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《天堂与地狱》 第521节







521. 五十四, 没有人能凭脱离方法的神性怜悯上天堂

人们若没有接受关于天堂, 去往天堂的路, 以及为了世人的天堂生活的教导, 就会以为被接入天堂是出于纯粹的怜悯, 是那些有信仰之人的一种恩赐, 因为主为他们代求. 因此, 他们以为只要出于善意, 谁都能得救; 有些人甚至认为这也包括地狱居民. 如此思想的人对人性可谓一无所知, 不知道人的品性取决于他的生活, 而他的生活又取决于他的爱. 这不仅适用于属其意愿和理解力的内层, 也适用于属其身体的外层, 因为肉体形式无非是内层在其中显现于结果的外在形式; 这意味着人的爱就是整个人(参看363节). 他们也没有意识到, 身体不是凭自己存活, 而是靠它的灵存活, 人的灵就是他的本质情感, 其灵体无非是其处于人形的情感, 并且在人死后就以这样的形式显现(参看453-460节). 只要人不知道这一切, 他就有可能被引诱相信得救无非是神性的美意, 也就是所谓的怜悯和恩典.



521. 沒有人單憑憐憫上天國

對天國, 上天國之路, 天國的生活不瞭解的人, 以為上天國純粹在於上帝的憐憫, 所有信的人, 有主為他求情的人, 都能單憑上帝的恩典進入天國。因此, 只要上帝願意, 任何人都能得救, 有的甚至相信地獄之人也能得救。

此等人對人性可謂一無所知, 不知人的品性取決於他的生活, 而他的生活又取決於他的愛欲。這話不僅適用於人內在的意志和認知, 也適用於其外在的身體, 因為身體無非是內在秉性在行為中自我表現的外在形態。這意味著人的愛欲就是他整個人(363)。

他們也未曾意識到, 身體不是憑自己而活, 而是靠靈魂而活。人的靈魂就是他的真情實感, 靈魂的形體無非是情感在心靈界世所顯現出來的人的形狀(453-460)。

不知以上事實, 他們也就以為得救完全在於上帝的憐憫和恩典。

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Heaven and Hell #521 (NCE, 2000)

521. No One Enters Heaven on the Basis of Mercy Alone

If people have not been taught about heaven, the way to heaven, and the life of heaven for those on earth, they think that acceptance into heaven comes from a pure mercy extended to people of faith, people for whom the Lord intercedes, so that admission depends solely on grace. They therefore think that anyone at all can be saved out of good will; and some people even think that this includes the inhabitants of hell.

However, they do not know anything about human beings, that our quality depends on our lives and our lives on our loves. This applies not only to the deeper levels of our volition and intellect but even to the outer aspects of our bodies, with the physical form being nothing but an outward form in which our deeper natures manifest themselves in practice. This means that our love is our whole person (see above, 363). Nor do they realize that the body does not live on its own but from its spirit, and that our spirit is our actual affection, with our spiritual body being nothing more than our affection in the kind of human form it presents after death (see above, 453-460). As long as these facts are not known, people can be led to believe that salvation is nothing more than the divine pleasure that we call mercy and grace.


Heaven and Hell #521 (Harley, 1958)


Those who have not been instructed about heaven and the way to heaven, and about the life of heaven with man, suppose that being received into heaven is a mere matter of mercy, which is granted to those who have faith, and for whom the Lord intercedes; thus that it is an admission from mere grace; consequently, that all men without exception might be saved if the Lord so pleased, and some even believe that all in hell might be so saved. But those know nothing about man, that he is just such as his life is, and that his life is such as his love is, both as to the interiors pertaining to his will and understanding and as to the exteriors pertaining to his body; also that his bodily form is merely the external form in which the interiors exhibit themselves in effect; consequently, that the entire man is his own love (see above, 363). Nor do they know that the body lives not from itself, but from its spirit, and that a man's spirit is his essential affection, and his spiritual body is nothing else than his affection in human form, and in such a form it appears after death (see above, 453-460). So long as man remains ignorant of these things he may be induced to believe that salvation is nothing but Divine good pleasure, which is called mercy and grace.


Heaven and Hell #521 (Ager, 1900)


Those that have not been instructed about heaven and the way to heaven, and about the life of heaven in man, suppose that being received into heaven is a mere matter of mercy, and is granted to those that have faith, and for whom the Lord intercedes; thus that it is an admission from mere favor; consequently that all men without exception might be saved if the Lord so pleased, and some even believe that all in hell might be so saved. But those who so think know nothing about man, that he is just such as his life is, and that his life is such as his love is, both in respect to the interiors pertaining to his will and understanding and in respect to the exteriors pertaining to his body; also that his bodily form is merely the external form in which the interiors exhibit themselves in effect; consequently that one's love is the whole man (see above, 363). Nor do they know that the body lives not from itself, but from its spirit, and that a man's spirit is his essential affection, and his spiritual body is nothing else than his affection in human form, and in such a form it appears after death (see above, 453-460). So long as man remains ignorant of all this he may be induced to believe that salvation involves nothing but the Divine good pleasure, which is called mercy and grace.


De Coelo et de Inferno #521 (original Latin)


Qui non instructi sunt de caelo, et de via ad caelum, tum de vita caeli apud hominem, opinantur quod recipi in caelum sit solum ex misericordia, quae illis qui in fide sunt, et pro quibus Dominus intercedit; ita quod solum sit admissio ex gratia; consequenter quod omnes quotcunque sunt homines salvari possint ex beneplacito immo quidam opinantur, quod etiam omnes in inferno. Sed illi non sciunt aliquid de homine, quod prorsus talis sit qualis ejus vita, et ejus vita qualis ejus amor, non modo quoad interiora quae sunt voluntatis et intellectus ejus, sed etiam quoad exteriora quae sunt corporis ejus, et quod corporea forma sit modo forma externa, in qua interiora se sistunt in effectu, et inde quod totus homo sit suus amor (videatur supra, 363). Nec sciunt, quod corpus non vivat ex se, sed ex suo spiritu, et quod spiritus hominis sit ipsa ejus affectio, et quod spirituale ejus corpus non aliud sit quam hominis affectio in forma humana, in quali etiam apparet post mortem (videatur supra, 453-460). Haec, quamdiu ignota sunt, homo induci potest credere, quod salvatio non sit nisi quam beneplacentia Divina, quae misericordia et gratia vocatur.

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