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《天堂与地狱》 第462节




















462. (a) 然而, 人在灵界的生命和在自然界的生命还是有显著区别的, 无论其外在感觉及其情感, 还是其内在感觉及其情感. 天堂里的人拥有更微妙的感官, 也就是更敏锐的视觉和听觉, 思维也比在世时的更智慧; 因为他们处于天堂之光, 而这光远远胜过尘世之光(参看126节); 他们通过属灵大气来听, 而这种大气远远胜过尘世大气(235节). 就外在感觉而言, 这种区别就像世上的晴空与乌云, 或正午之光与黄昏幽暗之间的区别. 天堂之光因是神性真理, 故能使天使的眼睛感知并辨别最细微的东西.

此外, 他们的外在视觉对应于他们的内在视觉, 或理解力; 因为对天使来说, 这种视觉流入那种视觉, 它们行如一体. 这就是为何他们的视力如此敏锐. 他们的听觉以同样的方式对应于他们的觉知, 觉知既属于理解力, 也属于意愿. 所以他们能在说话者的语气和言辞中捕捉到其情感和思维的最小细节; 在语气中捕捉到情感的细节, 在言辞中捕捉到思维的细节(参看234-245节). 然而, 天使的其它感官不如视觉和听觉敏锐, 因为视觉和听觉能服务于他们的聪明和智慧, 而其它的则不能. 其它感官若同样敏锐, 就会减损其智慧的光明和喜乐, 将属于各种欲望和身体的快感掺杂进来; 这些快感越是盛行, 就越模糊和削弱理解力. 这种情形也发生在世人身上, 他们越是放纵味觉, 沉溺于吃吃喝喝, 屈服于触觉的诱惑, 在属灵真理上就越变得迟钝和愚昧.

从关于天堂天使的智慧那一章(天国的奥秘 265-275节)的阐述和说明可以看出, 天堂天使的内在感官, 即其思维和情感的感官比他们在世时所拥有的感官更敏锐, 更完美. 地狱里的人之状态与他们在世时的状态相比, 也有很大的不同; 天堂天使的外在和内在感官的完美和卓越有多大, 对地狱里的人来说, 他们的不完美就有多大. 不过, 我们将在后面论述他们的状态.

462. (b) 当人离开世界时, 他会带走其一切记忆. 对此, 我已通过大量经历被指示, 并看见, 听见许多值得一提的细节. 我会依次讲述几个例子. 有些人矢口否认他们在世时所犯的罪恶行径; 因此, 为叫人不要以为他们很无辜, 他们所行的一切, 按着从其生命开始到结束的顺序从其记忆中被揭露和提取出来; 这些违法行为大多是通奸和淫乱.

有些人利用恶毒伎俩欺诈别人, 犯下偷窃罪. 这些人的欺诈和偷窃也被详细列举出来, 其中有许多除了他们自己外, 在世上几乎无人知晓. 他们之所以承认这些行为, 是因为它们, 连同当时他们心里所混杂的各种想法, 意图, 窃喜, 恐惧, 都一清二楚.

有些人收受贿赂, 滥用司法判决权谋取私利. 他们同样根据自己的记忆接受检查, 并且从履职到离职所行的一切都被详查. 关于他们收了多少钱, 拿了什么东西, 以及时间, 心理状态和意图的成百上千的细节都让他们回想起来, 暴露于光天化日之下. 神奇的是, 在有些情况下, 他们记录这些事的日记被打开, 一页一页地读给他们听.

有些男人引诱少女, 使她们蒙羞, 或侵犯她们的贞操. 他们被传唤来受到同样的审判, 其罪行的细节从他们的记忆中被提取并列举出来. 那些少女和其他女人的真实面容也被呈现出来, 仿佛就在眼前, 包括地点, 所说的话和想法. 这一切瞬间完成, 仿佛正在被人目击一样. 有时这种呈现持续数小时.

有一个人对说别人坏话毫不在乎. 我听见他的诽谤按顺序被重新清点出来, 还听见他向他们所作的假见证, 包括亲口说的话, 以及这些话说的是谁, 在谁面前说的. 所有这些都一起被生动逼真地呈现出来, 尽管他活在世上时曾小心翼翼地向他的受害者加以掩藏.

