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《天堂与地狱》 第151节




{注2}:那些沉溺在对自我和尘世之爱的人背弃主(10130101891042010702)。爱主和爱邻舍造就了天堂,爱自己和爱世界则造就了地狱,因为这二者是对立的(2041361042254776 6210736673697490823286781045510741-10745)。




151. 地狱里的人正好相反. 地狱里的人不仰望显为太阳或月亮的主, 却背离主, 注视在尘世太阳之地的漆黑, 和在地上月亮之地的幽暗. 那些注视在尘世太阳之地的漆黑之人被称为魔鬼, 那些注视在地上月亮之地的幽暗之人被称为灵人. 前面(122节)已说明, 尘世太阳和地上月亮在灵界是不可见的; 取代这太阳的, 是与天堂太阳相对立的一片漆黑; 取代这月亮的, 是与天堂月亮相对立的一片幽暗. 这意味着地狱居民的方位正好与天堂居民的截然对立. 对他们来说, 东方就是那漆黑和幽暗所在之地, 西方就是天堂太阳所在之地, 南方在他们右边, 北方在他们左边; 无论他们如何转动身体, 都是如此. 他们也不可能有其它面向, 因为他们内层的整个倾向和随之的决定都朝这个方向瞄准和努力. 前面(143节)还说明, 在来世, 所有人的内层的这种倾向和随之的实际决定都与他们的爱和谐一致. 地狱之人的爱就是对自我和尘世的爱, 这些爱就是尘世太阳和地上月亮所表示的(参看122节); 这些爱与对主之爱和对邻之爱对立; 这就是他们背离主转向这些黑暗的原因. 此外, 地狱之人同样照他们的方位居住, 那些出于自我之爱陷入邪恶的人住在东西一线, 那些陷入邪恶之虚假的人住在南北一线. 我们将在论述地狱的章节详细说明这一点.

注: 被称为魔鬼和灵人的人都是谁, 是何性质(天国的奥秘 947, 5035, 5977, 8593, 8622, 8625节). 那些陷入对自我和尘世之爱的人背离主(天国的奥秘 10130, 10189, 10420, 10702节). 对主之爱和对邻之仁构成天堂, 而自我之爱和尘世之爱则构成地狱, 因为这二者是对立的(天国的奥秘 2041, 3610, 4225, 4776 天国的奥秘 6210, 7366, 7369, 7490, 8232, 8678, 10455, 10741-10745节).



151. 地獄的情況正好相反。地獄之人不注視顯為太陽或月亮的主, 卻背對主, 注視人間的太陽和月亮所在的漆黑和幽暗之處。朝向物質界太陽所在漆黑之處的被稱為"魔鬼,"朝向物質界月亮所代在幽暗之處的被稱為"撒旦"。因為正如前面所說(122), 我們這個世界的太陽以及月亮在心靈世界並不可見。並且, 替代這個太陽的是某些漆黑之物, 與天國太陽相對立;替代月亮的是某些幽暗之物, 與天國的月亮相對立。這意味著地獄的方位和天國的方位是相對立的。對地獄之人來說, 呈現一團漆黑或幽暗的地方是東方, 天國太陽之處是西方, 南方在其右, 北方在其左。不論身體如何轉動, 都是如此, 也只能如此, 因為他們的心總趨求那個方向。事實上, 愛決定了我們內在屬性的趨向, 因而也決定了每個人死後行為的方向(143)。地獄之人陷於對自己的愛和對世界的愛之中, 兩者正是物質界太陽和月亮所表示之意(122)。再者, 這些愛與對主和對鄰人之愛正好相反, 這是他們朝向黑暗, 背對主的原因。

地獄的人也按四個基本方位住在不同的區域。源於對自己之愛而迷於其所生之罪惡者住在東西軸向, 為了這些罪惡而迷於其所生之謬誤者住在南北軸向。關於這一點, 等到談論地獄時, 再作進一步的說明。

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Heaven and Hell #151 (NCE, 2000)

