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属天的奥秘 第4067节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4067

4067. And behold he was not at all with him as yesterday and the day before. That this signifies the state altogether changed toward the good signified by "Jacob," from which however nothing was taken away, but it had its own as before, except the state as to conjunction, may be seen from the fact that "his being not at all with him as yesterday and the day before," denotes a state altogether changed toward Jacob (that is, toward the good signified by "Jacob"); and from what precedes, in that from Laban (that is, from the good signified by "Laban") nothing had been taken away, but that it had its own as before. [2] In order that it may be comprehended how the case is in regard to the goods and truths in man, what is known to scarcely anyone must be revealed. It is indeed known and acknowledged that all good and all truth are from the Lord; and it is also acknowledged by some that there is an influx, but of such a nature that man is not aware of it. Yet as it is not known, at least is not acknowledged at heart, that there are spirits and angels around man, and that his internal man is in the midst of them, and is thus ruled by the Lord, it is little believed, although said. There are innumerable societies in the other life that are disposed and set in order by the Lord according to all the genera of good and truth; and there are societies in the opposite that are disposed according to all the genera of evil and falsity; insomuch that there is not any genus of good and truth, nor any species of that genus, nor indeed any specific variety, which does not have such angelic societies, or to which there are not angelic societies that correspond. Nor on the other hand, is there any genus of evil and falsity, nor any species of that genus, nor indeed any specific variety, to which there are not diabolical societies that correspond. In a society of such is every man as to his interiors (that is, as to his thoughts and affections) although he is not aware of it. Everything that a man thinks and wills is from this source, insomuch that if the societies of spirits and angels in which he is were taken away, he would that moment have no thought and no will, and would even fall down absolutely dead. Such is the state of man, although he believes that he has all things from himself, and that there is neither a hell nor a heaven; or that hell is far removed from him, and heaven also. [3] Moreover the good in a man appears to him as what is simple or one, and yet is so manifold, and consists of things so various, that the man cannot possibly explore so much as its generals. It is the same with the evil in a man. Such as is the good in a man, such is the society of angels with him; and such as is the evil in a man, such is the society of evil spirits with him. The man summons these societies to himself, that is, he places himself in a society of such spirits; for like is associated with like. For example: the man who is avaricious summons to himself societies of like spirits who are in the same cupidity. The man who loves himself in preference to others, and who despises others, summons those who are like himself. He who takes delight in revenge summons such as are in a like delight; and so in all other cases. These spirits communicate with hell, and the man is in the midst of them, and is altogether ruled by them, insomuch that he is not at his own disposal, but is at theirs, although from the delight and consequent freedom that he enjoys he supposes that he directs himself. But the man who is not avaricious, or who does not love himself in preference to others, nor despise others, and who does not take delight in revenge, is in a society of similar angels, and is led by the Lord by their means, and indeed by means of his freedom, to all the good and truth to which he suffers himself to be led; and in proportion as he suffers himself to be led to more interior and more perfect good, in the same proportion he is brought to more interior and perfect angelic societies. The changes of his state are nothing else than changes of societies. That this is the case is evident to me from the continuous experience of many years, whereby the fact has become as familiar to me as is that which has been familiar to a man from his infancy. [4] From all this it is now evident how the case is with man's regeneration, and with the mediate delights and goods by means of which he is brought by the Lord from the state of his old man to the state of his new man-namely, that this is effected by means of angelic societies, and by changes of them. Mediate goods and delights are nothing else than such societies, which are applied to man by the Lord, to the intent that by their means he may be introduced to spiritual and celestial goods and truths; and when he has been brought to these, the societies are separated, and more interior and more perfect ones are adjoined to him. Nothing else is meant by the mediate good signified by "Laban," and by the separation of that good, which is the subject treated of in this chapter.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4067

4067. 'And behold, he was not at all friendly towards him as before' means that towards the good meant by 'Jacob' the state was completely altered; yet nothing had been taken away from that good, for it possessed what was its own as it had done previously, apart from its link with [the intermediate good]. This becomes clear from the statement that 'he was not at all friendly towards him as before' meaning that the state had altered completely towards Jacob, that is, towards the good meant by 'Jacob'; and from what was said previously [in 30:31] about nothing being received from Laban, that is, from the good meant by 'Laban'. Rather it possessed what was its own as it had done previously.

