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《天堂与地狱》 第312节










312. 教会之人持有这种信仰, 还因为他们认为没有人上天堂或下地狱, 直到最后审判之时; 而对于最后审判, 他们所持的观点是, 到那时, 一切可见事物都会灭亡, 新事物将会出现; 这时, 灵魂会回归它的身体, 人凭这联结复活为人. 这种信仰暗含另一种信仰, 即: 天使是起初被造的; 因为若相信在世界终结之前, 没有人能到那里, 就不可能相信天堂与地狱皆出自人类.

为让人确信这并非实情, 我被允许与天使来往, 还与地狱里的魔鬼交谈, 迄今已有数年, 有时从早晨持续到晚上, 从而得知有关天堂和地狱的情况. 这一切的旨在让教会之人对于最后审判之时的复活, 在此期间灵魂的状态, 以及天使和魔鬼不再继续执守错误信仰. 这种信仰因是错的, 故会使心智陷入黑暗; 对那些出于自己的聪明思考这类事的人来说, 它会导致怀疑, 最终导致否认, 因为他们心里会说: “如此浩瀚的天堂, 如此众多的星宿, 如何能与日月一道被毁和消散呢? 比地球大得多的恒星如何从天上坠落于地? 早已被虫子吃光, 腐烂透顶, 分散到四风中的躯体, 能再次被收集起来, 与灵魂重新聚合吗? 在此期间, 灵魂又在哪里? 丧失了在身体中所拥有的感觉, 灵魂成什么样了? ”

还有许多诸如此类的问题, 它们因无法理解而不能叫人相信, 并摧毁了许多人对死后生命, 天堂和地狱的信仰, 属于教会信仰的其它内容也连同这些一道被摧毁. 这种信仰已被摧毁, 这一点从以下说法明显看出来: “有谁从天堂或地狱回来, 告诉我们有一个天堂存在? 何为地狱? 有吗? 永远被火折磨算哪回事? 何为审判之日? 它不是已被徒然等候数个世纪了吗? ”还有其它暗含否认一切的说法.

许多精于世事的人都是这样思考的; 所以, 为防止他们进一步困扰和误导那些信仰, 心思简单的人, 在神, 天堂和永生, 以及取决于这些的其它一切事上造成内在黑暗, 我灵的内层被主打开, 我由此可与所有离世并且活在肉身时我所认识的人交谈. 我曾与一些人交谈数日, 与一些人交谈数月, 与一些人交谈一年. 我还与其他人交谈过, 他们如此众多, 以至于毫不夸张地说, 有十万之多, 既有许多在天堂的, 也有许多在地狱的. 我也与离世仅两天的人交谈过, 并告诉他们说, 他们的葬礼正在举行, 以预备下葬; 对此, 他们回答说, 脱去作为肉体并为世上的肉体功能而服务他们的事物是好事; 他们想叫我说, 他们根本没有死, 而是仍作为人活着, 和以前一样, 只是从一个世界搬到另一个世界而已, 没觉得有任何遗失, 因为他们仍有身体及其感官, 和以前一样, 也有理解力和意愿, 和以前一样, 还有思维和情感, 感觉和欲望, 和他们在世时所拥有的一样.

许多刚刚死去的人, 一发现自己仍和以前一样是活生生的人(因为人死后的第一个状态和在世时一样, 但之后逐渐发生变化, 或趋向天堂, 或趋向地狱), 都被仍然活着的喜悦所感动, 声称他们不相信这会是真的. 不过, 他们大为惊讶的是, 对于他们死后生命的状态, 他们竟一直生活在如此的无知和盲目中; 尤为惊讶的是, 教会之人竟也活在如此的无知和盲目中; 在这些事上, 他们本该比世上其他所有人更明白, 更得到清晰的启示才对. 这时, 他们开始发现这种盲目和无知的原由, 即: 外在事物, 也就是涉及世界和肉体的事物, 如此占据并充斥他们的心智, 以致他们无法被提升至天堂之光, 越过教会的教义看到教会的事物. 因为如果像现代人那样热爱涉及肉体和世界的事物, 那么当人试图超越这些教义时, 唯有黑暗流入心智.

