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《天堂与地狱》 第463节









463. 当人死后面对自己的行为时, 担负检查任务的天使会仔细注视他的脸, 并继续检查全身, 从一只手的手指头开始, 再到另一只手的手指头, 再到全身. 我很想知道为什么要这样, 也得到解释. 原因在于, 正如思维和意愿的一切事物都被铭刻在大脑上, 因为大脑是它们的起始之处, 它们同样被铭刻在整个身体上, 因为思维和意愿的一切事物从它们的起始处延伸进入身体的一切事物, 并终止在那里, 如同终止于它们的最外层. 这就是为何从意愿和随之的思维那里被铭刻在记忆中的东西, 不仅被铭刻在大脑上, 还被铭刻在整个人身上, 并在那里照着身体部位的秩序而存在于秩序中. 我由此看出, 人的整体性质取决于其意愿及其思维的性质, 以致恶人就是他自己的邪恶, 善人就是他自己的良善. 这表明圣言中所说的“生命册”是什么意思, 即: 人所行的一切和所思的一切都被铭刻在整个人身上, 当它们从记忆中被召唤出来时, 看似在读一本册子; 当灵人在天堂之光中被观之时, 他们看似在一种形像中. 对此, 我要补充有关死后所保留记忆的值得一提的信息. 这个信息使我确信, 凡进入记忆的, 不仅总体内容, 就连最小的细节都会保留下来, 永远不会抹去. 我看见那里有些书, 上面的文字和尘世的相似; 被告知, 它们出自写这些书之人的记忆, 他们在世时写在书里的字, 一个都没漏掉. 我还被告知, 一切最小细节, 哪怕在世上已经忘记的, 都能从人的记忆中被提取出来. 其原因也得到解释, 即: 人有一个外部记忆, 也有一个内部记忆, 外部记忆属于他的属世人, 内部记忆属于他的属灵人; 人所思, 所愿, 所说, 所行, 甚至耳闻目睹的一切细节都被铭刻在他的内部或属灵记忆中; 那里的任何事物都没有办法被抹去, 因为它也被铭刻在灵本身及其身体的各个部位上, 如前所述; 灵就是照着其意愿的思维和行为而被如此形成的. 我知道这一切听上去似乎是个悖论, 因而令人难以置信; 然而, 它们却是千真万确的. 那么, 不要让任何人以为人曾在心里所想, 或在暗中所行的任何事死后能被隐藏起来; 要叫他相信, 那时一切都会暴露在光天化日之下.

注: 善人, 灵人或天使, 都是他自己的良善和他自己的真理; 也就是说, 整个人的性质取决于他的良善与真理的性质(天国的奥秘 10298, 10367节). 这是因为良善构成意愿, 真理构成理解力; 而意愿与理解力构成世人, 灵人或天使生命的一切(天国的奥秘 3332, 3623, 6065节). 说世人, 灵人或天使就是他自己的爱, 意思也一样(天国的奥秘 6872, 10177, 10284节). 人有两种记忆, 一种是外部的, 一种是内部的, 或说有一个属世记忆和一个属灵记忆(天国的奥秘 2469-2494节). 人不知道他有一个内部记忆(天国的奥秘 2470, 2471节). 内部记忆比外部记忆要好很多(天国的奥秘 2473节). 外部记忆处于尘世之光, 而内部记忆却处于天堂之光(天国的奥秘 5212节). 人能聪明和理性地思考和说话正是凭着内部记忆(天国的奥秘 9394节). 人所思, 所说, 所行, 并耳闻目睹的一切完全被铭刻在内部记忆中(天国的奥秘 2474, 7398节). 该记忆就是人的生命册(天国的奥秘 2474, 9386, 9841, 10505节). 变成信之真理的真理和变成爱之良善的良善在内部记忆中(天国的奥秘 5212, 8067节). 那些已经变成习惯或第二天性, 并成为生命的一部分, 因而无法从外部记忆被抹去的事物也在内部记忆中(天国的奥秘 9394, 9723, 9841节). 灵人和天使出于内部记忆说话, 这就是为何他们拥有一种通用语言(天国的奥秘 2472, 2476, 2490, 2493节). 尘世的语言属于外部记忆(天国的奥秘 2472, 2476节).



