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《天堂与地狱》 第587节








587. 至于地狱的具体位置, 则没有人知道, 就连天上的天使也不知道, 唯有主知道. 不过, 它们的大体位置从它们所在的方位可以得知. 因为和天堂一样, 地狱也是按它们的方位来划分的. 在灵界, 方位照着爱来划分. 事实上, 在天堂, 一切方位始于显为太阳的主, 主是东方; 由于地狱正好与天堂相对, 所以它们的方位始于对面, 也就是始于西方. 对此, 可参看关于天堂的四个方位的章节(天国的奥秘 141-153节).

因此, 西方地狱是最坏, 最恐怖的, 并且随着离东方越来越远而逐渐越来越恐怖. 那些在世时陷入自我之爱, 由此蔑视他人, 敌视不支持他们的人, 仇恨并报复不仰慕, 恭敬他们的人之人就住在西方地狱. 属于所谓的天主教, 想被拜为神, 因而对凡不承认他们对人类灵魂和天堂的权柄之人充满仇恨和报复的人住在最远的地狱. 他们仍是在世时的那种性情, 也就是说, 对那些反对他们的人还是充满仇恨和报复. 他们尤以残暴为乐; 但在来世, 这种快乐却转向他们自己; 事实上, 在他们的地狱(西方尽是这种地狱), 他们向彼此大发烈怒, 因为人人都声称拥有神性权柄. 对此, 详情可参看《最后的审判和巴比伦的毁灭》这本小册子.

尽管如此, 仍没有人知道那个方位的地狱是如何排列的, 只知道其中最可怕的在朝北那一面, 不那么可怕的在朝南那一面; 因此, 地狱的可怕程度从北方向南方递减, 同样随着靠近东方而递减. 靠近东方的, 是傲慢之人的居所, 这些人不相信神性, 然而尚未陷入诸如那些在西方更深处的人所具有的那种仇恨和报复, 或欺骗.

目前, 东方已没有地狱; 那里的人已经被转到西方前部. 北方和南方有许多地狱, 住在其中的, 是那些在世时陷入尘世之爱和由此而来的各种邪恶, 如敌意, 仇视, 偷盗, 抢劫, 欺骗, 贪婪, 冷酷无情的人. 在这类地狱中, 最坏的在北方, 相对温和的在南方. 其可怕程度随着靠近西方, 远离南方而递增, 随着靠近东方和南方而递减. 西方地狱的后面有浓密, 幽暗的森林, 恶毒的灵人在里面像野兽一样四处游荡; 北方地狱的后面差不多也是这样. 但南方地狱的后面则有刚才所描述的旷野. 关于地狱的位置就这么多了.



587. 至於各地獄的位置, 沒有人知道, 連天上的天人也不知道, 只有主知道。籠統而言, 它們的位置可從所處的方位來辨認。和天國一樣, 地獄也是按方位來劃分的。在心靈世界, 方位是照著所愛或所欲的性質來劃分。天國的方位是從主顯為太陽的地方起始的, 主是東方。地獄既與天國對立, 其方位也就從西方起始。

正因如此, 西方的地獄是最邪惡, 最恐怖的。離東方越遠, 就越邪惡, 越恐怖。住在這些地獄的, 是在世之時因陷入我欲而蔑視, 敵對, 仇恨, 報復他人者。住在極處的, 是意欲被崇拜為上帝, 對一切不承認其權柄(掌管靈魂和天國的權柄)之人心懷仇恨的天主教神職人員。對於一切反對者, 他們心裡燃燒著仇恨和報復的欲望, 如在人間一樣。他們從殘暴中尋找快樂, 但在心靈世界, 殘暴將歸到他們自己身上。因為在他們的地獄(西方的地獄盡是這種人), 人人都宣稱擁有上帝的權柄, 彼此憤怒相向。關於這一點, 最後的審判一書有更詳細的描述。

