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《天堂与地狱》 第176节








176. 我在此仅举一例来说明事物如何照着对应向天使显现. 聪明的天使能看到充满各种花草树木的花园和园子. 树木以最为优美的秩序被种植, 交织形成拱形入口和环绕的人行道. 这一切如此美丽, 以至于无法描述. 聪明的天使漫步其间, 采撷花朵, 编成花环, 给小孩子戴上. 此外, 那里有世上从未见过, 也不可能存在的花木种类. 树上所结的果实与这些聪明天使所吸收的爱之良善相一致. 他们之所以看见这些事物, 是因为花园或园子, 果树, 鲜花与聪明, 智慧相对应. 这类事物就存在于天堂, 这一点也为世人所知, 但只有那些处于良善, 没有因属世之光及其迷惑, 谬论而熄灭自己里面的天堂之光的人才知道. 因为当这种人谈论天堂时, 他们认为并声称天堂里有诸如“眼睛未曾看见, 耳朵也未曾听见的”那类事物.

注: “花园”或“园子”表示聪明和智慧(天国的奥秘 100, 108, 3220节). “伊甸园”和“耶和华的园子”是什么意思(天国的奥秘 99, 100, 1588节). 来世所看到的花园事物何等辉煌(天国的奥秘 1122, 1622, 2296, 4528, 4529节). “树”表示产生智慧和聪明的觉知和洞见(天国的奥秘 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 7692节). “果实”表示爱之良善和仁之良善(天国的奥秘 3146, 7690, 9337节).



176. 下面我舉一個例子, 以說明天國的事物是如何照著對應的方式向天人顯現的。對於專注于智慧的天人, 其周圍會顯現種有各種花草樹木的花園。樹木照極美的設計排列, 交搭成蔭, 形成圓拱和小道, 一切美不勝收, 無法描述。智慧的天人漫步其間, 採擷花朵, 編成花環, 戴在孩子身上。很多樹木是世人未曾眼見, 也是人間不可能有的。樹上結有果實, 與天人之仁相應。天人看到這些事物, 因為花園, 果樹, 鮮花與聰明智慧是相應的。

世人知道天國有這些事物存在, 但只有專注於良善, 未曾被虛幻的物質之光遮蔽天國之光的人才真正明白。當他們談論天國時, 他們相信且聲稱天上的事物"是眼睛未曾看見, 耳朵也未曾聽見的"。

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Heaven and Hell #176 (NCE, 2000)

176. By way of illustration, I should like to offer one instance of the way things look to angels because of correspondences. To angels who are focused on intelligence there appear gardens and parks full of all kinds of trees and flowers. The trees there are laid out in the loveliest designs, joined into vaulted arches offering spaces for entrance, and with promenades around them. All this is so beautiful as to defy description. People who are focused on intelligence stroll there picking the flowers and weaving garlands to grace babies with. There are kinds of tree and flower there never seen, not even possible, in our world. In the trees, too, there are fruits in keeping with the quality of the love these intelligent angels are absorbed in. They see such things because a garden and a park, and the fruit trees and flowers, correspond to intelligence and wisdom. 1

It is known on earth that things like this exist in the heavens, but it is known only to people who are engaged in what is good and who have not extinguished heaven's light within themselves by natural light and its deceptiveness. When the subject is heaven, people actually think and say that things are there that ear has never heard, nor eye seen.


1. "Garden" and "park" mean intelligence and wisdom: Arcana Coelestia 100, 108, 3220. The meaning of the garden of [literally, "from"] Eden and the garden of Jehovah: 99-100, 1588. How magnificent the paradisal things in the other life 1122, 1622, 2296, 4528-4529. Trees mean the perceptions and insights that give rise to wisdom and intelligence: 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 7692. Fruits mean the good that love and thoughtfulness do: 3146, 7690, 9337.


