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《天堂与地狱》 第488节













488. 从对应的知识可知, 每个人死后的生命快乐如何转化为相对应的事物; 但由于这种知识普遍不为人知, 所以我想根据经历对这个问题作出一些解释. 凡陷入邪恶, 并牢固确立反对教会真理的虚假之人, 尤其那些弃绝圣言的人, 都逃避天堂之光, 跳进从洞口看上去很阴暗的洞穴, 以及岩石的裂缝中, 在那里藏起来. 这是因为他们热爱虚假, 恨恶真理. 像这样的洞穴和岩石裂缝, 以及黑暗就对应于虚假, 就像光明对应于真理. 住在这种地方是他们的快乐, 住在敞亮的地方反而不快乐.

那些以暗中算计, 阴谋诡计为快乐的人也住在这些洞穴中, 并转到如此黑暗的屋子里, 以致他们几乎看不见彼此; 他们在角落里附耳窃窃私语; 其爱之快乐已变得如此. 那些专注于科学只是为了获得博学的名声, 没有利用它们发展自己的理性官能, 反以记忆知识为骄傲的人, 喜欢住在沙地, 喜爱它们胜过草地和花园, 因为沙地对应于这类学问.

那些专心研究自己教会和其它教会的教义, 却没有将它们运用于生活的人, 喜欢住在石头多的地方和石堆当中, 避开耕地, 因为他们不喜欢耕地. 那些将一切事物归于自然界的人, 以及那些将一切事物都归于自己的精明, 利用各种手段攫取高位和大量财富的人, 在来世专注于研究邪术(邪术是对神性秩序的滥用), 从中获得生命的最大快乐.

那些使神性真理迎合自己的爱, 由此歪曲它们的人, 喜欢尿一样的东西, 因为这些对应于这类爱的快乐. 那些卑鄙的贪得无厌之人住在小隔间里, 喜欢猪粪和胃里未消化食物所散发的恶臭.

那些在纯粹的享乐中度过一生, 生活考究, 放纵味觉, 敞开肚皮, 喜爱这类事, 以之为生命的至高良善之人, 在来世喜欢粪便和茅厕, 从中寻求自己的快乐, 因为像这样的乐趣是属灵的污秽. 他们躲避洁净和没有污秽的地方, 觉得它们令人讨厌.

那些以奸淫为快乐的人, 则在妓院消磨时光, 那里的一切事物都是卑鄙和污秽的. 他们喜欢这些地方, 避开贞洁的家庭; 一靠近这种家庭, 就觉得头晕. 没有什么比拆散婚姻更令他们快乐的了. 那些一心想要复仇, 由此变得野蛮, 残忍的人喜欢像停尸房这样的地方, 并且就住在这类地狱中; 凡此种种, 不一而足.

注: 在圣言中, “洞穴”或“岩石的裂缝”表示信仰上的模糊和虚假(天国的奥秘 10582节). 因为“岩石”表示来自主的信仰(天国的奥秘 8581, 10580节); “石头”表示信之真理(天国的奥秘 114, 643, 1298, 3720, 6426, 8609, 10376节). 对真理的玷污对应于尿(天国的奥秘 5390节).



488. 通過對應學, 我們能瞭解人死後其生命的樂趣將轉化為怎樣的事物。鑒於對應學非廣為人知, 我願意透過我的親身經歷來稍作說明。(1)陷於惡欲, 固守錯誤成見, 反對教會之理者, 特別是排斥聖言的人, 皆啟避天國之光, 藏身於昏暗的地窖或洞穴中。因為他們喜愛謬誤, 厭惡真理。地窖, 洞穴, 黑暗對應謬誤, 光明對應真理。他們喜歡住在黑暗的地方, 討厭住在敞亮的地方。(2)喜歡暗中算計, 欺騙的人也住在這樣的地窖中, 乃至進入彼此看不見的黑屋子裡。他們在角落裡附耳密謀, 竊竊私語。其生命的樂趣, 已變得如此。(3)愛好學問, 但不是為提高理性, 只為獲得名聲, 且為所記憶的知識引以為傲的人, 喜歡住在曠野, 不願住在草地, 花園, 因為曠野與他們的學問相對應。(4)專心研究教會義理卻不運用於生活的人, 喜歡住在岩石之地的石堆之中, 遠離耕地。(5)有些人在世時不但將一切歸功於自然, 而且自認為全仗個人謹慎, 通過各種技藝為自己獲取名聲與財富, 這類人到靈界以後喜歡研究法術(法術濫用神性規則), 從中獲得最大的快樂。