注: 在今天的基督教界, 很少有人相信人死后立即复活(创世记 16章序言, 天国的奥秘 4622, 10758节); 人们相信的是, 只有等到最后审判之时, 人才会复活; 那时, 可见的世界将要灭亡(天国的奥秘 10595节). 这种信仰的原因(天国的奥秘 10595, 10758节). 而事实却是, 人死后立即复活; 那时, 他在方方面面, 甚至在每一个最小方面完全就是一个人(天国的奥秘 4527, 5006, 5078, 8939, 8991, 10594, 10758节). 死后活着的灵魂就是人的灵, 人里面的灵就是这个人本身, 在来世处于一个完整的人形(天国的奥秘 322, 1880, 1881, 3633, 4622, 4735, 5883, 6054, 6605, 6626, 7021, 10594节); 从经历说明(天国的奥秘 4527, 5006, 8939节); 从圣言说明(天国的奥秘 10597节). 对于在圣城中所见死人(马太福音 27:53)的含义的解释(天国的奥秘 9229节). 从经历说明, 人以哪种方式从死里复活(天国的奥秘 168-189节). 他复活后的状态(天国的奥秘 317-319, 2119, 5079, 10596节). 关于灵魂及其复活的虚假观念(天国的奥秘 444, 445, 4527, 4622, 4658节).



312. 該觀點產生的另一個原因, 在於他們相信最後審判之前, 沒有人上天國或下地獄。他們相信終有一天, 可見的一切都要毀滅, 然後新天新地出現。彼時, 靈魂複歸肉體, 得以再生。此觀點暗含彼觀點——天人是起初受造的;因為人若相信世界毀滅之前, 沒有人上天國或下地獄, 自然就不可能相信天國, 地獄是出於人類。

為讓人確信這並非事實, 我被允許與天人來往, 與魔鬼對談, 迄今已有數年, 有時甚至從早到晚, 沒有間斷, 以便瞭解天國, 地獄的景況, 目的是希望基督徒不再固守錯誤的觀點, 因為錯誤的觀點導致蒙昧無知, 對於理性思考者, 則導致懷疑乃至否認。事實上, 他們心裡正想:"如此浩瀚的宇宙, 數不勝數的星體, 豈能與日月一道毀滅?比地球大得多的星體豈能落到地球?早已腐朽瓦解的軀體, 如何與靈魂複合?複合之前, 靈魂何去何從?沒了肉體的知覺, 靈魂是何感受?"

諸如此類的問題, 因為費解而與信仰產生衝突, 許多人因此不再相信死後生命, 天國地獄, 及教會其它的信仰觀念。他們說:"有誰從天國或地獄回來, 告訴我們它真的存在?在地獄永遠受火的煎熬, 這算哪門子事?哪有最後的審判?我們豈不是徒然等候千百年了嗎?"諸如此類的說法表示他們已否定信仰。

許多諳於世事的人就有這些想法。為防止他們繼續困擾誤導那些信仰單純, 心思簡單的人, 使他們對真上帝, 天國, 永生等產生疑惑, 我的心靈蒙主開啟, 得與生前所有認識的人交談, 有的數日, 有的經年累月。我所交流過的人, 用千千萬萬來形容也不為過。他們有很多在天國, 也有很多在地獄。我與過世才兩天的人也有過交談, 告之其葬禮正在籌備當中。他們說褪去曾在人間為他們服務的肉體乃是一件幸事, 希望我轉告他們並未死亡。他們和從前一樣, 依然是活生生的人, 只是從一個世界跨入了另一個世界而已。他們不覺得失去了任何東西, 因為他們依然有形有體, 有意願有理解, 有思想有情感, 有知覺有欲望, 和在人間一樣。

