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《天堂与地狱》 第295节






295. 与人相联的是哪种灵人, 取决于这个人自己在情感或爱方面是哪种人; 但主会将善灵指派给人, 而恶灵则是人自己邀请来的. 然而, 与人同在的灵人却照着人情感的变化而变化. 这意味着与人同在的灵人, 在人幼年时是一种, 少年时是一种, 青年和成年时是一种, 老年时是一种. 幼年时, 与人同在的是那些处于纯真, 并由此与纯真天堂, 也就是至内层或第三层天堂相联的灵人; 少年时, 与人同在的是那些处于对知识的情感, 并由此与最外层或第一层天堂相联的灵人; 青年和成年时, 与人同在的是那些处于对真理与良善的情感, 因而处于聪明, 并由此与第二层或中间层天堂相联的灵人; 而老年时, 与人同在的是那些处于智慧与纯真, 并由此与至内层或第三层天堂相联的灵人. 但是, 这种联系是主为能被改造并重生的人安排的. 不能被改造或重生的人则不然. 善灵也被指派给这些人, 好叫他们能由此尽可能从邪恶中退出, 但他们却直接和接触地狱的恶灵相联. 这意味着灵人具有和与他们相联之人一样的性质. 如果他们爱自己, 或金钱, 或报复, 或奸淫, 那么类似的灵人就与他们同在, 可以说就居于他们的邪恶情感. 善灵在何等程度上无法将人与邪恶隔开, 恶灵就在何等程度上煽动人; 并且只要邪恶的情感占上风, 他们就粘附于人, 不肯退出. 就这样, 恶人与地狱相联, 善人与天堂相联.



295. 我們與何種靈交往, 取決於我們的情感或欲望的種類, 不過, 惡靈是我們召來的, 而善靈是由主分派與我們相交。隨著我們性情的變化, 與我們同在的靈也會發生變化。這意味著與人同在的靈, 幼年時是一些, 少年時是另一些, 成年時又是一些, 暮年時又是一些。幼年時, 與人同在的是天真之靈, 就是與純真的天國, 即內層天(或第三層天)相通的靈。少年時, 與人同在的是渴慕知識, 與外層天(或第一層天)相通的靈。成年時, 與人同在的是熱愛真理與良善, 有悟性, 與第二層天(或中層天)相通的靈。暮年時, 與人同在的是智慧, 天真之靈, 也就是與內層天(或第三層天)相通的靈。

但是, 上述次序的連通是主為那些能被改造和更新之人安排的。不能被改造和更新之人, 情況與之不同。雖然也有善靈分配予他, 以儘量約束他造惡, 但是他最直接的聯繫是與地獄相通的惡靈。這意味著人是何種類型, 相通之靈也是何種類型。或自私, 或貪財, 或報復心強, 或好色, 與他同在, 住於他惡念中的是同類之靈。若不能藉善靈來抑制惡, 惡靈會加以煽動, 一旦惡念得勢, 惡靈會將其纏縛, 決不離開。這樣, 惡者就與地獄相通, 善者則與天國相通。

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Heaven and Hell #295 (NCE, 2000)

295. The kind of spirit that is associated with us is determined by the kind of person we are in respect to affection and love, though good spirits are assigned to us by the Lord while we ourselves summon the evil ones. The spirits with us change, however, as our own affections change. This means we have one kind with us in infancy, another kind during our childhood, another kind as we are growing up and in early adulthood, and still another kind in old age. During our earliest years, spirits who are in innocence are with us, that is, spirits who are in touch with the heaven of innocence, the inmost or third heaven. In later childhood we are in the company of spirits who are engaged in an affection for knowledge and who are in touch with the ultimate or first heaven. As we are growing up, during our early adulthood, spirits who are responsive to affections for what is true and good and therefore with intelligence are with us. They are spirits who are in touch with the second or intermediate heaven. In old age, though, spirits who are in wisdom and innocence are with us, spirits therefore who are in touch with the inmost or third heaven.

Still, this association is arranged by the Lord for people who can be reformed and regenerated. It is different for people who cannot be reformed or regenerated. Good spirits are assigned to them as well in order to restrain them from evil as much as possible, but their direct connection is with the evil spirits who are in touch with hell. This means that the spirits are of the same nature as the people they are associated with. Whether they love themselves or money or revenge or adultery, the same kind of spirits are with them and are, so to speak, taking up residence in their evil affections. To the extent that we cannot be restrained from evil by good spirits, they inflame us, and to the extent that an evil affection is in control, they cling to us and will not back off.

In this way, evil people are united to hell and good people to heaven.


