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《天堂与地狱》 第405节







405. 几乎所有进入灵界的人, 都以为对每个人来说, 地狱都是一样的, 天堂也都是一样的; 而事实上, 天堂和地狱都有无限的种类和多样性, 永远没有哪两个人眼里的地狱或天堂是完全一样的; 同样, 没有哪两个世人, 灵人, 或天使是完全一样的, 甚至连面孔也不可能完全一样. 我只是想想两个完全相同或一样的人, 天使就感到惊骇. 他们说, 每个整体都是由许多部分出于和谐一致形成的, 这个整体的性质便取决于这种一致的性质. 这就是天堂的每个社群形成一个整体, 所有社群形成一个天堂的方式, 而这一切唯独由主通过爱实现. 在天堂, 功用同样具有不同种类和多样性; 永远没有哪两个人的功用是完全相同和一样的; 也永远没有哪两个人的幸福是完全相同和一样的. 此外, 每种功用的快乐不计其数, 这些不计其数的快乐同样具有多样性, 然而却以这样的秩序联结起来: 它们就像人体内的每个部位, 器官和内脏的功用, 更像每个部位, 器官和内脏里

的每根血管和纤维的功用那样互相关注彼此. 这些都以这种方式相互关联: 它们都在自己的良善中关注另一个的良善, 或说专注于它们能为另一个所做的贡献, 因而每一个为全体做贡献, 全体则为每一个做贡献. 它们既从整体也从个体方面行如一体.

注: 一个整体由不同部分组成, 并由此照着和谐, 一致的品质而获得它的形式, 品质和完美(天国的奥秘 457, 3241, 8003节). 存在无限的多样性, 永远没有哪两种事物是一样的(天国的奥秘 7236, 9002节). 在天堂也是如此(天国的奥秘 3744, 4005, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002节). 因此, 天堂里的所有社群和社群里的所有天使都彼此不同, 因为他们处于不同的良善和功用(天国的奥秘 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833节). 主的神性之爱将所有人排列成天堂的形式, 从而将他们联结起来, 以致他们如同一个人(天国的奥秘 457, 3986, 5598节).



405. 進入靈界的人, 幾乎都以為地獄對每個人是一樣的, 天國也是如此。然事實上, 天國和地獄皆有無數的多樣性。對任何兩個人而言, 地獄不是完全一致的, 天國也非如此。同樣, 沒有兩個人, 或靈, 或天人, 是完全相同的, 連面孔也不可能完全一樣。甚至我一設想兩個完全一樣的人, 天人就感到驚駭。他們說, 每個整體皆由許多部分協調組合而成, 整合的程度取決於協調的程度。天國的每個社群由此組成一個整體, 所有社群也由此構成一個天國。這完全是主借著仁愛作成的。

天國的服務也呈現類似的多樣性, 沒有兩個人的職能是完全一樣的。所以, 也沒有兩個人的快樂是完全一樣的。不僅如此, 每個職能所蘊含的快樂也是無量的, 這無量的快樂同樣呈現多樣性。但是它們照一定的樣式整合, 彼此兼顧, 正如人體的組織, 器官, 臟腑乃至其中的每一條血管, 神經彼此兼顧一樣。它們如此整合, 集中於彼此為用, 以致一為一切, 一切為一。因著這種關係, 它們協作如一。

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Heaven and Hell #405 (NCE, 2000)

405. Almost all the people who arrive in the other life think that hell is the same for everyone and that heaven is the same for everyone, when in fact there are infinite variations and differences in each. Hell is never the same for any two people, nor is heaven. In the same way, no one of us, no spirit, and no angel is ever exactly like any other, even facially. When I even thought about two identical or equal beings, the angels were aghast. They said that every unity is formed by a harmonious agreement of many constituents and that the nature of the unity depends on the nature of the agreement. This is how every community of heaven forms a unity and how all the communities form a single heaven, which is accomplished solely by the Lord, by means of love. 1

Useful activities in the heavens occur in similar variety and diversity. The function of one individual is never exactly the same as that of any other, so the delight of one is never the same as another's. Not only that, the delights of each function are countless, and these countless delights are equally varied, yet they are united in a design that enables them to focus on each other as do the functions of the individual members and organs and viscera in the human body; or even more, like the functions of every vessel and fiber in those members and organs and viscera. These are all interconnected in such a way that they focus on what they can contribute to the other and therefore to all, with all mindful of the individual members. They act as one because of this regard for the whole and for the individual.


1. A unity consists of different constituents and derives its form and quality from them, and it derives its perfection from the way they harmonize and agree: 457, 3241, 8003. There is an infinite variety, and nothing is ever the same as anything else: 7236, 9002. It is the same in the heavens: 5744 [3744?], 4005, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002. Consequently all the communities in the heavens and all the individual angels in a community differ from each other because they are engaged in different virtues and services: 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 3986. The Lord's divine love arranges them all in a heavenly form and unites them as though they were a single individual: 457, 3986, 5598.


