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属天的奥秘 第457节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]457. Almost all who come into the next life from the world think that hell is the same for everyone and heaven is the same for everyone, when in reality there are unlimited differences and variations in either case. Hell is never exactly the same for one person as for another, nor is heaven — just as there is never one person, spirit, or angel who is exactly the same as another.
When I merely entertained the thought that there could be two people precisely the same or identical, it aroused horror among those in the world of spirits and among the angels of heaven. "All unity is formed out of harmony among many," they said. "The way that the many harmonize determines what kind of unity they have. No monolithic unity lasts, only the unity created by harmony. So every community in the heavens forms a single unit, as do all the communities — or the whole of heaven — taken together. The Lord alone makes this happen, and he does so through love."
One angel calculated only the most general kinds of joy experienced by spirits (in other words, inhabitants of the first heaven) to be around 478. This indicated how countless the less general kinds must be, and how innumerable the specific kinds that make up each general kind. And considering how many kinds there are in that heaven, you can see how unlimited must be the kinds of happiness in the heaven of angelic spirits and how many more yet in the heaven of angels.{*1}
{*1} There is more detail on the three heavens in 459 just below; see also 684, 1642, and the extended treatment of the subject in Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell 29-40. See also note 1 in 167. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 457

457. Almost all who pass from this world into the other life suppose that hell is the same for everyone, and that heaven is the same for everyone. And yet in both there are endless, diversities and varieties, and neither the heaven nor the hell of one person is ever exactly like that of another; just as no man, spirit, or angel is ever exactly like another. When I merely thought of there being two exactly alike or equal, horror was excited in the inhabitants of the world of spirits and of the angelic heaven, and they said that everyone is formed by the harmony of many components, and that such as is the harmony, such is the one, and that it is impossible for anything to subsist that is absolutely a one, but only a one that results from a harmony of component parts. Thus every society in the heavens forms a one, and so do all the societies together, that is, the universal heaven, and this from the Lord alone, through love. A certain angel enumerated the most universal only of the genera of the joys of spirits, that is, of the first heaven, to about four hundred and seventy-eight, from which we may infer how innumerable must be the less universal genera and the species in each genus. And as there are so many in that heaven, how, illimitable must be the genera of happinesses in the heaven of angelic spirits, and still more so in the heaven of angels.

Elliott(1983-1999) 457

457. Nearly everyone who enters the next life from the world imagines that hell is the same for everybody, and that heaven is too, when in fact there are limitless differences and variations in both. Hell is never exactly the same for one person as it is for another, and neither is heaven, just as one man, spirit, or angel is never given to be exactly like another. At my merest thought of two being exactly alike or equal, people in the world of spirits and those in the angelic heaven were horrified. They said that every unified whole is formed from the harmony of many constituent parts, and that that whole depended on this harmony. Indeed a simple whole cannot possibly exist, only a harmonized whole. Every community in heaven forms a whole in this way, and all the communities, that is, heaven in its entirety, form a whole. And all this derives from the Lord alone by means of love. A certain angel was counting up merely the most general classes of joy found among spirits, that is, among members of the first heaven. They came to about four hundred and seventy-eight. This demonstrated how countless the less general classes must be and how innumerable the divisions within each class. And with so many in the first heaven alone, how limitless must be the classes of happiness in the heaven of angelic spirits, and still more in the heaven of angels!

Latin(1748-1756) 457

457. Fere omnes qui e mundo in alteram vitam veniunt, putant quod infernum sit simile unicuivis, et quod caelum sit simile unicuivis, cum tamen utrobivis indefinitae diversitates et varietates sint, et nusquam uni prorsus simile infernum, nec usquam uni prorsus simile caelum, ac alteri, sicut nusquam datur unus homo, spiritus ac angelus prorsus similis alteri: cum solum cogitarem quod bini essent prorsus similes aut aequales, horruerunt illi qui in mundo spirituum et qui in caelo angelico, dicentes quod omne unum formetur ex harmonia plurium, et quod tale unum sit qualis harmonia, et quod nusquam subsistere possit unum absolute sed unum harmonicum; ita omnis societas in caelis unum format, et omnes societates simul, seu universum caelum, unum, et hoc a solo Domino per amorem. Angelus quidam recensebat modo genera universalissima gaudiorum spirituum, seu primi caeli, circiter ad octo {1} et septuaginta et quadringenta: inde concludi potuit, quot innumera genera minus universalia, et quot innumerabiles species, quae sunt cujusvis generis; et cum tot ibi, quot indefinita genera felicitatum in caelo spirituum angelicorum, et adhuc magis in caelo angelorum. @ 1 478 1.$

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