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《天堂与地狱》 第291节







291. 三十三, 天堂与人类的联结

在教会, 众所周知, 一切良善皆来自神, 丝毫不来自人. 因此, 不可将任何良善归于自己, 当成自己的. 邪恶则来自魔鬼, 这也是众所周知的. 所以, 那些出于教会教义说话的人论到那些行为良善的人和那些说话, 讲道虔诚的人, 就说他们被神引导; 而论到那些行为恶毒, 言语亵渎的人, 则说相反的话. 若非人与天堂或地狱有一个联结, 并且这种联结是与人的意愿和理解力的联结, 这一切是不可能的, 因为正是凭意愿和理解力, 身体才能行动, 嘴巴才能说话. 有必要描述一下这种联结的性质.



291. 天國與人類相通

在教會, 人皆承認良善全出於上帝, 無一是出於己。因此, 人不可將任何善歸功於己。反之, 惡出於魔鬼。恪守教義者因而說行為良善, 言語虔誠, 傳播善道的人是為上帝所引導;行為惡毒, 言語褻瀆的人則是被魔鬼所引誘。果真如此的話, 人與天國, 地獄當是某種連通的關係, 這種相連應當是通過人的意志和認知, 因為人的言語行為出於此兩者。下面需要對相通的性質進行描述。

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Heaven and Hell #291 (NCE, 2000)

291. The Union of Heaven with the Human Race

It is acknowledged in the church that everything good comes from God and nothing of it from us, and therefore that we should never take personal credit for anything good. It is also recognized that evil comes from the devil. This is why people who talk from the doctrine of the church describe people who are acting well and who are talking devoutly and preaching as being led by God, and say the opposite about people who are acting maliciously and speaking blasphemously. None of this could happen unless we had a union with heaven and a union with hell, and unless those unions were with our volition and our understanding, since it is from these that the body acts and the mouth speaks. We need now to describe what this union is like.


Heaven and Hell #291 (Harley, 1958)


It is well known in the Church that all good is from God, and that nothing of good is from man, consequently that no one ought to ascribe any good to himself as his own. It is also well known that evil is from the devil. Therefore those who speak from the doctrine of the Church say of those who behave well, and of those who speak and preach piously, that they are led by God; but the opposite of those who do not behave well and who speak impiously. These things cannot be so unless man has conjunction with heaven and conjunction with hell, and unless these conjunctions are with his will and his understanding, for from them the body acts and the mouth speaks. What kind of conjunction this is will now be told.


Heaven and Hell #291 (Ager, 1900)


It is well known in the church that all good is from God, and that nothing of good is from man, consequently that no one ought to ascribe any good to himself as his own. It is also well known that evil is from the devil. Therefore those who speak from the doctrine of the church say of those who behave well, and of those who speak and preach piously, that they are led by God; but the opposite of those who do not behave well and who speak impiously. For this to be true man must have conjunction with heaven and with hell; and this conjunction must be with man's will and with his understanding; for it is from these that the body acts and the mouth speaks. What this conjunction is shall now be told.


De Coelo et de Inferno #291 (original Latin)


Notum est in ecclesia, quod omne bonum sit a Deo, et nihil ab homine, et quod ideo nemo sibi aliquod bonum oporteat addicare ut suum et quoque notum est, quod malum sit a diabolo inde est, quod illi qui ex doctrina ecclesiae loquuntur, dicant de illis qui bene agunt et quoque de illis qui pie loquuntur et praedicant, quod ducti sint a Deo, contrarium autem de illis qui male agunt ac impie loquuntur. Haec ita non possunt esse, nisi homini conjunctio sit cum caelo, et conjunctio cum inferno; et nisi conjunctiones illae sint cum ejus voluntate et cum ejus intellectu nam ex illis corpus agit et os loquitur. Qualis illa conjunctio est, nunc dicetur.

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