有一个人以欺诈的借口骗取了一个亲戚的遗产. 他以同样的方式被定罪, 并受到审判. 神奇的是, 他们之间往来的信件和文件被大声向我朗读出来, 他声称一个字都没漏.

就在死前不久, 此人还暗中毒死了他的一个邻居. 这事以下述方式被揭露出来: 他看似正在自己脚下挖一条沟, 当这条沟被挖开时, 一个人仿佛从坟墓里出来, 向他厉声尖叫: “你对我做了什么? ”然后, 整个过程都被揭露出来, 即: 这个投毒杀人者如何友好地与他的邻居交谈, 如何把杯子递出去, 以及他事先是怎么想的, 后来又发生了什么. 此事一被揭露出来, 这个凶手就被判下地狱.

总之, 每个恶灵所犯的一切邪恶, 罪行, 偷盗, 诡诈和欺骗, 都清清楚楚地摆在他面前, 并直接从他自己的记忆中被提取出来; 他的罪名完全成立; 没有否认的余地, 因为所有情况都一起被呈现出来. 我还听说, 天使曾经从一个人的记忆当中将他一个月内的一切想法逐天展示出来, 毫无差错, 这些想法被回想起来, 就好像他本人又回到了那些日子.

从这些例子可以看出, 人会携带他的一切记忆, 没有任何事能在这个世界被如此隐藏, 以至于死后不被揭露出来, 并公之于众, 正如主的这些话:

掩盖的事, 没有不露出来的; 隐藏的事, 没有不被人知道的. 因此, 你们在暗中所说的, 将要在明处被人听见; 在内室附耳所说的, 将要在房顶上被人宣扬. (路加福音 12:2-3)



462. 雖然如此, 人在心靈世界的生活和在物質世界的生活還是有顯著差異的, 無論是內在的感覺還是外在的感覺, 都是如此。天國的人, 其感覺要敏銳得多, 就是說, 與在人間相比, 他們的視覺, 聽覺, 思維都更加敏銳。因為他們在天國之光中看, 在靈性氣氛中聽, 而天國之光要遠勝物質之光(126), 靈性氣氛要遠勝物質氣氛(235)。兩者的分別, 有如明淨天空與烏雲密佈, 或正午光亮與夜晚陰暗的分別。使天人能明察秋毫的是聖理, 也就是天國之光。

再者, 他們的外視對應於內視或認知, 因為就天人而言, 其內視流入外視, 兩者協作如一。正因如此, 他們的視力才如此敏銳。同理, 他們的聽覺對應於覺察, 覺察力與認知和意志都相關。正因如此, 他們能透過說話者的語氣和言辭洞察他的情感和想法:通過語氣洞察情感, 通過言辭洞察想法(參234-245)。

但是, 天人的其它感官不像視覺和聽覺那樣敏銳, 因為視聽有助於其聰明智慧的提高, 其它感官卻不然。其它感官若同等敏銳, 反將有損其智慧中的光明與喜樂, 使得身體上的各種嗜好和快感摻雜進來, 以致掩蓋和消弱其智慧。世上的人不正是如此嗎?他們一旦沉醉於吃喝和肉體情欲的刺激, 面對心靈之理就變得遲鈍麻木了。

