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《天堂与地狱》 第57节






{注3}:人若是一个教会,就是一个最小形式的天堂,是最大天堂的形像,因为属于其心智的内层是照着天堂的形式排列的,为了接受天堂的一切(911190019283624-3631363438844041427945234524462560136057 92799632)。





57. 论及天堂的话也可论及教会, 因为教会是主在地上的天堂. 教会也有许多, 其中每一个都被称为一个教会, 并且只要爱与信之良善在其中掌权, 它的确是一个教会. 主在此也出于各个不同部分形成一个整体; 也就是说, 一个教会出于许多教会. 论及总体教会的话可论及具体的教会之人, 即: 教会在人之内, 而非在人之外; 主在其中存在于爱与信之良善里面的每个人都是一个教会. 同样, 论及拥有天堂在里面的天使的话可论及拥有教会在里面的人, 即: 他是一个最小形式的教会, 正如一位天使就是一个最小形式的天堂. 此外, 拥有教会在里面的人和天使一样, 也是一个天堂. 因为人被造是为了他能进入天堂, 并变成天使. 因此, 从主拥有良善的人就是一位天使-人. 人与天使的共同之处和不同之处值得提一下. 人在这一点上与天使有共同之处, 即: 他的内层同样符合天堂的形像, 并且只要他处于爱与信之良善, 就会变成天堂的形像. 但符合世界形像的外层被赐给人, 并未赐给天使; 并且只要人处于良善, 他里面的世界就会服从并服务于天堂. 这时, 主在两个世界存在于他里面, 就好像他在自己的天堂中. 事实上, 主在两个世界都处于自己的神序, 因为神就是秩序.

注: 如果良善是教会的特征和本质, 而不是脱离良善的真理, 那么教会就是一(天国的奥秘 1255, 1316, 2952, 3267, 3445, 3451, 3452节). 事实上, 众教会凭良善而在主面前合为一个教会(天国的奥秘 7396, 9276节). 教会在人之内, 而非在人之外, 总体上的教会由拥有教会在里面的人构成(天国的奥秘 3884 [6637]节). 人若是一个教会, 就是一个具有最大天堂形像的最小形式的天堂, 因为属于其心智的内层照着天堂的形式, 因而为了接受天堂的一切事物而被排列(天国的奥秘 911, 1900, 1928, 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523, 4524, 4625, 6013, 6057 天国的奥秘 9279, 9632节). 人有一个内在和一个外在; 他的内在通过创造照天堂的形像被形成, 他的外在照世界的形像被形成; 因此, 人被古人称为小宇宙(天国的奥秘 3628, 4523, 4524, 5115, 5368, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9706, 10156, 10472节). 所以, 人被造是为了拥有服务于天堂的世界在里面, 这是善人的情形; 恶人则相反, 天堂在他里面服务于世界(天国的奥秘 9278, 9283节). 主就是秩序, 从主发出的神性良善与真理构成秩序(天国的奥秘 1728, 1919, 2011, 2258, 5110, 5703, 8988, 10336, 10619节). 神性真理就是秩序的律法(天国的奥秘 2447, 7995节). 只要人照着秩序生活, 也就是照着神性真理活在良善中, 他就是一个人, 教会与天堂都在他里面(天国的奥秘 4839, 6605, 8513, [8547]节).



57. 天國如此, 教會也是如此, 因為教會是人間的天國。它也由許多部分構成, 每個部分都可稱為一個教會。當仁與信主導其中, 就是一個教會。主將多樣成分融為一個整體, 如此便將眾多教會合為一個教會。

教會如此, 教會內的每個成員也是如此;就是說, 教會在人心裡, 不在人身外。凡具備仁與信, 有主同在的人, 都是一個教會。心有天國的人便是一個最小版的天國, 心有教會的人也是一個最小版的教會;甚至可以說, 和天人一樣, 心有教會的人也是一個天國。因為主造我們, 就是要我們進入天國, 成為天人。所以, 任何人若擁有從主接收善的品質, 就是一位天人。

