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《天堂与地狱》 第296节







296. 主之所以通过灵人掌控人, 是因为人未处于天堂的秩序. 事实上, 人生在来自地狱的邪恶中, 因而生在与神性秩序全然对立的那一面. 这意味着他需要被带回秩序, 并且只能间接通过灵人被带回秩序. 如果人生在符合天堂秩序的良善中, 情况就不同了. 那时, 主就不用通过灵人来掌控他了, 只凭秩序本身, 因而凭总体的流注就行了. 这总体的流注决定了凡从人的思维和意愿发出之物如何进入行动, 因而决定了人的言语和行为, 因为这二者都照着属世的秩序流动. 因此, 与人同在的灵人与这些过程毫不相干. 动物也通过来自灵界的总体流注被掌控, 因为它们处于其生命的秩序, 并且既不能败坏, 也不能摧毁这秩序, 因它们没有理性官能. 至于人与动物之间有何区别, 可参看前文(39节).

注: 人与动物之间的区别在于, 人能被主提升向祂自己, 能思想并热爱神性, 由此被联结到主那里, 并拥有永生; 而动物则不然(天国的奥秘 4525, 6323, 9231节). 动物处于其生命的秩序, 因而生在适合其本性的事物中; 但人则不然, 所以他必须通过认知手段被引入其生命的秩序(天国的奥秘 637, 5850, 6323节). 对人来说, 思维照着总体流注降至言语, 意愿降至行为(天国的奥秘 5862, 5990, 6192, 6211节). 灵界进入动物生命的总体流注(天国的奥秘 1633, 3646节).



296. 主藉著靈界之靈來主導世人的原因是在於世人不合乎天國的樣式。事實上, 人生於種種地獄之惡中, 與神性的樣式完全對立。這意味著人需要被帶回那種形態, 若沒有靈作為媒介, 也無法回歸。人若生於合乎天國形態的良善中, 情況就不同了。那樣, 主無需通過靈來主導人類, 而直接通過神性樣式本身, 也就是借著總體的流注就行了。

就思維與意志轉為行動, 也就是成為言語和動作方面而言, 人被這種總體的流注所主導;因為此言語和動作照著自然秩序和諧地發生, 所以與人相連的靈在這方面毫無干涉。

動物也是受心靈世界的總體流注所主導, 因為它們處於適合其生命的樣式中。它們既不能扭曲該樣式, 也不能毀壞, 因為它們不具備理性功能(這也是人與動物的區別, 可參看39)。

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Heaven and Hell #296 (NCE, 2000)

296. The reason we are controlled by the Lord through spirits is that we are not in the pattern of heaven. We are in fact born into evils that are from hell and are therefore exactly opposite to the divine pattern. This means that we need to be brought back into the pattern, and we cannot be brought back except through the agency of spirits. It would be different if we were born into the good that accords with heaven's pattern. Then we would not be controlled by the Lord through the agency of spirits but through the pattern itself and therefore through a general inflow.

This [general] inflow determines the way things move from thought and intent into act and therefore determines our speech and actions, since these both do flow according to a natural pattern. So the spirits who are with us have nothing to do with these processes.

Animals are also controlled through a general inflow from the spiritual world because they are in the pattern proper to their life, a pattern that they can neither distort nor destroy, because they do not have a rational faculty. 1(On the difference between humans and animals see above, 39.)


1. The difference between us and animals is that we can be raised by the Lord to himself, can think about the Divine and love it, and so can be united to the Lord and have eternal life, which is not true of animals: 4525, 6323, 9231. Animals are in the pattern proper to their lives and are therefore born into things that are suited to their natures; but we are not, so we need to be led into the pattern proper to our lives by cognitive means: 637, 5850, 6323. Thought descends into speech and intention into actions for us according to a general inflow: 5862, 5990, 6192, 6211. On the general inflow of the spiritual world into the lives of animals: 1633, 3646.