[2] To enable people to understand the way in which goods and truths exist with a person, something scarcely known by anyone must be revealed. It is indeed known and acknowledged that all good and all truth come from the Lord; and some also acknowledge the existence of influx, the nature of which however remains unknown to man. Now because no knowledge exists, at least no acknowledgement in the heart, of the truth that around man spirits and angels are present and that the internal man dwells in the midst of these and is thereby governed by the Lord, there is little belief in that truth even when it is spoken about. Countless communities exist in the next life, and these are arranged and set in order by the Lord according to all the genera of good and truth; also communities that are the complete opposite, according to all the genera of evil and falsity. They are so arranged and set in order that no genus of good or truth exists, nor any species of that genus, nor even any specific difference, which does not have [a link with] such angelic communities, that is, to which angelic communities do not correspond. Nor on the other hand does any genus of evil or falsity exist, or any species of that genus, or even any specific difference, to which communities of devils do not correspond. Interiorly, that is, as regards his thoughts and affections, everyone is within a community of such angels or devils, although he is not actually aware of it. Everything that a person thinks and wills originates there, so much so that if the communities of spirits or angels in which he dwells were taken away from him, he would instantly cease to have any thought or will at all; indeed he would instantly fall down completely dead. Such is the nature of man's state of being, though he believes that he himself is the originator of all he thinks and wills, and that neither hell nor heaven exists, or that hell is far removed from him, and heaven too.

[3] What is more, the good present with a person seems to him to be something that is a simple or single whole, but in fact it is something so complex, consisting of so many varying features, that he cannot possibly explore even so much as its general ones. And the same applies to the evil present with a person. But as is the good present with a person, so is the community of angels present with him; and as is the evil present with a person, so is the community of evil spirits present with him. A person chooses certain communities for himself, that is, he places himself within one of these; for like is brought into association with like. For example, one who is grasping chooses for himself communities of like-minded spirits who are motivated by his kind of desire; one who loves himself pre-eminently and despises others chooses for himself others who are like himself; while one who takes delight in acts of revenge chooses for himself such as delight in these; and so on with everyone else. Those spirits are in communication with hell, with man in the midst of them and utterly under their control, so much so that he is not under his own jurisdiction but under theirs, although he imagines from the delight he experiences, and so from the freedom he has, that he is in control of himself. But one who is not grasping, or one who does not love himself pre-eminently and does not despise others, or one who does not take delight in acts of revenge, dwells in a community of like-minded angels and through them is led by the Lord, and indeed by means of freedom to everything good and true to which he allows himself to be led. And as he allows himself to be led to good which is more interior and more perfect, so he is conveyed to more interior and more perfect angelic communities. His changes of state are nothing else than changes of communities. The truth of this is evident to me from continuing experience which has lasted for several years now, from which it has become something as ordinary and everyday for me as any ordinary everyday thing experienced by anyone since he was a young child.

[4] These considerations now make clear the situation with the regeneration of man, and with the intermediate delights and forms of good by which a person is conveyed by the Lord from the state of the old man to that of the new, that is to say, it is effected by means of angelic communities and by changes of those communities. Intermediate forms of good and delight are nothing else than such communities, with which the Lord brings man into contact so that by means of them he may be introduced to spiritual and celestial kinds of good and truth. Once he has been conveyed to these, those communities are separated, and more interior and more perfect ones become linked to him. Nothing else than this is understood by the intermediate good meant by 'Laban', and nothing else by the separation of that good, which is the subject of the present chapter.