至於在地獄中的靈, 他們在心靈世界和物質世界的分別也是根本性的。天人的內在和外在知覺如何變得完美, 地獄之靈則照樣變成完美的反面。不過, 有關他們的狀態, 我們還是留待以後再談。離世以後, 人將保留完整的記憶, 這是我從大量經歷所得知的事實。在這方面, 我有很多啟得一提的所見所聞。下面就讓我依次講述幾個實例。(1)有人矢口否認他們在世間曾犯下的罪惡行徑。為證明他們決非無辜, 他們一生的所作所為, 從頭至尾, 被依次從記憶中提取出來, 其中多為通姦淫亂之事。(2)有人陰險狡詐, 用邪惡的伎倆騙取他人的財物。他們欺詐巧取的手段逐個被揭露出來, 其中多數除他們自己以外, 沒有人知道。他們不得不承認, 因為他們犯罪時心裡所混雜的各種念頭, 意圖, 竊喜, 恐懼都昭然若揭了。(3)有人以權謀私, 收受賄賂, 屈枉正直。他們的所作所為也依次被揭露出來。從他們履職開始到離職為止, 收受賄賂的數量, 時間, 當時的心理狀態, 所存於記憶中的一切, 全都一覽無餘, 且多達百餘次。神奇的是, 在一些情況下, 他們記錄這些事的日記也逐頁被披讀出來。(4)有人誘騙少女, 褻瀆了她們的貞潔。這些人也受到相似的審判, 其惡行被依次從記憶中揭發出來。那些少女和婦人的容貌被呈現出來, 仿佛就在眼前。而且作案的地點, 說過的話語, 閃過的念頭, 也都呈現眼前, 仿佛被人親眼目睹了一般。有時畫面會持續好幾個時辰。(5)有人肆意譭謗他人。他詆毀時所說的話, 所針對的人, 向誰說這些詆毀的話, 也依次被揭露出來。這些事被活靈活現地呈現於眼前, 儘管他在世時曾小心翼翼地加以掩藏, 不讓他意欲詆毀的人有所耳聞。(6)有人以不正當的手段騙取了他親屬的遺產。他的惡行以同樣的方式被揭發出來, 受到了同樣的審判。神奇的是, 他們之間交換的信件和檔案被大聲地向我宣讀出來, 他承認一字不差。(7)某人死前還暗中毒殺了他的一個鄰居, 他的惡行以下述方式被揭露出來:他腳下看似開了一個口, 有一人仿佛從墳墓裡冒出來, 對著他厲聲尖叫:"你對我做了什麼?"然後他所做的一切被揭發出來, 包括他表面和善地和鄰居說話, 遞給他一杯飲料, 還包括他事前的想法和事後的經歷。罪行被揭露以後, 兇手被投入了地獄。

總而言之, 惡人所有的惡行, 罪孽, 偷盜, 詭詐, 欺騙, 都從他們的記憶中被揭露出來, 使其無否認的餘地, 因為所有的事件都完整地被呈現出來。

我還聽說天人曾啟看某個人的記憶, 將他一月之內的念頭逐日陳列出來, 毫無錯誤。如此重現, 使得他仿佛回到了從前。

從這些事例可知, 人將攜帶他完整的記憶, 世間再隱密的事, 死後也將被顯明出來, 公之於眾。正如主所說:"掩蓋的事, 沒有不露出來的;隱藏的事, 沒有不被人知道的。因此, 你們在暗中所說的, 將要在明處被人聽見;在室內附耳所說的, 將要在房上被人宣揚。"(路加福音12:2-3)

上一节  目录  下一节

Heaven and Hell #462 (NCE, 2000)

462. (a) Nevertheless, the difference between our life in the spiritual world and our life in the natural world is considerable, in regard both to our outer senses and the way they affect us and to our inner senses and the way they affect us. People who are in heaven have far more delicate senses. That is, they see and hear and also think more discerningly than when they were in this world. This is because they are seeing in heaven's light, which vastly surpasses the world's light (see above, 126), and they hear by way of a spiritual atmosphere that vastly surpasses the atmosphere of the earth (see 235). The difference in their outer senses is like that between something clear and something hidden by a cloud, or like noonday light and the dimness of evening. Because it is divine truth, heaven's light enables angels' sight to notice and differentiate the slightest things.

[2] Further, their outer sight is responsive to their inner sight or discernment, since for angels the one sight flows into the other and they act as a single faculty. This is why they are so keen. Their hearing is similarly responsive to their perception, which is a function of both discernment and volition. So they pick up in the tone and words of speakers the slightest shadings of their affection and thought - shadings of affection in the tone, and shadings of thought in the words (see above, 234-245).