許多剛剛死去的人, 當他發現還是像以前一樣活著(人死後的第一個階段與生前相似, 之後逐漸發生變化, 或趨向天國, 或趨向地獄), 簡直大喜過望。他們說這真的難以置信, 並為從前對人死後的光景那般蒙昩無知感到奇怪——特別是基督徒, 他們本該比其他人更明白才是。至此他們才發現, 從前之所以蒙昩無知, 在於世俗的追求, 肉體的欲望, 充塞了他們的心, 使之不能被提入天國之光, 從而透過教義表面看到實質。當人貪著肉體的欲望和世俗的追求, 如現代人這樣, 在他試圖深入時, 唯有黑暗流入其心。

上一节  目录  下一节

Heaven and Hell #312 (NCE, 2000)

312. This belief among church people is also the cause of their belief that no one will arrive in heaven or hell before the time of the Last Judgment, which they have come to believe will be a time when everything they can see perishes and new things come into being, when souls will return into their bodies and then begin once more to live as people because of this reunion. This faith implies the other, about angels having been created in the beginning, for it is not possible to believe that heaven and hell come from the human race when you believe that no one is going to get there until the end of the world.

[2] So to convince people that this is not the case, I have been allowed to associate with angels and to talk with people in hell for several years now, sometimes constantly from morning until evening, and so to learn about heaven and about hell. The purpose of all this is that church people should remain no longer in their mistaken beliefs about a resurrection on Judgment Day and about the state of their souls in the meanwhile, or about angels and the devil. Because this faith is a mistaken one, it brings darkness with it; and for people who think about such things on the basis of their own intellect, it leads to doubt and eventually to denial. They are actually saying in their hearts, "How can such a vast heaven and so many stars be destroyed and disappear, along with the sun and the moon? How can stars that are larger than the earth fall on the earth? How can bodies that have been eaten by worms and destroyed by decay and scattered to the four winds be reunited to their souls? Where have these souls been in the meanwhile, and what have they been like without any of the senses they had in their bodies?"

[3] There are many other questions like these, which do not accord with belief because they are incomprehensible, and for many people they are destroying any belief in a life after death, in heaven and hell, and along with these the rest of the contents of the faith of the church. This destruction can be observed in people who say, "Who has come back from heaven and told us that it exists, or from hell, to say that it exists? What is this business about people being tortured by fire to eternity? What is this Judgment Day? Haven't we been waiting for it for centuries, all in vain?" along with any number of other things that imply a denial of everything.

[4] Many people who are particularly skilled in worldly affairs think like this; so to prevent them from further disturbing and misleading people of simple faith and simple heart and bringing on a hellish darkness concerning God, heaven, eternal life, and the other matters that follow from them, the deeper reaches of my spirit have been opened by the Lord, enabling me to talk after their death with all the people I have ever known during their physical lives. I have talked with some for days, with some for months, and with some for a year. I have talked with so many others that it would be no exaggeration to talk in terms of a hundred thousand, many in heaven and many in hell. I have talked with some just two days after their deaths and told them that now their funerals and burial rites were being performed so that they could be interred; to which they have responded that it was a good thing they had cast off what had served them as a body for their functions in our world, wanting me to say that they were not dead at all. They were just as alive and just as human as ever, having simply crossed over from one world to another. They were not aware of having lost anything, since they were just as much in a body as before, enjoyed volition and understanding just as before, and had thoughts and affections, sensation, and desires similar to the ones they had in our world.

[5] Many people who have just died, when they have discovered that they are living persons just as they were before, and in a similar state (for our first state after death is like the one we were in on earth, although this changes gradually for us either toward heaven or toward hell), have been moved by a newfound joy at still being alive. They have said they would not have believed it. They were absolutely amazed that they had been in such ignorance and blindness about the state of life after death, all the more so that this is true of people within the church, who could be in more light about such matters than all the rest of the whole world. 1Now for the first time they were seeing the reason for this blindness and ignorance, namely, that their outward concerns, their concerns for worldly and bodily matters, preoccupied and filled their minds so completely that they could not be raised into heaven's light and look into ecclesiastical subjects beyond the formalities of doctrine. When bodily and worldly matters are loved as much as they are today, nothing flows in from them but darkness when the mind tries to press further.


