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《天堂与地狱》 第26节







26. 我们说过, 属天天使拥有胜过其他人的智慧和荣耀, 因为他们已经并继续立刻将神性真理融入自己的生活. 事实上, 他们一听闻神性真理, 便意愿并践行它们, 而不是将它们储存在记忆中, 然后考虑它们是否真实. 他们凭来自主的流注立刻就知道所听闻的真理是否真实, 因为主直接流入人的意愿, 但间接经由他的意愿流入他的思维. 或也可说, 主直接流入良善, 但间接经由良善流入真理. 凡属于意愿和由此而来的行为的, 都被称为良善; 而凡属于记忆和由此而来的思维的, 都被称为真理. 此外, 一切真理一旦进入意愿, 就会变成良善, 并被植入爱; 但只要停留在记忆和由此而来的思维中, 就变不成良善, 不会存活, 也不会被归于人. 因为人之为人, 凭的是他的意愿和由此而来的理解力, 而非其脱离意愿的理解力.

注: 主流入良善, 并经由良善流入真理, 而不是反过来; 因此, 主流入意愿, 并经由意愿流入理解力, 而不是反过来(天国的奥秘 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153节). 人的意愿就是其生命的真正存在, 是爱之良善的容器; 而他的理解力则是由此而来的其生命的外在显现, 是信之真理与良善的容器(天国的奥秘 3619, 5002, 9282节). 因此, 意愿的生命是人的主要生命, 理解力的生命由此发出(天国的奥秘 585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9282, 10076, 10109, 10110节). 凡被意愿所接受的, 都会进入生命, 并被归于人(天国的奥秘 3161, 9386, 9393节). 人凭他的意愿和由此而来的理解力而为人(天国的奥秘 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10109, 10110节). 此外, 凡正确意愿和理解的人都会受到他人的爱戴和珍视; 而凡正确理解却不正确意愿的人都会遭到弃绝和鄙视(天国的奥秘 8911, 10076节). 另外, 死后, 人仍保持他的意愿和由此而来的理解力一直以来的样子; 那时, 属于理解力, 但不属于意愿的事物就会消失, 因为它们不在此人里面(天国的奥秘 9069, 9071, 9282, 9386, 10153节).



26. 我們說過, 仁智天人擁有更大的智慧和光明, 因為他們將聖理直接融入生活, 並且持續如此。當他們聽理之時, 便有意去行出來, 而不是存在記憶中再分辨是對是錯。因著神性的流入, 這樣的天人能立即知道他們所聽之理是否確實為真。神性的流注進入人的意志, 是直接地流注;經意志流入人的思維, 則是間接地。換句話說, 主的流注直接進入人裡面的"善,"經過"善"間接流入人裡面的"理"。凡屬於意志的和行為的範疇, 我們稱之為"善;"凡屬於記憶的和思維的範疇, 我們稱之為"理"。所有的理若只是停於記憶和思考的層面, 既不是善的, 也不是活的, 並未與人相融合;因為人之所以為人, 是在於意志處於第一位, 其次才是認知, 而不是在於與意志分離的認知能力。

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Heaven and Hell #26 (NCE, 2000)

26. We have stated that they have more wisdom and splendor than others because they have accepted divine truths directly into their lives and continue to do so. The moment they hear them, they intend them and live them out. They do not refer them to memory and consider whether they are true. People like this know instantly, from an inflow from the Lord, whether the truth they are hearing is actually true. The Lord flows directly into our intentions, and indirectly, through our intentions, into our thinking. In other words, the Lord flows directly into what is good within us, and indirectly, through that good, into what is true. 1That is, we call "good" whatever is a matter of intent and therefore of action, while we call "true" whatever is a matter of memory and therefore of thought. However, as long as any truth is in memory and therefore in thought, it is neither good nor living. It is not assimilated into the person, because a person is a person by virtue of intent primarily and cognitive abilities secondarily - not by virtue of cognitive abilities apart from volition. 2


1. The Lord's inflow is into the good and through the good into the true, and not vice versa. So it is into volition and through it into discernment, and not vice versa: 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153.

2. Our volition is the substance of our life and is what receives the good of love, while our cognitive ability is the consequent manifestation of life and is what receives true and good elements of faith: 3619, 5002, 9282. Therefore our volitional life is our primary life, and our cognitive life issues from it: 585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9285 [9282?], 10076, 10109-10110. It is the things that are accepted into our volition that become matters of life and are assimilated to us: 3161, 9386, 9393. A person is a person by virtue of volition, and secondarily by virtue of cognitive abilities: 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10106, 10110. People who intend good and think well are loved and valued by others, while people who think well but do not intend good are rejected and disparaged: 8911, 10076. After death, we continue to have the character of our volition and of the discernment that follows from it. Whatever is a matter of cognition only, and not of volition, disappears because it is not really within us: 9069, 9071, 9282, 9386, 10153.


Heaven and Hell #26 (Harley, 1958)

26. It has been said that these angels have wisdom and glory above others for the reason that they have received and continue to receive Divine truths at once in their life; for, as soon as they hear Divine truths, they will them and do them instead of storing them up in their memory and afterwards considering whether they are true. Such angels know at once, by influx from the Lord, whether the truth which they hear is true, for the Lord inflows immediately into a man's willing, but mediately through his willing into his thinking. Or, what is the same, the Lord inflows immediately into good but mediately through good into truth. 1For that which belongs to the will and action therefrom is called good while that which belongs to the memory and to thought therefrom is called truth. Indeed every truth is changed into good and implanted in love as soon as it enters the will, but so long as truth is in the memory and in the thought therefrom, it does not become good nor does it live, nor is it appropriated to man, since man is man from his will and thence from his understanding, and not from his understanding separated from his will. 2


1. The Lord's influx is into good, and by good into truth, and not the reverse: thus into the will, and by it into the understanding, and not the reverse (Arcana Coelestia 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153).