However, the other senses are not as delicate for angels as their senses of sight and hearing, because sight and hearing serve their intelligence and wisdom, while the others do not. If the other senses were as sensitive, they would take away the light and pleasure of angels' wisdom and interject a pleasure of motivations centering in various physical appetites, appetites that obscure and weaken the intellect to the extent that they flourish. This happens to people in the world as well, who become dull and mindless in regard to spiritual truths to the extent that they pander to their taste and to the sensual allurements of the body.

[3] What was presented in the chapter on the wisdom of heaven’s angels (265–275) may suffice to indicate that the deeper senses of heaven’s angels, the senses of their thought and affection, are more delicate and perfect than the ones they had in the world. As for the difference in state of people who are in hell from their state in the world, this too is substantial. The perfection and wonder of the outer and inner senses of angels in heaven is paralleled by their imperfection for people in hell. However, we need to deal with their state later.

462. (b) As for our keeping our whole memory when we leave the world, I have been shown this by many examples and have seen and heard a great deal worth talking about. I should like to cite a few examples in a sequence. There were people who denied the crimes and transgressions they had committed in the world. To prevent them from being seen as blameless, everything was disclosed and drawn out of their own memory in sequence from the beginning of their life to the end. Most of these transgressions were acts of adultery and promiscuity.

[2] There were people who had deceived others with malicious skill and had stolen from them. Their deceptions and thefts were also recounted one after the other, many of them known to practically no one in the world other than themselves. They even admitted them because they were made plain as day, along with every thought, intention, pleasure, and fear that mingled in their minds at the time.

[3] There were people who had taken bribes and made money from judicial decisions. They were similarly examined on the basis of their own memories, and everything was recounted from their first taking office to the end. Hundreds upon hundreds of details of how much they took, and what kinds of things, at what time, and their mental state and their intentions, were all simultaneously recalled to their remembrance and exposed to view. In some cases, remarkably enough, the very diaries in which they had recorded these deeds were opened and read to them, page by page.

[4] There were men who had lured virgins to dishonor and violated their chastity. They were summoned to a similar judgment, and the details were drawn out of their memory and listed. The actual faces of the virgins and other women were presented as though they were there in person, along with the places, the words, and the thoughts. It was done as instantaneously as when something is actually being witnessed firsthand. Sometimes these presentations lasted for hours.

[5] There was one man who thought nothing of speaking ill of other people. I heard his slanders recounted in sequence, and his false testimony against them too - the actual words, the people they were about, and the people they were addressed to. All these were presented together as lifelike as could be even though he had very carefully kept them hidden from his victims while he was living in the world.

[6] There was one man who had defrauded a relative of his legacy by some devious pretext. He was convicted and judged in the same way. Remarkably, the letters and documents they exchanged were read aloud to me, and he said that not a word was missing.

[7] This same man had also secretly killed a neighbor by poison just before his own death, a fact that was disclosed in the following way. He appeared to be digging a trench under his feet, and as it was opened, a man came out as though from a tomb and screamed at him, “What have you done to me?” Then everything was disclosed—how the poisoner had talked amicably with him and offered him a drink, what he had thought beforehand, and what happened afterward. Once this was uncovered, the murderer was condemned to hell.

[8] In a word, all the evils, crimes, thefts, frauds, and deceptions committed by evil spirits are made clear to them and drawn directly from their own memories, and they are convicted. There is no room for denial because all the circumstances are presented together. I also heard that angels have seen and displayed from the memory of one individual everything he had thought one day after another over the course of a month, with never an error, recalled as though he himself were back in those very days.

[9] We may gather from these instances that we take our whole memory with us, and that nothing is so concealed in this world that it will not be made known after death, made known in public, according to the Lord’s words,

“Nothing is hidden that will not be uncovered, and nothing concealed that will not be known. So what you have said in darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear will be proclaimed from the rooftops” (Luke 12:2–3).


