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属天的奥秘 第690节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]690. Another fact to be aware of is that no community can ever be completely and absolutely the same as another, and within a community, no individual can ever be exactly like another. To everything there is a concordant and harmonious variety. The Lord brings this variety into order in such a way that everything bends toward a common goal. This he accomplishes by means of our love for him and faith in him. The result is unity.
Accordingly, heaven and its joy are never completely and exactly the same for one person as for another. Just as love and faith come in great variety, so do the heaven and heavenly joy that love and faith contain.

Potts(1905-1910) 690

690. It should be known, moreover, that there is never one society entirely and absolutely like another, nor is there one person like another in any society, but there is an accordant and harmonious variety of all; and the varieties are so ordered by the Lord that they conspire to one end, which is effected through love and faith in Him. Hence their unity. For the same reason the heaven and heavenly joy of one is never exactly and absolutely like that of another; but according to the varieties of love and faith, such are the heaven and the heavenly joy in those varieties.

Elliott(1983-1999) 690

690. In addition it should be realized that one community is never utterly and completely like another, nor one member within a community like any other member. Instead unanimous and harmonious variety of all exists, and these variations have been so ordered by the Lord that they strive towards one single end, which is attained through love and faith in Him. From this arises their unity. For the same reason one heaven and form of heavenly joy is never utterly and completely like another. Indeed variations in love and faith are what determine the nature of heaven and its joy.

Latin(1748-1756) 690

690. Praeterea sciendum quod nusquam sit una societas prorsus et absolute similis alteri, nec in societate unus alteri, sed est varietas omnium consentiens et harmonica, quae varietates a Domino ita ordinatae sunt ut ad unum finem tendant, quod fit per amorem et fidem in Ipsum; inde unio. Inde nusquam datur uni prorsus et absolute simile caelum et gaudium caeleste ac alteri; sed sicut se habent varietates amoris et fidei, ita quoque in illis caelum et gaudium.

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