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《天堂与地狱》 第37节


37、尽管各层天堂是如此不同,以至于不同层天堂的天使彼此之间没有直接的联系,但主仍通过直接和间接的流注将所有天堂联结在一起:直接流注从主自己流入所有天堂;间接流注从一层天堂流入另一层天堂。{注1}这样,主将三层天堂合而为一体。从始(the First){注2}至终,一切事物都这样联系着,以至于没有任何事物是不相连的。凡不通过媒介与太初(the First)相连的,都不能常存,必要消散,化为乌有。{注2}


{注2}:【英52】在这里,史威登堡用“第一”(the First,或“太初”)表示作为万有之源的上帝。参见第9303节。




37. 尽管天堂如此不同, 以致这一层天堂的天使与那一层天堂的天使之间不可能有任何来往, 但主仍通过直接和间接的流注将所有天堂联结起来: 直接流注从主自己进入所有天堂; 间接流注从一层天堂进入另一层天堂. 主就这样将三层天堂合而为一, 所有事物从初至末皆处于这样的联系, 以致没有任何事物是不相关联的. 凡不通过居间物与那首先者相联之物, 都不能常存, 必要消散, 化为乌有.

注: 来自主的流注直接来自祂自己, 以及间接通过一层天堂进入另一层天堂; 主的流注以同样的秩序进入人的内层(天国的奥秘 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682, 9683节). 神性的直接流注来自主(天国的奥秘 6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728节). 间接流注通过灵界进入自然界(天国的奥秘 4067, 6982, 6985, 6996节). 一切事物皆源于先于它们自己之物, 因而源于那首先者, 并以同样的方式持续存在, 因为持续存在就是不断存在; 因此, 没有关联的事物是不可能的(天国的奥秘 3626-3628, 3648, 4523, 4524, 6040, 6056节).



37. 天國雖截然劃分, 以致不同層的天人沒有素常來往, 主卻通過直接或間接的流注將所有天國聯合起來。直接的流注, 是從主流入所有天國;間接的流注, 是從上一個天國流入下一個天國。這樣, 主將三層天連為一個整體。從始至終, 環環相扣, 乃至無獨立的事物存在。凡物若不透過媒介與第一因保持聯繫, 就不能常存, 必化為烏有。

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Heaven and Hell #37 (NCE, 2000)

37. Even though the heavens are so distinct from each other that angels of one heaven cannot have regular dealings with angels of another, still the Lord unites all the heavens by means of a direct and an indirect inflow. The direct inflow is from him into all the heavens, and the indirect is through one heaven into another. 1In this way, the Lord brings about a unity of the three heavens. They are all linked together, from the First to the last, so that nothing exists that is not connected. Anything that is not connected to the First by some intermediary does not endure, but disintegrates and becomes nothing. 2


1. The inflow from the Lord is directly from himself and also indirectly through one heaven into another, and the same holds true for us in regard to our more inward processes: 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683. On the direct inflow of divine [life] from the Lord: 6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728. On the indirect inflow through the spiritual world into the natural world: 4067, 6982, 6985, 6996.

2. All things come into being from things prior to them and therefore from a First. They are maintained in being in the same way, since continuance in being is constant coming into being. Therefore, nothing unconnected exists: 3626-3628, 3648, 4523-4524, 6040, 6056.


Heaven and Hell #37 (Harley, 1958)

37. Yet although the heavens are so distinct that the angels of one heaven cannot have association in their affairs with the angels of another, still the Lord conjoins all the heavens by immediate and mediate influx-by immediate influx from Himself into all the heavens, and by mediate influx from one heaven into another. 1He thus makes the three heavens to be one, and all to be in such connection from the First to the last so that there is nothing that is not connected. Whatever is not connected through intermediates with the First does not continue in existence, but is dissipated and becomes nothing. 2


1. Influx from the Lord is immediate from Himself, and also mediate through one heaven into another; and the Lord's influx into the interiors of man is in similar order (Arcana Coelestia 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683). Immediate influx of the Divine from the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728). Mediate influx through the spiritual world into the natural world (Arcana Coelestia 4067, 6982, 6985, 6996).

2. All things come into existence from things prior to themselves, thus from the First, and in like manner they continue in existence-because continuing in existence is perpetual coming into existence-and therefore there is nothing unconnected (Arcana Coelestia 3626-3628, 3648, 4523-4524, 6040, 6056).


Heaven and Hell #37 (Ager, 1900)

37. But although the heavens are so distinct that there can be no companionship between the angels of one heaven and the angels of another, still the Lord joins all the heavens together by both direct and mediate influx-direct from Himself into all the heavens, and mediate from one heaven into another. 1He thus makes the three heavens to be one, and all to be in such connection from the First to the Last that nothing unconnected is possible. Whatever is not connected through intermediates with the First can have no permanent existence, but is dissipated and becomes nothing. 2.


1. Influx from the Lord is direct from Himself and also mediate through on heaven into another, and in like manner into man's interiors (Arcana Coelestia 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683).

Direct influx of the Divine from the Lord (6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728).

Mediate influx through the spiritual world into the natural world (4067, 6982, 6985, 6996).

2. All things spring from things prior to themselves, thus from a First, and in like inner subsist, because subsistence is unceasing springing forth; therefore nothing unconnected is possible (3626-3628, 3648, 4523-4524, 6040, 6056).


De Coelo et de Inferno #37 (original Latin)

37. Verum tametsi caeli ita distincti sunt, ut angeli unius caeli non sociare possint commercium cum angelis alterius, usque tamen Dominus conjungit omnes caelos per influxum immediatum et mediatum; per influxum immediatum ex Se in omnes caelos, et per mediatum ab uno caelo in alterum; 1et sic efficit, ut tres caeli unum sint, et omnes in nexu sint a Primo ad ultimum, usque adeo ut inconnexum non detur; quod non connexum est per inter media cum Primo, hoc nec subsistit, sed dissipatur et fit nullum. 2


1. Quod influxus a Domino sit immediatus a Se, et quoque mediatus per unum caelum in alterum, et apud hominem similiter in interiora ejus (6063, 6307, 6472, 9682, 9683).

De immediato influxu Divini a Domino (6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728).

De mediato influxu per mundum spiritualem in mundum naturalem (4067, 6982, 6985, 6996).

2. Quod omnia existant a prioribus se, ita a Primo, et quod similiter subsistant, quia subsistentia est perpetua existentia; et quod ideo inconnexum non detur (3626, 3627, 3628, 3648, 4523, 4524, 6040, 6056).

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