Heaven and Hell #462 (Harley, 1958)

462. [a] And yet there is a great distinction between man's life in the spiritual world and his life in the natural world, in regard both to his external senses and their affections and his internal senses and their affections. Those who are in heaven have more exquisite senses, that is, a keener sight and hearing, and also think more wisely than when they were in the world; for they see from the light of heaven, which surpasses by many degrees the light of the world (see above, 126); and they hear by means of a spiritual atmosphere, which likewise surpasses by many degrees the earthly atmosphere (235). The difference in respect of the external senses is like the difference between a clear [sky] and a dark cloud in the world, or between noonday light and evening shade. For the light of heaven, since it is Divine Truth, enables the eyes of angels to perceive and distinguish the most minute things. [2] Moreover, their external sight corresponds to their internal sight or understanding; for with angels one sight so flows into the other as to act as one with it; and this gives them their great keenness of vision. In like manner, their hearing corresponds to their perception, which pertains both to the understanding and to the will, and in consequence they perceive in the tone and words of one speaking the most minute things of his affection and thought; in the tone the things pertaining to his affection, and in the words the things pertaining to his thought (see above, 234-245). But the rest of the senses with the angels are less exquisite than the senses of seeing and hearing, for the reason that seeing and hearing serve their intelligence and wisdom, but the rest do not; and if the other senses were equally exquisite they would detract from the light and joy of their wisdom, and would let in the delight of pleasures pertain to various appetites and to the body; and so far as these prevail they obscure and weaken the understanding. This takes place in the world, with men who become gross and stupid as regards spiritual truths so far as they are indulgent to the sense of taste and the allurements of the sense of bodily touch. [3] From the things already said and shown in the section on the wisdom of the angels of heaven (265-275), it can be confirmed that the interior senses also of the angels of heaven, which pertain to their thought and affection, are more exquisite and perfect than the senses they had in the world. But as regards the state of those who are in hell as compared with the state of those in the world, there is also a great distinction, for as great as is the perfection and excellence of the external and internal senses with the angels in heaven, with those who are in hell the imperfection is equally great. But the state of these will be treated of hereafter.

462. [B] That when a man leaves the world he takes with him all his memory has been shown to me in many ways, and many of the things I have seen and heard are worthy of mention, some of which I wish to relate in order. There were some who denied their crimes and villainies which they had perpetrated in the world; and in consequence, that they might not be believed guiltless, all their deeds were disclosed and reviewed from their memory in order, from their earliest to their latest years; these were chiefly adulteries and whoredoms. [2] There were some who had deceived others by wicked arts and had committed thefts. The deceits and thefts of these were also enumerated in detail, many of which had been known to scarcely any in the world except themselves. These deeds they confessed, because they were plainly set forth, with every thought, intention, pleasure and fear which occupied their minds at the time. [3] There were others who had accepted bribes, and had rendered venal judgments, who were similarly explored from their memory, and from it everything they had done from the beginning to the end of their office was reviewed. Every detail in regard to what and how much they had received, as well as the time, and their state of mind and intention, were brought to their recollection and made visibly clear to the number of many hundreds. This was done with several, and what is wonderful, in some cases their memorandum-books, in which they had recorded these things, were opened and read before them page by page. [4] Others who had enticed maidens to shame or had violated chastity were called to a like judgment; and the details of their crimes were drawn forth from their memory and reviewed. The very faces of the maidens and women were also exhibited as if present, with the places, words and intentions, and this as unexpectedly as when an apparition is seen. Sometimes these manifestations lasted for hours. [5] There was one who had made light of slandering others; and I heard his slanders recounted in order, and his defamations, with the very words, and the persons about whom and before whom they were uttered; all of which were produced and presented to the very life, although while he lived in the world he had most carefully concealed everything. [6] There was one who had deprived a relative of his inheritance under a fraudulent pretext, and he was in like manner convicted and judged; and what is wonderful, the letters and papers that passed between them were read in my hearing, and it was said that not a word was lacking. [7] The same person shortly before his death had also secretly poisoned his neighbour. This was disclosed in this way. He appeared to be digging a trench under his feet, from which a man came forth as out of a grave, and cried out to him, "What have you done to me?" Then everything was revealed, how the poisoner had talked with him in a friendly manner, and had held out the cup, also what he thought beforehand, and what happened afterwards. When all this had been disclosed he was sentenced to hell. [8] In a word, to each evil spirit all his evils, villainies, robberies, artifices, and deceits are made clear, and are brought forth from the very memory of them, and his guilt is fully established; nor is there any possible room for denial, because all the circumstances are exhibited together. Moreover, I have learned from someone's memory, when it was seen and inspected by angels, what his thoughts had been for a month, one day after another, and this without mistake, the thoughts being recalled just as they arose from day to day. [9] From these examples it can be established that man carries with him all of his memory, and that nothing can be so concealed in the world as not to be disclosed after death, which is done in the company of many, according to the Lord's words:

"There is nothing concealed that shall not be uncovered, and nothing secret that shall not be known; therefore what ye have spoken in the dark shall be heard in the light and what ye have spoken in the ear shall be proclaimed on the housetops."Luke 12:2-3.


Heaven and Hell #462 (Ager, 1900)

462. [a.] And yet there is a great difference between man's life in the spiritual world and his life in the natural world, in regard both to his outer senses and their affections and his inner senses and their affections. Those that are in heaven have more exquisite senses, that is, a keener sight and hearing, and also think more wisely than when they were in the world; for they see in the light of heaven, which surpasses by many degrees the light of the world (see above, 126); and they hear by means of a spiritual atmosphere, which likewise surpasses by many degrees the earthly atmosphere (235). This difference in respect to the outward senses is like the difference between clear sunshine and dark cloudiness in the world, or between noonday light and evening shade. For the light of heaven, since it is Divine truth, enables the eyes of angels to perceive and distinguish most minute things. [2] Moreover, their outer sight corresponds to their inner sight or understanding; for with angels one sight so flows into the other as to act as one with it; and this gives them their great keenness of vision. In like manner, their hearing corresponds to their perception, which pertains both to the understanding and to the will, and in consequence they perceive in the tone and words of one speaking the most minute things of his affection and thought; in the tone what pertains to his affection, and in the words what pertains to his thought (see above, 234-245). But the rest of the senses with the angels are less exquisite than the senses of seeing and hearing, for the reason that seeing and hearing serve their intelligence and wisdom, and the rest do not; and if the other senses were equally exquisite they would detract from the light and joy of their wisdom, and would let in the delight of pleasures pertaining to various appetites and to the body; and so far as these prevail they obscure and weaken the understanding. This takes place in the world, where men become gross and stupid in regard to spiritual truths so far as they indulge the sense of taste and yield to the allurements of the sense of touch. [3] From what has already been said and shown in the chapter on the wisdom of the angels of heaven (265-275), it can be seen that the inner senses also of the angels of heaven, which pertain to their thought and affection, are more exquisite and perfect than the senses they had in the world. But as regards the state of those that are in hell as compared with the state of those in the world there is also a great difference, for as great as is the perfection and excellence of the outer and inner senses of the angels in heaven, with those who are in hell the imperfection is equally great. But the state of these will be treated of hereafter.