Heaven and Hell #295 (Harley, 1958)

295. The spirits adjoined to man are such as he himself is, in respect to affection or love; but the good spirits are adjoined to him by the Lord, while the evil spirits are summoned by the man himself. The spirits with man, however, are changed in accordance with the changes of his affections; thus, there are some spirits with him in infancy, others in boyhood, others in youth and manhood, and others in old age. In infancy, those spirits are present who are in innocence and who thus communicate with the heaven of innocence, which is the inmost or third heaven; in childhood, those spirits are present who are in the affection of knowing, and who thus communicate with the ultimate or first heaven; in youth and manhood, spirits are present who are in the affection of what is true and good, and consequently in intelligence, and who thus communicate with the second or middle heaven; in old age, however, spirits are present who are in wisdom and innocence, and who thus communicate with the inmost or third heaven. But the Lord effects this adjunction with those who can be reformed and regenerated. It is otherwise with those who cannot be reformed or regenerated. Good spirits also are adjoined to these, that they may thereby be withheld from evil as much as possible, but their immediate conjunction is with evil spirits who communicate with hell, whereby they have such spirits with them as are like themselves. If they are lovers of self or lovers of gain, or lovers of revenge, or lovers of adultery, similar spirits are present, and dwell, as it were, in their evil affections, and man is incited by these, except so far as he can be kept from evil by good spirits, and they cling to him, and do not withdraw, so far as the evil affection prevails. Thus it is that a bad man is conjoined to hell and a good man is conjoined to heaven.


Heaven and Hell #295 (Ager, 1900)

295. The spirits associated with man are such as he himself is in respect to his affection or love; but the Lord associates good spirits with him, while evil spirits are invited by the man himself. The spirits with man, however, are changed in accordance with the changes of his affections; thus there are some spirits that are with him in early childhood, others in boyhood, others in youth and manhood, and others in old age. In early childhood those spirits are present who are in innocence and who thus communicate with the heaven of innocence, which is the inmost or third heaven; in boyhood those spirits are present who are in affection for knowing, and who thus communicate with the outmost or first heaven; in youth and manhood spirits are present who are in affection for what is true and good, and in consequent intelligence, and who thus communicate with the second or middle heaven; while in old age spirits are present who are in wisdom and innocence, and who thus communicate with the inmost or third heaven. But the Lord maintains this association with such as can be reformed and regenerated. It is otherwise with such as cannot be reformed or regenerated. While with these also good spirits are associated, that they may be thereby withheld from evil as much as possible, they are directly conjoined with evil spirits who communicate with hell, whereby they have such spirits with them as are like themselves. If they are lovers of self or lovers of gain, or lovers of revenge, or lovers of adultery, like spirits are present, and as it were dwell in their evil affections; and man is incited by these, except so far as he can be kept from evil by good spirits, and they cling to him, and do not withdraw, so far as the evil affection prevails. Thus it is that a bad man is conjoined to hell and a good man is conjoined to heaven.


De Coelo et de Inferno #295 (original Latin)

295. Tales spiritus homini adjuncti sunt, qualis ipse est quoad affectionem vel quoad amorem, sed boni spiritus ei adjunguntur a Domino, at mali arcessuntur ab ipso homine. Verum mutantur spiritus apud hominem secundum mutationes ejus affectionum inde alii ei spiritus sunt in infantia, alii in pueritia, alii in adolescentia et juventute, et alii in senectute in infantia adsunt spiritus qui in innocentia sunt, ita qui communicant cum caelo innocentiae, quod est caelum intimum seu tertium in pueritia adsunt spiritus qui in affectione sciendi sunt, ita qui communicant cum caelo ultimo seu primo in adolescentia et juventute adsunt qui in affectione veri et boni sunt, et inde in intelligentia, ita qui communicant cum caelo secundo seu medio; in senectute autem adsunt spiritus qui in sapientia et innocentia sunt, ita qui communicant cum caelo intimo seu tertio. Sed haec adjunctio fit a Domino apud illos qui reformari ac regenerari possunt: aliter autem apud illos qui non reformari seu regenerari possunt his quoque spiritus boni adjuncti sunt, ut per illos detineantur a malo quantum possibile est sed immediata eorum conjunctio est cum malis spiritibus qui communicant cum inferno, unde eis tales sunt, quales ipsi homines sunt; si amantes sui, vel amantes lucri, vel amantes vindictae, vel amantes adulterii sunt, spiritus similes adsunt; et in eorum affectionibus malis quasi habitant; et illi, quantum homo non arceri potest a malo per bonos spiritus, tantum accendunt illum, et quantum affectio regnat tantum adhaerent nec recedunt. Ita homo malus conjunctus est inferno, et homo bonus conjunctus est caelo.

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