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《天堂与地狱》 第460节





460. 最后, 我要提一个至今不为人知的奥秘, 即: 从主发出并构成天堂的一切良善和真理都处于人的形式. 不仅最大的总体是这样, 每个最小部分也是这样. 该形式影响每一个从主接受良善和真理的人, 使得天堂里的每个人都照着他对良善和真理的接受而处于人的形式. 正因如此, 天堂与它自身是一致的, 无论总体还是细节; 人的形式就是整体, 每个社群, 每位天使的形式, 如前面(天国的奥秘 59-80节)所解释的. 在此我需要补充的是, 这也是源于天使里面天堂之爱的思维细节的形式. 这个奥秘很难被世人理解, 但天使却理解得很清楚, 因为他们处于天堂之光.



460. 最後, 我願透露一個眾人尚不知曉的奧秘:從主所出, 構成天國的一切善和理皆呈現人的形相。無論是至大的總體還是最小的局部, 都是如此。這形相影響每一個從主接受善和理的人, 使得天國的每一位天人皆照接受的程度而呈現為人的形相。正因如此, 天國在總體和局部上表現出一致的形態, 整個天國, 每個社群, 每個天人, 均呈現為人的形相, 正如前文所解釋的(59-80)。這裡我要補充一點:從天人內心之仁所發思想之細節, 都呈現如此形相。世人或許難以理解這個奧秘, 但是天人皆能清楚地領悟, 因為他們處於天國的光明之中。

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Heaven and Hell #460 (NCE, 2000)

460. Finally, I should like to offer a secret no one has ever known before, namely that everything good and true that comes from the Lord and makes heaven is in the human form. This is true not only of the greatest whole but also of every least part. This form influences everyone who accepts what is good and true from the Lord, and causes everyone in heaven to be in a human form according to that acceptance. This is why heaven is consistent with itself in general and in particular, why the human form is the form of the whole, of each community, and of each angel, as explained in the four chapters from 59-80. I need to add here that this is also the form of the details of thought that come from heavenly love in angels.

This secret may not fit well into the understanding of anyone on earth, but it is clear to the understanding of angels because they are in heaven's light.


Heaven and Hell #460 (Harley, 1958)

460. In conclusion, I would mention a certain arcanum hitherto unknown to anyone, namely, that every good and truth that goes forth from the Lord and makes heaven is in the human form; and this not only as a whole and in what is greatest, but also in every part and in what is least; also that this form affects everyone who receives good and truth from the Lord, and causes everyone who is in heaven to be in the human form in accordance with the reception. It is in consequence of this that heaven is like itself in general and in particular, and that the human form is the form of the whole, of every society, and of every angel (as has been shown in the four sections from 59-86); to which this must be added, that it is the form of the least things of thought derived from heavenly love with the angels. This arcanum, however, falls with difficulty into the understanding of any man, but clearly into the understanding of angels, because they are in the light of heaven.


Heaven and Hell #460 (Ager, 1900)

460. In conclusion I will mention a certain arcanum hitherto unknown to any one, namely, that every good and truth that goes forth from the Lord and makes heaven is in the human form; and this not only as a whole and in what is greatest, but also in every part and what is least; also that this form affects everyone who receives good and truth from the Lord, and causes everyone who is in heaven to be in the human form in accordance with his reception of good and truth. It is in consequence of this that heaven is like itself in general and in particular, and that the human form is the form of the whole, of every society, and of every angel (as has been shown in the four chapters from (Heaven and Hell 59-86); to which let it be added that it is the form of the least things of thought derived from heavenly love with the angels. No man, however, can easily comprehend this arcanum; but it is clearly comprehended by the angels, because they are in the light of heaven.


De Coelo et de Inferno #460 (original Latin)

460. Arcanum quoddam nemini adhuc notum velim ultimo dare, quod est, quod omne bonum et verum, quod a Domino procedit, ac facit caelum, sit in forma humana, et hoc non solum in toto et maximo, sed etiam in omni parte et in minimis et quod haec forma afficiat unumquemvis qui recipit bonum et verum a Domino, ac faciat ut quisque in caelo sit in forma humana secundum receptionem. Inde est, quod caelum sit sibi simile in communi et in particulari, et quod forma humana sit toti, sit cuivis societati, et sit 1cuivis angelo, ut ostensum est in quatuor articulis a 59-86; quibus hic addendum est, quod sit singulis cogitationis quae ex amore caelesti apud angelos. Sed hoc arcanum cadit aegre in intellectum alicujus hominis, verum clare in intellectum angelorum, quia in luce caeli sunt.


1. sit pro "si"

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