1. Not many people in today's Christianity believe that we will rise again immediately after death: Genesis 16 preface, 4622, 10758; but only at the time of the Last Judgment, when the visible world will perish: 10594 [10595?]. The reason for this belief: 10594 [10595?], 10758. The fact is, though, that we do rise again immediately after death, and are then completely human in all respects: 4527, 5006, 5078, 8939, 8991, 10594, 10758. The soul that lives after death is our spirit, which is the essential person within us and is in a perfect human form in the other life as well: 322, 1880-1881, 3633, 4622, 4735, 5883, 6054, 6605, 6626, 7021, 10594; from experience: 4527, 5006, 8939; from the Word: 10597. An explanation of the meaning of the dead who were seen in the holy city in Matthew 27:53 9229. How we are revived from death, from experience: 168-189. Our state after we have been revived: 317-319, 2119, 5079, 10596. False notions about the soul and its resurrection: 444-445, 4527, 4622, 4658.


Heaven and Hell #312 (Harley, 1958)

312. The man of the Church also derives this belief from his believing that no man comes into heaven or into hell until the time of the last judgment; and about that, he has accepted the opinion that all visible things will perish at that time and new things will come into existence, and that the soul will then return into its body, and from that union man will again live as a man. This belief involves the other-that angels were created such in the beginning; for it is impossible to believe that heaven and hell are from the human race when it is believed that no man can go there before the end of the world.

[2] But that man might be convinced that this is not true it has been granted me to be in company with angels, and also to talk with those who are in hell, and this now for many years sometimes continuously from morning until evening, and thus be informed about heaven and hell. This has been permitted so that the man of the Church may no longer continue in his erroneous belief about the resurrection at the time of judgment, and about the state of the soul in the meanwhile, also about angels and the devil. As this belief is a belief in what is false it involves the mind in darkness, and with those who think about these things from their own intelligence it induces doubt and at length denial, for they say in their heart, "How can so vast a heaven, with so many constellations and with the sun and moon, be destroyed and dissipated; and how can the stars which are larger than the earth fall from heaven to the earth; and can bodies eaten up by worms, consumed by corruption, and scattered to all the winds, be gathered together again to their soul; and where in the meantime is the soul, and what is it when deprived of the senses it had in the body?"

[3] Besides many other like things, which because they are incomprehensible exceed belief and destroy the belief of many in the life of the soul after death, and their belief in heaven and hell, and with these other matters pertaining to the faith of the Church. That this belief has been destroyed is evident from its being said, "Who has ever come to us from heaven and told us that there is a heaven? What is hell? Is there any? What is this about man's being tormented with fire to eternity? What is the day of judgment? Has it not been expected in vain for ages?" with other things that involve a denial of everything.

[4] Therefore lest those who think in this way-as many do who from their worldly wisdom are reputed to be erudite and learned-should any longer confound and mislead the simple in faith and heart, and induce infernal darkness respecting God and heaven and eternal life, and all else that depends on these, the interiors of my spirit have been opened by the Lord, and I have thus been permitted to talk, after their decease, with all with whom I was ever acquainted in the life of the body-with some for days, with some for months, and with some for a year, and also with so many others that I should not exaggerate if I should say a hundred thousand; many of whom were in heaven, and many in hell. I have also talked with some two days after their decease, and have told them that their funeral services and obsequies were then being held in preparation for their interment; to which they replied that it was well to cast aside that which had served them as a body and for bodily functions in the world; and they wished me to say that they were not dead, but were living as men the same as before, and had merely migrated from one world into the other, and were not aware of having lost anything, since they were in a body and its sensual things just as before, also in [the exercise of] understanding and will as before, having thoughts and affections, sensations and desires, of the same quality as in the world.