(6)將聖理扭曲, 使之適合自己欲望的人, 喜歡尿一樣的東西, 因為這與他們的欲望相對應。(7)守財奴住在矮小的屋子裡, 喜歡豬的啟穢和它腹中未化食物的臭味。(8)喜歡吃喝玩樂, 縱欲享受, 以之為最大快樂的人, 進入靈界以後, 喜歡糞便, 茅坑之類的地方, 以之為樂。因為這些快樂乃是心靈的啟穢。他們啟避潔淨之地, 因為覺得乏味。(9)喜歡縱欲淫亂的人, 在骯髒啟穢的妓院虛度光陰。他們喜歡這類地方, 啟避聖潔的家庭。因為一靠近聖潔的家庭, 他們就感到暈厥。其最大的快樂, 莫過於破壞婚姻。

(10)喜歡報復, 性格野蠻殘忍的人, 喜歡停屍房之類的地方, 也呆在類似的地獄中。其他的人, 遭遇各不相同。

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Heaven and Hell #488 (NCE, 2000)

488. It is possible to know from a knowledge of correspondences how our life pleasures are changed after death into what corresponds to them; but since this is not common knowledge, I should like to shed some light on the matter from experience.

People who are caught up in evil and who have formed fixed false convictions against the truths of the church, especially people who have rejected the Word, flee from heaven's light. They plunge into cellars that look murky through their openings and into crevices in the rocks and hide themselves there. This is because they have loved their false notions and hated true ones. Cellars like this, and crevices in the rocks as well, 1and false things, correspond to darkness; 2and light corresponds to things that are true. They find it pleasant to live there, and painful to live out in the open.

[2] People who took delight in covert plotting and in manufacturing deceptive schemes in secret also live in these cellars and move into rooms so dark that people can barely see each other. They whisper in each other's ears in the corners. This is what becomes of the pleasures of their love.

If people have loved the academic disciplines only in order to sound learned, without using them to develop their ability to reason, taking delight in their pride at the contents of their memories, they love sandy areas and prefer them to meadows and gardens because sandy areas correspond to these kinds of study.

[3] People who are wrapped up in knowing the doctrines of churches, their own and others', without applying them to life, love stony areas and live among rock piles. They avoid cultivated land because it is repulsive to them.

If people have given nature - and their own prudence - credit for everything and have used various devices to gain high office and a great deal of wealth, in the other life they study magical arts that are misuses of the divine design, and find in them the greatest pleasure of their life.

[4] People who have adapted divine truths to their own loves and have therefore falsified them love urinary things because urinary things correspond to the pleasures of this kind of love. 3

People who were filthy misers live in cubicles and love the filth of pigs and the foul odors they breathe out from half-digested food in their stomachs.

[5] If people have devoted their lives wholly to pleasure, living elegantly, pandering to the gullet and the belly, loving this as the greatest good of life, in the other life they love feces and latrines and find them delightful. This is because pleasures like these are spiritual filth. They avoid places that are clean and free from filth because they find them distasteful.

[6] People who took pleasure in adultery pass their time in brothels where everything is filthy and foul. They love these places and avoid chaste homes. The moment they come near such homes they feel faint. Nothing pleases them more than to break up marriages.

People who have been bent on revenge and have therefore taken on a savage and sadistic nature love places like morgues, and are in hells of that sort.

Others fare differently.


1. In the Word, rocky crevices and fissures mean what is dim and false in faith: Arcana Coelestia 10582; because rocks mean faith from the Lord: 8581, 10580; and stone means truth of faith: 114, 643, 1298, 3720, 6426, 8608, 10376.

2. [The note at this point refers the reader back to the note in 487[2].]

3. Defilement of truth corresponds to urine: 5390.


Heaven and Hell #488 (Harley, 1958)

488. How the delights of everyone's life are changed after death into things that correspond can be known from a knowledge of correspondences; but as that knowledge is not as yet generally known I wish to throw some light on the subject by certain examples from experience. All who are in evil and who have established themselves in falsities in opposition to the truths of the Church, especially those who have rejected the Word, flee from the light of heaven and take refuge in caves that appear at their openings to be densely dark, also in clefts of rocks, and there they hide themselves; and this because they have loved falsities and hated truths; for such caves and clefts of rocks, 1as well as darkness, correspond to falsities, as light corresponds to truths. It is their delight to dwell in such places, and undelightful to dwell in the open country.