但是, 我們依然無法瞭解地獄在該區域的具體分佈, 只知最恐怖者靠近北方邊界, 相對溫和者靠近南部。就是說, 地獄的恐怖程度隨著從北方靠近南方而遞減, 也隨著靠近東方而遞減。靠近東方的地獄, 住著不信上帝的愚昧人, 但是他們不像深陷西方地獄的人那樣具有深重的仇恨報復心理, 也不具那般欺騙性。

當前, 東方已沒有地獄, 因為它們已被轉移到西方的前部。北方和南方有許多地獄, 住在那裡的是在肉身之時因陷入物欲而懷有憎恨, 敵對, 偷盜, 搶奪, 欺騙, 貪婪, 冷酷心腸的人。在這類地獄中, 最惡者位於北方, 相對溫和者位於南方。其恐怖的程度隨著靠近西方, 遠離南方而遞增, 隨著靠近東方和南方而遞減。

西方地獄的後部有濃密的森林, 惡毒之靈住在其中, 像野獸一樣吼叫。北方地獄的後部同樣如此。南方地獄的後部有前文所描述的曠野。關於地獄的位置, 就介紹到這裡。

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Heaven and Hell #587 (NCE, 2000)

587. As to the location of specific hells, no one can know this, not even an angel in heaven - only the Lord. Roughly, though, their location is recognized by the quarter where they are found. Like the heavens, the hells are differentiated into regions; and in the spiritual world, regions are marked off according to loves because all regions in heaven start from the Lord as the sun, who is the east. So since the hells are the opposite of the heavens, their regions start from the opposite direction, the west. On this subject, see the chapter on the four quarters in heaven (141-153).

[2] This is why the hells in the western quarter are the worst and most fearful of all, worse and more fearful incrementally the farther they are from the east. The people in these hells are people who were absorbed in self-love in the world and therefore in contempt for others, hostility toward people who did not support them, and hatred and vengefulness against people who did not admire and revere them. In the farthest regions live people from the so-called Catholic religion who wanted to be worshiped as gods and who therefore burned with hatred against anyone who did not acknowledge their power over human souls and over heaven. They have the same kind of animus - the same kind of hatred and vengefulness - toward people who oppose them, as they did in the world. They take particular delight in cruelty, but in the other life this is turned against them; for in their hells (and the western quarter is full of them) they rage against each other because everyone is claiming divine power. There is more about this, though, in my booklet on The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed.

[3] Still, we cannot know how the hells are arranged in this region, only that the most horrifying are off to the side toward the northern quarter and the less horrifying toward the southern quarter. That is, the horror of the hells decreases between the northern region and the southern, and also, successively, toward the east. The people toward the east there are the ones who were foolish and did not believe in the Divine, but still were not given to the same kind of hatred and vengefulness or trickery as the people who are deeper in the western quarter.

[4] At present, there are no hells in the eastern region. The people who were there have been transferred to the front of the western quarter.

There are a good many hells in the northern and southern regions. The people there were absorbed in love of the world during their lives and therefore in various kinds of evil such as enmity, hostility, thievery, robbery, fraud, avarice, and callousness. The worst hells of this sort are in the northern quarter and the milder ones in the south. Their dreadfulness increases the nearer they are to the western region and the farther they are from the south, and decreases toward the east and also toward the south.

Behind the hells in the western region lie dense forests where malevolent spirits roam like wild animals, and much the same is true of the hells in the northern quarter. Behind the hells in the southern quarter, though, lie the deserts just described. So much for the location of the hells.


Heaven and Hell #587 (Harley, 1958)

587. As to the positions of the hells in detail, it is something wholly unknown even to the angels in heaven; it is known to the Lord alone. But their position in general is known from the quarters in which they are. For the hells, like the heavens, are distinguished as to their quarters; and in the spiritual world quarters are determined in accordance with loves; for in heaven all the quarters begin from the Lord as the Sun, Who is the East; and as the hells are opposite to the heavens their quarters begin from the opposite point, that is, from the west. (On this see the section on the four quarters in heaven, 141-153.)