463. 死後, 當我們面對自己的所作所為時, 擔負檢驗之職的天人凝視我們的面孔, 再檢啟我們的身體, 從一隻手的手指到另一隻手的手指, 直到全身。對此我很詫異, 得到的解釋是:正如思想和意志被詳細地記在了大腦上(因為它是起始處), 也被記在了人的整個身體上, 因為思想和意志從起始處延伸到身體上, 終止於最外端。所以, 意志和思想被存入記憶, 不僅是記在了大腦上, 也是照身體的形狀被記在了整個身體上。我由此看出, 人的品性完全由意志和思想來決定, 乃至惡人就是他自己的惡, 善人就是他自己的善。

由此也能明白聖言所說的"生命冊"是何含義:人的所有行為和思想被記在了整個人身上, 當它們從記憶中被提取出來時, 就好像從一本冊子被宣讀出來。當靈被天國之光觀照時, 就顯出這種畫面。

關於人死後所保留的記憶, 我願補充一些啟得注意的資訊。它讓我確信, 凡進入記憶的, 從整體到細節, 都將保存, 永遠不被抹除。我曾見一些著作, 文字和人間的相似。我被告知, 它們是出於著書者的記憶。與著者在人間所寫的著作相比, 一字不差。我還被告知, 人一生的所有細節, 即使是他在人間已忘記的, 都可以從記憶中取回。其中的原因也被解釋出來:人有一個外部的記憶, 也有一個內部的記憶;外部的記憶屬於肉體, 內部的記憶屬於靈魂。人所有的念頭, 動機, 言語, 行為, 甚至所見所聞, 都被存入了內部的記憶(或靈魂的記憶)。它絲毫不可能被抹除, 因為正如前面所說, 它同時寫在了靈魂和整個身體上。這意味著人的靈魂是照思想和意志的行為成形的。我知道這些事讓人感覺不可思議, 也令人難以置信, 但它們卻是真的。

所以, 但願人不要以為他暗中的思想和行為, 死後將被隱藏起來。相反, 他當相信, 一切都將被顯明出來。

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Heaven and Hell #463 (NCE, 2000)

463. When we are being faced with our deeds after death, angels who have been given the task of examining look searchingly into the face and continue their examination through the whole body, beginning with the fingers first of one hand and then of the other and continuing through the whole. When I wondered why this was so, it was explained to me. The reason is that just as the details of our thought and intention are inscribed on our brains because that is where their beginnings are, so they are inscribed on the whole body as well, since all the elements of our thought and intention move out into the body from their beginnings and take definition there in their outmost forms. This is why the things that are inscribed on our memory from our intention and consequent thought are inscribed not only on the brain but also on the whole person, where they take form in a pattern that follows the pattern of the parts of the body. I could therefore see that our overall nature depends on the nature of our intention and consequent thought, so that evil people are their own evil and good people are their own good. 1

We may also gather from this what is meant by our book of life, mentioned in the Word. It is the fact that all our deeds and all our thoughts are written on our whole person and seem as though they are read from a book when they are called out of our memory. They appear in a kind of image when our spirit is looked at in heaven's light.

I should like to add to this something noteworthy about the memory that we keep after death, something that convinced me that not just the general contents but even the smallest details that have entered our memory do last and are never erased. I saw some books with writing in them like earthly writing, and was told that they had come from the memories of the people who had written them, that not a single word was missing that had been in the book they had written in the world. I was also told that all the least details could be retrieved from the memory of someone else, even things the person had forgotten in the world. The reason for this was explained as well; namely, that we have an outer and an inner memory, the outer proper to our natural person and the inner proper to our spiritual person. The details of what we have thought, intended, said, and done, even what we have heard and seen, are inscribed on our inner or spiritual memory. 2There is no way to erase anything there, since everything is written at once on our spirit itself and on the members of our body, as noted above. This means that our spirit is formed in accord with what we have thought and what we have done intentionally. I know these things seem paradoxical and hard to believe, but they are true nevertheless.

Let no one believe, then, that there is anything we have thought or done in secret that will remain hidden after death. Believe rather that absolutely everything will come out into broad daylight.