[5] Most of those who had recently died, when they saw themselves to be living men as before, and in a like state (for after death every one's state of life is at first such as it was in the world, but there is a gradual change in it either into heaven or into hell), were moved by new joy at being alive, saying that they had not believed that it would be so. But they greatly wondered that they should have lived in such ignorance and blindness about the state of their life after death; and especially that the man of the Church should be in such ignorance and blindness, when above all others in the whole world he might be clearly enlightened in regard to these things. 1Then they began to see the cause of that blindness and ignorance, which is, that external things, which are things relating to the world and the body, had so occupied and filled their minds that they could not be raised into the light of heaven and consider the things of the Church beyond doctrinal matters; for when matters relating to the body and the world are loved, as much as they are at the present day, nothing but darkness flows into the mind when they go further.


1. There are few in Christendom at this day who believe that man rises again immediately after death (preface to Genesis, chap. Genesis 16., and Arcana Coelestia 4622, 10758); but it is believed that he will rise again at the time of the last judgment, when the visible world will perish (Arcana Coelestia 10595).

The reason of this belief (Arcana Coelestia 10595, 10758).

Nevertheless man does rise again immediately after death, and then he is a man in all respects, and in every least respect (Arcana Coelestia 4527, 5006, 5078, 8939, 8991, 10594, 10758).

The soul that lives after death is the spirit of man, which in man is the man himself; and in the other life is in a complete human form (Arcana Coelestia 322, 1880-1881, 3633, 4622, 4735, 5883, 6054, 6605, 6626, 7021, 10594); from experience (Arcana Coelestia 4527, 5006, 8939); from the Word (Arcana Coelestia 10597).

What is meant by the dead seen in the holy city (Matthew 27:53) explained (Arcana Coelestia 9229).

In what manner man is raised from the dead, from experience (168-189).

His state after his resurrection (Arcana Coelestia 317-319, 2119, 5079, 10596).

False opinions about the soul and its resurrection (Arcana Coelestia 444-445, 4527, 4622, 4658).


Heaven and Hell #312 (Ager, 1900)

312. The man of the church also derives this belief from his believing that no man comes into heaven or into hell until the time of the final judgment; and about that he has accepted the opinion that all visible things will perish at that time and new things will come into existence, and that the soul will then return into its body, and from that union man will again live as a man. This belief involves the other-that angels were created such from the beginning; for it is impossible to believe that heaven and hell are from the human race when it is believed that no man can go there until the end of the world.

[2] But that men might be convinced that this is not true it has been granted me to be in company with angels, and also to talk with those who are in hell, and this now for some years, sometimes continuously from morning until evening, and thus be informed about heaven and hell. This has been permitted that the man of the church may no longer continue in his erroneous belief about the resurrection at the time of judgment, and about the state of the soul in the meanwhile, also about angels and the devil. As this belief is a belief in what is false it involves the mind in darkness, and with those who think about these things from their own intelligence it induces doubt and at length denial, for they say in heart, "How can so vast a heaven, with so many constellations and with the sun and moon, be destroyed and dissipated; and how can the stars which are larger than the earth fall from heaven to the earth; and can bodies eaten up by worms, consumed by corruption, and scattered to all the winds, be gathered together again to their souls; and where in the meantime is the soul, and what is it when deprived of the senses it had in the body?"

[3] With many other like things, which being incomprehensible cannot be believed, and which destroy the belief of many in the life of the soul after death, and their belief in heaven and hell, and with these other matters pertaining to the faith of the church. That this belief has been destroyed is evident from its being said, "Who has ever come to us from heaven and told us that there is a heaven? What is hell? is there any? What is this about man's being tormented with fire to eternity? What is the day of judgment? has it not been expected in vain for ages?" with other things that involve a denial of everything.

