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《天堂与地狱》 第275节





275. 在同一层天堂, 或同一个天堂社群, 天使并非享有完全相同的智慧; 他们的智慧各不相同. 住在中间的天使最有智慧, 住在周围, 直至边界的天使智慧次之. 智慧照着远离中间的距离而递减, 就像光明随着趋向黑暗而渐弱一样(参看43, 128节). 他们的光处于和他们的智慧一样的层级, 因为天堂之光就是神性智慧, 每个人都照着他接受智慧的程度而处于光. 关于天堂之光, 以及对它的各种接受, 可参看前文(天国的奥秘 126-132节).



275. 在每個天國的社群乃至整個天國, 不存在智慧完全相同的兩位天人。其中, 住在中央的智慧最高, 住在周圍直至邊界的根據離開中心的距離而智慧遞減, 正如光源的光明朝黑暗處遞減(參43, 128節)。他們所享受的光明與智慧相應, 因為天國的光明是聖智, 每個人都是按照所接受的聖智而享受光明的。(關於天國之光及其被接受的情況, 可參看126-132節。)

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Heaven and Hell #275 (NCE, 2000)

275. The angels in any given heaven - even the angels in any given community - do not enjoy the same wisdom, but differ. Those in the center have the most wisdom, while those who have less are around them all the way to the borders. The decrease of wisdom according to the distance from the center is like the decrease in light as it tends toward darkness (see above, 43, 128). Further, the light for them is on a consistent level, since heaven's light is divine wisdom and each individual is in light in proportion to his or her acceptance of it. (On heaven's light and the different ways it is accepted, see above, 126-132.)


Heaven and Hell #275 (Harley, 1958)

275. The angels in one heaven, or in one society of heaven, are not all in like wisdom; their wisdom differs. Those in the middle are in the greatest wisdom, and those round about even to the borders are in less wisdom. The decrease of wisdom in accord with the distance from the middle is like the decrease of light verging to shade (see 43, 128). The light they have is in the same degree as their wisdom, since the light of heaven is the Divine Wisdom, and every one is in light in accordance with his reception of wisdom. Respecting the light of heaven and the varying kinds of reception of it see above (126-132).


Heaven and Hell #275 (Ager, 1900)

275. The angels in the same heaven, or in the same society of heaven, are not all in like wisdom; their wisdom differs. Those at the center are in the greatest wisdom, and those round about even to the borders are in less wisdom. The decrease of wisdom in accord with the distance from the center is like the decrease of light verging to shade (see 43 and 128). Their light is in the same degree as their wisdom, since the light of heaven is the Divine wisdom, and everyone is in light in the measure of his reception of wisdom. Respecting the light of heaven and the varying kinds of reception of it see above (126-132).


De Coelo et de Inferno #275 (original Latin)

275. Angeli in uno caelo, et quoque in una societate caeli, non in simili sapientia sunt, sed in dissimili; in maxima sapientia sunt qui in medio, in minore qui circumcirca usque ad terminos: decrescentia sapientiae secundum distantias a medio est sicut decrescentia lucis vergentis ad umbram (videatur supra, 43-128). Lux etiam apud illos in simili gradu est, quoniam lux caeli est Divina Sapientia, et quisque in luce est secundum receptionem ejus. (De Luce Caeli et ejus varia receptione, videatur supra, 126-132)

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