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《天堂与地狱》 第64节





{注1}:【英68】译为“共同体”的这个词拉丁原文的意思是“共同的事物”(common thing)。


{注3}:从最高的意义上讲,主就是邻舍,因此,爱主就是爱出于祂的,也就是爱良善和真理,因为主就在出于祂的一切之内(2425341967066711 681968238123)。所以,出于主的一切良善就是邻舍,意愿并行出良善就是爱邻舍(502810336)。



64. 如此众多不同的事物之所以在人里面行如一体, 是因为他里面没有任何事物不对总体利益有所贡献, 发挥某种功用. 总体为它的各个部分发挥功用, 各个部分为总体发挥功用, 因为总体由部分组成, 部分构成总体. 因此, 它们相互供养, 关注彼此, 并以这样的形式被联结起来: 每一个事物和一切事物都有助于总体及其利益. 所以, 它们行如一体.

天堂也有类似的密切联系. 那里的天使以类似形式照功用被联结起来; 因此, 那些不为公共利益发挥功用的人就作为异类被逐出天堂. 发挥功用就是为了公共利益而向他人意愿良善; 但不是为了公共利益, 而是为了自己向他人意愿良善, 就不是发挥功用. 后者就是那些爱自己高于一切的人, 而前者是那些爱主高于一切的人. 正因如此, 那些在天堂里的人都行如一体; 然而, 他们如此行是出于主, 而非出于他们自己, 因为他们视主为万有的独一源头, 视祂的国为总体, 要考虑这总体的利益. 这就是主说这些话的意思:

你们要先求神的国和祂的义, 所有东西都要加给你们了. (马太福音 6:33)

“求祂的义”表示追求主的良善. 那些在世时爱国家利益胜过自己的利益, 爱邻舍的利益如自己的利益之人就是来世那些热爱并寻求主国度的人; 因为在那里, 主的国度取代了他们的国家. 而且, 那些喜欢向他人行善, 但不是为了自我, 而是为了良善的人都热爱邻舍, 因为在天堂, 良善就是邻舍. 所有这类人都在大人, 也就是天堂里.

注: 在圣言中, 公义论及良善, 公平论及真理, 因而行公义与公平就是行良善与真理(天国的奥秘 2235, 9857节). 就至高意义而言, 主就是邻舍; 因此, 爱主就是爱来自祂的事物, 也就是爱良善与真理, 因为主自己就在来自祂的一切事物里面(天国的奥秘 2425, 3419, 6706, 6711 天国的奥秘 6819, 6823, 8123节). 所以, 来自主的一切良善就是邻舍, 意愿并行出良善就是爱邻舍(天国的奥秘 5028, 10336节).



64. 如此多樣的成分能在一個整合的個體中行動如一, 原因在於其中沒有任何成分不為著共同的利益貢獻什麼或發揮什麼作用。整體由部分構成, 部分構成整體, 因而整體服務各部分, 部分服務整體。它們能彼此供養, 彼此相互關注;每一個構件與整體及其福祉都有某種關係, 照此形式而被聯結。這就是為何它們能行動如一。天國的社群也是如此。天人們照著各自之"用"以上述形式聯合為一體。任何人若不能為社群貢獻其用, 就被逐出, 因為他們不適合於這個整體。"服務其用,"是指為共同的利益而與人為善。倘若與人為善的目的是為了利己, 非為共同的利益, 就"非服務其用"。後者利己高於一切, 前者愛主高於一切。這就是為何在天國裡, 人們一致地不因自己而是因主而行。事實上, 他們全都專注於主, 以主為萬有的唯一源頭, 專注于主之國, 以其幸福為追求目標。這正是以下主所說之意:"你們要先求祂的國和祂的義, 這些東西都要加給你們了"(馬太福音6:33)。"求祂的義,"就是追求主的善。在人間, 有人熱愛國家的利益高於個人的利益, 對待鄰舍的利益如同自己。到了心靈世界, 熱愛並追求天國的正是他們, 因為主的國在那時替代了他們在世上的國。再者, 並非為己, 而只是因為善而向人行善, 這就是愛鄰舍者;因為在天國, 善就是"鄰舍"。凡具備如此品質的人就在天國之中。

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Heaven and Hell #64 (NCE, 2000)

64. The reason so many varied elements act as one in an individual is that there is nothing whatever there that does not contribute something to the common good and do something useful. The inclusive body serves its parts and the parts serve the inclusive body because the inclusive body is made up of parts and the parts make up the inclusive body. So they provide for each other respectively, they focus on each other mutually, and they are united in the kind of form that gives every single component a relationship to the inclusive entity and its well-being. This is what enables them to act as a unit.