462. [b.] That when a man leaves the world he takes with him all his memory has been shown to me in many ways, and many of the things I have seen and heard are worthy of mention, some of which I will relate in order. There were some who denied their crimes and villainies which they had perpetrated in the world; and in consequence, that they might not be believed innocent, all their deeds were disclosed and reviewed from their memory in order, from their earliest to their latest years; these were chiefly adulteries and whoredoms. [2] There were some who had deceived others by wicked arts and had committed thefts. The deceits and thefts of these were also enumerated in detail, many of which were known to scarcely any in the world except themselves. These deeds they confessed, because they were plainly set forth, with every thought, intention, pleasure, and fear which occupied their minds at the time. [3] There were others who had accepted bribes, and had rendered venal judgments, who were similarly explored from their memory and from it everything they had done from the beginning to the end of their office was reviewed. Every detail in regard to what and how much they had received, as well as the time, and their state of mind and intention, were brought to their recollection and made visibly clear to the number of many hundreds. This was done with several and what is wonderful, in some cases their memorandum-books, in which they had recorded these things, were opened and read before them page by page. [4] Others who had enticed maidens to shame or had violated chastity were called to a like judgment; and the details of their crimes were drawn forth from their memory and reviewed. The very faces of the maidens and women were also exhibited as if present, with the places, words and intentions, and this as suddenly as when a scene is presented to the sight, the exhibitions continuing sometimes for hours. [5] There was one who had made light of slandering others; and I heard his slanders recounted in order, and his defamations, with the very words, and the persons about whom and before whom they were uttered; all of which were produced and presented to the very life, although while he lived in the world he had most carefully concealed everything. [6] There was one who had deprived a relative of his inheritance under a fraudulent pretext; and he was in like manner convicted and judged; and what is wonderful, the letters and papers that passed between them were read in my hearing, and it was said that not a word was lacking. [7] The same person shortly before his death had also secretly poisoned his neighbor. This was disclosed in this way. He appeared to be digging a trench under his feet, from which a man came forth as out of a grave, and cried out to him, "What have you done to me?" Then everything was revealed, how the poisoner had talked with him in a friendly manner, and had held out the cup, also what he thought beforehand, and what happened afterwards. When all this had been disclosed he was sentenced to hell. [8] In a word, to each evil spirit all his evils, villainies, robberies, artifices, and deceits are made clear, and are brought forth from his very memory, and his guilt is fully established; nor is there any possible room for denial, because all the circumstances are exhibited together. Moreover, I have learned from a man's memory, when it was seen and inspected by angels, what his thoughts had been for a month, one day after another, and this without mistake, the thoughts being recalled just as they arose from day to day. [9] From these examples it can be seen that man carries with him all of his memory, and that nothing can be so concealed in the world as not to be disclosed after death, which is done in the presence of many, according to the Lord's words:

There is nothing concealed that shall not be uncovered, and nothing secret that shall not be known; therefore what ye have spoken in the dark shall be heard in the light and what ye have spoken in the ear shall be proclaimed on the housetops (Luke 12:2, 3).


De Coelo et de Inferno #462 (original Latin)

462. [primo] Sed usque discrimen inter vitam hominis in mundo spirituali ac vitam ejus in mundo naturali, est magnum, tam quoad sensus externos et eorum affectiones, quam quoad sensus internos et eorum affectiones. illi qui in caelo sunt, multo exquisitius sentiunt, hoc est, vident et audiunt, et quoque sapientius cogitant, quam cum fuerunt in mundo; vident enim ex luce caeli, quae multis gradibus excedit lucem mundi (videatur supra, 126); audiunt etiam per atmosphaeram spiritualem, quae etiam multis gradibus excedit terrestrem (235). Differentia sensuum horum externorum est sicut differentia clari respective ad obscurum nimbi in mundo, ac sicut lucis meridie ad umbram vespere: lux enim caeli, quia est Divinum Verum, dat visui angelorum, ut minutissima appercipiant et distinguant; correspondet etiam visus eorum externus visui interno seu intellectui, nam apud angelos influit unus visus in alterum, ut unum agant, inde illis tanta acies: et quoque similiter correspondet auditus perceptioni eorum, quae est tam intellectus quam voluntatis; inde in sono et vocibus loquentis appercipiunt minutissima affectionis et cogitationis ejus, in sono illa quae affectionis sunt, et in vocibus illa quae cogitationis (videatur supra, 234-245); sed reliqui sensus apud angelos non tam exquisiti sunt sicut sensus visus et auditus, ex causa quia visus et auditus inserviunt intelligentiae et sapientiae eorum, sed non reliqui, qui si in simili gradu exquisiti forent, auferrent lucem et jucundum sapientiae eorum, ac inferrent jucundum voluptatum quae variorum appetituum et corporis, quae tantum obscurant et debilitant intellectum, quantum praepollent; ut quoque fit apud homines in mundo, qui tantum obesi et stupidi sunt quoad vera spiritualia, quantum indulgent gustui et lenociniis tactilium corporis. Quod etiam interiores sensus angelorum caeli, qui sunt cogitationis et affectionis eorum, exquisitiores et perfectiores sint quam fuerunt illis in mundo, constare potest ex illis quae dicta et ostensa sunt in articulo de Sapientia Angelorum Caeli (265-275). Quod autem discrimen status illorum qui in inferno sunt respective ad statum illorum in mundo attinet, est quoque id magnum; quanta enim perfectio et excellentia sensuum externorum et internorum est apud angelos qui in caelo, tanta imperfectio est apud illos qui in inferno; sed de horum statu in sequentibus agendum est.

