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《天堂与地狱》 第418节






418. 从以下事实也可推断出主的天堂浩瀚无边: 天堂在整体上类似一个人, 而且与人里面的一切事物相对应. 这种对应关系永远不会被完全充满, 因为它不仅总体上与人体的每个部位, 器官和脏腑对应, 而且还在每个最小细节上与包含在这些里面的一切微小细胞器, 它们里面的内脏, 甚至每根血管和纤维对应; 不仅与这些对应, 还与从内在接受天堂流注的有机物质对应; 而服务于人心智运作的内层活动便出自这天堂的流注. 事实上, 发生在人里面的一切, 都以其物质的形式发生; 因为凡不以物质为其主体而存在之物什么也不是. 所有这些物质都与天堂存在对应关系, 这一点从论述天堂的一切与人的一切存在对应关系的章节可以看出来(天国的奥秘 87-102节). 这种对应关系永远不可能被充满, 因为对应于每个部位的天使组合数量越多, 天堂就变得越完美. 在天堂, 一切完美的形式随着数量的增长而增长. 这是因为天堂里的所有人都有同一个目的, 并且都一致专注于这个目的. 该目的就是公共利益; 当公共利益占主导地位时, 个体才会因公共利益而受益, 整体才会因个体利益而受益. 这是因为主将天堂里的所有人都转向祂自己(参看123节), 由此使他们在祂自己里面合而为一. 凡稍微有点理性的人都能清楚看出, 众多人的和谐一致, 尤其来自这样的源头和如此亲密的关系, 会带来完美.



418. 對於主的天國浩瀚無邊, 從天國在總體上呈現一個人的形態且與人體的一切相對應這一事實也可知曉。該對應永遠不致填滿, 因為它非止於組織, 器官, 臟腑之整體, 而是延伸到各細微處, 小到每一根血管, 每一條神經, 甚至延伸到從內接收天國之流, 使人擁有心智能力的有機物質。事實上, 凡在人裡面發生的, 也在物質的形態中發生, 不以物質為媒介而發生的並不存在。這一切物質與天國存在對應關係, 關於這一點, 從前面有關天國的一切與人體的一切存在對應關係的描述可知(參87-102節)。該對應永遠不致填滿, 因為回應各組織器官的天人越多, 天國就越完美。在天國, 隨著數目的增加, 完美性也增加。因為天國的一切有一個共同的目標, 每一位天人皆專注於那目標。該目標就是公共福祉, 當公共福祉成為焦點, 個人就從公共福祉受益, 個人的受益又增添公眾的福祉。因為主吸引每一位天人轉向祂(參123節), 使他們與自己合而為一。稍具理性者不難看出, 眾人和諧一致(特別是在這樣的本源和親密無間的條件下), 其結果便是完美。

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Heaven and Hell #418 (NCE, 2000)

418. We may also gather how vast the Lord's heaven is from the fact that heaven in a single complex resembles a single human being and also corresponds to everything within us. This relationship can never be completely filled in because there is a correspondence not only with the particular members and organs and viscera of the body but also, in most minute detail, with all the tiny organelles and viscera within them, even with the individual vessels and fibers - and not only with these, but with the organic substances that receive the inflow of heaven from within, the inflow that gives us the inner processes that support the workings of our spirits. In fact, everything that happens within us happens in the forms of our substance; anything that does not happen in substances as agents is nothing. There is a correspondence of all these substances with heaven, as you may gather from the chapter on the correspondence of everything in heaven with everything in the human being (87-102). This correspondence can never be completely filled in because the more assemblies of angels there are that answer to each member, the more complete heaven is. In the heavens, all forms of perfection increase as numbers increase. This is because there is one goal for everything there and a unanimous focus of everyone on that goal. That goal is the common good; and when this rules, there is benefit to individuals from the common good and from the good of individuals to the good of the whole. This happens because the Lord turns everyone in heaven toward himself (see above, 123) and in this way makes them one with himself.

Anyone with a little rational enlightenment can figure out that the unanimous harmony of many people, especially from such a source and with such intimacy, brings forth perfection.