Latin(1748-1756) 4067

4067. `Et ecce nullatenus is cum eo sicut heri nudius tertius':

quod significet statum prorsus mutatum erga bonum per `Jacob' significatum, a quo tamen nihil desumptum quin haberet sua sicut prius, praeter statum quoad conjunctionem, constare potest ex eo quod nullatenus is cum eo sicut heri nudius tertius sit status prorsus mutatus erga Jacobum, hoc est, erga bonum per `Jacob' significatum; et ex illis quae praecedunt, quod [a] Labane, hoc est, a bono per `Labanem' significato, nihil desumptum quin haberet sua sicut prius. [2] Ut comprehendatur quomodo cum bonis et veris apud hominem se habet, revelandum est quod vix alicui notum est;

scitur quidem et agnoscitur quod omne bonum et omne verum a Domino;

et quoque agnoscitur a quibusdam quod influxus sit, sed talis ut homo non sciat; at quia non scitur, ad minimum non agnoscitur corde, quod circum hominem sint spiritus et angeli et quod internus homo sit in medio eorum et sic regatur a Domino, parum id creditur tametsi dicitur: sunt societates innumerabiles in altera vita, quae dispositae et ordinatae sunt a Domino secundum omnia genera boni et veri, et societates quae in opposito sunt secundum omnia genera mali et falsi; usque adeo ut non detur aliquod genus boni et veri, nec aliqua species illius generis, ne quidem aliqua differentia specifica, quae non habent societates angelicas tales, seu quibus non correspondent societates angelicae; et vicissim ut non detur aliquod genus mali et falsi, nec aliqua species illius generis, ne quidem aliqua differentia specifica, est unusquisque homo quoad interiora sua, hoc est, quoad cogitationes [et] affectiones, tametsi hoc nescit; omne quod homo cogitat et vult {2}, est inde, usque adeo ut si ei societates spirituum et angelorum in quibus est, auferrentur, momento illo nullius cogitationis et nullius voluntatis esset, immo momento illo occumberet plane mortuus; talis est status hominis, quamvis ille credit quod ex seipso omnia habeat, et quod nec infernum nec caelum sit, aut quod infernum sit longe remotum ab illo, et quoque caelum. [3] Insuper bonum apud hominem apparet ei sicut simplex quoddam aut sicut unum, sed usque est tam multiplex, et constat ex tam {3} variis ut nusquam explorare possit quoad solum communia; similiter se habet cum malo apud hominem: quale autem bonum est apud hominem, talis societas angelorum est apud illum, et quale malum est apud hominem, talis societas spirituum malorum est apud eum; homo sibi ipsi adsciscit societates, seu semet ipsum ponit in societate talium, nam simile simili associatur, ut pro exemplo, qui avarus est, is adsciscit societates similium qui in tali cupiditate sunt; qui amat se prae aliis et contemnit alios, is adsciscit similes; qui in vindictis jucundum habet, is tales qui in simili jucundo sunt; ita in reliquis; communicant illi cum inferno, in medio illorum homo est et regitur prorsus ab illis, usque adeo ut non sit sui juris sed illorum, tametsi putat ex jucundo quod ei, et `inde libero', quod semet ipsum regat; qui autem non avarus est, aut qui non amat se prae aliis et non contemnit alios, et qui non in vindictis jucundum habet, [is] in societate angelorum similium est et per illos ducitur a Domino, et quidem per liberum ad omne bonum et verum ad quod se duci patitur; et sicut ad bonum interius et perfectius se duci patitur, ita perducitur ad societates angelicas interiores et perfectiores; mutationes status ejus non aliud sunt quam mutationes societatum: quod ita se res habeat, constat mihi ex continua nunc plurium annorum experientia, ex qua mihi hoc tam familiare factum est, sicut quoddam familiare apud hominem ab infantia ejus. [4] Ex his nunc constare potest quomodo se habet cum regeneratione hominis, et cum jucundis et bonis mediis per quae homo a statu veteris hominis perducitur ad statum novi hominis a Domino, quod nempe hoc fiat media non aliud sunt quam societates tales, quae homini applicantur a Domino, ut per illas introduci possit ad bona et vera spiritualia et caelestia; ad quae cum perductus est, tunc separantur illae societates, et interiores ac perfectiores adjunguntur: per bonum medium quod per `Labanem' significatur, non aliud `intelligitur, et non aliud' per separationem boni illius, de qua in hoc capite agitur. @1 A d infernales, i diabolicae$ @2, et quod vult,$ @3 tot$ @4 spirituum$ @5 i homo$ @6 ex libero inde$

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