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《天堂与地狱》 第544节







544. 世人仍相信有一个掌管地狱的魔鬼, 他原被造为光明天使, 后来因背叛而与其同党一起被投入地狱. 这种信仰之所以盛行, 是因为圣言谈到了魔鬼和撒旦, 以及路西弗; 并且在这些情况下, 圣言是照字面来理解的. 然而, 在这些经文中, 魔鬼和撒旦表示地狱. “魔鬼”表示后面的地狱, 最坏的人住在那里, 被称为“恶魔”. “撒旦”表示前面的地狱, 住在那里的人不那么坏, 被称为“恶灵”. “路西弗”表示属巴别或巴比伦的人, 他们甚至将其统治一直伸向天堂. 掌管地狱的魔鬼并不存在, 这一点也可从以下事实看出来: 凡在地狱的人, 和凡在天堂的人一样, 都来自人类(参看311-317节), 自创世直到如今到那里的人不计其数, 其中每一个都照他活在世上时反对神性的程度而成为魔鬼(参看311-312节).



544. 世人依舊相信有一個魔鬼在掌管著地獄, 他本是光明的天人, 後來因背叛而與同黨一併被投入了地獄。他們如此相信, 是因從字面上理解了聖言所說關於魔鬼, 撒旦, 路西弗的話。其實, 那些經文中的魔鬼, 撒旦系指地獄。其中"魔鬼"指往內或靠下部分的地獄, 住在那裡的是最邪惡的人, 他們被稱為"惡魔"。"撒旦"指往外或靠上部分的地獄, 住在那裡的人邪惡性較輕, 他們被稱為"邪靈"。"路西弗"則指出自巴別(或巴比倫)的人, 他們意欲掌權, 甚至圖謀掌管天國。

另外, 天國, 地獄中所有的居民都出自人類, 從創世以來, 已有無數的人因在肉身時反對上帝而成了魔鬼, 由此也可知並不存在一個掌管地獄的魔鬼。


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Heaven and Hell #544 (NCE, 2000)

544. People in the world still believe that there is a devil who rules the hells and that he was created as an angel of light but was cast into hell with his gang after he led a rebellion. The reason for this belief is that the Word talks about the devil and Satan, and about Lucifer as well; and in these cases the Word is understood literally. However, in these passages the devil and Satan mean hell. The devil means the hell toward the rear where the worst people live, the people called evil demons; and Satan means the hell that is toward the front where the less malevolent people live, the people called evil spirits. Lucifer means the people who are from Babel or Babylon, the ones who extend their control all the way into heaven.

We can also see that there is no devil to whom the hells are subject from the fact that all the people who are in the hells, like all the people in the heavens, are from the human race (see 311-317), that there are millions there from the beginning of creation to the present day, and that everyone there is the kind of devil he or she became by opposition to the Deity while in the world (see above, 311-312).


Heaven and Hell #544 (Harley, 1958)

544. It has been believed hitherto in the world that there is one devil who presides over the hells; that he was created an angel of light; but having become rebellious he was cast down with his crew into hell. This belief has prevailed because the Devil and Satan, and also Lucifer, are mentioned by name in the Word, and the Word in those places has been understood according to the sense of the letter. But by "the devil" and "Satan" there hell is meant, "devil" meaning the hell that is behind, where dwell the worst, who are called evil genii; and "Satan" the hell that is in front, where dwell the less wicked, who are called evil spirits; and "Lucifer" those who belong to Babel, or Babylon, who reach out their powers even into heaven. That there is no one devil to whom the hells are subject is evident also from this, that all who are in the hells, like all who are in the heavens, are from the human race (see 311-317); and that those who have gone there from the beginning of creation to this time amount to myriads of myriads, and every one of them is a devil of such a nature as was his opposition to the Divine while he lived in the world (see above, 311-312).


Heaven and Hell #544 (Ager, 1900)

544. It has been believed heretofore in the world that there is one devil that presides over the hells; that he was created an angel of light; but having become rebellious he was cast down with his crew into hell. This belief has prevailed because the Devil and Satan, and also Lucifer, are mentioned by name in the Word, and the Word in those places has been understood according to the sense of the letter. But by "the devil" and "Satan" there hell is meant, "devil" meaning the hell that is behind, where the worst dwell, who are called evil genii; and "Satan" the hell that is in front, where the less wicked dwell, who are called evil spirits; and "Lucifer" those that belong to Babel, or Babylon, who would extend their dominion even into heaven. That there is no one devil to whom the hells are subject is evident also from this, that all who are in the hells, like all who are in the heavens, are from the human race (see 311-317); and that those who have gone there from the beginning of creation to this time amount to myriads of myriads, and everyone of them is a devil in accord with his opposition to the Divine while he lived in the world (see above, 311, 312).


De Coelo et de Inferno #544 (original Latin)

544. Creditum est huc usque in mundo, quod aliquis Diabolus sit qui infernis praeest, et quod is creatus sit lucis angelus, sed postquam rebellis factus est, in infernum cum sua turba dejectus sit. Quod ita creditum fuerit, est quia in Verbo nominatur Diabolus et Satanas, et quoque Lucifer, ac Verbum ibi intellectum est secundum sensum litterae cum tamen per "Diabolum" et "Satanam" ibi intelligitur infernum; per "Diabolum" id infernum quod a tergo est, et ubi pessimi, qui vocantur mali genii; et per "Satanam" id infernum quod anterius est, ubi non tam maligni, et vocantur mali spiritus; et per "Luciferum" intelliguntur illi qui e Babele seu Babylonia sunt, qui sunt qui dominia sua extendunt usque in caelum. Quod non aliquis diabolus sit cui subjecta sunt inferna, patet quoque ex eo, quod omnes qui in infernis sunt, sicut omnes qui in caelis, ex humano genere sint (videatur 311-317), et quod ibi myriades myriadum a principio creationis ad hoc tempus sint, et quod quisque ex illis sit talis diabolus qualis in mundo fuerat contra Divinum. (Videatur de his supra, 311, 312)

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