there is light in the heavens those who think from nature alone cannot comprehend; and yet such is the light in the heavens that it exceeds by many degrees the noon-day light of the world. That light I have often seen, even during the evening and night. At first I wondered when I heard the angels say that the light of this world is little more than a shadow in comparison with the light of heaven; but having seen it I can testify that it is so. The brightness and splendor of the light of heaven are such as cannot be described. All things that I have seen in the heavens have been seen in that light, thus more clearly and distinctly than things in this world.


De Coelo et de Inferno #126 (original Latin)


Quod lux in caelis sit, non capere possunt illi, qui solum ex natura cogitant cum tamen in caelis tanta lux est, ut multis gradibus excedat lucem meridianam in mundo visa est illa mihi saepius, etiam temporibus vesperae et noctis. In principio miratus sum, cum audivi angelos dicentes, quod lux mundi vix nisi quam umbra sit respective ad lucem caeli; sed cum visa est, id testari possum candor ejus et nitor ejus tales sunt, ut describi non possint. Quae in caelis mihi visa sunt, in illa luce mihi visa sunt, ita clarius et distinctius quam quae in mundo.

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