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《天堂与地狱》 第245节





245. 邪恶的地狱灵的语言对他们来说, 同样是自然而然的, 因为它也源于他们的情感; 但它出自邪恶的情感及其污秽的观念, 完全为天使所厌恶. 这意味着地狱的语言与天堂的语言是对立的. 恶灵无法忍受天使的言语, 天使也无法忍受地狱的言语. 对天使来说, 地狱的言语就像刺鼻的臭味. 能伪装成光明天使的假冒为善之徒的言语在话语方面类似天使的言语, 在情感和随之的思维观念方面却截然对立. 因此, 当其言语的内在本质被察觉, 如被智慧天使察觉时, 它听上去就像咬牙切齿的声音, 并以恐惧击打人.



245. 地獄的惡靈, 其語言也是從情感流出, 不過它是從邪惡的情感和啟穢的思維出來的, 為天人所厭惡。這意味著地獄的語言與天國的語言是正好相對的。惡靈不能忍受天人的言語, 天人也無法忍受地獄的言語。對天人來說, 地獄的言語好比刺鼻的惡臭。

裝成光明天人的偽善之徒, 語言表面上和天人相同, 情感和思維上卻正好相對。所以, 當他們的內在秉性被智慧的天人識透時, 其語言就像咬牙切齒的聲音, 令人毛骨悚然。

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Heaven and Hell #245 (NCE, 2000)

245. The language of evil and hellish spirits is much the same, because it too stems from their affections, but it comes from evil affections and their foul concepts, which are utterly repugnant to angels. This means that the languages of hell are opposite to the languages of heaven. Evil people cannot stand angelic speech, and angels cannot stand hellish speech. To angels, hellish speech is like a rank odor that assaults the nostrils.

The language of hypocrites - people who can imitate angels of light - is like that of angels as far as its words are concerned, but exactly opposite in respect to its affections and their individual thoughts. So when the inner quality of their speech is perceived, as it is by wise angels, it sounds like a grinding of teeth and strikes horror into them.


Heaven and Hell #245 (Harley, 1958)

245. The speech of evil and infernal spirits is likewise natural to them because it is from affections, but from evil affections and consequent filthy ideas, to which angels are utterly averse. Thus the modes of speaking in hell are opposite to those of heaven. Consequently, evil spirits cannot endure angelic speech, nor can angels endure infernal speech. To the angels, infernal speech is like a bad odour striking the nostrils. The speech of hypocrites, who are such as are able to feign themselves angels of light, resembles as to words the speech of angels, but as to affections and consequent ideas of thought, it is the direct opposite. Consequently, when the inner nature of their speech is perceived as it is by wise angels, it is heard as the gnashing of teeth, and strikes with horror.


Heaven and Hell #245 (Ager, 1900)

245. The speech of evil and infernal spirits is likewise natural to them because it is from affections; but it is from evil affections and consequent filthy ideas, to which angels are utterly averse. Thus the modes of speaking in hell are opposite to those of heaven; and in consequence evil spirits cannot endure angelic speech, and angels cannot endure infernal speech. To the angels infernal speech is like a bad odor striking the nostrils. The speech of hypocrites, who are such as are able to feign themselves angels of light, resembles in respect to words the speech of angels, but in respect to affections and consequent ideas of thought it is the direct opposite. Consequently, when the inner nature of their speech is perceived as wise angels perceive it, it is heard as the gnashing of teeth, and strikes with horror.


De Coelo et de Inferno #245 (original Latin)

245. Loquela spirituum malorum et infernalium, est [ 1illis] similiter naturalis quia ex affectionibus, sed ex affectionibus malis, et inde ideis spurcis, quas prorsus aversantur angeli: sunt loquelae inferni sic oppositae loquelis caeli; quapropter mali non sustinent loquelam angelicam, et angeli non loquelam infernalem; loquela infernalis est angelis sicut odor malus qui ferit nares. Loquela hypocritarum, qui sunt qui mentiri possunt lucis angelos, quoad voces similis est loquelae angelorum, sed quoad affectiones et inde ideas cogitationis prorsus opposita quapropter loquela eorum, cum percipitur qualis intus est, quod fit ab angelis sapientibus, auditur sicut stridor dentium, et incutit horrorem.


1. [illis]:--vide Arcana Coelestia 1641.

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