[2] Those who have taken delight in insidious and secret plots and in treacherous machinations do the same thing. They are also in such caves; and they frequent rooms so dark that they are even unable to see one another; and they whisper together in the ears in corners. Into this is the delight of their love changed. Those who have devoted themselves to the sciences with no other end than to acquire a reputation for learning, and have not cultivated their rational faculty by their learning, but have taken delight in the things of memory from a pride in such things, love sandy places, which they choose in preference to fields and gardens, because sandy places correspond to such studies.

[3] Those who are skilled in the doctrines of their own and other Churches, but have not applied their knowledge to life, choose for themselves rocky places, and dwell among heaps of stones, shunning cultivated places because they dislike them. Those who have ascribed all things to nature, as well as those that have ascribed all things to their own prudence, and by various arts have raised themselves to honours and have acquired wealth, in the other life devote themselves to the study of magic arts, which are abuses of Divine order, and find in these the chief delight of life.

[4] Those who have adapted Divine truths to their own loves, and thereby have falsified them, love urinous things because these correspond to the delights of such loves. 2Those who have been sordidly avaricious dwell in cells, and love swinish filth and such stenches as are exhaled from undigested food in the stomach.

[5] Those who have spent their life in mere pleasures and have lived delicately and indulged their palate and stomach, loving such things as the highest good that life affords, love in the other life excrementitious things and privies, in which they find their delight, for the reason that such pleasures are spiritual filth. Places that are clean and free from filth they shun, finding them undelightful.

[6] Those who have taken delight in adulteries pass their time in brothels, where all things are vile and filthy; these they love, and chaste homes they shun, falling into a swoon as soon as they enter them. Nothing is more delightful to them than to break up marriages. Those who have cherished a spirit of revenge, and have thereby contracted a savage and cruel nature, love cadaverous substances, and are in hells of that nature; and so on.


1. In the Word a "hole" or "the cleft of a rock" signifies obscurity and falsity of faith (Arcana Coelestia 10582).

Because a rock" signifies faith from the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 8581, 10580); and a "stone" the truth of faith (Arcana Coelestia 114, 643, 1298, 3720, 6426, 8609, 10376).

2. The defilements of truth correspond to urine (Arcana Coelestia 5390).


Heaven and Hell #488 (Ager, 1900)

488. How the delights of everyone's life are changed after death into things that correspond can be known from a knowledge of correspondences; but as that knowledge is not as yet generally known I will try to throw some light on the subject by certain examples from experience. All who are in evil and who have established themselves in falsities in opposition to the truths of the church, especially those that have rejected the Word, flee from the light of heaven and take refuge in caves that appear at their openings to be densely dark, also in clefts of rocks, and there they hide themselves; and this because they have loved falsities and hated truths; for such caves and clefts of rocks, 1well as darkness, correspond to falsities, as light corresponds to truths. It is their delight to dwell in such places, and undelightful to dwell in the open country.

[2] Those that have taken delight in insidious and secret plots and in treacherous machinations do the same thing. They are also in such caves; and they frequent rooms so dark that they are even unable to see one another; and they whisper together in the ears in corners. Into this is the delight of their love changed. Those that have devoted themselves to the sciences with no other end than to acquire a reputation for learning, and have not cultivated their rational faculty by their learning, but have taken delight in the things of memory from a pride in such things, love sandy places, which they choose in preference to fields and gardens, because sandy places correspond to such studies.

[3] Those that are skilled in the doctrines of their own and other churches, but have not applied their knowledge to life, choose for themselves rocky places, and dwell among heaps of stones, shunning cultivated places because they dislike them. Those that have ascribed all things to nature, as well as those that have ascribed all things to their own prudence, and by various arts have raised themselves to honors and have acquired wealth, in the other life devote themselves to the study of magic arts, which are abuses of Divine order, and find in these the chief delight of life.

[4] Those that have adapted Divine truths to their own loves, and thereby have falsified them, love urinous things because these correspond to the delights of such loves. 2Those that have been sordidly avaricious dwell in cells, and love swinish filth and such stenches as are exhaled from undigested food in the stomach.

[5] Those that have spent their life in mere pleasures and have lived delicately and indulged their palate and stomach, loving such things as the highest good that life affords, love in the other life excrementitious things and privies, in which they find their delight, for the reason that such pleasures are spiritual filth. Places that are clean and free from filth they shun, finding them undelightful.