Heaven and Hell #418 (Harley, 1958)

418. Again, the immensity of the heaven of the Lord is confirmed in this, that heaven in its entire complex resembles one Man, and also corresponds to all and each of the things with man, and that this correspondence can never be filled, since it is a correspondence not only with each of the members, organs, and viscera of the body in general, but also with all and each of the little viscera and little organs contained in these in every minutest particular, and even with each vessel and fibre; and not only with these but also with the organic substances that receive interiorly the influx of heaven, from which come man's interior activities that are serviceable to the operations of his mind, since everything that comes into existence interiorly in man does so in forms which are substances, for anything that does not exist in a substance as its subject is nothing. There is a correspondence of all these things with heaven, as can be confirmed from the section treating of the correspondence of all things of heaven with all things of man (87-102). This correspondence can never be filled because the more numerous the angelic associations are that correspond to a single member, the more perfect heaven becomes. For every perfection in the heavens increases with increase of number. The reason is that all there have one end in view, and look with one accord to that end. That end is the common good; and when it reigns, there is, from the common good, good to each individual, and from the good of each individual, there is good to the whole community. This comes about because the Lord turns all in heaven to Himself (see above, 123), and thereby makes it possible for them to be one in Himself. That the unanimity and concord of many, especially from such an origin and held together by such a bond, produces perfection, everyone with a reason at all enlightened can see clearly.


Heaven and Hell #418 (Ager, 1900)

418. Again, the immensity of the heaven of the Lord is shown in this, that heaven in its entire complex reflects a single Man, and corresponds to all things and each thing in man, and that this correspondence can never be filled out, since it is a correspondence not only with each of the members, organs, and viscera of the body in general, but also with all and each of the little viscera and little organs contained in these in every minutest particular, and even with each vessel and fiber; and not only with these but also with the organic substances that receive interiorly the influx of heaven, from which come man's interior activities that are serviceable to the operations of his mind; since everything that exists interiorly in man exists in forms which are substances, for anything that does not exist in a substance as its subject is nothing. There is a correspondence of all these things with heaven, as can be seen from the chapter treating of the correspondence of all things of heaven with all things of man (87-102). This correspondence can never be filled out because the more numerous the angelic affiliations are that correspond to each member the more perfect heaven becomes; for every perfection in the heavens increases with increase of number; and this for the reason that all there have the same end, and look with one accord to that end. That end is the common good; and when that reigns there is, from the common good, good to each individual, and from the good of each individual there is good to the whole community. This is so for the reason that the Lord turns all in heaven to Himself (see above, 123), and thereby makes them to be one in Himself. That the unanimity and concord of many, especially from such an origin and held together by such a bond, produces perfection, everyone with a reason at all enlightened can see clearly.


De Coelo et de Inferno #418 (original Latin)

418. Quod caelum Domini immensum sit, etiam constare potest ex eo, quod caelum in toto complexu referat unum Hominem, et quoque correspondeat omnibus et singulis apud hominem et quod illa correspondentia nusquam impleri possit, quoniam non modo correspondentia est cum singulis membris, organis, et visceribus corporis in genere, sed etiam in particulari et singulari cum omnibus et singulis viscerulis et organulis, quae intra illa, immo cum singulis vasis et fibris et non modo cum illis, sed etiam cum substantiis organicis, quae interius recipiunt influxum caeli, unde homini activitates interiores inservientes ejus animi operationibus nam quicquid interius in homine existit, in formis quae sunt substantiae, existit, quod enim non in substantiis ut subjectis existit, nihil est. Omnium horum correspondentia est cum caelo, ut constare potest ex articulo ubi de Correspondentia omnium Caeli cum omnibus hominis (87-102) actum est. Haec correspondentia nusquam impleri potest, quia quo plures consociationes angelicae sunt quae uni membro correspondent, eo perfectius fit caelum crescit enim omnis perfectio in caelis secundum pluralitatem. Causa quod perfectio in caelis crescat secundum pluralitatem, est, quia ibi est unus finis omnium, ac unanimus aspectus omnium ad illum finem: hic finis est commune bonum; quod cum regnat, etiam a communi bono est bonum singulis, et a singulorum bonis est bonum communi hoc fit quia Dominus omnes in caelo ad Se vertit (videatur supra, 123), et per id facit ut unum sint in Se. Quod plurium unanimitas et concordia, imprimis ex tali origine, et in tali vinculo, perfectionem producat, quisque ex ratione aliquantum illustrata perspicere potest.

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