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《天堂与地狱》 第213节






213. 二十四, 天堂的管理

既然天堂分为社群, 大的社群由数十万天使组成(50节), 并且一个社群里的所有人尽管处于相似的良善, 却未处于相似的智慧(天国的奥秘 43节), 那么必可推知那里存在管理, 良善的秩序必得到守卫. 但天堂的管理却各不相同, 在构成主的属天国度的社群是这一种, 在构成祂的属灵国度的社群是那一种; 它们也照着各个社群的具体功能而各不相同. 然而, 天堂却只有相爱的管理, 相爱的管理就是天上的管理.



213. 天國的治理

天國既分為無數的社群, 大的社群由成千上萬的天人組成(50), 某個社群內天人們處於相似的良善, 而智慧不同(43), 那麼治理的存在便有必要的, 以確保規則得以遵守, 以及關於規則的一切能得到保護。

天國的治理, 其形式在各處並不相同。在仁智天國是一種類型, 在義信天國是另一種類型, 甚至在每個社群也表現各異, 這取決於各社群的職能。但不管怎樣, 除非彼此相愛的治理, 沒有什麼其它的治理形式能在天國中運轉。彼此相愛的治理是天國的治理。

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Heaven and Hell #213 (NCE, 2000)

213. Forms of Government in Heaven

Since heaven is differentiated into communities, and the larger communities consist of some hundreds of thousands of angels (50), and since all the people in a given community are involved in similar good but not in similar wisdom (43), it follows of necessity that there are forms of government. Good order needs to be kept, and all matters of good order seen to.

The actual forms of government in heaven vary, though. There is one kind in the communities that constitute the Lord's heavenly kingdom and another in the communities that constitute the Lord's spiritual kingdom. They even vary depending on the particular function of each community. However, in the heavens there is no government except the government of mutual love, and the government of mutual love is heavenly government.


Heaven and Hell #213 (Harley, 1958)


As heaven is distinguished into societies, and the larger societies consist of some hundreds of thousands of angels (50), and as all within a society are in like good but not in like wisdom (43), it necessarily follows that there are also governments. For order must be observed and all things of order must be guarded. But the governments in the heavens are various. They are of one sort in societies that constitute the Lord's celestial kingdom, and of another sort in societies that constitute the Lord's spiritual kingdom. They differ also in accordance with the ministrations of the several societies. Nevertheless, no other government than the government of mutual love can operate in the heavens, and the government of mutual love is heavenly government.


Heaven and Hell #213 (Ager, 1900)


As heaven is divided into societies, and the larger societies consist of some hundreds of thousands of angels (50), and all within a society, although in like good, are not in like wisdom (43), it must needs follow that governments exist there, since order must be observed, and all things of order must be guarded. But the governments in the heavens differ; they are of one sort in societies that constitute the Lord's celestial kingdom, and of another sort in the societies that constitute His spiritual kingdom; they differ also in accordance with the functions of the several societies. Nevertheless, no other government than the government of mutual love is possible in the heavens, and the government of mutual love is heavenly government.


De Coelo et de Inferno #213 (original Latin)


Quia caelum distinctum est in societates, et societates majores consistunt ex aliquot centenis millibus angelorum (50), et omnes intra societatem quidem in simili bono sunt, sed non in simili sapientia (43) necessario sequitur, quod etiam regimina sint ordo enim est observandus, ac omnia ordinis custodienda. Sed regimina in caelis sunt varia alia in societatibus quae constituunt regnum caeleste Domini, et alia in societatibus quae constituunt regnum spirituale Domini differunt etiam secundum ministeria quae cuivis societati. Sed in caelis non datur aliud regimen quam regimen amoris mutui, et regimen amoris mutui est regimen caeleste.

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