462 b. [secundo] Quod homo e mundo etiam secum habeat omnem suam memoriam, multis ostensum est, de qua plura memoratu digna visa et audita sunt, quorum aliqua velim ordine referre. Fuerunt qui negaverunt sua crimina et flagitia, quae patraverunt in mundo; quapropter, ne insontes crederentur, omnia detecta sunt, et ex memoria eorum recensita sunt ordine a prima eorum aetate ad ultimam: erant praecipue adulteria et scortationes. Fuerunt qui alios artibus malis deceperunt, et qui furati sunt; eorum astus et furta in serie etiam enumerata sunt, quorum plura vix ulli in mundo nota fuerunt, quam ipsis solis: agnoverunt etiam illa, quia manifestata sicut in luce, cum omni cogitatione, intentione, jucundo, timore, quae tunc una versabant eorum animos. Fuerunt qui munera acceperunt, et quaestus ex judicio fecerunt: illi ex memoria sua similiter explorati sunt, et ex illa recensita sunt omnia a primo functionis eorum tempore ad ultimum; singula quoad quantum et quale, cum tempore, statu mentis eorum ac intentione, quae omnia simul in recordationem eorum immissa, et ad visum ostensa sunt, quae erant ultra plura centena. Hoc factum est cum aliquibus, et quod mirabile, ipsi eorum libri memoriales, quibus in scripserunt talia, aperti sunt et coram illis lecti a pagina ad paginam. Fuerunt, qui pellexerunt virgines ad stupra, et qui castitatem violarunt, et ad simile judicium vocati sunt, et ex memoria eorum deprompta et recitata singula; ipsae facies virginum et mulierum sistebantur quoque sicut praesentes, cum locis, loquelis, et animis; et hoc tam subito sicut cum quid ad visum sistitur. Perstabant manifestationes aliquoties per horas. Fuit, qui vituperare alios pro nihilo reputavit; audivi recensitas in ordine vituperationes, et quoque blasphemationes ejus cum ipsis verbis, de quibus personis, et coram quibus; quae omnia producebantur et ad vivum sistebantur simul et tamen singula studio occultata fuerunt ab illo cum vixit in mundo. Erat quidam, qui affinem deprivavit hereditate sua sub praetextu doloso: is quoque similiter convictus et judicatus est, et quod mirum, epistolae et schedulae, quae inter illos, ad auditum meum lectae sunt, et dictum quod non vox deesset. Idem quoque, mox ante mortem suam, vicinum clandestine necavit veneno: hoc eo modo detectum est; sub pedibus visus est scrobem effodere, ex qua effossa exivit vir sicut e sepulcro, et clamavit ad eum, "Quid fecisti mihi?" Et tunc revelabantur omnia, quomodo veneficus amice cum eo locutus est, et porrexit poculum, tum quid prius cogitavit, et quid postea evenit;quibus detectis judicatus est ad infernum. Verbo, omnia mala, facinora, latrocinia, artes, doli, manifestantur cuivis malo spiritui, ac depromuntur ex ipsa eorum memoria, et convincuntur; nec datur negandi locus, quia omnes circumstantiae simul apparent. Audivi etiam ex memoria alicujus ab angelis visa et lustrata, quid intra mensem cogitaverat uno die post alterum, et hoc absque fallacia, quae revocabantur sicut ipse in illis erat istis diebus. Ex his exemplis constare potest, quod homo omnem memoriam secum ferat: et quod nihil tam occultum sit in mundo, quod non fit manifestum post mortem; et hoc in coetu plurium, secundum Domini verba,

"Nihil. .reconditum est, quod non retegendum, et nihil occultum quod non cognoscendum: propterea quae in tenebris dixistis,in luce audientur; et quod in aurem locuti estis,... super tectis praedicabitur," (Luca 12:2-3).

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