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《天堂与地狱》 第292节





{注3}:【英184】这一原则的一个明显例外可以参见《真实的基督教》(137)。虽然这些段落中的人物没有名字,但参照的地理资料清楚地表明是指哥德堡教区的欧内斯蒂(Johann August Ernesti 1707-1781;见上文第1节注释【英7】)和主教兰伯格(Eric Lamberg 1719-1780)。



292. 每个人都有善灵和恶灵与其同在. 人通过善灵与天堂联结, 通过恶灵与地狱联结. 这些灵人都在灵人界, 灵人界在天堂与地狱的中间. 我们将在后面详细描述灵人界. 当这些灵人来到人那里时, 他们便进入他的整个记忆, 因而进入他的整个思维: 恶灵进入其邪恶的记忆和思维, 善灵进入其良善的记忆和思维. 这些灵人完全不知道他们与人同在. 相反, 当他们与人同在时, 以为此人记忆和思维的一切都是他们自己的. 他们也看不见这个人, 因为我们太阳系的事物不在他们的视线之内. 主格外注意不让灵人知道他们与人同在, 因为他们若知道, 就会与他交谈; 在这种情况下, 恶灵就会毁灭他. 事实上, 恶灵因与地狱相联, 故只渴望毁灭人, 不但毁灭他的灵魂, 也就是他的信和爱, 还毁灭他的肉体. 当灵人不与人交谈时, 情况就不同了. 这时, 他们不知道他们正在思考, 以及彼此谈论的东西来自人. 因为他们虽靠人彼此交谈, 却以为他们正在思考和谈论的东西是他们自己的. 人人都珍视和喜爱自己的东西, 所以这些灵人被迫珍视和喜爱人, 尽管他们不知道这一点. 通过多年的持续经历, 这种联结对我来说已经司空见惯, 以至于习以为常了.

注: 每个人都有天使和灵人与其同在, 并通过他们与灵界交流(天国的奥秘 697, 2796, 2886, 2887, 4047, 4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993节). 若没有这些灵人与人同在, 人就无法存活(天国的奥秘 5993节). 灵人看不见人, 人也看不见灵人(天国的奥秘 5862节). 除了与之交谈的那个人所看到的事物外, 灵人看不见我们太阳系中属于任何人的任何事物(天国的奥秘 1880节).



292. 每個人兼有善靈, 惡靈與其同在。借著善靈, 我們與天國相通;借著惡靈, 我們與地獄相通。這些靈處於靈界, 即天國與地獄的居間地帶。關於靈界, 後文會有專門的論述。

這些靈進入某人, 是進入他的全部的記憶, 並從記憶進入全部的思維。惡靈進入記憶和思維中惡的事物, 善靈進入記憶和思維善的事物。這些靈全然不知有個人與其同在, 以為所進入之人的記憶和思維都屬於他們自己。他們也看不見人, 因為我們太陽系的事物不在其視線之內。

主儘量防止靈得知有人與其同在, 不然他們必要與人說話, 惡靈更會將人毀滅。因為惡靈與地獄相通, 其最大的欲望莫過於將人的靈(即人的仁與信)和肉體一併毀滅。若不與人說話, 情況就不同了。他們便不知其思維和言語是出於人(因為靈交談的方式和世人交談的方式是一樣的), 以為都是出於自己, 自然就珍視之, 熱愛之, 也在無意中對人表示了尊重和熱愛。

通過多年持續不斷的經歷, 人與靈界相通的事實我已再熟悉不過, 也就習以為常了。

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Heaven and Hell #292 (NCE, 2000)

292. There are good spirits and evil spirits with every individual. We have our union with heaven through the good spirits and our union with hell through the evil ones. These spirits are in the world of spirits, which is intermediate between heaven and hell and will be specifically treated later.

When these spirits come to us, they come into our whole memory and from there into all our thinking - evil spirits into the matters of memory and thought that are evil, and good spirits into the matters of memory and thought that are good. These spirits are totally unaware that they are with us. Rather, as long as they are, they believe that all these matters of our memory and thought are actually theirs. They do not see us, either, because their sight does not extend to things in our subsolar world. 1

The Lord takes the greatest care to prevent spirits from knowing whom they are with. If they did know, they would talk with them, and then the evil spirits would destroy them; for evil spirits, being united to hell, want nothing more than to destroy us not only as to spirit (that is, as to our love and faith) but as to our bodies as well. It is different when they do not talk with us. Then they do not know that we are the source of what they are thinking - and what they are saying to each other, since they talk to each other just the way we do - but believe that these matters are their own. They value and love whatever is their own, so these spirits are constrained to love and value us, even though they do not know it.

This kind of union has become so familiar to me through years of constant experience as to be commonplace.


1. There are angels and spirits with every individual, and through them we have communication with the spiritual world: 697, 2796, 2886-2887, 4047-4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993. Apart from these spirits with us, we could not live: 5993. We are not visible to the spirits, nor are they to us: 5885 [5862?]. Spirits cannot see anything in our subsolar world of humanity except things [visible] to the individual they are talking to: 1880.