有一點啟得一提, 就是世人與天人的共同之處及特別之處。世人的內心是照天國的樣式成形的, 我們若具備仁與信的品質, 就成為天國的樣式, 這是世人與天人的共同之處。特別之處在于, 世人具有照物質成形的肉體, 這是天人所不具備的。人若恪守良善, 他的內心世界就服從天國, 為天國服務。主便在內外各層與我們同

在, 正如祂與天國同在一樣。事實上, 祂以聖規臨在於內外各層, 因為上帝就是聖規自身。

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Heaven and Hell #57 (NCE, 2000)

57. We can say the same of the church as we have of heaven, since the church is the Lord's heaven on earth. It also has many components, and yet each is called a church and is a church to the extent that the qualities of love and faith rule within it. In it, the Lord forms a single whole out of the varied elements, and therefore makes a single church out of many churches. 1

Much the same can be said of the individual member of the church as has been said about the church in general, namely that the church is within and not outside, and that anyone is a church in whom the Lord is present in the qualities of love and faith. 2

Much the same can be said of the individual who has the church within as has been said about the angel who has heaven within, that such an individual is a church in least form as the angel is a heaven in least form. Even more, we can say that the individual who has the church within is a heaven just as much as an angel is, for we have been created to enter heaven and become angels. So anyone who has the quality of goodness from the Lord is an angel-person. 3

It is worth noting what we have in common with angels and what we possess that they lack. We have in common with angels the fact that our deeper levels are formed in the image of heaven and that we also become images of heaven to the extent that we participate in the qualities of love and faith. What we have that angels lack is that our more outward levels are formed in the image of this world; and that to the extent that we are engaged in what is good, the world within us is subordinated to heaven and serves it; 4and that then the Lord is present with us on both levels as he is in his heaven. He is actually present on both levels in his divine order, for God is order. 5


1. If goodness were the essential characteristic of the church and not truth apart from goodness, the church would be one: 1285, 1316, 2982, 3267, 3445, 3451-3452. Further, all the churches constitute a single church in the Lord's sight because of their quality: 7395 [7396?], 9276.

2. The church is within the individual and not outside, and the church in general is made up of people who have the church within themselves: 3884.

3. The individual who is a church is a heaven in least form, in the image of the greatest, because the deeper levels of his or her mind are arranged in the form of heaven and are therefore arranged for the acceptance of all the elements of heaven: 911, 1900, 1982 [1928?], 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523-4524, 4625, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632.

4. We have an inner and an outer nature, our inner formed from creation in the image of heaven, and our outer in the image of the world, which is why the ancients called the human being a microcosm: 4523-4524, 5368 [3628?], 6013, 6057, 9279, 9706, 10156, 10472. Consequently we have been so created that the world serves the heaven in us, which actually happens in good people: however, the opposite holds true for evil people, in whom heaven is subservient to the world: 9283, 9278.

5. The Lord is order because the divine good and truth that emanate from the Lord constitute order: 1728, 1919, 2201 [2011?], 2258, 5110, 5703, 8988, 10336, 10619. Divine truths are laws of order: 2247, 7995. To the extent that we live according to order - that is, to the extent that we are engaged in what is good as determined by divine truths - to that extent we are human and have the church and heaven within us: 4839, 6605, 8067 [8513?].


Heaven and Hell #57 (Harley, 1958)

57. What has been said of heaven can be said of the Church, for the Church is the Lord's heaven on earth. There are also many Churches, and yet any one of them is called the Church and indeed is a Church, so far as the good of love and of faith rules there. There again, the Lord out of diversity makes a unity, thus, one Church out of many Churches. 1The same, too, can be said of the man of the Church in particular as is said of the Church in general, namely, that the Church is within a man and not outside him, and that every man in whom the Lord is present in the good of love and of faith is a Church. 2Again, the same can be said of a man in whom is the Church as of an angel in whom is heaven, namely, that he is a Church in least form as an angel is heaven in least form, and furthermore, that a man in whom is the Church, equally with an angel, is a heaven. For man has been created that he may come into heaven and become an angel. Consequently, he who has good from the Lord is an angel-man. 3It may be mentioned what a man has in common with an angel and what he has in addition to what angels have. A man has this in common with an angel, that his interiors are equally conformed to the image of heaven and that he, too, in so far as he is in the good of love and faith, may become an image of heaven. In addition to what angels have, a man has these things, that his exteriors have been formed according to the image of the world, that so far as he is in good, the world with him is subordinated to heaven and serves heaven, 4and that then the Lord is present with him in both worlds, just as if he were in his heaven. For the Lord is in His Divine order in both worlds, since God is order. 5


