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《天堂与地狱》 第125节






125. 从前几章关于主的阐述和说明可在更清晰的光中看出: 祂是天堂的神(天国的奥秘 2-6节); 祂的神性构成天堂(天国的奥秘 7-12节); 在天堂, 主的神性是对主之爱和对邻之仁(天国的奥秘 13-19节); 尘世的一切事物与天堂, 并通过天堂与主存在一种对应关系(天国的奥秘 87-115节); 以及尘世的太阳和月亮都是对应(天国的奥秘 105节).



125. 由此, 我們更能明白前面幾章所論及主的資訊:(1)祂是天國之上帝(2-6);(2)祂的神性形成天國(7-12);(3)在天國, 祂的神性是對主之仁和對鄰人之義(13-19);(4)世間萬物與天國有一種對應關係, 並通過天國與主相對應(87-115);(5)人間的太陽和月亮也是對應(105)。

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Heaven and Hell #125 (NCE, 2000)

125. This enables us to see in clearer light the things that have been presented in the earlier chapters about the Lord, namely that he is the God of heaven (2-6), that his divine nature makes heaven (7-12), that the divine nature of the Lord in heaven is love for him and thoughtfulness toward our neighbor (13-19), that there is a correspondence of everything in our world with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord (87-115), and that the sun of our world and its moon are correspondent entities (105).


Heaven and Hell #125 (Harley, 1958)

125. From these considerations, what has been said and shown in previous sections about the Lord may now be seen in clearer light, namely:

That He is the God of heaven (2-6).

That it is His Divine that makes heaven (7-12).

That the Divine of the Lord in heaven is love to Him and charity towards the neighbour (13-19).

That there is a correspondence of all things of the world with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord (87-115).

Also that the sun and moon of the world are correspondences (105).


Heaven and Hell #125 (Ager, 1900)

125. From all this what has been said and shown in previous chapters about the Lord may now be seen in clearer light, namely:

That He is the God of heaven (2-6).

That it is His Divine that makes heaven (7-12).

That the Lord's Divine in heaven is love to Him and charity towards the neighbor (13-19).

That there is a correspondence of all things of the world with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord (87-115).

Also that the sun and moon of the world are correspondences (105).


De Coelo et de Inferno #125 (original Latin)

125. Ex his nunc in clariore luce videri possunt illa quae in praemissis articulis de Domino dicta et ostensa sunt:--

Quod nempe, Ipse sit Deus Caeli (2-6).

Quod Divinum Ipsius faciat Caelum (7-12).

Quod Divinum Domini in Caelo sit Amor in Ipsum et Charitas erga proximum (13-19).

Quod Correspondentia sit omnium Mundi cum Caelo, ac per Caelum cum Domino (87-115).

Tum quod Sol mundi; et Luna correspondeant (105).

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