1. Good people, spirits, and angels are their own good and their own truth: that is, the nature of the whole person depends on the nature of that good and truth: 10298, 10367. This is because the good constitutes our volition and the true constitutes our intellect, and volition and intellect constitute the entire life for a person here, for a spirit, and for an angel: 3332, 3623, 6065. This is the same as saying that people here, spirits, and angels are their love: 6872, 10177, 10284.

2. We have two memories, an outer and an inner, or a natural one and a spiritual one: 2469-2494. We are not aware that we have this inner memory: 2470-2471. How much better the inner memory is than the outer one: 2473. The contents of our outer memory are in the world's light, while the contents of our inner memory are in heaven's light: 5212. It is because of our inner memory that we can think and talk intelligently and rationally: 9394. Absolutely everything we have thought, said, done, seen, and heard is inscribed on our inner memory: 2474, 7398. That memory is our book of life: 2474, 9386, 9841, 10505. In our inner memory are the true things that have become matters of our faith and the good things that have become matters of our love: 5212, 8067. Things that have become second nature to us and part of our life and therefore have been erased from our outer memory are in our inner memory: 9394, 9723, 9841. Spirits and angels talk from their inner memory, which is why they have a universal language: 2472, 2476, 2490, 2493. Languages in the world are matters of the outer memory: 2472, 2476.


Heaven and Hell #463 (Harley, 1958)

463. In disclosing his acts to a man after death, the angels to whom the office of searching is given then look into his face, and their search extends through the whole body, beginning with the fingers of one hand, and the other, and thus proceeding through the whole. As I wondered at this the reason was given, namely, that as the single things of the thought and will have been inscribed on the brain, for their beginnings are there, so have they likewise been inscribed on the whole body, since all things of the thought and the will extend from their beginnings and there terminate as in their ultimates; and this is why the things that are inscribed on the memory from the will and consequent thought are inscribed not only on the brain, but also upon the whole man, and there, come into existence in order in accordance with the order of the parts of the body. It was thus made clear that man as a whole is such as he is in his will and its thought, even to the extent that an evil man is his own evil, and a good man his own good. 1From these things it can also be confirmed what is meant by the book of man's life spoken of in the Word, namely, that all things that he has done and all things that he has thought are inscribed on the whole man, and when they are called forth from the memory they appear as if read in a book, and when the spirit is viewed in the light of heaven, they appear as in an image. To all this I would add something remarkable in regard to the continuance of the memory after death, by which I was assured that not only things in general but also the minutest particulars that have entered the memory remain and are never obliterated. I saw books there containing writings as in the world, and was told that they were from the memory of those who wrote, and that there was not a single word lacking in them that was in a book written by the same person in the world; and thus all the minutest particulars might be drawn from one's memory, even those that he had forgotten in the world. The reason also was disclosed, namely, that man has an external and an internal memory, an external memory belonging to his natural man, and an internal memory belonging to his spiritual man; and that every least thing that a man has thought, willed, spoken, done or even heard and seen is inscribed on his internal or spiritual memory; 2and that the things there are never erased, since they are also inscribed on the spirit itself and on the members of its body, as has been said above; and that the spirit is thus formed in accordance with the thoughts and acts of its will. I know that these things seem to be a paradox, and are therefore believed with difficulty, but yet they are true. Let no one believe, then, that there is anything that a man has ever thought in himself or done in secret that can be concealed after death; but let him believe that all things and each single thing are then laid open as clear as day.


1. A good man, spirit, or angel, is his own good and his own truth, that is, he is wholly such as his good and truth are (Arcana Coelestia 10298, 10367).

This is because good is what makes the will, and truth the understanding; and the will and understanding make everything of life in man, spirit, or angel (Arcana Coelestia 3332, 3623, 6065).

It is the same thing to say that a man, spirit, or angel is his own love (Arcana Coelestia 6872, 10177, 10284).

2. Man has two memories, an exterior and an interior, or a natural and a spiritual memory (Arcana Coelestia 2469-2494).

Man does not know that he has an interior memory (Arcana Coelestia 2470-2471). How far the interior memory surpasses the exterior (Arcana Coelestia 2473).

The things contained in the exterior memory are in the light of the world, but the things contained in the interior are in the light of heaven (Arcana Coelestia 5212).

It is from the interior memory that man is able to think and speak intellectually and rationally (Arcana Coelestia 9394).

All things and each thing that a man has thought, spoken, and done, and that he has seen and heard, are inscribed on the interior memory (Arcana Coelestia 2474, 7398).

