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《天堂与地狱》 第242节






242. 天使的言语有一种无法描述的和谐, 这种和谐源于以下事实: 产生言语的思维和情感照着天堂的形式流出和散播, 而天堂的一切来往和一切交流都取决于天堂的形式. 天使照着天堂的形式来往, 他们的思维和情感也照着它流动(参看200-212节).

注: 天使的言语有一种具有和谐节奏的交响乐(天国的奥秘 1648, 1649, 7191节).



242. 在天人的語言中, 有一種無以言啟的和諧之美, 因為產生語言思想和情感, 其流淌和延伸的方式與天國的形態保持一致, 天國的形態決定了天人如何交流。(對於天國的形態如何決定天人的交流及其思想和情感的流動, 可參看200-212節。)

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Heaven and Hell #242 (NCE, 2000)

242. There is a certain concord in angelic speech that is indescribable. 1This concord stems from the fact that the thoughts and affections that give rise to speech flow forth and spread out in keeping with heaven's form, heaven's form being what determines how everyone there associates and communicates. (See above, 200-212, on the way heaven's form determines how angels associate and the flow of their thoughts and affections.)


1. In angelic speech there is a harmonic, descending concord: 1648-1649, 7191.


Heaven and Hell #242 (Harley, 1958)

242. In angelic speech there is a kind of concord that cannot be described. 1This arises from the pouring forth and diffusion of the thoughts and affections from which speech flows, in accordance with the form of heaven, and all association and all communication in heaven is in accordance with that form. That angels are associated in accordance with the form of heaven, and that their thoughts and affections flow in accordance with it may be seen above (200-212).


1. In angelic speech there is a concord with harmonious cadence (Arcana Coelestia 1648-1649, 7191).


Heaven and Hell #242 (Ager, 1900)

242. In angelic speech there is a kind of symphony that cannot be described; 1which comes from the pouring forth and diffusion of the thoughts and affections from which speech flows, in accordance with the form of heaven, and all affiliation and all communication in heaven is in accordance with that form. That angels are affiliated in accordance with the form of heaven, and that their thoughts and affections flow in accordance with it may be seen above (200-212).


1. In angelic speech there is a symphony with harmonious cadence (Arcana Coelestia 1648-1649, 7191).


De Coelo et de Inferno #242 (original Latin)

242. In loquela angelica est quidam concentus, qui non describi potest. 1Ille concentus est ex eo, quod cogitationes et affectiones, ex quibus loquela, se effundant et diffundant secundum formam caeli, et forma caeli est secundum quam omnes consociati sunt, et secundum quam omnis communicatio. Quod angeli consociati sint secundum formam caeli, et quod cogitationes et affectiones illorum fluant secundum illam, videatur supra (200-212).


1. Quod in loquela angelica sit concentus harmonice labens (1648, 1649, 7191).

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