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《天堂与地狱》 第234节






234. 二十七, 天使的语言

天使如世人那样彼此交谈, 也谈论各种话题, 如家庭事务, 社群事务, 以及道德生活和属灵生活的问题. 唯一不同的是, 他们的交谈比世人的更明智, 因为他们出于更内在的思维交谈. 我蒙允许与他们频繁来往, 和他们像朋友那样交谈, 有时也像陌生人; 由于这种时候, 我处于类似他们的状态, 所以我只知道我正与世人交谈.



234. 天人的語言

天人交談的方式, 和世人交談的方式是一樣的。他們也談論各種事務, 包括家庭的, 社會的, 道德的, 靈性的。唯一不同的是, 天人的交談更具智慧, 因為他們的思想更為深沉。

主許我常和天人在一起, 和他們交談, 有時像朋友, 有時像陌生人。交流時, 我與天人處於一樣的狀態, 我和他們說話就像和世人說話一樣。

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Heaven and Hell #234 (NCE, 2000)

234. The Language of Angels

Angels talk with each other just the way we do in this world. They talk about various things - domestic matters, community concerns, issues of moral life, and issues of spiritual life. There is no difference except that they talk with each other more intelligently than we do because they talk from a deeper level of thought.

I have often been allowed to be in their company and talk with them like one friend with another, or sometimes like one stranger with another; and since at such times I was in a state like theirs, it seemed exactly as though I were talking with people on earth.


Heaven and Hell #234 (Harley, 1958)


Angels talk with each other just as men do in the world, and on various subjects, as on domestic matters, and on matters of the civil state, and of moral, and spiritual life. Nor is there any difference except that their talk is more intelligent than that of men, because it is more interiorly from thought. I have been permitted to associate with them frequently, and to talk with them as friend with friend, and sometimes as stranger with stranger; and as I was then in a state like theirs I did not know otherwise than that I was talking with men on the earth.


Heaven and Hell #234 (Ager, 1900)


Angels talk with each other just as men do in the world, and on various subjects, as on domestic matters, and on matters of the civil state, and of moral, and spiritual life. And there is no difference except that their talk is more intelligent than that of men, because it is from more interior thought. I have been permitted to associate with them frequently, and to talk with them as friend with friend, and sometimes as stranger with stranger; and as I was then in a state like theirs I knew no otherwise than that I was talking with men on the earth.


De Coelo et de Inferno #234 (original Latin)


Angeli inter se loquuntur prorsus sicut homines in mundo, et quoque de rebus variis; ut de rebus domesticis, de rebus status civilis, de rebus vitae moralis, et de rebus vitae spiritualis: nec intercedit alia differentia, quam quod intelligentius, quia interius a cogitatione, inter se loquantur quam homines. Datum est mihi saepe cum illis in consortio esse, et loqui cum illis sicut amicus cum amico, et quandoque sicut ignotus cum ignoto; et tunc quia in statu simili cum illis fui, non scivi aliter quam quod cum hominibus in tellure loquerer.

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