[4] Therefore lest those who think in this way-as many do who from their worldly wisdom are regarded as erudite and learned-should any longer confound and mislead the simple in faith and heart, and induce infernal darkness respecting God and heaven and eternal life, and all else that depends on these, the interiors of my spirit have been opened by the Lord, and I have thus been permitted to talk with all after their decease with whom I was ever acquainted in the life of the body-with some for days, with some for months, and with some for a year, and also with so many others that I should not exaggerate if I should say a hundred thousand; many of whom were in heaven, and many in hell. I have also talked with some two days after their decease, and have told them that their funeral services and obsequies were then being held in preparation for their interment; to which they replied that it was well to cast aside that which had served them as a body and for bodily functions in the world; and they wished me to say that they were not dead, but were living as men the same as before, and had merely migrated from one world into the other, and were not aware of having lost anything, since they had a body and its senses just as before, also understanding and will just as before, with thoughts and affections, sensations and desires, like those they had in the world.

[5] Most of those who had recently died, when they saw themselves to be living men as before, and in a like state (for after death everyone's state of life is at first such as it was in the world, but there is a gradual change in it either into heaven or into hell), were moved by new joy at being alive, saying that they had not believed that it would be so. But they greatly wondered that they should have lived in such ignorance and blindness about the state of their life after death; and especially that the man of the church should be in such ignorance and blindness, when above all others in the whole world he might be clearly enlightened in regard to these things. 1Then they began to see the cause of that blindness and ignorance, which is, that external things which are things, relating to the world and the body, had so occupied and filled their minds that they could not be raised into the light of heaven and look into the things of the church beyond its doctrinals; for when matters relating to the body and the world are loved, as they are at the present day, nothing but darkness flows into the mind when men go beyond those doctrines.


1. There are few in Christendom at this day who believe that man rises again immediately after death (preface to Genesis, chap. 16 and Arcana Coelestia 4622, 10758); but it is believed that he will rise again at the time of the final judgment, when the visible world will perish (10595).

The reason of this belief (10595, 10758).

Nevertheless man does rise again immediately after death, and then he is a man in all respects, and in every least respect (4527, 5006, 5078, 8939, 8991, 10594, 10758).

The soul that lives after death is the spirit of man, which in man is the man himself, and in the other life is in a complete human form (322, 1880-1881, 3633, 4622, 4735, 5883, 6054, 6605, 6626, 7021, 10594); from experience (4527, 5006, 8939); from the Word (10597).

What is meant by the dead seen in the holy city (Matthew 27:53) explained (9229).

In what manner man is raised from the dead, from experience (168-189).

His state after his resurrection (317-319, 2119, 5079, 10596).

False opinions about the soul and its resurrection (444-445, 4527, 4622, 4658).


De Coelo et de Inferno #312 (original Latin)

312. Quod homo ecclesiae ita credat, etiam est causa quia credit quod nullus homo in caelum aut in infernum prius veniat quam tempore ultimi judicii, de quo illam opinionem cepit, quod interitura sint tunc omnia quae coram oculis, et quod nova exstitura, et quod anima tunc reditura sit in suum corpus, ex qua conjunctione homo iterum vivet homo: haec fides involvit alteram de angelis quod sint a principio creati, nam non credi potest quod caelum et infernum sint ex humano genere, quum creditur quod nullus homo illuc prius veniat quam in fine mundi.

[2] Sed ut evincatur homo quod non ita sit, datum est mihi consortium habere cum angelis, et quoque loqui cum illis qui in inferno sunt, et hoc nunc per plures annos, quandoque continue a mane usque ad vesperam, et sic informari de caelo et de inferno et hoc ob causam, ne homo ecclesiae ulterius permaneat in sua erronea fide de resurrectione tempore judicii, ac de animae statu interea, tum de angelis et de diabolo: quae fides quia est fides falsi, involvit tenebras; et apud eos qui ex propria intelligentia de illis cogitant, infert dubitationem et tandem negationem dicunt enim corde, "Quomodo potest tantum caelum cum tot sideribus, et cum sole et luna destrui et dissipari? et quomodo possunt stellae e caelo tunc cadere in terram, quae tamen majores terra sunt? et quo modo possunt corpora a vermibus exesa, putredine consumpta, et in omnes ventos dissipata, recolligi ad animam suam? ubinam interea anima, et qualis illa cum absque sensu qui ei fuit in corpore?" praeter plura similia;

[3] quae quia incomprehensibilia non cadunt in fidem, et apud plures destruunt fidem de animae vita post mortem, deque caelo et inferno, et cum illis reliqua quae fidei ecclesiae sunt. Quod destruxerint, patet ex illis qui dicunt, "Quis ex caelo ad nos venit et narravit quod sit? quid infernum? num sit? quid hoc quod homo cruciabitur igne in aeternum? quid dies judicii? annon per saecula frustra exspectatus est?" praeter plura quae negationis omnium sunt.

