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属天的奥秘 第3220节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3220

3220. When the angels are discoursing about things of intelligence and wisdom, and about perceptions and knowledges, the influx from them into the corresponding societies of spirits falls into representations of such things as are in the vegetable kingdom; as into representations of paradises, of vine-yards, of forests, of meadows with flowers, and into many lovely forms that surpass all human imagination. Hence it is that things which are of wisdom and intelligence are described in the Word by paradises, vineyards, forests, meadows; and that where these are mentioned, such things are signified.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3220

3220. When angels are engaged in discussion about matters of intelligence and wisdom, and about perceptions and cognitions, their discussion at the same time passes on from them into corresponding communities of spirits. Their discussion falls into representations involving such things as occur in the vegetable kingdom - into representations of paradise-like gardens, vineyards, woodlands, meadows with flowers, and into many other lovely things, which are quite beyond human imagination. This explains why things that constitute wisdom and intelligence are described in the Word as gardens, vineyards, woodlands, and meadows, and why such things are meant whenever these places are mentioned.

Latin(1748-1756) 3220

3220. {1} Cum de illis quae sunt intelligentiae et sapientiae ac de perceptionibus et cognitionibus, angelis est sermo, tunc influxus inde in societates spirituum correspondentes, cadit in repraesentationes talium quae sunt in regno vegetabili, ut in paradisorum, vinearum, silvarum, pratorum cum floribus, ac in venustates plures, quae excedunt omnem imaginationem hominis: inde est quod (c)illa quae sunt sapientiae ac intelligentiae, describantur in Verbo per paradisos, vineas, silvas, prata, et quod, ubi haec nominantur, talia significentur. @1 This paragraph was written after n. 3227 with directions for insertion here; all numbers from 3221-7 are altered accordingly.$

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