Heaven and Hell #405 (Harley, 1958)

405. Almost all who come into the other life think that hell is the same to everyone, and heaven the same; and yet in both there are infinite varieties and diversities, and in no case is hell or heaven wholly the same to one as to another, as it is impossible that any one man, spirit or angel should ever be wholly like another even as to the face. At my mere thought that two might be just alike or equal, the angels expressed horror, saying that every unity is formed out of the harmonious concurrence of many things, and that the one thing is such as that concurrence is; and that it is thus that a whole society in heaven becomes a unity, and that all the societies of heaven together become a unity, and this from the Lord alone by means of love. 1Uses in the heavens are likewise in all variety and diversity, and in no case is the use of one wholly the same as, and identical with the use of another; so neither is the happiness of one the same as, and identical with the happiness of another. Furthermore, the delights of each use are innumerable, and these innumerable delights are likewise various, and yet conjoined in such order that they mutually have regard to each other, like the uses of each member, organ, and viscus, in the body, and still more like the uses of each vessel and fibre in any one member, organ and viscus; each and all of which are so associated together that they behold their own good in another, and thus in all, and they behold all in each. From this universal and individual aspect they act as one.


1. One thing consists of various things, and receives thereby its form and quality and perfection in accordance with the quality of the harmony and concurrence (Arcana Coelestia 457, 3241, 8003).

There is an infinite variety and never any one thing the same as another (Arcana Coelestia 7236, 9002).

It is the same in the heavens (Arcana Coelestia 3744, 4005, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002).

In consequence all the societies in the heavens and all the angels in a society are distinguished from each other because they are in different goods and uses (Arcana Coelestia 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833).

The Lord's Divine love arranges all into a heavenly form, and so conjoins then, that they are as one man (Arcana Coelestia 457, 3986, 5598).


Heaven and Hell #405 (Ager, 1900)

405. Almost all who enter the other life think that hell is the same to everyone, and heaven the same; and yet in both there are infinite varieties and diversities, and in no case is hell or heaven wholly the same to one as to another; as it is impossible that any one man, spirit or angel should ever be wholly like another even as to the face. At my mere thought of two being just alike or equal the angels expressed horror, saying that everyone thing is formed out of the harmonious concurrence of many things, and that the one thing is such as that concurrence is; and that it is thus that a whole society in heaven becomes a one, and that all the societies of heaven together become a one, and this from the Lord alone by means of love. 1Uses in the heavens are likewise in all variety and diversity, and in no case is the use of one wholly the same as and identical with the use of another; so neither is the happiness of one the same as and identical with the happiness of another. Furthermore, the delights of each use are innumerable, and these innumerable delights are likewise various, and yet conjoined in such order that they mutually regard each other, like the uses of each member, organ, and viscus, in the body, and still more like the uses of each vessel and fiber in each member, organ and viscus; each and all of which are so affiliated as to have regard to another's good in their own good, and thus each in all, and all in each. From this universal and individual aspect they act as one.


1. One thing consists of various things, and receives thereby its form and quality and perfection in accordance with the quality of the harmony and concurrence (Arcana Coelestia 457, 3241, 8003).

There is an infinite variety and never any one thing the same as another (7236, 9002).

It is the same in the heavens (3744, 4005, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002).

In consequence all the societies in the heavens and all the angels in a society are distinct from each other because they are in different goods and uses (690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833).

The Lord's Divine love arranges all into a heavenly form, and so conjoins them that they are as a single man (457, 3986, 5598).


De Coelo et de Inferno #405 (original Latin)

405. Paene omnes qui in alteram vitam veniunt, putant quod infernum sit simile unicuivis, et quod caelum sit simile unicuivis, cum tamen utrobivis infinitae varietates et diversitates sunt, et nusquam uni prorsus simile infernum sit, nec usquam uni prorsus simile caelum, quod alteri; sicut nusquam datur unus homo, spiritus ac angelus prorsus similis alteri, ne quidem quoad faciem. Cum solum cogitarem, quod bini essent prorsus similes aut aequales, horruerunt angeli, dicentes quod omne unum formetur ex consensu harmonico plurium, et quod tale unum sit, qualis ille consensus est; et quod ita omnis societas caeli unum faciant, et quod omnes societates caeli unum, et hoc ex solo Domino per amorem. 1Usus in caelis similiter in omni varietate et diversitate sunt, et nusquam unius usus prorsus similis ac idem est cum usu alterius, ita nec unius jucunditas cum alterius: et adhuc magis, jucunda cujusvis usus sunt innumerabilia, ac innumerabilia illa similiter varia, sed usque conjuncta in eo ordine ut se mutuo spectent, sicut usus cujusvis membri, organi et visceris in corpore: et adhuc magis sicut cujusvis vasis et fibrae in unoquovis membro, organo et viscere, quae omnia et singula ita consociata sunt ut suum bonum spectent in altero, et sic in omnibus, et omnia in singulis: ex hoc universali et singulari aspectu sicut unum agunt.


1. Quod unum ex variis consistat, et inde formam et quale accipiat, et perfectionem secundum quale harmoniae et consensus (457, 3241, 8003).

Quod infinita varietas sit, et nusquam aliquid idem cum altero (7236, 9002).

In caelis pariter (5744 [3744?] 4005, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002).

Quod inde omnes societates in caelis, et unusquisque angelus in societate, a se invicem distincti sunt, quia in vario bono et usu (690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833[1]).

Quod Divinus Amor Domini disponat omnes in formam caelestem, et conjungat ut sicut unus homo sint (457, 3986, 5598).

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