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《天堂与地狱》 第55节






55. 每个人都照着在他之内的天堂品质而接受在他之外的天堂, 故以同样的方式接受主, 因为主的神性构成天堂. 因此, 当主在某个社群显明自己时, 祂照着该社群所处的良善品质而在那里显现, 因而在这个社群的显现不同于在那个社群的. 这种多样性并不在于主, 而在于出于自己的良善, 因而照其良善仰望主的天使. 他们因主照他们的爱之品质显现而感动, 那些从至内在爱祂的人有至内在的感动, 那些爱祂较少的人有较少的感动; 而在天堂之外的恶人则因祂的同在而备受折磨. 当主在某个社群显现时, 祂在那里显为一位天使, 但因闪耀出来的神性而有别于其他人.



55. 既然人都是照內在的天國來接收外在的天國, 那麼天人自然是

以同樣的方式接受主, 因為構成天國的乃是主的神性。所以, 當主在社群當中顯現, 祂的形像取決於社群所具之善的品質。這意味著祂在不同的社群顯出的形像不盡相同。出現這種差別的原因不在於主, 而在天人, 他們出於自已內中之善以及與此善保持一致的眼界來看主。因主顯現而受感的程度, 取決於各自對主之仁的品質:對主之仁越深的人受感越深, 對主之仁稍淺的人受感也稍淺。與天國無緣的惡人對主的出現感到內心劇痛。

當主在社群當中顯現時, 是以一個天人的形像出現;不過可通過祂散發的神聖氣質來認出祂。

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Heaven and Hell #55 (NCE, 2000)

55. Since everyone accepts the heaven that is outside according to the quality of the heaven that is within, angels accept the Lord in the same way, because it is the Lord's divine nature that constitutes heaven. Consequently, when the Lord renders himself present in any particular community, his appearance depends on the nature of the good activity that community is engaged in. It is therefore not exactly the same in one community as in another. It is not that this difference is in the Lord: it is in the individuals who are seeing him from their own goodness and therefore in keeping with it. They are affected by the sight of him according to the quality of their own love. The ones who love him deeply are deeply moved, while the ones who love him less deeply are less deeply moved. Evil people, who are outside of heaven, find his presence intensely painful.

When the Lord does appear in any community, he appears there as an angel, but he is identified by the divine quality that shines through.


Heaven and Hell #55 (Harley, 1958)

55. Because all receive the heaven that is outside them in accordance with the quality of the heaven within them, so in like manner do they receive the Lord since the Divine of the Lord makes heaven. So it comes about that when the Lord shows Himself as present in any society, He appears there in accordance with the quality of good in which the society is, thus not the same in one society as in another. This diversity is not in the Lord, but in the angels who behold Him from their own good, thus in accordance with that good. They are even affected by His appearance in accordance with the quality of their love, those who love Him inmostly being inmostly affected and those who love Him less being less affected; while the evil who are outside heaven are tortured at His presence. When the Lord appears in any society, He appears there as an Angel, but He is distingtuished from others by the Divine which shines through.


Heaven and Hell #55 (Ager, 1900)

55. As everyone receives the heaven that is outside of him in accordance with the quality of the heaven that is within him, so in like manner does everyone receive the Lord, since it is the Divine of the Lord that makes heaven. And for this reason when the Lord becomes manifestly present in any society His appearance there is in accord with the quality of the good in which the society is, thus not the same in one society as in another. This diversity is not in the Lord; it is in the angels who behold Him from their own good, and thus in accordance with their good. And they are affected by His appearance in accordance with the quality of their love, those who love Him inmostly being inmostly affected, and those who love Him less being less affected; while the evil who are outside of heaven are tortured by His presence. When the Lord is seen in any society He is seen as an angel, but is distinguished from others by the Divine that shines through.


De Coelo et de Inferno #55 (original Latin)

55. Quia omnes recipiunt caelum quod extra illos est secundum quale caeli quod intra illos, ideo similiter recipiunt Dominum quoniam Divinum Domini facit caelum: inde est, quod cum Dominus Se praesentem sistit in aliqua societate, ibi 1appareat secundum quale boni in quo est societas, ita non similiter in una societate ut in altera: non quod dissimilitudo illa sit in Domino, sed in illis qui vident Ipsum ex suo bono, ita secundum illud afficiuntur etiam Ipso viso secundum quale sui amoris qui intime amant Ipsum, intime afficiuntur, qui minus amant minus afficiuntur mali qui extra caelum sunt, ad praesentiam Ipsius cruciantur. Cum Dominus apparet in aliqua societate, apparet ibi ut Angelus sed dignoscitur ab aliis per Divinum quod translucet.


1. ibi pro "quod ibi"

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