151. The opposite holds for the people who are in the hells. The people there do not focus on the Lord as the sun or the moon, but look away from the Lord toward that dark object that occupies the place of our world's sun and the gloomy object that occupies the place of earth's moon. The ones called demons look toward the dark object in our sun's place, and the ones called spirits toward the gloomy object in our moon's place. 1As explained in 122 above, the sun of our world and earth's moon are not visible in the spiritual world, but in place of our sun there is something dark opposite heaven's sun and something gloomy opposite heaven's moon. This means that hell's inhabitants have directions opposite to those of heaven. Their east is where they see that dark or gloomy object and their west is where heaven's sun is. Their south is to their right and their north to their left, no matter which way they turn their bodies. Nothing else is possible for them, because the whole tendency of their deeper natures, their whole orientation therefore, aims and strives in this direction. On the fact that love is what determines the tendency of our deeper natures and therefore the orientation of everyone's actions in the other life, see 143. The love of people in the hells is a love for oneself and for the world, these loves being what is meant by the sun of this world and earth's moon (see 122). Further, these loves are opposite to love for the Lord and love for one's neighbor. 2This is why they turn toward the darkness, away from the Lord.

The people who are in the hells also live arranged according to the cardinal directions. The ones who are obsessed with evils that arise from love for themselves are along the east-west axis, and the ones who are obsessed with falsifications for the sake of evil are along the south-north axis. There will be more about them later, though, where we discuss the hells.


1. The identity and nature of the people called demons, and the identity and nature of the ones called spirits: 947, 5035, 5977, 8593, 8622, 8625.

2. People who are absorbed in love for themselves and for the world turn away from the Lord: 10130, 10189, 10420, 10702. Love for the Lord and thoughtfulness toward one's neighbor make heaven, and love for oneself and for the world make hell, because they are opposites: 2041, 3610, 4225, 4776, 6210, 7366, 7369, 7490, 8232, 8678, 10455, 10741-10745.


Heaven and Hell #151 (Harley, 1958)

151. The reverse is true of those in the hells. Those who are there do not look to the Lord as a Sun nor as a Moon, but they look backward away from the Lord to that dense blackness that is in the place of the sun of the world, and to the darkness that is in the place of the earth's moon, those called genii looking to the dense blackness which is in place of the sun of the world, and those called spirits to the darkness which is in place of the earth's moon. 1It may be seen above (122) that the world's sun and the earth's moon are not seen in the spiritual world, but in place of the sun a dense blackness over against the Sun of heaven, and in place of the moon a darkness over against the Moon of heaven. For this reason the quarters with those in the hells are opposite to the quarters of heaven. To them, the east is where that dense blackness and darkness are, the west is where the Sun of heaven is, the south is to their right, and the north to their left, and this also in every turning of their bodies. Nor can they face otherwise, because the whole bent and consequent determination of their interiors tends and strives that way. It may be seen in 143 that the bent and consequent actual determination of the interiors of all in the other life are in accordance with their love. The love of those in the hells is the love of self and the world, and these loves are what are signified by the world's sun and the earth's moon, (see 122), and these loves are opposite to love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour. 2This is the cause of their turning backwards away from the Lord to those dense blacknesses. Moreover, those in the hells dwell likewise in accordance with their quarters, those who are in evils from love of self dwelling from their east to their west, and those in the falsities of evil from their south to their north. But more will be said of this further on where the hells are treated of.


1. Who, and of what quality they are who are called genii and spirits (Arcana Coelestia 947, 5035, 5977, 8593, 8622, 8625).

2. Those who are in the loves of self and of the world turn themselves backwards from the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 10130, 10189, 10420, 10702).

Love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour make heaven, while love of self and love of the world make hell, because they are opposite (Arcana Coelestia 2041, 3610, 4225, 4776, 6210, 7366, 7369, 7490, 8232, 8678, 10455, 10741-10745).


