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《天堂与地狱》 第543节






543. 有必要简单解释一下主如何掌管地狱. 总体来说, 地狱被一种来自天堂的神性良善和神性真理的总体流注掌管, 从地狱流出的总体努力通过这种流注被节制和掌控. 还有一种来自每个天堂和每个天堂社群的具体流注. 具体来说, 地狱通过天使被掌管, 天使被赋予查究地狱, 节制那里的疯狂与骚乱的能力. 有时天使被派到那里, 他们的临在会缓和这些疯狂与骚乱. 但总体来说, 凡在地狱的人都通过他们的恐惧被掌管. 有些人通过在世时就种下, 并仍在他们里面根深蒂固的恐惧被掌管. 然而, 由于这些恐惧并不足够, 且逐渐削弱, 所以他们通过对惩罚的恐惧被掌管; 这些惩罚是阻止他们作恶的主要手段. 地狱里的惩罚多种多样, 照邪恶而更轻或更严厉. 因为大多数时候, 相对恶毒的灵人会掌权, 凭经验和诡计获得控制权; 他们能通过惩罚和由此而来的恐惧镇压和奴役其他人. 不过, 这些掌权的灵人不敢越过所规定的限度. 要知道, 节制地狱之人的暴力和狂怒的唯一手段, 就是对惩罚的恐惧, 没有其它办法.



543. 讓我簡單解釋一下主是如何掌管地獄的。總體上, 整個天國的聖善和聖理之流約束並控制著整個地獄的勢力。局部上, 各天國和組成天國的各社群也都發出一種影響力。

具體而言, 主藉天人來掌管地獄。這些天人能洞察地獄, 節制地獄的瘋狂和騷動。有時, 天人會被派往地獄, 他們的降臨能使局面得到控制。

籠統而言, 地獄的人都受著恐懼的約束。有的在人間便已種下, 如今依然在起作用。不過那些恐懼並不足啟, 且會逐漸減弱, 所以懲罰便成了阻止他們作惡的主要手段。懲罰的方式多種多樣, 有的溫和, 有的嚴酷, 取決於他們所作之惡。多數情況下, 最為惡毒的靈會取得權力。他們憑經驗和詭計施行控制, 藉懲罰和恐懼叫人俯首聽命。但是, 他們不敢超越一定的界線。

我們當知, 對懲罰的恐懼乃是控制地獄暴亂和憤怒的唯一手段。

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Heaven and Hell #543 (NCE, 2000)

543. I need to explain briefly how the hells are governed, though. Overall, the hells are governed by a general impingement of divine good and divine truth from the heavens through which the general effort that flows out of the hells is restrained and controlled. There is also a specific impingement from each heaven and from each community of heaven.

Specifically, the hells are governed by means of angels who are given the ability to look into the hells and check the insanities and riots there. Sometimes angels are sent there, and their very presence brings matters under control.

In general, though, all the people in the hells are governed by their fears, some by fears sown and still in place from the world. However, since these fears are not adequate and gradually weaken, they are governed through fears of punishment, which are the primary means of preventing them from doing evil. There are many kinds of punishment there, milder or more severe depending on the evil [they are restraining]. Most of the time, the relatively malevolent spirits are in power, having gained control by their experience and skill; and they are able to keep the rest in servile obedience by punishments and the fears that these give birth to. These dominant spirits do not dare go beyond fixed limits.

We do need to realize that the only way of controlling the violent rages of people in the hells is through fear of punishment. There are no other means.


Heaven and Hell #543 (Harley, 1958)

543. How the hells are ruled by the Lord will be briefly told. In general, the hells are ruled by a general outflow from the heavens of Divine Good and Divine Truth whereby the general endeavour flowing forth from the hells is checked and restrained; also by a particular outflow from each heaven and from each society of heaven. The hells are ruled in particular by means of the angels, to whom it is granted to look into the hells and to control the insanities and disturbances there; and sometimes there are sent to them angels who moderate these insanities and disturbances by their presence. But in general, all in the hells are ruled by means of their fears. Some are ruled by fears implanted in the world and still inherent in them; but as these fears are not sufficient, and gradually depart, they are ruled by fears of punishments, by which especially they are deterred from doing evil. The punishments in hell are manifold, lighter or more severe in accordance with the evils. For the most part the more wicked, who excel in cunning and in artifices, and who are able to hold the rest in subjection and servitude by means of punishments and consequent terror, are set over them; but these governors dare not pass beyond the limits prescribed to them. It ought to be known that the sole means of restraining the violence and fury of those who are in the hells is the fear of punishment. There is no other way.


Heaven and Hell #543 (Ager, 1900)

543. How the hells are ruled by the Lord shall be briefly explained. In general the hells are ruled by a general outflow from the heavens of Divine good and Divine truth whereby the general endeavor flowing forth from the hells is checked and restrained; also by a particular outflow from each heaven and from each society of heaven. The hells are ruled in particular by means of the angels, to whom it is granted to look into the hells and to restrain insanities and disturbances there; and sometimes angels are sent to them who moderate these insanities and disturbances by their presence. But in general all in the hells are ruled by means of their fears. Some are ruled by fears implanted in the world and still inherent in them; but as these fears are not sufficient, and gradually subside, they are ruled by fears of punishments; and it is especially by these that they are deterred from doing evil. The punishments in hell are manifold, lighter or more severe in accordance with the evils. For the most part the more wicked, who excel in cunning and in artifices, and who are able to hold the rest in subjection and servitude by means of punishments and consequent terror, are set over them; but these governors dare not pass beyond the limits prescribed to them. It must be understood that the sole means of restraining the violence and fury of those who are in the hells is the fear of punishment. There is no other way.


De Coelo et de Inferno #543 (original Latin)

543. Quomodo autem inferna reguntur a Domino, etiam paucis dicetur. Reguntur inferna in communi per affluxum communem Divini Boni ac Divini Veri ex caelis, per quem communis conatus effluens ex infernis refrenatur et coercetur et quoque per affluxum specialem e quolibet caelo, et ex qualibet societate caeli. Reguntur inferna in particulari per angelos, quibus datur inspicere in inferna, et compescere insanias et turbas ibi quandoque etiam mittuntur illuc angeli, ac praesentes moderantur illas. In genere autem omnes qui in infernis sunt, reguntur per timores; quidam per implantatos et adhuc insitos e mundo; sed quia hi timores non sufficiunt, et quoque paullatim recedunt, reguntur per timores poenarum, per quos imprimis deterrentur a malis faciendis. Poenae ibi sunt multiplices, leniores et graviores secundum mala. Utplurimum praeficiuntur aliis maligniores, qui calliditate et artibus praevalent, et reliquos per poenas et inde terrores in obsequio et servitute tenere possunt: hi praefecti non ultra limites sibi praescriptos transire audent. Sciendum est, quod unicum medium coercendi violentias et furores illorum qui in infernis sunt, sit timor poenae; non datur aliud medium.

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