[2] This is why the hells in the western quarter are the worst of all, and the most horrible, and why the more remote they are from the east, the worse and more horrible they become, thus they become worse successively by degrees. In the western hells are those who in the world were in the love of self; and in consequent contempt of others, and in enmity against those who did not favour them, also in hatred and revenge against those who did not render them respect and homage. In the most remote hells in that quarter are those who had belonged to the Catholic religiosity, so called, and who had wished to be worshipped as gods, and consequently had burned with hatred and revenge against all who did not acknowledge their power over the souls of men and over heaven. These continue to have the same disposition, that is, the same hatred and revenge against those who oppose them, that they had in the world. Their greatest delight is to practice cruelties; but in the other life this delight is turned against themselves; for in their hells, with which the western quarter is filled, one rages against another who detracts from his Divine power. (But more will be said about this in the little work on THE LAST JUDGMENT AND THE DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON.)

[3] Nevertheless, no one can know how the hells in that quarter are arranged, except that the most dreadful hells of that kind are at the sides towards the northern quarter, and the less dreadful towards the southern quarter; thus the dreadfulness of the hells decreases from the northern quarter to the southern, and likewise by degrees towards the east. Towards the east are the dwelling places of the haughty, who have not believed in the Divine, but have not been in such hatred and revenge, or in such deceit, as those have who are in a greater depth in the western quarter.

[4] In the eastern quarter there are at present no hells, those who were there having been transferred to the western quarter in front. In the northern and southern quarters there are many hells; and in them are those who, while they lived in the world, were in love of the world, and in various kinds of evil therefrom, such as enmity, hostility, theft, robbery, cunning, avarice, and unmercifulness. The worst hells of this kind are in the northern quarter, the milder in the southern. Their dreadfulness increases as they are nearer to the western quarter, and also as they are farther away from the southern quarter, and decreases towards the eastern quarter and towards the southern quarter. Behind the hells that are in the western quarter there are dark forests, in which malignant spirits roam like wild beasts; and it is the same behind the hells in the northern quarter. But behind the hells in the southern quarter there are deserts, which have been described just above. These things regarding the situation of the hells.


Heaven and Hell #587 (Ager, 1900)

587. As to the positions of the hells in detail, it is something wholly unknown even to the angels in heaven; it is known to the Lord alone. But their position in general is known from the quarters in which they are. For the hells, like the heavens, are distinguished by their quarters; and in the spiritual world quarters are determined in accordance with loves; for in heaven all the quarters begin from the Lord as the sun, who is the East; and as the hells are opposite to the heavens their quarters begin from the opposite point, that is, from the west. (On this see the chapter on the four quarters in heaven, 141-153.)

[2] For this reason the hells in the western quarter are the worst of all, and the most horrible, becoming gradually worse and more horrible by degrees the more remote they are from the east. In the western hells are those who in the world were in the love of self, and in consequent contempt of others, and in enmity against those who did not favor them, also in hatred and revenge against those who did not render them respect and homage. In the most remote hells in that quarter are those that had belonged to the Catholic religion, so called, and that had wished to be worshiped as gods, and consequently had burned with hatred and revenge against all who did not acknowledge their power over the souls of men and over heaven. These continue to have the same disposition, that is, the same hatred and revenge against those who oppose them, that they had in the world. Their greatest delight is to practice cruelties; but in the other life this delight is turned against themselves; for in their hells, with which the western quarter is filled, one rages against everyone who detracts from his Divine power. (But more will be said about this in the treatise on The Last Judgment and the Destruction of Babylon.)

[3] Nevertheless, no one can know how the hells in that quarter are arranged, except that the most dreadful hells of that kind are at the sides towards the northern quarter, and the less dreadful towards the southern quarter; thus the dreadfulness of the hells decreases from the northern quarter to the southern, and likewise by degrees towards the east. Towards the east are the dwelling places of the haughty, who have not believed in the Divine, and yet have not been in such hatred and revenge, or in such deceit, as those have who are in a greater depth in the western quarter.