That memory is the book of his life (Arcana Coelestia 2474, 9386, 9841, 10505).

In the interior memory are the truths that have been made truths of faith, and the goods that have been made goods of love (Arcana Coelestia 5212, 8067).

Those things that have become matters of habit and have come to be things of the life, and have thus disappeared from the exterior memory, are in the interior memory (Arcana Coelestia 9394, 9723, 9841).

Spirits and angels speak from the interior memory and consequently have a universal language (Arcana Coelestia 2472, 2476, 2490, 2493).

The languages of the world belong to the exterior memory (Arcana Coelestia 2472, 2476).


Heaven and Hell #463 (Ager, 1900)

463. In disclosing his acts to a man after death, the angels to whom the office of searching is assigned look into his face, and their search extends through the whole body, beginning with the fingers of each hand, and thus proceeding through the whole. As I wondered at this the reason was given, namely, that as all things of the thought and will are inscribed on the brain, for their beginnings are there, so are they likewise inscribed on the whole body, since all things of thought and will extend from their beginnings into all things of the body and there terminate as in their outmosts; and this is why the things that are inscribed on the memory from the will and consequent thought are inscribed not only on the brain, but also upon the whole man, and there exist in order in accordance with the order of the parts of the body. It was thus made clear that man as a whole is such as he is in his will and its thought, even to the extent that an evil man is his own evil, and a good man his own good. 1This shows what is meant by the book of man's life spoken of in the Word, namely, that all things that he has done and all things that he has thought are inscribed on the whole man, and when they are called forth from the memory they appear as if read in a book, and when the spirit is viewed in the light of heaven, they appear as in an image. To all this I would add something remarkable in regard to the continuance of the memory after death, by which I was assured that not only things in general but also the minutest particulars that have entered the memory remain and are never obliterated. I saw books there containing writings as in the world, and was told that they were from the memory of those who wrote, and that there was not a single word lacking in them that was in a book written by the same person in the world; and thus all the minutest particulars might be drawn from one's memory, even those that he had forgotten in the world. And the reason was given, namely, that man has an external and an internal memory, an external memory belonging to his natural man, and an internal memory belonging to his spiritual man; and that every least thing that a man has thought, willed, spoken, done or even heard and seen, is inscribed on his internal or spiritual memory; 2and that what is there is never erased, since it is also inscribed on the spirit itself and on the members of its body, as has been said above; and that the spirit is thus formed in accordance with the thoughts and acts of its will. I know that this sounds like a paradox, and is therefore difficult to believe; but still it is true. Let no one believe, then, that there is any thing that a man has ever thought in himself or done in secret that can be concealed after death; but let him believe that all things and each single thing are then laid open as clear as day.


1. A good man, spirit, or angel, is his own good and his own truth, that is, he is wholly such as his good and truth are (Arcana Coelestia 10298, 10367).

This is because good is what makes the will and truth the understanding; and the will and understanding make everything of life in man, spirit, or angel (3332, 3623, 6065).

It is the same thing to say that a man, spirit, or angel is his own love (6872, 10177, 10284).

2. Man has two memories an outer and an inner, or a natural and a spiritual memory (2469-2494).

Man does not know that he has an inner memory (2470-2471). How far the inner memory surpasses the outer (2473).

The things contained in the outer memory are in the light of the world, but the things contained in the inner are in the light of heaven (5212).

It is from the inner memory that man is able to think and speak intellectually and rationally (9394).

All things and each thing that a man has thought, spoken, and done, and that he has seen and heard, are inscribed on the inner memory (2474, 7398).

That memory is the book of his life (2474, 9386, 9841, 10505).

In the inner memory are the truths that have been made truths of faith, and the goods that have been made goods of love (5212, 8067).

Those things that have become matters of habit and have come to be things of the life, and have thus disappeared from the outer memory, are in the inner memory (9394, 9723, 9841).

Spirits and angels speak from the inner memory and consequently have a universal language (2472, 2476, 2490, 2493).

The languages of the world belong to the outer memory (2472, 2476).