[4] Ne itaque illi, qui talia cogitant, ut solent plures qui ex mundanis, quae sapiunt, eruditi et docti audiunt, amplius perturbent et seducant simplices fide et corde, ac inducant infernales tenebras de Deo, de caelo, de vita aeterna, ac de ceteris quae ex illis pendent, aperta sunt interiora quae spiritus mei sunt a Domino, et sic loqui datum est cum omnibus quos usquam notos habui in vita corporis, postquam defuncti sunt; cum quibusdam per dies, cum quibusdam per menses, et cum quibusdam per annum; et quoque cum aliis tam multis ut parum dicerem si centum millia, ex quibus plures fuerunt in caelis, et plures in infernis. Locutus etiam sum cum quibusdam post biduum ab obitu, et narravi quod nunc funeralia et exsequiae eorum parentur ut sepeliantur; ad quae dixerunt, quod bene faciant ut rejiciant id quod illis pro corpore et ejus functionibus inserviverat in mundo; ac voluerunt ut dicerem quod non mortui sint, sed quod vivant aeque homines nunc sicut prius; et quod transmigraverint modo ab uno mundo in alterum; et quod non sciant quod aliquid perdiderint, quoniam in corpore et hujus sensualibus sunt ut prius, et quoque in intellectu et in voluntate ut prius, et quod similes illis cogitationes et affectiones, similes sensationes, et similia desideria, qualia in mundo.

[5] Plerique ex recens mortuis, cum se viderunt vivere homines sicut prius, ac in simili statu, (nam post mortem primum cuivis status vitae est, qualis ei fuerat in mundo, sed ille successive apud eum mutatur vel in caelum vel in infernum,) novo gaudio affecti sunt quod vivant, et dixerunt quod hoc non crediderint: sed valde mirati, quod in tali ignorantia et caecitate de statu suae vitae post mortem fuerint; et magis, quod in tali sit homo ecclesiae, qui tamen prae omnibus in universo terrarum orbe in luce de illis potest esse. 1Causam illius caecitatis et ignorantiae tunc primum videbant, quae est, quod externa, quae sunt mundana et corporea, occupaverint et impleverint mentes eorum, in tantum ut non elevari possent in lucem caeli, ac intueri res ecclesiae ultra doctrinalia ex corporeis enim et mundanis, cum tantum amantur quantum hodie, influunt merae tenebrae, cum ulterius vadunt.


1. Quod hodie in Christianismo pauci credant quod homo post mortem statim resurgat (Praef.Genesis 16, et 4622, 10758); sed quod tempore ultimi judicii, cum orbis aspectabilis periturus est (10594 [10595?]).

Causa quod ita credatur (10594 [10595?] 10758). Quod usque homo statim post mortem resurgat, et quod tunc sit homo quoad omnia et singula (4527, 5006, 5078, 8939, 8991, 10594, 10758).

Quod anima quae vivit post mortem, sit spiritus hominis, qui in homine est ipse homo, et quoque in altera vita in perfecta forma humana (322, 1880, 1881, 3633, 4622, 4735, 5883, 6054, 6605, 6626, 7021, 10594): ab experientia (4527, 5006, 8939): ex Verbo (10597) explicatur quid intelligitur per quod mortui visi in sancta urbe, Matthaeus 27:53 (9229).

Quomodo homo resuscitatur a mortuis, ab experientia (168-189).

De statu ejus post resuscitationem 317-319, 2119, 5079, 105, falsae opiniones de anima et ejus resurrectione (444, 445, 4527, 4622, 4558).

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