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《天堂与地狱》 第102节





102. 当天使听说, 有人竟将一切事物都归于自然界, 丝毫不归于神性, 还以为有如此多的天堂奇迹汇集于其中的身体是自然界的产物时, 他们都感到十分惊讶. 更令他们惊讶的是, 人的理性部分也被认为是出于自然界; 然而, 世人只要稍稍提升自己的心智, 就能看出, 这类事物并非出于自然界, 而是出于神性; 自然界被造只是为了包裹属灵之物, 以对应的形式将其呈现在秩序的最表层. 他们将这种人比作猫头鹰, 在黑暗中能看到, 在光明中却一无所见.



102. 有的人將一切歸於自然, 不歸功於上帝, 也有的人將集天國奇跡於一身的身體視為自然的產物, 甚至將理性的能力歸因於身體。當天人聽到這一切, 驚奇不已。恰恰相反, 只要人稍微提升心智, 必能看出這一切都是源於上帝, 而非出於自然, 自然的受造只是為承載心靈的事物, 並在次序的最底層給予回應。天人將此等人比作夜鷹, 暗中能見, 光中卻一無所見。

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Heaven and Hell #102 (NCE, 2000)

102. Angels are stunned when they hear that there are people who credit everything to nature and nothing to the Divine, as well as people who believe that their bodies, in which so many wonders of heaven are gathered, are fashioned out of nature, and even that this is the source of our rational capacity. On the contrary, if people would just raise their minds a little, they could see that things like this come from the Divine and not from nature, and that nature was created simply to clothe the spiritual and responsively represent it on the lowest level of the design. They compare such people to owls, which see in darkness, but see nothing in the light.


Heaven and Hell #102 (Harley, 1958)

102. Angels are amazed when they hear that there are men who attribute all things to nature and nothing to the Divine, and who also believe that one's body, into which so many wonders of heaven are gathered, is a product of nature. Still more are they amazed that the rational part of man is believed to be from nature, when, if men will but raise their minds a little, they can see that such things are from the Divine and not from nature, and that nature has been created simply for clothing the spiritual and for presenting it in a corresponding form in the ultimate of order. Such men they liken to owls which see in darkness, but in light see nothing.


Heaven and Hell #102 (Ager, 1900)

102. Angels are amazed when they hear that there are men who attribute all things to nature and nothing to the Divine, and who also believe that their body, into which so many wonders of heaven are gathered, is a product of nature. Still more are they amazed that the rational part of man is believed to be from nature, when, if men will but lift their minds a little, they can see that such effects are not from nature but from the Divine; and that nature has been created simply for clothing the spiritual and for presenting it in a correspondent form in the outmost of order. Such men they liken to owls, which see in darkness, but in light see nothing.


De Coelo et de Inferno #102 (original Latin)

102. Obstupescunt angeli, cum audiunt, quod dentur homines qui omnia naturae tribuunt et nihil Divino; et quoque qui credunt quod corpus suum, in quod tot admiranda caeli collata sunt, conflatum sit ex natura: et magis, quod rationale hominis etiam inde sit cum tamen, si modo aliquantum elevent mentem, videre possunt, quod talia sint ex Divino, et non ex natura et quod natura modo creata sit ut investiat spirituale, et id sistat correspondens in ultimo ordinis: sed tales assimilant noctuis, quae vident in tenebris, et nihil in luce.

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