[4] In the eastern quarter there are at present no hells, those that were there having been transferred to the western quarter in front. In the northern and southern quarters there are many hells; and in them are those who while in the world were in love of the world, and in various kinds of evil therefrom, such as enmity, hostility, theft, robbery, cunning, avarice, and unmercifulness. The worst hells of this kind are in the northern quarter, the milder in the southern. Their dreadfulness increases as they are nearer to the western quarter, and also as they are farther away from the southern quarter, and decreases towards the eastern quarter and towards the southern quarter. Behind the hells that are in the western quarter there are dark forests, in which malignant spirits roam like wild beasts; and it is the same behind the hells in the northern quarter. But behind the hells in the southern quarter there are deserts, which have been described just above. This much respecting the situation of the hells.


De Coelo et de Inferno #587 (original Latin)

587. Quod situm infernorum in specie attinet, nemo scire potest, ne quidem angeli in caelo, sed solus Dominus; ast situs eorum in communi notus est ex plagis in quibus sunt: sunt enim inferna sicut caeli distincta quoad plagas, ac plagae in mundo spirituali sunt determinatae secundum amores nam omnes plagae in caelo incipiunt a Domino ut Sole, qui est Oriens et quia inferna sunt opposita caelis, eorum plagae incipiunt ex opposito, ita ab occidente. (De his videatur in articulo De quatuor Plagis in Caelo, 141-153).

[2] Inde est quod inferna in plaga occidentali sint omnium pessima et maxime horrenda, et eo pejora et horribiliora quo remotiora ab oriente, ita per gradus successive. Sunt in illis infernis ii qui in mundo in amore sui fuerunt, ac inde in contemptu aliorum, inque inimicitia contra illos qui sibi non faverunt; tum in odio et vindicta contra illos qui se non venerati sunt et coluerunt: in remotissimis ibi sunt, qui ex Religioso Catholico, ut vocatur, fuerunt, et voluerunt ibi coli ut dii, et inde odio et vindicta flagrarunt contra omnes qui illorum potestatem super animas hominum et super caelum, non agnoverunt. illi simili animo, hoc est, simili odio et vindicta sunt contra illos qui se opponunt, sicut fuerunt in mundo: jucundissimum eorum est saevire; sed hoc vertitur in altera vita in ipsos; nam in infernis eorum, quibus plaga occidentalis repleta est, furit unus in alterum qui sibi Divinam potestatem derogat. (Sed de his plura dicentur in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio et de Babylonia destructa.)

[3] Verum quomodo inferna in illa plaga ordinata sunt, non sciri potest solum quod atrocissima illius generis sint ad latera versus plagam septentrionalem, minus atrocia versus plagam meridionalem ita infernorum atrocitas decrescit a plaga septentrionali ad meridionalem, et quoque per gradus versus orientem: ad orientem ibi sunt qui fastuosi fuerunt, et non crediderunt Divinum, sed usque non fuerunt in tali odio et vindicta, neque in dolo, sicut illi qui ibi profundius in plaga occidentali sunt. In plaga orientali hodie nulla sunt inferna quae ibi fuerunt, translata sunt in plagam occidentalem anterius. Inferna in plaga septentrionali et meridionali sunt plura: in illis sunt, qui, dum vixerunt, in amore mundi fuerunt, et inde in varii generis malis, quae sunt inimicitia, hostilitas, furta, latrocinia, astus, avaritia, immisericordia pessima illius generis inferna sunt in septentrionali plaga, mitiora in meridionali; diritas eorum crescit, sicut propinquiora sunt ad plagam occidentalem, et quoque sicut remotiora sunt a plaga meridionali, ac decrescit versus plagam orientalem, et quoque versus meridionalem. Post inferna, quae sunt in plaga occidentali, sunt silvae opacae, in quibus maligni spiritus sicut ferae vagantur; similiter post inferna in plaga septentrionali. Post inferna autem in plaga meridionali sunt deserta, de quibus mox supra actum est. Haec de situ infernorum.

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