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《天堂与地狱》 第237节






237. 天使的语言和人类的语言毫无共同之处, 除了少许词语发音时能反映某种情感; 然而, 这也不是因为词语, 而是因为它们的发音; 我们将在下文论述这个主题. 天使的语言与人类语言毫无共同之处, 这一点从以下事实明显看出来: 天使说不出人类语言的一个字. 他们曾尝试过, 但没能成功, 因为除了与他们的情感完全一致的话外, 他们什么也说不出来. 凡不一致的话都违背他们的生命, 因为生命属于情感, 他们的言语是从他们的生命流出的. 我被告知, 世人最初的语言与天使的语言是相吻合的, 因为他们从天堂拥有语言; 希伯来语在某些方面与之类似.



237. 除了世人的語言中有少許能反映某些情感以外(不在於文字本身, 而在於其發音), 天人的語言和世人的語言毫無共通之處, 關於這一點, 後面會作進一步的討論。

對於天人的語言和世人的語言毫無共通之處, 這從天人絲毫不能說世人的語言可知。他們曾做過嘗試, 結果證明不能。他們只能說與其情感完全一致的語言, 否則便與其生命相抵觸。因為他們的生命在於情感, 而語言是從情感流淌出來的。

我被告知, 這世上的語言起初也是如此, 因為是從天國賜與他們的, 希伯來語在某些方面與之相似。

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Heaven and Hell #237 (NCE, 2000)

237. Angelic language has nothing in common with human language except with a few of our words whose sound reflects some feeling, and in this case not with the words themselves but with their sound, which will be further dealt with later.

The fact that angelic language has nothing in common with human language is evidenced by angels' inability to pronounce a single word of a human language. It has been tried, and they could not. The only things they can utter are the ones that are in complete accord with their own affection. Anything that does not agree offends their very life, since their life is a matter of affection and their language flows from it.

I have been told that the first language of people on our earth shared this nature because it was given them from heaven, and that Hebrew resembles it in some respects.


Heaven and Hell #237 (Harley, 1958)

237. Angelic language has nothing in common with human languages except certain words that are the sounds of a specific affection. Yet this is true not of the words themselves but of their sounds; on which subject something will be said in what follows. That angelic language has nothing in common with human languages is evident from the fact that angels are unable to utter a single word of human language. This was tried but they could not do it, because they can utter nothing except what is in entire agreement with their affections; whatever is not in agreement is repugnant to their very life, for life belongs to affection, and their speech is from that. I have been told that the first language of men on our earth was in agreement with angelic language because they had it from heaven; and that the Hebrew language agrees with it in some respects.


Heaven and Hell #237 (Ager, 1900)

237. Angelic language has nothing in common with human languages except certain words that are the sounds of a specific affection; yet this is true not of the words themselves but of their sounds; on which subject something will be said in what follows That angelic language has nothing in common with human languages is evident from the fact that angels are unable to utter a single word of human language. This was tried but they could not do it, because they can utter nothing except what is in entire agreement with their affections; whatever is not in agreement is repugnant to their very life, for life belongs to affection, and their speech is from their life. I have been told that the first language of men on our earth coincided with angelic language because they had it from heaven; and that the Hebrew language coincides with it in some respects.


De Coelo et de Inferno #237 (original Latin)

237. Lingua angelica non aliquid commune habet cum linguis humanis, nisi cum aliquibus vocibus, quae ex affectione quadam sonant; verum non cum ipsis vocibus, sed cum sono earum, de qua re aliquid in sequentibus. Quod lingua angelica non aliquid commune habeat cum linguis humanis, patet ex eo, quod angelis impossibile sit enuntiare unam vocem linguae humanae: hoc tentatum est, sed non potuerunt non enim aliud enuntiare possunt, quam quod prorsus concordat affectioni; quod non concordat hoc repugnat ipsi eorum vitae, nam vita est affectionis, et ex illa est loquela eorum. Dictum est mihi, quod prima lingua hominum in nostra tellure congruerit, quia illa fuit eis e caelo; et quod lingua Hebraea in aliquibus congruat.

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