De Coelo et de Inferno #463 (original Latin)

463. Quando reteguntur homini acta sua post mortem, tunc angeli, quibus datum est munus inquirendi, inspiciunt faciem ejus; et pervagatur inquisitio per universum corpus, incipiendo a digitis unius et alterius manus, et sic pergendo per totum. Quia miratus sum, undenam hoc, detectum est: quod nempe sicut singula cogitationis et voluntatis inscripta sunt cerebro, nam ibi earum principia sunt, ita quoque inscripta sunt universo corpori, quoniam illuc pergunt omnia cogitationis et voluntatis a principiis suis, et ibi terminantur ut in suis ultimis unde est, quod quae inscripta sunt memoriae ex voluntate et inde cogitatione ejus, non modo inscripta sint cerebro sed etiam toti homini, ac ibi existant in ordine secundum ordinem partium corporis. Inde patuit, quod homo talis sit in toto, qualis est in sua voluntate et inde cogitatione, adeo ut malus homo sit suum malum, et bonus suum bonum. 1Ex his quoque constare potest, quid intelligitur per librum vitae hominis, de quo in Verbo; quod nempe sit quod omnia tam acta quam cogitata toti homini inscripta sint, et quod appareant sicut in libro lecta cum ex memoria evocantur, et sicut in effigie visa, cum spiritus spectatur in luce caeli. His adjicere velim aliquid memorabile de memoria hominis post mortem remanente, per quod confirmatus sum, quod non modo communia, sed etiam singularissima, quae memoriam intraverunt, permaneant, nec usquam oblitterentur. Visi mihi sunt libri cum scripturis inibi sicut in mundo, et instructus sum, quod sint ex memoria eorum qui scripserunt, et quod ibi non aliqua vox desit, quae fuit in libro ab eodem scripto in mundo; et quod ita ex memoria alterius depromi possint omnium singularissima, etiam quae ipse in mundo oblitus est: causa etiam detecta est, quod nempe homini sit memoria externa et interna, externa quae naturalis ejus hominis, ac interna quae spiritualis ejus hominis; et quod singula quae homo cogitavit, voluit, locutus est, fecit, etiam quae audivit et vidit, memoriae internae seu spirituali ejus inscripta sint; 2et quod illa quae ibi nusquam deleantur, quoniam simul inscripta sunt ipsi spiritui, et ejus corporis membris, ut supra dictum est: et sic quod spiritus secundum cogitata et acta suae voluntatis formatus sit. Scio quod haec ut paradoxa appareant, et inde vix credantur, sed usque vera sunt. Ne itaque credat homo, quod aliquid 3sit, quod homo in se cogitavit, et in abscondito fecit, post mortem lateat; sed credat, quod omnia et singula tunc ut claro in die pateant.


1. Quod bonus homo, spiritus, et angelus sit suum bonum et suum verum, hoc est, quod totus sit quale ejus bonum et verum (10298, 10367).

Causa est, quia bonum facit voluntatem, et verum intellectum, ac voluntas et intellectus faciunt omne vitae apud hominem, spiritum, et angelum (3332, 3623, 6065).

Simile est, si dices quod homo, spiritus, et angelus sit suus

2. quod binae memoriae homini sint, exterior et interior, seu naturalis et spiritualis (2469-2494).

Quod homo non sciat quod ei memoria interior sit (2470, 2471).

Quantum memoria interior excellet exteriori (2473). Quod quae in memoria exteriore sunt, in luce mundi sint; quae autem in interiore, in luce caeli (5212).

Quod ex memoria interiore sit, quod homo intellectualiter et rationaliter possit cogitare et loqui (9394).

Quod omnia et singula quae homo cogitavit, locutus est, egit, et quae vidit et audivit, inscripta sint memoriae interiori (2474, 7398).

Quod illa memoria sit liber vitae ejus (2474, 9386, 9841, 10505).

Quod in memoria interiore sint vera quae facta sunt fidei, et bona quae facta amoris (5212, 8067).

Quod illa quae induerunt habitum, et facta sunt vitae, et per id oblitterata in memoria exteriore, sint in memoria interiore (9394, 9723, 9841).

Quod spiritus et angeli loquantur ex memoria interiore, et quod inde illis lingua universalis (2472, 2476, 2490, 2493). Quod linguae in mundo sint memoriae exterioris (2472, 2476). amor (6872, 10177, 10284).

3. "aliquid sit:"--sic ed. prin. Forte legeris aliquid (absque "sit").

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