[2] It is the same with assemblies in the heavens. People there unite in this kind of form in pursuit of any worthwhile activity. As a result any individuals who do not serve some use for the larger body are cast out of heaven because they are misfits. To "serve some use" is to intend well to others for the sake of the common good, while "not to serve some use" is to intend well to others not for the sake of the common good but for the sake of oneself. People who act in this latter fashion are people who love themselves above all, while people who act in the former fashion are the ones who love the Lord above all. This is why people in heaven act in unison not from themselves but from the Lord. They in fact focus on him as the unique source of all, and on his kingdom as the commonwealth that is to be cared for. This is the meaning of the Lord's words, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and everything will be given you in addition" (Matthew 6:33). To "seek his righteousness" is to seek his good. 1

[3] There are people who in this world love the good of their country more than their own and the good of their neighbor as their own. They are the ones who love and seek the kingdom of the Lord in the other life, since there the kingdom of the Lord takes the place of one's country. Further, people who love to do good to others not for self-centered reasons but for the sake of the good itself are people who love their neighbor, since in the other life the good is one's neighbor. 2All individuals who are of this quality are in the universal human - that is, in heaven.


1. In the Word, "righteousness" refers to the good and "judgment" to the true, so "to do justice and judgment" is to do what is good and true: 2235, 9857.

2. In the highest sense, the Lord is our neighbor, and so loving the Lord is loving what comes from him, since he is present in everything that comes from him, and therefore what is good and true is also our neighbor: 2425, 3419, 6706, 6711, 6819, 6823, 8123. Therefore, everything good that comes from the Lord is our neighbor, and intending and doing that good is loving our neighbor: 5028, 10336.


Heaven and Hell #64 (Harley, 1958)

64. So many different things act as one in a man, because there is nothing whatever in him which does not contribute something to the general welfare and perform a use. The general performs a use for its parts, and the parts for the general, for the general is composed of the parts and the parts make up the general. Therefore, they provide for one another, have regard to one another and are conjoined in such a form that each single thing and all things have reference to the general and its good. So it comes about that they act as one.

[2] In the heavens there are the same sort of consociations. Those there are conjoined in a like form in accordance with uses. Consequently, those who do not perform a use for the community are cast out of heaven because they are heterogeneous. To perform use is to will well to others for the sake of the common good, and not to perform use is to will well to others, not for the sake of the common good but for the sake of self. The latter are those who love themselves above all things while the former are those who love the Lord above all things. Thus it is that those who are in heaven act as a one. This, however, they do, not from themselves but from the Lord, for they look to Him as the one and only Source of all things, and to His kingdom as the community whose welfare is to be considered. This is what is meant by the Lord's words,

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His justice, and all things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.

[3] To seek His justice is to seek His good. 1Those who in the world love their country's good more than their own, and their neighbour's good as their own, are those who in the other life love and seek the Lord's kingdom, for there the Lord's kingdom takes the place of their country. Also, those who love to do good to others, not for the sake of self but for the sake of good, love the neighbour, for in heaven good is the neighbour. 2All such are in the Grand Man, that is, in heaven.


1. Justice in the Word is predicated of good, and judgment of truth, and hence to do justice and judgment is to do what is good and true (Arcana Coelestia 2235, 9857).

2. In the highest sense the Lord is the neighbour, and hence to love the Lord is to love that which is from Him, because He Himself is in everything that is from Him; thus good and truth (Arcana Coelestia 2425, 3419, 6706, 6711, 6819, 6823, 8123).

Therefore, all good which is from the Lord is the neighbour, and to will and to do that good is to love the neighbour (Arcana Coelestia 5026, 10336).