1. If good were the characteristic and essential of the Church, and not truth
apart from good, the Church would be one (Arcana Coelestia 1285, 1316, 2982, 3267, 3445, 3451-3452).

Indeed from good all Churches make one Church before the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 7396, 9276).

2. The Church is in man, and not outside him, and the Church in general is made up of men who have the Church in them (Arcana Coelestia 3884 [Arcana Coelestia 6637]).

3. A man who is a Church is a heaven in the least form after the image of the greatest, because his interiors, which belong to his mind, are arranged after the form of heaven, and consequently for reception of all things of heaven (Arcana Coelestia 911, 1900, 1928, 3624-3631, 3634, 3884 [Arcana Coelestia 6637], Arcana Coelestia 4041, 4279, 4523-4524, 4625, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632).

4. Man has an internal and an external; his internal has been formed by creation after the image of heaven, and his external after the image of the world; and for this reason man was called by the ancients a microcosm (Arcana Coelestia 4523-4524, 5608, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9706, 10156, 10472).

Therefore man was created to have the world in him serve heaven, and this takes place with the good; but it is the reverse with the evil, in whom heaven serves the world (Arcana Coelestia 9278, 9283).

5. The Lord is order, since the Divine good and truth that go forth from the Lord make order (Arcana Coelestia 1728, 1919, 2011, 2258, 5110, 5703, 8988, 10336, 10619).

Divine truths are laws of order (Arcana Coelestia 2447, 7995).

So far as a man lives according to order, that is, so far as he lives in good in accordance with Divine truths, he is a man, and the Church and heaven are in him (Arcana Coelestia 4839, 6605, 8067 [Arcana Coelestia 8513, 8547]).


Heaven and Hell #57 (Ager, 1900)

57. What has been said of heaven may be said also of the church, for the church is the Lord's heaven on earth. There are also many churches, each one of which is called a church, and so far as the good of love and faith reigns therein is a church. Here, too, the Lord out of various parts forms a unity, that is, one church out of many churches. 1And the like may be said of the man of the church in particular that is said of the church in general, namely, that the church is within man and not outside of him; and that every man is a church in whom the Lord is present in the good of love and of faith. 2Again, the same may be said of a man that has the church in him as of an angel that has heaven in him, namely, that he is a church in the smallest form, as an angel is a heaven in the smallest form; and furthermore that a man that has the church in him, equally with an angel, is a heaven. For man was created that he might come into heaven and become an angel; consequently he that has good from the Lord is a man-angel. 3What man has in common with an angel and what he has in contrast with angels may be mentioned. It is granted to man, equally with the angel, to have his interiors conformed to the image of heaven, and to become, so far as he is in the good of love and faith, an image of heaven. But it is granted to man and not to angels to have his exteriors conform to the image of the world; and so far as he is in good to have the world in him subordinated to heaven and made to serve heaven. 4And then the Lord is present in him both in the world and in heaven just as if he were in his heaven. For the Lord is in His Divine order in both worlds, since God is order. 5


1. If good were the characteristic and essential of the church, and not truth apart from good, the church would be one (Arcana Coelestia 1255, 1316, 2952, 3267, 3445, 3451, 3452).

From good all churches make one church before the Lord (7396, 9276).

2. The church is in man, and not outside of him, and the church in general is made up of men that have the church in them (3884, [6637]).

3. A man who is a church is a heaven in the smallest form after the image of the greatest, because his interiors, which belong to his mind, are arranged after the form of heaven, and consequently for reception of all things of heaven (911, 1900, 1928, 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523-4524, 4625, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632).