Heaven and Hell #151 (Ager, 1900)

151. The reverse is true of those in the hells. Those who are there do not look to the Lord as a sun nor as a moon; but they look backward away from the Lord to that dense darkness that is in the place of the sun of the world, and to the darkness that is in the place of the earth's moon. Those that are called genii look to that dense darkness that is in the place of the world's sun, and those called spirits look to the darkness that is in the place of the earth's moon. 1It has been shown above (122) that the world's sun and the earth's moon are not seen in the spiritual world, but in place of that sun a dense darkness over against the sun of heaven, and in place of that moon a darkness over against the moon of heaven. For this reason the quarters with those in the hells are opposite to the quarters of heaven. The east to them is where that dense darkness and darkness are, the west is where the sun of heaven is, the south is to their right, and the north to their left, and this also in every turning of their bodies. Nor can they face otherwise, because the whole bent and consequent determination of their interiors tends and strives that way. It has been shown above (143) that the bent and consequent actual determination of the interiors of all in the other life are in harmony with their love. The love of those in the hells is the love of self and the world, and these loves are what are signified by the world's sun and the earth's moon (see 122); and these loves are opposite to love to the Lord and love towards the neighbor; 2and this is the cause of their turning themselves backwards away from the Lord to this dense darkness. Moreover, those in the hells dwell likewise in accordance with their quarters, those who are in evil from love of self dwelling from their east to their west, and those who are in the falsities of evil from their south to their north. But more will be said about this below, where the hells are treated of.


1. Who and what those are who are called genii, and who and what those are who are called spirits (Arcana Coelestia 947, 5035, 5977, 8593, 8622, 8625).

2. Those that are in the loves of self and of the world turn themselves backwards from the Lord (10130, 10189, 10420, 10702).

Love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbor make heaven, while love of self and love of the world make hell, because the two are opposite (2041, 3610, 4225, 4776, 6210, 7366, 7369, 7490, 8232, 8678, 10455, 10741-10745).


De Coelo et de Inferno #151 (original Latin)

151. Contrarium est illis qui in infernis sunt. illi, qui ibi, non spectant ad Dominum ut Solem aut ut Lunam, sed retro a Domino ad caliginosum illud quod loco solis mundi est, et ad tenebrosum quod loco lunae telluris est illi qui genii vocantur, ad caliginosum quod loco solis mundi est, et illi qui spiritus vocantur, ad tenebrosum quod loco lunae telluris est: 1quod sol mundi et luna telluris non appareant in mundo spirituali, sed loco solis istius caliginosum quid ex opposito ad Solem caeli, et loco lunae istius tenebrosum 2quid 3ex opposito ad lunam caeli, videatur supra (122): inde sunt illis plagae oppositae plagis caeli oriens illis est ubi caliginosum et tenebrosum illud; occidens illis ubi Sol caeli meridies illis ad dextrum, et septentrio ad sinistrum et hoc quoque in omni conversione corporis eorum nec possunt aliter, ex causa quia omnis directio interiorum illorum, et inde omnis determinatio illuc vergit et nititur: quod directio interiorum et inde determinatio actualis omnium in altera vita sit secundum amorem, videatur, 14, amor illorum qui in infernis sunt est amor sui et mundi, et illi amores sunt qui significantur per solem mundi et lunam telluris (videatur, 122); et quoque illi amores sunt oppositi amori in Dominum et amori erga proximum 4inde est, quod se vertant ad caligines illas retro a Domino. Habitant etiam illi, qui in infernis sunt, secundum suas plagas illi qui in malis ex amore sui, ab oriente eorum ad occidentem eorum qui in falsis mali, a meridie eorum ad septentrionem eorum: sed de his infra plura ubi de infernis.


1. Quinam et quales sunt qui vocantur genii, et quinam et quales qui vocantur spiritus (947, 5035, 5977, 8593, 8622, 8625).

2. tenebrosum pro "ad tenebrosum"

3. quid pro "quod;" videatur linea mox antecedens; videatur quoque 122

4. Quod qui in amoribus sui et mundi sunt, se vertant retro a Domino (10130, 10189, 10420, 10702).

Quod amor in Dominum et charitas erga proximum faciant caelum, ac amor sui et amor mundi faciant infernum, quia sunt oppositi (2041, 3610, 4225, 4776, 6210, 7366, 7369, 7490, 8232, 8678, 10455, 10741-10745).

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