2. The will of man is the very being (esse) of his life, and the receptacle of the good of love, while his understanding is the existing (existere) of his life therefrom and the receptacle of the truth and good of faith (Arcana Coelestia 3619, 5002, 9282).

Thus the life of the will is the chief life of man, and the life of the understanding goes forth therefrom (Arcana Coelestia 585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9282, 10076, 10109-10110).

Whatever is received by the will comes to be the life, and is appropriated to man (Arcana Coelestia 3161, 9386, 9393).

Man is a man from his will and his understanding therefrom (Arcana Coelestia 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10109-10110).

Moreover, every one who wills and understands rightly is loved and valued by others, while he who understands rightly and does not will well is rejected and despised (Arcana Coelestia 8911, 10076).

Also, after death man remains such as his will and his understanding therefrom have been, while the things that pertain to the understanding and not also to the will then vanish, because they are not in the man (Arcana Coelestia 9069, 9071, 9282, 9386, 10153).


Heaven and Hell #26 (Ager, 1900)

26. It has been said that these angels have wisdom and glory above others for the reason that they have received and continue to receive Divine truths at once in their life. For as soon as they hear Divine truths, they will and do them, instead of storing them up in the memory and afterwards considering whether they are true. They know at once by influx from the Lord whether the truth they hear is true; for the Lord flows directly into man's willing, but mediately through his willing into his thinking. Or what is the same, the Lord flows directly into good, but mediately through good into truth. 1That is called good which belongs to the will and action therefrom, while that is called truth that belongs to the memory and to the thought therefrom. Moreover, every truth is turned into good and implanted in love as soon as it enters into the will; but so long as truth remains in the memory and in the thought therefrom it does not become good, nor does it live, nor is it appropriated to man, since man is a man from his will and understanding therefrom, and not from his understanding separated from his will. 2


1. The Lord's influx is into good and through good into truth, and not the reverse; thus into the will and through that into the understanding, and not the reverse (Arcana Coelestia 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153).

2. The will of man is the very being [esse] of his life, and the receptacle of the good of love, while his understanding is the outgo [existere] of his life therefrom, and the receptacle of the truth and good of faith (3619, 5002, 9282).

Thus the will's life is the chief life of man, and the life of the understanding goes forth therefrom (585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9282, 10076, 10109-10110).

Whatever is received by the will comes to be the life, and is appropriated to man (3161, 9386, 9393).

Man is a man from his will and his understanding therefrom (8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10109-10110).

Moreover, everyone who wills and understands rightly is loved and valued by others, while he that understands rightly and does not will rightly is rejected and despised (8911, 10076).

Also, after death man remains such as his will and his understanding therefrom have been, while the things that pertain to the understanding and not also to the will then vanish, because they are not in the man (9069, 9071, 9282, 9386, 10153).


De Coelo et de Inferno #26 (original Latin)

26. Dictum est, quod illis sapientia et gloria sit prae reliquis, quia receperunt et recipiunt Divina vera statim in vita; ut primum enim audiunt illa, etiam volunt et faciunt illa, nec reponunt in memoria, et dein cogitant num ita sit. Qui tales sunt, sciunt illico per influxum a Domino, num verum sit verum quod audiunt, influit enim Dominus immediate in velle hominis, et mediate per velle in ejus cogitare; seu quod idem, influit Dominus immediate in bonum, ac mediate per bonum in verum; 1nam id bonum dicitur quod est voluntatis et inde operis, at verum quod est memoriae et inde cogitationis: etiam omne verum vertitur in bonum ac implantatur amori, ut primum intrat voluntatem quamdiu autem verum est in memoria et inde cogitatione, non fit bonum, nec vivit, nec appropriatur homini, quoniam homo est homo ex voluntate et inde intellectu. et non ex intellectu separato a voluntate. 2


1. Quod influxus Domini sit in bonum et per bonum in verum et non vicissim; ita in voluntatem et per eam in intellectum, et non vicissim (5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153).

2. Quod voluntas hominis sit ipsum esse vitae illius, et quod sit receptaculum boni amoris, et quod intellectus sit existere vitae inde, et quod sit receptaculum veri et boni fidei (3619, 5002, 9282).

Ita quod vita voluntatis sit vita principalis hominis, et quod vita intellectus procedat inde (585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9285, [9282?] 10076, 10109, 10110).

Quod illa fiant vitae, et approprientur homini, quae recipiuntur voluntate (3161, 9386, 9393).

Quod homo sit homo ex voluntate et inde intellectu (8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10106, 10110).

Unusquisque etiam ab aliis amatur et aestimatur qui vult bene et intelligit bene, ac rejicitur et vilipenditur qui intelligit bene et non vult bene (8911, 10076).

Quod homo etiam post mortem maneat sicut ejus voluntas et inde ejus intellectus, et quod quae intellectus sunt et non simul voluntatis tunc evanescant, quia non sunt in homine (9069, 9071, 9282, 9386, 10153).

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