Heaven and Hell #296 (Harley, 1958)

296. Man is governed by the Lord through spirits because he is not in the order of heaven, for he is born into evils which are of hell, thus into the complete opposite of Divine order. Consequently, he needs to be brought back into order, and this can only be done mediately by means of spirits. It would be otherwise if man were born into the good that is in accord with the order of heaven; then he would not be governed by the Lord through spirits, but by means of order itself, thus by means of general influx. By means of this influx, man is governed in respect of whatever goes forth from his thought and will into act, that is, in respect of speech and acts; for both of these flow in harmony with natural order, and therefore with these the spirits adjoined to man have nothing in common. Animals also are governed by means of this general influx from the spiritual world, because they are in the order of their life, and animals have not been able to pervert and destroy that order because they have no rational faculty. 1What the difference between man and beasts is may be seen above (39).


1. The difference between men and beasts is, that men are capable of being raised up by the Lord to Himself, of thinking about the Divine, loving it, and being thereby conjoined to the Lord, from which they have eternal life; but it is otherwise with beasts (Arcana Coelestia 4525, 6323, 9231).

Beasts are in the order of their life, and are therefore born into things suitable to their nature, but man is not, and he must therefore be led into the order of his life by intellectual things (Arcana Coelestia 637, 5850, 6323).

According to general influx thought with man falls into speech and will into movements (Arcana Coelestia 5862, 5990, 6192, 6211).

The general influx of the spiritual world into the lives of beasts (Arcana Coelestia 1633, 3646).


Heaven and Hell #296 (Ager, 1900)

296. Man is governed by the Lord through spirits because he is not in the order of heaven, for he is born into evils which are of hell, thus into the complete opposite of Divine order; consequently he needs to be brought back into order, and this can only be done mediately by means of spirits. It would be otherwise if man were born into the good that is in accord with the order of heaven; then he would be governed by the Lord not through spirits, but by means of the order itself, thus by means of general influx. By means of this influx man is governed in respect to whatever goes forth from his thought and will into act, that is, in respect to speech and acts; for both of these proceed in harmony with natural order, and therefore with these the spirits associated with man have nothing in common. Animals also are governed by means of this general influx from the spiritual world, because they are in the order of their life, and animals have not been able to pervert and destroy that order because they have no rational faculty. 1What the difference between man and beasts is may be seen above (39).


1. The difference between men and beasts is, that men are capable of being raised up by the Lord to Himself, of thinking about the Divine, loving it, and being thereby conjoined to the Lord, from which they have eternal life; but it is otherwise with beasts (Arcana Coelestia 4525, 6323, 9231).

Beasts are in the order of their life, and are therefore born into things suitable to their nature, but man is not, and he must therefore be led into the order of his life by intellectual means (637, 5850, 6323).

According to general influx thought with man falls into speech and will into movements (5862, 5990, 6192, 6211).

The general influx of the spiritual world into the lives of beasts (1633, 3646).


De Coelo et de Inferno #296 (original Latin)

296. Quod homo regatur per spiritus a Domino, est quia non in ordine caeli est, nascitur enim in mala quae inferni sunt, ita prorsus contra Divinum ordinem quapropter redigendus est in ordinem, et non redigi potest nisi mediate per spiritus. Aliter foret si homo nasceretur in bonum quod est secundum ordinem caeli tunc non regeretur a Domino per spiritus, sed per ipsum ordinem, ita per influxum communem. Per hunc influxum regitur homo quoad illa quae procedunt a cogitatione et voluntate in actum, ita quoad loquelas et quoad actiones, nam hae et illae fluunt secundum ordinem naturalem, cum quibus ideo spiritus qui adjuncti sunt homini nihil commune habent. Per influxum communem e mundo spirituali etiam reguntur animalia, quia haec in ordine suae vitae sunt, nec illum potuerunt pervertere et destruere, quia illis non rationale. 1Quale discrimen inter homines et inter bestias, videatur supra (39).


1. Quod discrimen inter homines et bestias sit, quod homines possint elevari a Domino ad Se, et cogitare de Divino, amare illud, sic conjungi Domino; inde eis vita aeterna, secus autem bestiae (4525, 6323, 9231).

Quod bestiae sint in ordine suae vitae, et quod ideo nascantur in convenientia suae naturae: non autem homo qui ideo per intellectualia in ordinem vitae introducendus est (637, 5850, 6323).

Quod secundum communem influxum cadat cogitatio in loquelam et voluntas in gestus apud hominem (5862, 5990, 6192, 6211). De communi influxu mundi spiritualis in vitas bestiarum (1633, 3646).

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