4. Man has an internal and an external; his internal is formed by creation after the image of heaven, and his external after the image of the world; and for this reason man was called by the ancients a microcosm (3628, 4523-4524, 5115, 5368, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9706, 10156, 10472).

Therefore man was created to have the world in him serve heaven, and this takes place with the good; but it is the reverse with the evil, in whom heaven serves the world (9278, 9283).

5. The Lord is order, since the Divine good and truth that go forth from the Lord make order (1728, 1919, 2011, 2258, 5110, 5703, 8988, 10336, 10619).

Divine truths are laws of order (2447, 7995).

So far as a man lives according to order, that is, so far as he lives in good in accordance with Divine truths, he is a man, and the church and heaven are in him (4839, 6605, 8513, [8547]).


De Coelo et de Inferno #57 (original Latin)

57. De ecclesia simile dici potest quod de caelo, nam ecclesia est caelum Domini in terris. Sunt illae quoque plures, et tamen unaquaevis vocatur ecclesia, et quoque est ecclesia, quantum bonum amoris et fidei ibi regnat. Dominus etiam ibi ex variis unum facit, ita ex pluribus ecclesiis unam. 1Simile quoque dici potest de homine ecclesiae in particulari, quod de ecclesia in communi quod nempe ecclesia sit intra hominem, et non extra illum, et quod quilibet homo sit ecclesia, in quo Dominus est praesens in bono amoris et fidei. 2Simile etiam dici potest de homine in quo ecclesia, quod de angelo in quo caelum, quod sit ecclesia in minima forma, sicut angelus est caelum in minima forma: et adhuc magis, quod homo in quo ecclesia, aeque ac angelus, sit caelum; nam homo creatus est ut in caelum veniat, et fiat angelus quapropter ille, cui bonum est a Domino, est angelus homo. 3Memorare licet, quid homo commune habet cum angelo, et quid prae angelis: Homo commune habet cum angelo, quod interiora ejus aeque formata sint ad imaginem caeli, et quoque quod fiat imago caeli, quantum in bono amoris et fidei est: homo prae angelis habet, quod exteriora ejus formata sint ad imaginem mundi et quod quantum in bono est, mundus apud illum subordinatur caelo, et serviat caelo; 4et quod tunc Dominus praesens sit apud illum in utroque sicut in suo caelo; est enim in suo ordine Divino utrobivis, nam Deus est ordo. 5


1. Si bonum foret character et essentiale ecclesiae, et non verum absque bono, quod ecclesia foret una (1285, 1316, 2982, 3267, 3445, 3451, 3452).

Quod etiam omnes ecclesiae faciant unam ecclesiam coram Domino ex bono (7395 [7396?] 9276).

2. Quod ecclesia sit in homine, et non extra illum, et quod ecclesia in communi sit ab hominibus, in quibus ecclesia (3884).

3. Quod homo qui ecclesia sit caelum in minima forma ad imaginem maximi, quia interiora ejus quae mentis disposita sunt ad formam caeli, et inde ad receptionem omnium caeli (911, 1900, 1982 [1928?] 3624-3614[NCBSP: Translations correct this reference as 3624-3631], 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523, 4524, 4625, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632).

4. Quod homini sit internum et externum, et quod internum ejus a creatione formatum sit ad imaginem caeli, et quod externum ejus ad imaginem mundi, et quod ideo homo ab antiquis dictus sit microcosmus (4523, 4524, 5368 [3628, 5115?] 6013, 6057, 9279, 9706, 10156, 10472).

Quod ideo homo ita creatus sit, ut mundus apud illum serviat caelo quod etiam fit apud bonos, at quod inversum sit apud malos, ubi caelum servit mundo (9283, 9278).

5. Quod Dominus sit ordo, quoniam Divinum bonum et verum, quae procedunt a Domino, faciunt ordinem (1728, 1919, 2201 [2011?] 2258, 5110, 5703, 8988, 10336, 10619).

Quod vera Divina sint leges ordinis (2247, 7995).

Quod quantum homo secundum ordinem vivit, ita quantum in bono secundum vera Divina, tantum sit homo, et in illo ecclesia et caelum (4839, 6605, 8067 [8513?]).

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