Heaven and Hell #176 (Harley, 1958)

176. To show what the things are that appear to the angels in accordance with correspondences, I would here mention this one instance only for the sake of illustration. By those who are intelligent, gardens and paradises full of trees and flowers of every kind are seen. The trees there are planted in most beautiful order, entwined in cross-beam formation with arched entrances and encircling walks. All is of such beauty as to beggar description. There walk those who are in intelligence, gathering flowers and weaving garlands with which they adorn little children. There are also kinds of trees and flowers there that are never seen and cannot exist in the world. On the trees also there are fruits that are in accordance with the good of love in which are the intelligent. Such things are seen by them because a garden or park, and fruit trees and flowers correspond to intelligence and wisdom. 1That there are such things in heaven is acknowledged on the earth but only by those who are in good and who have not extinguished in themselves the light of heaven by means of natural light and its fallacies, for when they think about heaven they think and say that there are such things there as ear hath not heard nor eye seen.


1. A "garden" or "park" signifies intelligence and wisdom (Arcana Coelestia 100, 108, 3220).

What is meant by "the garden of Eden" and "the garden of Jehovah" (Arcana Coelestia 99-100, 1588).

How magnificent the things seen in parks in the other life (Arcana Coelestia 1122, 1622, 2296, 4528-4529).

"Trees" signify perceptions and cognitions from which are wisdom and intelligence (Arcana Coelestia 103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 7692).

"Fruits" signify the goods of love and of charity (Arcana Coelestia 3146, 7690, 9337).


Heaven and Hell #176 (Ager, 1900)

176. To show what the things are that appear to the angels in accordance with correspondences, I will here mention one only for the sake of illustration. By those who are intelligent, gardens and parks full of trees and flowers of every kind are seen. The trees are planted in a most beautiful order, combined to form arbors with arched approaches and encircling walks, all more beautiful than words can describe. There the intelligent walk, and gather flowers and weave garlands with which they adorn little children. Moreover, there are kinds of trees and flowers there that are never seen and cannot exist on earth. The trees bear fruit that are in accordance with the good of love, in which the intelligent are. These things are seen by them because a garden or park and fruit trees and flowers correspond to intelligence and wisdom. 1That there are such things in heaven is known also on the earth, but only to those who are in good, and who have not extinguished in themselves the light of heaven by means of natural light and its fallacies; for when such think about heaven they think and say that there are such things there as ear hath not heard and eye hath not seen.


1. A "garden" or "park" signifies intelligence and wisdom (Arcana Coelestia 100, 108, 3220).

What is meant by "the garden of Eden" and "the garden of Jehovah" (99-100, 1588).

How magnificent the things seen in parks are in the other life (1122, 1622, 2296, 4528-4529).

"Trees" signify perceptions and knowledges, from which wisdom and intelligence are derived (103, 2163, 2682, 2722, 2972, 7692).

"Fruits" signify goods of love and goods of charity (3146, 7690, 9337).


De Coelo et de Inferno #176 (original Latin)

176. Qualia sunt quae apparent angelis secundum correspondentias, velim illustrationis causa hic unicum afferre. Qui in intelligentia sunt, illis apparent horti et paradisi pleni arboribus et floribus omnis generis. Arbores ibi consitae sunt in pulcherrimo ordine, combinatae in transtra, per quae introitus lacunati, et circum quae ambulacra omnia tali pulchritudine. ut describi nequeant: ambulant etiam ibi qui in intelligentia sunt, et legunt flores, et serta nectunt, quibus ornant infantes. Sunt etiam species arborum et florum ibi, nusquam visae nec dabiles in mundo. In arboribus etiam sunt fructus secundum bonum amoris, in quo sunt intelligentes. Talia vident illi, quia hortus et paradisus et quoque arbores fructiferae ac flores, intelligentiae et sapientiae correspondent. 1Quod talia in caelis sint, notum etiam est in terris, sed modo illis qui in bono sunt, et non exstinxerunt lucem caeli apud se per naturale lumen et ejus fallacias cogitant enim et dicunt, cum de caelo, quod ibi talia sint, quae nusquam auris audivit, et oculus vidit.


1. Quod hortus et paradisus, significent intelligentiam. et sapientiam (100, 108, 3220).

Quid "Hortus ab Edene," et "Hortus Jehovae," (99, 100, 1588).

De paradisiacis in altera vita quam magnifica (1122, 1622, 2296, 4528, 4529).

Quod "arbores" significent perceptiones et cognitiones. ex quibus sapientia et intelligentia (103, 2163, 2682, 2972, 7692).

Quod "fructus" significent bona amoris et charitatis (3146, 7690, 9337)

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