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《天堂与地狱》 第105节





105. 大地之上的事物, 如太阳, 月亮和星星; 大气中的事物, 如云, 雾, 雨, 闪电和雷声同样是对应. 太阳出没所形成的事物, 如明, 暗, 冷, 暖的变化也是对应; 由此接连而来的事物, 如一年四季, 春夏秋冬, 一日四时, 晨午暮夜, 都是对应.



105. 地球上空的事物也是對應, 如日月星宿, 以及發生在空中的諸如雲雨雷電等等。太陽出沒而形成的明暗冷暖變化也是對應。一年四季, 春夏秋冬, 一日四時, 晨午暮夜, 也是對應。

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Heaven and Hell #105 (NCE, 2000)

105. Things that are above the earth are also correspondences, things like the sun, the moon, and the stars, and also things that occur in our atmospheres like clouds, mists, rainstorms, lightning bolts, and thunderclaps. The emanations of the sun in its presence and absence like light and shade, warmth and cold, are also correspondences; and so are such corollaries as the times of the year called spring, summer, fall, and winter, and the times of the day - morning, noon, evening, and night.


Heaven and Hell #105 (Harley, 1958)

105. The things above the earth as the sun, the moon, the stars, and also those in the atmospheres as clouds, mists, rain, lightning and thunder are likewise correspondences. Things resulting from the presence or absence of the sun, as light and shade, heat and cold are also correspondences as well as those that follow in succession therefrom, as the seasons of the year which are called spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the times of the day, morning, noon, evening and night.


Heaven and Hell #105 (Ager, 1900)

105. Also the things above the earth, as the sun, moon, and stars, and those in the atmosphere, as clouds, mists, rain, lightning and thunder, are likewise correspondences. Things resulting from the presence and absence of the sun, as light and shade, heat and cold, are also correspondences, as well as those that follow in succession therefrom, as the seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, and winter; and the times of day, morning, noon, evening, and night.


De Coelo et de Inferno #105 (original Latin)

105. Quae supra tellurem sunt, ut sol, luna, stellae, et quoque quae in atmosphaeris, ut nubes, nimbi, pluviae, fulgura, tonitrua, etiam correspondentiae sunt. Quae procedunt a sole, ejus praesentia et absentia, ut lux et umbra, calor et frigus, etiam correspondentiae sunt pariter quae inde succedunt, ut tempora anni, quae vocantur ver, aestas, autumnus, et hiems; ac tempora diei, ut mane, meridies, vespera, et nox.

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