Heaven and Hell #64 (Ager, 1900)

64. So many different things in man act as a one, because there is no least thing in him that does not do something for the general welfare and perform some use. The general performs a use for its parts, and the parts for the general, for the general is composed of the parts and the parts constitute the general; therefore they provide for each other, have regard for each other, and are joined together in such a form that each thing and all things have reference to the general and its good; thus it is that they act as one.

[2] In the heavens there are like affiliations. Those there are conjoined according to uses in a like form; and consequently those who do not perform uses for the common good are cast out of heaven as something heterogeneous. To perform use is to will well to others for the sake of the common good; but to will well to others not for the sake of the common good but for the sake of self is not to perform use. These latter are such as love themselves supremely, while the former are such as love the Lord supremely. Thence it is that those who are in heaven act as a one; and this they do from the Lord, not from themselves, for they look to Him as the Only One, the source of all things, and they regard His kingdom as the general, the good of which is to be sought. This is what is meant by the Lord's words,

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).

"To seek His righteousness" means to seek His good. 1

[3] Those who in the world love their country's good more than their own, and their neighbor's good as their own, are they who in the other life love and seek the Lord's kingdom; for there the Lord's kingdom takes the place of country; and those who love doing good to others, not with self as an end but with good as an end, love the neighbor; for in heaven good is the neighbor. 2All such are in the Greatest Man, that is, heaven.


1. In the Wood "righteousness" is predicated of good, and "judgment" of truth; therefore "to do righteousness and judgment" is to do what is good and true (Arcana Coelestia 2235, 9857).

2. In the highest sense the Lord is the neighbor; consequently to love the Lord is to love that which is from Him, that is to love good and truth because the Lord is in everything that is from Him (2425, 3419, 6706, 6711, 6819, 6823, 8123).

Therefore all good that is from the Lord is the neighbor, and to will and do that good is to love the neighbor (5028, 10336).


De Coelo et de Inferno #64 (original Latin)

64. Quod tot varia in homine unum agant, est quia nihil quicquam ibi est, quod non aliquid facit ad rem communem, et praestat usum; commune praestat usum partibus suis, et partes praestant usum communi, nam commune est ex partibus et partes constituunt commune, quare prospiciunt sibi invicem, spectant se mutuo, et conjunguntur in tali forma ut omnia et singula se referant ad commune et ejus bonum; inde est, quod unum agant. Similes sunt consociationes in caelis conjunguntur ibi secundum usus in simili forma; quare qui non usum praestant communi, ejiciuntur e caelo, quia sunt heterogenea. Usum praestare est aliis velle bene propter commune bonum, et usum non praestare est aliis velle bene non propter commune bonum sed propter se; hi sunt qui amant se supra omnia, illi autem sunt qui amant Dominum supra omnia inde est, quod illi qui in caelo sunt, unum agant, sed hoc non ex se sed ex Domino, spectant enim Ipsum ut Unicum a Quo, ac regnum Ipsius ut commune, cui consulendum. Hoc intelligitur per Domini verba,

"Quaerite... primo Regnum Dei, et justitiam ejus, et... omnia adjicientur vobis," (Matthaeus 6:33).

"quaerere justitiam ejus" est bonum ejus. 1Qui in mundo amant patriae bonum plus quam suum. et proximi bonum sicut suum, illi sunt qui in altera vita amant et quaerunt regnum Domini, nam ibi regnum Domini est loco patriae et qui amant facere aliis bonum, non propter se sed propter bonum, illi amant proximum, nam ibi bonum est proximus 2omnes illi qui tales sunt, in Maximo Homine, hoc est, caelo, sunt.


1. Quod justitia in Verbo dicatur de bono, judicium de vero; inde facere justitiam et judicium est facere bonum et verum (2235, 9857).

2. Quod Dominus in supremo sensu sit proximus, et inde quod amare Dominum sit amare id quod ab Ipso, quia in omni quod ab Ipso est Ipse, ita bonum et verum (2425, 3419, 6706, 6711, 6819, 6823, 8123).

Inde quod omne bonum quod a Domino sit proximus, et quod velle et facere id bonum sit amare proximum (5026 [5028?] 10336).

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