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《天堂与地狱》 第236节






{注1}:【英144】史威登堡在此所说的天堂只有一种语言,这似乎与他早先所说的来自高处和低处的天使不能口头相互交流相矛盾(参见35, 208-209节)。注意到这一明显的矛盾,金(King 1999, 30-35) 提出了一个解决方案,即史威登堡所说的“语言”(language)和他所说的“言语”(speech)可能并不相同:天堂的通用语言可能是“几乎无限的可能系统,使用词语来传达意义,而言语则涉及一个人对语言的制定”(King 1999, 33)。另见下文第241244节。 【中】笔者以为,不同层天堂的天使说话的频率(音调)是不一样的,那怕是同一句话,在经过“变频外理”后,也是面目全非、难以理解了,如果两者的频率不在一个频段(层面)上,那根本是无法交流的。




236. 在天堂, 所有人都拥有同一种语言. 不管来自哪个社群, 无论离得近还是离得远, 他们都能明白彼此. 这种语言不是学来的, 而是本能的, 因为它从天使的情感和思维流出, 他们的语气对应于他们的情感, 而发音, 也就是话语对应于源自情感的思维观念. 由于这种对应关系, 语言本身也是属灵的, 因为它是有声的情感和说话的思维.

凡思考它的人都能发现, 一切思维皆来自情感, 而情感属于爱; 思维观念则是总体情感所分布于其中的各种形式; 因为思维或观念不可能脱离情感, 情感是思维的灵魂和生命之源头. 这使得天使仅从别人的言语就能知道他是哪种人, 从语气知道他的情感, 从发声或话语知道他的心智. 更智慧的天使从这些话的一个系列就能知道主导情感是什么, 因为主导情感是他们首先关注的.

众所周知, 人人都有各种不同的情感; 欢喜时有一种情感, 悲伤时有一种情感, 同情和怜悯时有一种情感, 诚挚和真实时有一种情感, 处于爱和仁时有一种情感, 热情时有一种情感, 愤怒时有一种情感, 伪装和欺骗时有一种情感, 追求尊崇和荣耀时又有一种情感, 诸如此类. 但在这一切情感当中有一种主导情感或爱, 因此更智慧的天使因觉察这爱, 故言谈间就能识透别人的整个状态.

我蒙恩从大量经历得知这一事实. 我曾听说, 天使仅仅听一个人说话就能发现他的生命. 天使还说, 他们从别人的些许思维观念就能知道他生命的一切, 因为他们能从这些观念知道他的主导爱, 而一切事物都以自己的秩序存在于这主导爱中. 他们也知道, 这就是人的生命册.



236. 天國的人說同一種語言。不論來自哪個社群, 或遠或近, 他們的語言是相通的。這語言不是學來的, 而是一種本能, 從天人的情感和思維中流淌出來, 其中語氣對應情感, 言辭對應情感所生的思維。既對應情感和思維, 其語言便是屬心靈的, 因為是情感的流露和思維的表達。

人若反思, 不難發現一切思維都是出於情感(情感是愛的一大功能), 思維觀念不過是基本情感所表現的各種形態, 因為任何思維觀念都不能脫離情感而存在。事實上, 情感是思維的靈魂和生命。正因如此, 僅聽一個人說話, 天人就能洞察他的秉性:從語氣可以聽出他的情感, 從言辭可以讀出他的思想。智慧更高的天人, 透過三言兩語, 就能洞察一個人的主導情感, 因為這是他們最為留意的。

眾所周知, 每個人都有各種不同的情緒或情感。快樂時, 悲傷時, 同情時, 真誠時, 憐憫時, 仁愛時, 嫉妒時, 憤恨時, 偽裝時, 愛慕虛榮時, 情感各不相同。但在這一切之中, 有一種主導性的情感或愛。智慧更高的天人既能洞察一個人的主導情感, 自然就能於言談間識透他的整個生命光景。

透過大量的親身經歷, 我瞭解了這個事實。我曾見天人僅憑聽一個人說話就看透他的秉性。天人告訴我, 通過一個人顯露的少許念頭, 他們能知曉他生命的方方面面, 因為這些念頭使他們看出他的主情感所在, 而主導情感以某種形式包含著他生命的全部資訊, 這正是我們每個人的"生命冊"。

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Heaven and Hell #236 (NCE, 2000)

236. All people in heaven have the same language. They all understand each other, no matter what community they come from, whether nearby or remote. This language is not learned but is innate; it flows from their very affection and thought. The sound of the language corresponds to their affection and the articulations of the sound - the words, that is - correspond to the mental constructs that arise from their affections. Since their language corresponds to these [inner events], it too is spiritual, for it is audible affection and vocal thinking.

[2] Anyone who reflects may realize that all thought comes from affection, which is a function of love, and that mental constructs are various forms into which the general affection is apportioned; for no thoughts or concepts whatever occur apart from affection. This is the source of their soul and life. This is why angels know simply from speech what kind of person someone is - they know the quality of the affection from the sound and the quality of the mind from the articulations of the sound, or words. Wiser angels know from a single series of statements what someone's ruling affection is, since this is what they are primarily attentive to.

[3] It is recognized that all people have various affections or moods - one in times of happiness, another in times of sorrow, another in times of tenderness and compassion, another in times of honesty and truth, another in times of love and thoughtfulness, another in times of zeal or anger, another in times of pretense and guile, another in times of ambition for respect and adulation, and so on; but there is a dominant affection or love within all of these, so since the wiser angels perceive this, they know from conversation the whole state of another person.