Heaven and Hell #292 (Harley, 1958)

292. With every individual there are good spirits and evil spirits. Through the good spirits, man has conjunction with heaven, and through the evil spirits with hell. These spirits are in the world of spirits, which lies midway between heaven and hell. This world will be described particularly in the following pages. When these spirits come to a man they enter into his entire memory, and thus into his entire thought, evil spirits into the evil things of his memory and thought, and good spirits into the good things of his memory and thought. These spirits have no knowledge at all that they are with a man, but when they are with him they believe that all things of his memory and thought are their own. Neither do they see the man, because nothing that is in our solar world falls within their vision. 1The Lord exercises the greatest care that the spirits should not know that they are with a man; for if they knew it, they would speak with him. In that case evil spirits would destroy him. For evil spirits, being conjoined with hell, desire nothing so much as to destroy man, not alone his soul, that is, his faith and love, but also his body. It is otherwise when spirits do not speak with man, in which case they are not aware that what they are thinking and also what they are saying among themselves is from man. For they even speak among themselves from man, but believe that what they are thinking and saying is their own, and each esteems and loves what is his own. In this way, spirits are constrained to love and esteem man, although they do not know it. That such is the conjunction of spirits with man has become so well known to me as a result of many years' continual experience that there is nothing better known to me.


1. There are angels and spirits with every man, and by means of them man has communication with the spiritual world (Arcana Coelestia 697, 2796, 2886-2887, 4047-4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993).

Man without spirits with him cannot live (Arcana Coelestia 5993).

Man is not seen by spirits, even as spirits are not seen by man (Arcana Coelestia 5862).

Spirits can see nothing in our solar world with man except the one with whom they are speaking (Arcana Coelestia 1880).


Heaven and Hell #292 (Ager, 1900)

292. With every individual there are good spirits and evil spirits. Through good spirits man has conjunction with heaven, and through evil spirits with hell. These spirits are in the world of spirits, which lies midway between heaven and hell. This world will be described particularly hereafter. When these spirits come to a man they enter into his entire memory, and thus into his entire thought, evil spirits into the evil things of his memory and thought, and good spirits into the good things of his memory and thought. These spirits have no knowledge whatever that they are with man; but when they are with him they believe that all things of his memory and thought are their own; neither do they see the man, because nothing that is in our solar world falls into their sight. 1The Lord exercises the greatest care that spirits may not know that they are with man; for if they knew it they would talk with him, and in that case evil spirits would destroy him; for evil spirits, being joined with hell, desire nothing so much as to destroy man, not alone his soul, that is, his faith and love, but also his body. It is otherwise when spirits do not talk with man, in which case they are not aware that what they are thinking and also what they are saying among themselves is from man; for although it is from man that they talk with one another, they believe that what they are thinking and saying is their own, and everyone esteems and loves what is their own. In this way spirits are constrained to love and esteem man, although they do not know it. That such is the conjunction of spirits with man has become so well known to me from a continual experience of many years that nothing is better known to me.


1. There are angels and spirits with every man, and by means of them man has communication with the spiritual world (Arcana Coelestia 697, 2796, 2886-2887, 4047-4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993).

Man without spirits attending him cannot live (5993).

Man is not seen by spirits, even as spirits are not seen by man (5862).

Spirits can see nothing in our solar world pertaining to any man except the one with whom they are speaking (1880).


De Coelo et de Inferno #292 (original Latin)

292. Apud unumquemvis hominem sunt spiritus boni et sunt spiritus mali per spiritus bonos fit homini conjunctio cum caelo, et per spiritus malos cum inferno. Spiritus illi sunt in mundo spirituum, qui est medius inter caelum et infernum, de quo mundo in specie agetur in sequentibus. Spiritus illi cum ad hominem veniunt, intrant in omnem ejus memoriam, et inde in omnem ejus cogitationem; spiritus mali in illa memoriae et cogitationis quae mala sunt spiritus autem boni in illa memoriae et cogitationis quae bona sunt. Spiritus prorsus non sciunt quod apud hominem sint; sed cum ibi sunt, credunt quod omnia quae memoriae et cogitationis hominis sunt, sua sint nec vident hominem, quia illa quae in mundo nostro solari sunt, non cadunt in visum corum. 1Quam maxime cavetur a Domino, ne spiritus sciant quod apud hominem sint si enim scirent, loquerentur cum illo et tunc spiritus mali illum perderent; nam mali spiritus, quia conjuncti sunt cum inferno, nihil plus cupiunt, quam perdere hominem, non solum quoad animam, hoc est, quoad fidem et amorem, sed etiam quoad corpus. Aliter fit cum non loquuntur cum homine tunc nec sciunt quod ex illo sint quae cogitant, et quoque quae inter se loquuntur nam inter se loquuntur etiam ex homine, sed credunt quod sua sint; et quisque sua aestimat et amat: ita spiritus tenentur ad amandum et aestimandum hominem, tametsi id non sciunt. Quod talis conjunctio spirituum cum homine sit, ex plurium annorum continua experientia tam notum mihi factum est, ut nihil notius.


1. Quod apud unumquemvis hominem sint angeli et spiritus, et quod per illos homini communicatio sit cum mundo spirituali (697, 2796, 2886, 2887, 4047, 4048, 5846-5866, 5976-5993). Quod homo absque spiritibus apud se non vivere possit (5993).

Quod homo non appareat spiritibus, sicut nec spiritus homini 5885 [5862?]).

Quod spiritus nihil possint videre quod in mundo nostro solari apud hominem, solum apud illum cum quo loquuntur (1880).

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