[6] Those that have taken delight in adulteries pass their time in brothels, where all things are vile and filthy; these they love, and chaste homes they shun, falling into a swoon as soon as they enter them. Nothing is more delightful to them than to break up marriages. Those that have cherished a spirit of revenge, and have thereby contracted a savage and cruel nature, love cadaverous substances, and are in hells of that nature; and so on.


1. In the word a "hole" or "the cleft of a rock" signifies obscurity and falsity of faith (Arcana Coelestia 10582).

Because a "rock" signifies faith from the Lord (8581, 10580); and a "stone" the truth of faith (114, 643, 1298, 3720, 6426, 8609, 10376).

2. The defilements of truth correspond to urine (5390).


De Coelo et de Inferno #488 (original Latin)

488. Quomodo jucunda vitae cujusvis post mortem vertuntur in correspondentia, quidem ex scientia correspondentiarum sciri potest; sed quia illa scientia nondum vulgata est, velim illam rem per quaedam experientiae exempla in aliquem lucem mittere. Omnes illi qui in malo sunt, et se confirmaverunt in falsis contra vera ecclesiae, imprimis qui rejecerunt Verbum, illi fugiunt lucem caeli, et in cryptas, quae in aperturis apparent caliginosae, ac in foramina petrarum, se proripiunt, ac ibi se recondunt; et hoc quia amaverunt falsa, et exosi sunt vera: correspondent enim tales cryptae, et quoque foramina petrarum, 1tum tenebrae, falsis, 2ac lux veris; jucundum illorum est ibi habitare, et injucundum in apertis campis.

[2] Similiter faciunt, quibus jucundum fuit clandestine insidiari, ac in abscondito machinari dolos; hi quoque in cryptis illis sunt, ac intrant cameras ita obscuras, ut ne quidem unus alterum videat, ac in angulis susurrant in aures; in hoc vertitur jucundum amoris illorum. Qui scientiis studuerunt, absque alio fine quam ut docti audiant, et qui non excoluerunt rationale per illas, et jucundum in rebus memoriae ex fastu inde traxerunt, illi amant loca arenosa, quae eligunt prae campestribus et hortulanis; quia arenosa talibus studiis correspondent.

[3] Qui in scientia doctrinalium suae ecclesiae et aliarum fuerunt, nec quicquam applicuerunt vitae, illi petrosa sibi eligunt, et inter congeries saxeas habitant; loca exculta fugiunt,

quia aversationi sunt. Qui omnia naturae addixerunt, et quoque qui omnia prudentiae propriae, ac per varias artes se evexerunt ad honores, et lucrati sunt opes, artibus magicis, quae sunt abusus ordinis Divini, in altera vita student, in quibus jucundissimum vitae percipiunt.

[4] illi qui vera Divina applicuerunt suis amoribus, et sic illa falsificaverunt, amant urinosa, quia urinosa correspondent jucundis talis amoris. 3illi qui sordide avari fuerunt, habitant in cellis, et amant sordes suillas, et quoque nidorosa, qualia exhalantur ex indigestis ventriculi.

[5] Qui in meris voluptatibus exegerunt vitam, ac delicate vixerunt, ac indulserunt gulae et ventri, amantes illa ut summum vitae bonum, illi in altera vita excrementitia et latrinas amant; haec tunc illis delectationi sunt; ex causa, quia tales voluptates sunt sordes spirituales loca munda et sordium expertia fugiunt, quia illis injucunda sunt.

[6] illi, qui in adulteriis jucundum ceperunt, in lupanaribus degunt, ubi sordida et squallida omnia; haec amant, ac castas domos fugiunt; ut primum ad has veniunt, in deliquium cadunt; nihil jucundius illis est quam scindere conjugia. Qui vindictae cupidi fuerunt, et inde attraxerunt naturam saevam et crudelem, cadaverosa amant; et quoque in talibus infernis sunt. Alii aliter.


1. Quod "foramen" et "fissura petrae" in Verbo significet obscurum et falsum fidei (10582): quia "petra" significat fidem a Domino (8581, 10580): et "lapis" verum fidei (114, 643, 1298, 3720, 6426, 8608 [8609?] 10376).

2. tum temebrae, falsis pro "tum falsa, tenebris" (cum S. Noble).

3. Quod conspurcationes veri correspondeant urinae (5390).

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