[4] I have been granted knowledge of this through an abundance of experience. I have heard angels discover a person's life simply by listening. They have told me that they know everything about another person's life from a few individual ideas because these enable them to know the person's ruling love, which contains everything in a pattern. This is all that our "book of life" is.


Heaven and Hell #236 (Harley, 1958)

236. In the entire heaven all have one language, and, from whatever society they come whether near or remote, they all understand one another. Language there is not learned but is implanted by nature with every one, for it flows from their very affection and thought. The tones of their speech correspond to their affection, and the vocal articulations which are words correspond to the ideas of thought that spring from the affection; and because of this correspondence the speech itself is spiritual, for it is affection sounding and thought speaking.

[2] Any one who gives any thought to it can know that all thought is from affection which pertains to love, and that the ideas of thought are the various forms into which the general affection is distributed. For no thought or idea is possible apart from affection-their soul and life being from it. This enables angels to know, merely from another's speech, what he is-from the tone what his affection is, and from the vocal articulations of sound or words what his mind is. The wiser angels know from a single series of words, what the ruling affection is, for to that affection they chiefly attend.

[3] It is known that each individual has a variety of affections, one when in joy, another when in grief, another when in pity and compassion, another when in sincerity and truth, another when in love and charity, another when in zeal or in rage, another when in simulation and deceit, another when in quest of honour and glory, and so on, but the ruling affection or love is in all of these. Therefore, the wiser angels, because they perceive this, know from the speech the whole state of another. This it has been granted me to know from much experience.

[4] I have heard angels disclosing the character of another's life merely from hearing him speak. They also said that from some of the ideas of another's thought they could know all things of his life, because from those ideas they know his ruling love, in which are all things in their order. They know also that man's book of life is nothing else.


Heaven and Hell #236 (Ager, 1900)

236. In the entire heaven all have the same language, and they all understand one another, to whatever society, near or remote, they belong. Language there is not learned but is instinctive with everyone, for it flows from their very affection and thought, the tones of their speech corresponding to their affections, and the vocal articulations which are words corresponding to the ideas of thought that spring from the affections; and because of this correspondence the speech itself is spiritual, for it is affection sounding and thought speaking.

[2] Any one who gives any thought to it can see that all thought is from affection which pertains to love, and that the ideas of thought are the various forms into which the general affection is distributed; for no thought or idea is possible apart from affection-the soul and life of thought is from affection. This enables angels to know, merely from another's speech, what he is-from the tone what his affection is, and from the vocal articulations or words what his mind is. The wiser angels know what the ruling affection is from a single series of words, for that affection is what they chiefly attend to.

[3] It is known that each individual has a variety of affections, one affection when in joy, another when in grief, another when in sympathy and compassion, another when in sincerity and truth, another when in love and charity, another when in zeal or in anger, another when in simulation and deceit, another when in quest of honor and glory, and so on. But the ruling affection or love is in all of these; and for this reason the wiser angels, because they perceive that love, know from the speech the whole state of another.

[4] This it has been granted me to know from much experience. I have heard angels disclosing the character of another's life merely from hearing him speak. They also said that from any ideas of another's thought they could know all things of his life, because from those ideas they know his ruling love, in which are all things in their order. They know also that man's book of life is nothing else.


De Coelo et de Inferno #236 (original Latin)

236. Est omnibus una lingua in universo caelo; se omnes intelligunt e quacunque societate sunt, sive e vicina sive e dissita. Lingua ibi non discitur, sed est cuivis insita; fluit enim ex ipsa eorum affectione et cogitatione sonus loquelae correspondet eorum affectioni, et articulationes soni, quae sunt voces, correspondent ideis cogitationis quae ex affectione; et quia lingua illis correspondet, est quoque illa spiritualis, nam est affectio sonans et cogitatio loquens. Qui attendit, scire potest, quod omnis cogitatio sit ex affectione quae amoris, et quod ideae cogitationis sint variae formae, in quas affectio communis distributa est; nam cogitatio et idea prorsus nulla datur absque affectione; anima et vita illarum inde est. Ex hoc est, quod angeli ex sola loquela sciant qualis alter est, ex sono qualis affectio ejus est, et ex articulationibus soni seu vocibus qualis mens ejus: angeli sapientiores sciunt ex una serie loquelae, qualis affectio dominans est, nam illi ad eam praecipue attendunt. Quod affectiones variae cuivis sint, notum est; alia cum in laetitia est, alia cum in dolore, alia cum in clementia et misericordia, alia cum in sinceritate et veritate, alia cum in amore et charitate, alia cum in zelo aut in iracundia, alia cum in simulatione et dolo, alia cum in ambitu honoris et gloriae, et sic porro; sed affectio seu amor dominans est in omnibus illis: quapropter angeli sapientiores, quia hunc percipiunt, sciunt ex loquela omnem statum alterius. Quod ita sit, ex multa experientia mihi scire datum est. Audivi angelos detegentes alterius vitam solum ex illo audito dixerunt etiam, quod sciant omnia vitae alterius ex aliquibus ideis cogitationis ejus, quia sciunt inde amorem ejus regnantem cui omnia insunt in ordine; et quod liber vitae hominis non aliud sit.

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